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Quotes & Sayings About Loving Yourself For Who You Are

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Top Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Will Tuttle

Until we are willing and able to make the connections between what we are eating and what was required to get it on our plate, and how it affects us to buy, serve, and eat it, we will be unable to make the connections that will allow us to live wisely and harmoniously on this earth.When we cannot make connections, we cannot understand, and we are less free, less intelligent, less loving, and less happy. — Will Tuttle

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Sara Paxton

I grew up loving classic rock music - The Beatles, The Rolling Stones - and then one day I heard 'Baby One More Time' on the radio and I thought 'What is this?' I was eight and it changed my life. — Sara Paxton

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Auliq Ice

Sow success and hope unto others, and more success and hope becomes what you permanently reap. — Auliq Ice

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Rhonda Britten

When your commitment is to be loving regardless of the circumstances, there is no room for harsh words. You assert yourself not from a desire to control but from a desire to stand for who you are. — Rhonda Britten

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Karen Salmansohn

Embrace your weirdness. Some will adore you. Others won't. But who cares? Worry about loving yourself, not loving the idea of other people loving you. — Karen Salmansohn

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Anuradha Bhattacharyya

Maybe, peace was preferable to pleasure. Maybe, peace is one's first love. — Anuradha Bhattacharyya

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Tom Araya

I believe in a supreme being, yeah. But He's an all-loving God. — Tom Araya

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Wayne W. Dyer

The difference between saints and the rest of us isn't that they have loving, pure beliefs and we don't; rather, they function solely from their essence, — Wayne W. Dyer

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Goldy Moldavsky

Because the truth is, it isn't worth loving something if you aren't going to love it all the way. — Goldy Moldavsky

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Jerry Spinelli

Of course, all of their words for a thousand years could not fill the hole left by his mother, but they could raise a loving fence around it so he didn't keep falling in. — Jerry Spinelli

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Catherine Carrigan

It is then, when we have set our intention to align our will with God's will, feeling, believing, and knowing our loving connection with all that is, that we can open up our intuition to our full potential. — Catherine Carrigan

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Emma Goldman

We Americans claim to be a peace-loving people. We hate bloodshed; we are opposed to violence. Yet we go into spasms of joy over the possibility of projecting dynamite bombs from flying machines upon helpless citizens. We are ready to hang, electrocute, or lynch anyone, who, from economic necessity, will risk his own life in the attempt upon that of some industrial magnate. Yet our hearts swell with pride at the thought that America is becoming the most powerful nation on earth, and that she will eventually plant her iron foot on the necks of all other nations.
Such is the logic of patriotism. — Emma Goldman

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Gary Chapman

The earth is a loving God's gift to us, and we show our love for His work by practicing good stewardship. - Janet Graham — Gary Chapman

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Jeb Bush

If we want to destroy radical Islamic terrors, we can't disassociate ourselves from peace loving Muslims. — Jeb Bush

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Francis Chan

In the same way, you have to stop loving and pursuing Christ in order to sin. When you are pursuing love, running toward Christ, you do not have opportunity to wonder, Am I doing this right? or Did I serve enough this week? When you are running toward Christ, you are freed up to serve, love, and give thanks without guilt, worry, or fear. As long as you are running, you are safe. — Francis Chan

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Sarah Vowell

[Martin Luther King, Jr.] concluded the learned discourse that came to be known as the 'loving your enemies' sermon this way: 'So this morning, as I look into your eyes and into the eyes of all my brothers in Alabama and all over America and over the world, I say to you,'I love you. I would rather die than hate you.'
Go ahead and reread that. That is hands down the most beautiful, strange, impossible, but most of all radical thing a human being can say. And it comes from reading the most beautiful, strange, impossible, but most of all radical civics lesson ever taught, when Jesus of Nazareth went to a hill in Galilee and told his disciples, 'Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you. — Sarah Vowell

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By D.S. Mixell

Living in the moment works sometimes, but when alone, it clouds over your memories and dreams, and those are what I need to survive. — D.S. Mixell

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Colson Whitehead

The doctor was a frequent visitor at Miss Trumball's establishment, preferring it to the Lanchester house, whose girls had a saturnine disposition in his opinion, as if imported from Maine or other gloom-loving provinces. — Colson Whitehead

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Nora Roberts

If I didn't say it, how do you know?" "When you touch me, when you look at me, when you hold me, I feel it." She looked up at him, eyes drenched. "And I couldn't love you this much without you loving me back. I couldn't know how right it is to be with you if I didn't know you loved me. — Nora Roberts

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Anna Torv

The secret to life is trusting yourself and loving who you are, just the way you are. — Anna Torv

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Swami Vivekananda

Seeing a cat loving her kittens stand and pray. God has become manifest there; literally believe this. Repeat "I am Thine, I am Thine", for we can see God everywhere. Do not seek for Him, just see Him. — Swami Vivekananda

