Famous Quotes & Sayings

Mandalas With Quotes & Sayings

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Top Mandalas With Quotes

Mandalas With Quotes By Simon

The idea that the Gate is dangerous and could destroy those who try to enter it is familiar to anyone who has seen the Magic Flute by Mozart or the many mandalas of India and Tibet that show fierce guardians at the gates. Even in Biblical mythology, there is an angel with a fiery sword at the Gate to Paradise. — Simon

Mandalas With Quotes By John Milton

And feel that I am happier than I know. — John Milton

Mandalas With Quotes By C. G. Jung

The "I" was not the self, but from there one could see the divine miracle. The small light resembled the great light. Henceforth, he stopped painting mandalas. The dream had expressed the unconscious developmental process, which was not linear, and he found it completely satisfying. He felt utterly alone at that time, preoccupied with something great that others didn't understand. In the dream, only he saw the tree. While they stood in the darkness, the tree appeared radiantly. Had he not had such a vision, his life would have lost meaning. — C. G. Jung

Mandalas With Quotes By Thisuri Wanniarachchi

The Tibetan monks make mandalas out of dyed sand laid out into big, beautiful designs.
And when they're done, after days or weeks of work, they wipe it all away. They let it all go,
no pain, no regrets. That is happiness. That is bliss. The euphoria of Nirvana. We live for
that. Just for the experience. We paint a picture and we erase it. — Thisuri Wanniarachchi

Mandalas With Quotes By Erik Banks

Imagination is evidence of the divine, and the divine is the imagination of evidence. — Erik Banks

Mandalas With Quotes By Carl Jung

My mandalas were cryptograms concerning the state of the self which was presented to me anew each day ... I guarded them like precious pearls ... It became increasingly plain to me that the mandala is the center. It is the exponent of all paths. It is the path to the center, to individuation. — Carl Jung

Mandalas With Quotes By Sarah Strohmeyer

For years, he's been listening to her complain about being ignored by Justin and assuring it her it was simply a matter of time until his friend saw the light. After all, if Henry was friends with Neerja and Henry was friends with Justin then, logically, Justin would be friends with Neerja. According to Henry, their eventual relationship was dictated by the transitive property.

But Neerja didn't want to be 'just friends' with Justin, and she was tired of waiting for the transitive property to jump-start her love life. — Sarah Strohmeyer

Mandalas With Quotes By Jesse McCartney

I grew up as a huge comic fan and a huge Batman & Robin fan. I watched all the TV shows, went to all the movies - I even had the lunch box; man, I was in! — Jesse McCartney

Mandalas With Quotes By Delilah S. Dawson

He was gazing down at me, and his eyes were endless, deep pools of pleading and fire and barely restrained something or other, and they were magnetic, like black holes, but full of flames, and yet gray, and yet full of colors and see-through and dancing with little flecks of glitter, and I couldn't look away, and what pretty eyelashes he had, as long and dark as a woman's, as a kitten's, as a panther's, and the smell, oh, the smell, like crushed heather and berries and springtime in the morning and bodies rolling over and over in the grass and everything covered with dew like cobwebs making mandalas of raindrops, and I couldn't stand it, couldn't hold back for one more second ... — Delilah S. Dawson

Mandalas With Quotes By Chogyam Trungpa

In tantric practice one identifies with a yidam of a particular buddha family corresponding to one's nature. For instance, if a yidam is associated with the ratna family, then he will be yellow in color and have symbolism characteristic of ratna. The types of mandalas given to you by your teacher depend upon the family to which you belong, whether you belong to the passionate family or the family of pride, or whether you have the quality of air or water in you. Generally one can feel that certain people have the quality of earth and solidness, and certain people have the quality of air, rushing here and there, and other people have the quality of warmth and a presence connected with fire. The mandalas are given to you so that you can identify yourself with your particular emotions which have the potential of transmuting into wisdom. — Chogyam Trungpa

Mandalas With Quotes By Ian Watson

My wife will automatically quote and compare the price of diesel at every petrol station we drive by, like she's got oil-based Tourette's. — Ian Watson

Mandalas With Quotes By Douglas Preston

The mandalas were meant to be objects of contemplation, aids to meditation, their proportions magically balanced to purify and calm the mind. To stare at a mandala was to experience, if only briefly, the nothingness that is at the heart of enlightenment. — Douglas Preston

Mandalas With Quotes By Nick Cave

At some point you start seeing the difference between what you really want, and what is your priority order. I feel that today I know what I want. That's the problem with perspective, as well as focus and concentration. — Nick Cave

Mandalas With Quotes By Martin Luther King Jr.

A productive and happy life is not something you find; it is something you make. — Martin Luther King Jr.