Famous Quotes & Sayings

Loyal Best Friends Quotes & Sayings

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Top Loyal Best Friends Quotes

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Stephen Richards

When you're alone is when you can count your friends. — Stephen Richards

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Anne Carson

it was years ago and Sad's
name wasn't Sad yet. First
comet. G had just
stumbled off a bus they
looked at one another and
that lasted until G was
almost twenty but he.
Well. Being a loyal soul
himself. Sad's need to
make friends everywhere.
Sex friends club friends
gym friends dope friends
shopping friends
breakdown friends a
common enough problem.
Sad didn't see a problem.
One day he looked around
and G was gone. — Anne Carson

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Stephen Richards

True friendship never questions what it costs you. — Stephen Richards

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Don DeLillo

There's a certain man, an archetype, he's a model of dependability for his male friends, all the things a friend should be, an ally and confidant, lends money, gives advice, loyal and so on, but sheer hell on women. Living breathing hell. The closer a woman gets, the clearer it becomes to him that she is not one of his male friends. And the more awful it becomes for her. This is Keith. This is the man you're going to marry. — Don DeLillo

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Steven Spielberg

It is important to know who your friends are and to stay, remain loyal to your friends, despite what you hear, despite the mistakes that are made in friendships and misunderstandings that commonly occur, to be able to forgive and to move on, you have to be able to remember the values of friendship. — Steven Spielberg

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Jamie Tworkowski

Be loved. Be known. Love people and know people. Be so brave as to raise a hand for help when you need it. Make friends and make sure they know they matter. Be loyal to them and fight for them. Remind them what's true and invite them to do the same when you forget. If you do some losing or you walk with someone else in their defeat, live with dignity and grace. It is the middle finger to the darkness. — Jamie Tworkowski

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By E.A. Bucchianeri

A true friend has your best interests at heart and the pluck to tell you what you need to hear. — E.A. Bucchianeri

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Mignon McLaughlin

It's impossible to be loyal to your family, your friends, your country, and your principles, all at the same time. — Mignon McLaughlin

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Alexandre Dumas

Joyful friends, mostly loyal, they hadn't abandoned their protector before the gathering storm; and despite the threatening sky, despite the shuddering earth, they remained, smiling, considerate, and as devoted to misfortune as they had been to prosperity. — Alexandre Dumas

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Steven Pinker

People do more for their fellows than return favors and punish cheaters. They often perform generous acts without the slightest hope for payback ranging from leaving a tip in a restaurant they will never visit again to throwing themselves on a live grenade to save their brothers in arms. [Robert] Trivers together with the economists Robert Frank and Jack Hirshleifer has pointed out that pure magnanimity can evolve in an environment of people seeking to discriminate fair weather friends from loyal allies. Signs of heartfelt loyalty and generosity serve as guarantors of one s promises reducing a partner s worry that you will default on them. The best way to convince a skeptic that you are trustworthy and generous is to be trustworthy and generous. — Steven Pinker

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Vanessa Hudgens

I like friends who are honest and loyal. They also shouldn't be afraid to be a kid. I like having fun. — Vanessa Hudgens

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Timothy Keller

Like a surgeon, friends cut you in order to heal you. — Timothy Keller

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Piper Kerman

Faggots make the best friends," she said philosophically. "They're very loyal. — Piper Kerman

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Sally Pearson

Not a lot of people know me outside of athletics and believe it or not I am actually quite shy. The exhilaration of a win or tears after falling are the extremes. It takes me a while to get to know someone, but once I do I am very loyal to my old friends. — Sally Pearson

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Edward John Trelawny

Let me, however, although no verbal critic, protest against the profanation of the word friend. In this my history I must be honest, make a distinction between the oriental diamond and its worthless imitation of paste, and separate the grain from the chaff - gossamer words, that weigh nothing, from substantial realities heavier than gold. — Edward John Trelawny