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Mike Dooley

Sometimes, when you're feeling you're lowest, the real you is summoned~And you understand, maybe for the first time ever, how grand you are, because you discover that vulnerable doesn't mean powerless, scared doesn't mean lacking in beauty, and uncertainty doesn't mean that you're lost~These realizations alone will set you on a journey that you will take you far beyond what you used to think of as extraordinary.~There is always a bright side, The Universe — Mike Dooley

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Shannon L. Alder

Empowered Women 101: Forgive yourself for having chosen to expose yourself to people who don't care about your feelings and help others to do the same. Enjoy life! It is as simple as changing your focus or perspective when you start thinking about people from the past who hurt your feelings. Eventually, you will forget about those types of people because your time and attention will be taken up by more positive things/people/events/activities etc. When you understand how much time is wasted trying to make people see you, understand you, respect you, value you, like you or agree with you ... life becomes a pointless negative fight for validation that will drain your happiness. You are worth more than the indifference, inattention or crumbs people throw you. You are a queen that demands respect and God will bring the right person into your life to make you forget why you ever wasted your time on nothing important. — Shannon L. Alder

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Madonna Ciccone

The cross is a very powerful symbol and it symbolizes suffering, but it also is connected to a person who was loving and sharing and his message was about unconditional love. I tried to take a powerful image and use it to draw attention to a situation that needs attention. For me, we all need to be Jesus in our time. Jesus' message was to love your neighbor as yourself and these are people in need. — Madonna Ciccone

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By John Henrik Clarke

Racists will always call you a racist when you identify their racism. To love yourself now - is a form of racism. We are the only people who are criticized for loving ourselves. and white people think when you love yourself you hate them. No, when I love myself they become irrelevant to me. — John Henrik Clarke

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Joel Osteen

The prerequisite to loving others is to love yourself. If you don't have a healthy respect for who you are, and if you don't learn to accept yourself faults and all, you will never be able to properly love other people. — Joel Osteen

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Eckhart Tolle

Something inside you emerges ... an innate, indwelling peace, stillness, aliveness. It is the unconditioned, who you are in your essence. It is what you had been looking for in the love object. It is yourself. — Eckhart Tolle

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Jonathan Franzen

When you stay in your room and rage or sneer or shrug your shoulders, as I did for many years, the world and its problems are impossibly daunting. But when you go out and put yourself in real relation to real people, or even just real animals, there's a very real danger that you might end up loving some of them. And who knows what might happen to you then? — Jonathan Franzen

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Mandy Hale

Loneliness is designed to help you discover who you are ... and to stop looking outside yourself for your worth. — Mandy Hale

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Repeat to yourself every day and as often as you can: 'O Lord, have mercy on all those who will appear before You today.' For every hour, every second, thousands of men leave this world and their souls appear before the Lord, and no one knows how many of them leave this earth in isolation, sadness, and anguish, with no one to take pity on them or even care whether they live or die. And so your prayer for such a man will rise to the Lord from the other end of the earth, although he may never have heard of you or you of him. But his soul, as it stands trembling before the Lord, will be cheered and gladdened to learn that there is someone on earth who loves him. And the Lord's mercy will be even greater to both of you, for, however great your pity for the man, God's pity will be much greater, for He is infinitely more merciful and more loving than you are. — Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Julia Glass

When the girls were small, I heard Poppy tell one of her friends, "I don't see how you could ever have a favorite when there are just two: one will always and forever be your first, the miracle baby, the one who paves the way, strikes out for adventure - the intrepid one, the one who teaches you how to do what nature intended all along - and the other, oh the other will always be your baby, your darling, the one you surprised yourself by loving just as desperately much as you loved the first." Pursuant — Julia Glass

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Louise Hay

Be committed to the relationship you have with yourself. We get so committed to other relationships, but often sort of toss ourselves away. We get around to ourselves only now and then. So, really care for who you are. Be committed to loving yourself. Take care of your heart and soul. — Louise Hay

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Lucinda Bassett

Prayer is a means of sharing the burden, which relieves pressure, as you tell your worries and concerns to someone who will listen and won't judge, no matter what you say. Praying is like handing the problem over to someone else as you talk it out. Then you can tune in for guidance and a different perspective that will exude heartfelt energy. When you pray, you are exposing your real self and extending sincere, loving energy to yourself. It doesn't matter if your words are fancy or plain, and there is no way to do it right or wrong. Prayer is about opening your heart and being sincere. — Lucinda Bassett

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Skye Daphne

Everyone I say stop bullying it is sad and tears someones heart apart and next thing they do is Suicide because they think that is the right next step!
If you are a Person who gets bullied find someone who will stop this! Don't just kill yourself for the other person to be happy because you are gone! They are just jealous of you and want to start problems and make you a troublemaker! Ignore those mean cruel evil people in you life and spend time with the nice caring sweet loving angels of yours! :D
Because bullying is a dumb and stupid waste of time!
Try to shake it off the mean hurtful stuff and keep on doing the right stuff that is going to help you become a better person and when i say a better person i mean more than a better person!

