Famous Quotes & Sayings

Mantled Ground Quotes & Sayings

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Top Mantled Ground Quotes

Mantled Ground Quotes By John Andreas Widtsoe

God must have been engaged from the beginning, and must now be engaged in progressive development, and infinite as God is, he must have been less powerful in the past than he is today ... We may be certain that, through self-effort, the inherent and innate powers of God have been developed to a God-like degree. Thus he has become God. — John Andreas Widtsoe

Mantled Ground Quotes By Stephanie Bond

I'm an acquired taste, he assured her, displaying one dimple, but addictive. — Stephanie Bond

Mantled Ground Quotes By Cornel West

White supremacist ideology is based first and foremost on the degradation of black bodies in order to control them. One of the best ways to instill fear in people is to terrorize them. Yet this fear is best sustained by convincing them that their bodies are ugly, their intellect is inherently underdeveloped, their culture is less civilized, and their future warrants less concern than that of other peoples. — Cornel West

Mantled Ground Quotes By Anonymous

If indeed you [really] fulfill the royal Law in accordance with the Scripture, You shall love your neighbor as [you love] yourself, you do well. [Lev. 19:18.] 9 But if you show servile regard (prejudice, favoritism) for people, you commit sin and are rebuked and convicted by the Law as violators and offenders. 10 For whosoever keeps the Law [as a] whole but stumbles and offends in one [single instance] has become guilty of [breaking] all of it. 11 For He Who said, You shall not commit adultery, also said, You shall not kill. If you do not commit adultery but do kill, you have become guilty of transgressing the [whole] Law. [Exod. 20:13, 14; Deut. 5:17, 18.] 12 So speak and so act as [people should] who are to be judged under the law of liberty [the moral instruction given by Christ, especially about love]. 13 For to him who has shown no mercy the judgment [will be] merciless, but mercy [full of glad confidence] exults victoriously over judgment. — Anonymous

Mantled Ground Quotes By Henry Mitchell

Compared to gardeners, I think it is generally agreed that others understand very little about anything of consequence. — Henry Mitchell

Mantled Ground Quotes By John W. Gardner

Life is an endless process of self-discovery. — John W. Gardner

Mantled Ground Quotes By Sharon Olds

Once you lose someone it is never exactly
the same person who comes back. — Sharon Olds

Mantled Ground Quotes By Charles Morgan

It is not by great acts but by small failures that freedom dies. The sense of justice dies slowly in a people.
They grow used to the unthinkable,
and sometimes they may look back and even wonder when things changed. They
will not find a day or a time or a place. Justice and liberty die quietly, because men first learn
to ignore injustice and then no longer recognize it. — Charles Morgan

Mantled Ground Quotes By Gwendolyn Brooks

What I'm fighting for now in my work ... for an expression relevant to all manner of blacks, poems I could take into a tavern, into the street, into the halls of a housing project. — Gwendolyn Brooks

Mantled Ground Quotes By Norman Fischer

Spiritual awakening is exactly dropping the sense of one's narrow separateness; it is essentially and profoundly altruistic. — Norman Fischer