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By John R Noe

You have to be single minded, drive only for one thing on which you have decided. And if it looks as if you might be getting there, all kinds of people, including some you thought were your loyal friends will suddenly show up ... to trip you, blacken you, and break your spirit. — John R Noe

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Shivam Singh

Hatred or disliking for someone is something that doesn't come easily but once it comes, it make sure not to leave your heart and mind and stay there either for ever or a long time. — Shivam Singh

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Rick Riordan

Because I know you, Percy Jackson. In many ways, you are impulsive, but when it comes to your friends, you are as constant as a compass needle. You are unswervingly loyal, and you inspire loyalty. You are the glue that will unite the seven. — Rick Riordan

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Kcat Yarza

I have learned that friendship without faith is useless. Friendship entails faith in oneself that you'll remain loyal to this bond, and faith in your friends that you will be there for them at all times. The most important of all is the biggest faith in God and in making Him the center of all our relationships. — Kcat Yarza

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Jack Nicholson

Time keeps no measure when true friends are parted, No record day by day; the sands move not for those who, loyal-hearted, friendship's firm laws obey. — Jack Nicholson

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Jeff Bezos

If you make customers unhappy in the physical world, they might each tell 6 friends. If you make customers unhappy on the Internet, they can each tell 6,000 friends. — Jeff Bezos

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Sarah Dessen

And she was good to me: strong, fun, and fiercely loyal. And if I didn't have many other friends because of her-most girls were intimidated by her looks, or thought she was too pushy, or just flat-out feared for their boyfriends-it never bothered me. I never missed having a wide, thick circle of girlfriends: Rina was more than enough. We were comfortable with each other's flaws and weaknesses, so we stuck together and kept to ourselves. — Sarah Dessen

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Stephen Richards

One lesson I learned from all of this, and that was a hard one, for all of the good I did people, it was never remembered. I was the one doing jail, not them. Apart from a small circle of close loyal friends, I was and am on my own. — Stephen Richards

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Gretchen Preston

Yes, Brooke, sometimes friends can get you into trouble. But a good friend will always come and to your rescue. — Gretchen Preston

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Gabrielle Reece

If you don't know one thing about Kid Rock it's that he's loyal. His band has been together for a long time, he stands by his friends, and the guy still lives in his home state of Michigan. — Gabrielle Reece

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Grace Fiorre

You were spying on me?" I repeated, this time my tone was stern.
"Nonsense! I was making sure you were safe." He answered, fluttering his wings and landing in front of me. "That's what friends do. — Grace Fiorre

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Daniel Handler

It was everything, those nights on the phone, everything we said until late became later & then later & very late & finally to go to bed with my ear warm & worn & red from holding the phone close, close, close so as not to miss a word of what it was, because who cared how tired I was in the humdrum slave drive of our days without each other? I'd ruin any day, all my days, for those long nights with you & I did. But that's why right there it was doomed. We couldn't only have the magic nights buzzing through the wires. We had to have the days, too, the bright impatient days spoiling everything with their unavoidable schedules, their mandatory times that don't overlap, their loyal friends who don't get along, the unforgiven travesties torn from the wall no matter what promises are uttered past midnight & that's why we broke up. — Daniel Handler

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By J.M. Richards

Last Resort friends are for getting from, not giving to. — J.M. Richards

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Stephen Richards

The most valuable gift you can receive is an honest friend. — Stephen Richards

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Marc Warren

I'm pretty caring, loyal and loving to those who are close to me. Two of my friends are from school, so I've known them for more than 30 years. My best friend, Paul Fisher, sat next to me in English when I was ten or 11. If you asked him, he'd say I was loyal. I don't think I've changed over the years. — Marc Warren

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Alison G. Bailey

Friends: It's not the quantity, but the quality that matters. You will meet a lot of people throughout your life, not everyone will be your friend. That's ok. You'll know when you meet a true friend. True friends are trusting and loyal. They are there for you during good and bad times. They come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. It doesn't matter what they look like on the outside. The inside is where you find their quality. — Alison G. Bailey

