Famous Quotes & Sayings

Mandamus Quotes & Sayings

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Top Mandamus Quotes

Mandamus Quotes By Isaac Asimov

That's right, but it's not a mathematical proposition. It's a sociological observation
and there is always the possibility of exceptions to such observations. - Dr. Mandamus to Dr. Kelden Amadiro — Isaac Asimov

Mandamus Quotes By Alberto Fujimori

One of the mistakes I made was placing too much trust in Montesinos. — Alberto Fujimori

Mandamus Quotes By Kurt Fuller

I started just naturally turning into a nicer person, and it actually helped broaden and lengthen my career. — Kurt Fuller

Mandamus Quotes By Elena Ferrante

My tone must have seemed hostile, even though I wasn't angry or offended; there was just a touch of sarcasm. He tried to respond but he did so in an awkward, muddled way, half in dialect, half in Italian. He said he was sure that his mother was wandering around Naples as usual. — Elena Ferrante

Mandamus Quotes By Countee Cullen

Never love with all your heart, It only ends in aching. — Countee Cullen

Mandamus Quotes By Billy Graham

Chose you this day whom, not tomorrow, whom you'll serve? — Billy Graham

Mandamus Quotes By Indian Polity And Constitution Editorial Board

Match the following: A. Mandamus 1. Direction to an official for the performance of a duty B. Habeas Corpus 2. Release of an illegally detained person C. Certiorari 3. Transferring of a case from an inferior court to a court of higher jurisdiction D. Quo Warranto 4. Calling upon one to show by what authority he holds or claims a franchise or office A B C D (a) 1 2 3 4 — Indian Polity And Constitution Editorial Board

Mandamus Quotes By Andrew Garfield

I have to remember that I didn't have to become an actor. I didn't have to put myself in this position. If I'd wanted to have autonomy - if that was what I was after - then I could have chosen another profession. — Andrew Garfield

Mandamus Quotes By Richard Brinsley Sheridan

Death's a debt; his mandamus binds all alike- no bail, no demurrer. — Richard Brinsley Sheridan

Mandamus Quotes By Brenna Yovanoff

All my life, I've understood the nature of where I come from, but I never thought it might be wicked until now. — Brenna Yovanoff

Mandamus Quotes By Epictetus

It is difficulties that show what men are. — Epictetus

Mandamus Quotes By Steven Pinker

There is nothing inherently irrational about preferring pleasure now to pleasure later. After all, the You on Tuesday is no less worthy of a chocolate bar than the You on Wednesday. On the contrary, the You on Tuesday is more worthy. If the chocolate bar is big enough, it might tide you over, so eating it on Tuesday means that neither You is hungry, whereas saving it for Wednesday consigns you to hunger on Tuesday. Also, if you abstain from chocolate on Tuesday, you might die before you wake, in which case neither the Tuesday You nor the Wednesday You gets to enjoy it. Finally, if you put the chocolate away, it might spoil or be stolen, again depriving both Yous of the pleasure. All things being equal, it pays to enjoy things now. — Steven Pinker