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Pokemon Company International

One world
Now and forever
Best friends... best friends, loyal and true
One dream... one dream
Side by side
There's nothing we can't do
One hand... one hand helping the other
Each heart... each heart fitting as one
We live... we live, always together
Sharing the same bright sun...
Pokemon Company International

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Margaret Elizabeth Sangster

Love is like fire, a dangerous thing to play with, although the best of friends and the most loyal of servants when rightly handled. — Margaret Elizabeth Sangster

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Manolo Blahnik

] I'm loyal to my thoughts, to my friends. This is what I really like the best. Loyalty. Sounds goody-goody. Maybe that's not the one you wanted. — Manolo Blahnik

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By J.M. Richards

We walked to dinner, ate together, and talked nearly the whole time. I was amazed that I had as much in common with her as I did. I'd been raised mostly in a completely different country, yet we were so similar. — J.M. Richards

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Steven J. Carroll

A friend is someone to whom you can tell all your secrets, someone whom you can trust without reservation, a person who is not overawed when you are at your best, and is not turned away when you are at your worst. — Steven J. Carroll

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Cesar Millan

My dogs have been my most loyal friends and constant companions. — Cesar Millan

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Jamie Begley

Men could be faithful to a job, to their friends. Hell, they would even be loyal to their dog before they were faithful to their wives. That was why she had sworn never to get married. — Jamie Begley

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Anne Lamott

One of the hardest lessons I had to learn was that I was going to need a lot of help, and for a long time. (Even this morning.) What saved me was that I found gentle, loyal and hilarious companions, which is at the heart of meaning: maybe we don't find a lot of answers to life's tougher questions, but if we find a few true friends, that's even better. — Anne Lamott

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Paris Hilton

I'm the nicest, most loyal person in the world when it comes to my friends. — Paris Hilton

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Nelson Mandela

Those South Africans who berate me for being loyal to our friends, literally they can go and throw themselves into a pool. I am not going to betray the trust of those who helped us. — Nelson Mandela

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Tahar Ben Jelloun

Whenever you're struck by misfortune, either through an illness or an accident, the people around you suddenly change. There are those who scurry off the sinking ship, like rats, those who wait to see how the situation develops before making their next move, and finally those who remain loyal to their feelings and whose behavior doesn't change. Those friends are both rare and precious. He — Tahar Ben Jelloun

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Euripides

Let no one think of me that I am humble or weak or passive; let them understand I am of a different kind: dangerous to my enemies, loyal to my friends. To such a life glory belongs. — Euripides

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Walt Disney

Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends. — Walt Disney

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Alber Elbaz

I know amazing people in fashion who are anything but fake. They are very real and very sensitive. They are happy and sad. They are loyal friends. — Alber Elbaz

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Gordon B. Hinckley

This Church is true. It will weather every storm that beats against it. It will outlast every critic who rises to mock it. It was established by God our Eternal Father for the blessing of His sons and daughters of all generations. It carries the name of Him who stands as its head, even the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. It is governed and moves by the power of the priesthood. It sends forth to the world another witness of the divinity of the Lord. Be faithful, my friends. Be true. Be loyal to the great things of God which have been revealed in this dispensation. — Gordon B. Hinckley

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Aman Jassal

Hell will be Heaven with Friends, Heaven will be Hell without them. — Aman Jassal

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Carlos Wallace

The word friend is a label anyone can try on. You decide who is best suited to wear it. Choose wisely. The most dangerous among us come dressed as angels and we learn too late they are the devil in disguise. — Carlos Wallace

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Stephen Richards

Sometimes being a friend is enough in its own right to inspire someone on to victory. — Stephen Richards

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Robert Greene

Be wary of friends - they will betray you more quickly, for they are easily aroused to envy. They also become spoiled and tyrannical. But hire a former enemy and he will be more loyal than a friend, because he has more to prove. In fact, you have more to fear from friends than from enemies. If you have no enemies, find a way to make them. — Robert Greene

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Beryl Markham

To an eagle or to an owl or to a rabbit, man must seem a masterful and yet a forlorn animal; he has but two friends. In his almost universal unpopularity he points out, with pride, that these two are the dog and the horse. He believes, with an innocence peculiar to himself, that they are equally proud of this alleged confraternity. He says, 'Look at my two noble friends
they are dumb, but they are loyal.' I have for years suspected that they are only tolerant. — Beryl Markham

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Anne Lamott

What saved me was that I found gentle, loyal and hilarious companions, which is at the heart of meaning: maybe we don't find a lot of answers to life's tougher questions, but if we find a few true friends, that's even better. They help you see who you truly are, which is not always the loveliest possible version of yourself, but then comes the greatest miracle of all - they still love you. They keep you company as perhaps you become less of a whiny baby, if you accept their help. — Anne Lamott

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Diriye Osman

You may feel like your future is slipping from your grasp, that if you don't rush now to greet your dreams you might lose out on them, but please wait. If you are coming from an unsupportive environment with regards to your sexual orientation, the best thing to do is to establish your independence. Make sure you have a support network of loving and loyal friends. Make sure you have somewhere to live. Make sure you have an income to sustain you. Place a premium on your life. Always, always place a premium on your life.

When all these elements have been configured and your psychic compass is at the ready, go forth in the knowledge that you've created a self-preserving future for yourself. Go forth in the knowledge that you have a safe space to call home. Go forth in the knowledge that not only are you kicking ass but you are kicking ass on a major scale. Go forth in the knowledge that not only are you winning at life but you have already won. — Diriye Osman

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Alexander Nehamas

Just as we can't fully explain what is beautiful, so we can't fully explain why we are friends with someone in a way that will make the grounds of our attraction obvious to another - and even to ourselves. Our efforts always leave something out. And it is what is always left out that we try to gesture toward when we say that it is not something ABOUT our friends that we love but our friends THEMSELVES. But the self that we love is always just one one step behind whatever we can actually articulate. And so we are faced with a choice between saying something that seems informative but is never enough of an explanation ('loyal, practical, unworldly and so on') and saying something else that seems like an explanation but is completely uninformative ('the individual, in the uniqueness and integrity of his or her individuality'). — Alexander Nehamas

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Martin R. Lemieux

Interesting people aren't interesting because of what they always say; the most interesting people are the ones that always listen! — Martin R. Lemieux

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Dee Henderson

Quinn hesitated, then said what his heart demanded."Lizzy, even if you don't believe, I will still be your friend. Nothing is going to change that. I'm loyal to my friends for a lifetime. There are no qualifications."
She just looked at him for a long time, and then the smile that could make his heart roll over appeared. She got to her feet and lightly tapped his arm with the sombrero. "You're forgiven for asking me out fourth."
She would have passed him but he snagged her hand. "Lizzy."
She stopped.
"I saved the best for last. — Dee Henderson

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Crystal Woods

Life's a battlefield, and we remain loyal to those who fight for us; those who'd die for us. — Crystal Woods

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Airicka Phoenix

I don't have best friends. I have soul sisters. — Airicka Phoenix

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Ellen J. Barrier

True friends are placed together for the purpose of accomplishing great achievements that help others. — Ellen J. Barrier

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By John Cena

When people show loyalty to you, you take care of those who are with you. It's how it goes with everything. If you have a small circle of friends, and one of those friends doesn't stay loyal to you, they don't stay your friend for very long. — John Cena

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Chip R. Bell

Loyal customers, they don't just come back, they don't simply recommend you, they insist that their friends do business with you. — Chip R. Bell

Loyal Best Friends Quotes By Archibald Rutledge

If there is anything in life in which I take a pardonable pride, it is my friendship for certain old woodsmen and hunters; obscure men, as far as the world is concerned, but faithful friends, loyal comrades. — Archibald Rutledge