~Skye Daphne~ — Skye Daphne

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Lindsey Stirling

Through my unique style of playing, I want to prove that you don't have to conform to be accepted. The greatest value comes from loving yourself for who you are. — Lindsey Stirling

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Louise L. Hay

Attracting Love Love comes when we least expect it, when we are not looking for it. Hunting for love never brings the right partner. It only creates longing and unhappiness. Love is never outside ourselves; love is within us. Don't insist that love come immediately. Perhaps you are not ready for it, or you are not developed enough to attract the love you want. Don't settle for anybody just to have someone. Set your standards. What kind of love do you want to attract? List the qualities in yourself, and you will attract a person who has them. You might examine what may be keeping love away. Could it be criticism? Feelings of unworthiness? Unreasonable standards? Movie star images? Fear of intimacy? A belief that you are unlovable? Be ready for love when it does come. Prepare the field and be ready to nourish love. Be loving, and you will be lovable. Be open and receptive to love. — Louise L. Hay

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Jennifer Lopez

As women, we almost never give ourselves enough credit for what we're capable of, for what we endure and how giving we are.
Part of loving yourself is about forgiving yourself - which is something I've always struggled with. It's the messy parts that make us human, so we should embrace them too - pat ourselves on the back for getting through them rather than being angry for having gotten into them in the first place. Because loving yourself is ultimately about self-acceptance, about embracing every part of who you are. And that's never just one thing. — Jennifer Lopez

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Lindsey Stirling

The greatest value comes from loving yourself for who you are. I've been teaching myself this for years, so I hope that by showing what I've learned, others can find the same freedom and joy I have. — Lindsey Stirling

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Criss Jami

The reality of loving God is loving him like he's a Superhero who actually saved you from stuff rather than a Santa Claus who merely gave you some stuff. — Criss Jami

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Jeffery R. Holland

Excellence does not come easy for quickly- An Excellent education does not, a successful mission does not, a strong, loving marriage does not, rewarding personal relationships do not. It is simply a truism that nothing very valuable can come without significant sacrifice, effort, and patience on our part. — Jeffery R. Holland

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Thich Nhat Hanh

We must practice living deeply, loving, and acting with charity if we wish to truly honor Jesus. — Thich Nhat Hanh

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Ella Dominguez

Dom is generous, loving and respectful to not only his submissive, but all women. He is gentlemanly in public, but playful in private and a savage in the bedroom. — Ella Dominguez

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Susan Douglas

The recent spate of magazines for "parents" (i.e., mothers) bombard the anxiety-induced mothers of America with reassurances that they can (after a $100,000 raise and a personality transplant) produce bright, motivated, focused, fun-loving, sensitive, cooperative, confident, contented kids just like the clean, obedient ones on the cover. — Susan Douglas

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Fortesa Latifi

I welcome monsters into my bed
and set a place for them at breakfast,
leave sugar out for their coffee
I've always been so good at loving monsters — Fortesa Latifi

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Everyone around you becomes kind and loving when you express your kindness and beauty of love. — Debasish Mridha

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Sam Killermann

It's gotten far easier to allow ourselves to hate than it is to choose to love. — Sam Killermann

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Mark Batterson

Grace is loving people for who they are, where they are. It's loving people *before* they change, not just *after* they change. And that grace is the difference between holy and holier-than-thou. Holiness, in its purest form, is irresistible. That's why sinners couldn't be kept away from Jesus. Hypocrisy has the opposite effect. It's as repulsive to the irreligious as the Pharisees' religiosity was to Jesus. — Mark Batterson

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Joel Salatin

Our land-healing ministry really is about cultivating relationships: between the people, the loving stewards, and the ecology of a place, what I call the environmental umbilical that we're nurturing here. — Joel Salatin

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Norah Lofts

I am trying now to be entirely honest. I did actually comfort in the thought that the Devil had, on Strawless Common, defeated God. I much preferred that thought to the thought that God hadn't cared, hadn't helped Robin. I thought all the way back to the story of Eden. God, all-loving, all-wise, had surely wanted people to be happy and healthy and good; it was the Devil who spoiled it all ... and since so many people were miserable and sickly and bad the Devil must indeed by very powerful. The lifeless, voiceless thing, lately a singing boy, which they had cut down and put under a sack in the barn to await an unhallowed cross-road grave seemed to me to prove the power of the Devil.
Lady Alice Rowhedge — Norah Lofts

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Glen Keane

I used to think that animation was about moving stuff. In order to make it really great, you bounce it, squash it, stretch it, make the eyes go big. But, as time went on, I started loving animating a character who had a kind of burning passion in her heart. Suddenly, animation became for me not so much about moving stuff as it was about moving the audience. — Glen Keane

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Louise Erdrich

We Anishinaabeg are the keepers of the names of the earth. And unless the earth is called by the names it gave us humans, won't it cease to love us? And isn't it true that if the earth stops loving us, everyone, not just the Anishinaabeg, will cease to exist? That is why we all must speak our language, nindinawemagonidok, and call everything we see by the name of its spirit. Even the chimookomanag, who are trying to destroy us, are depending upon us to remember. Mi'sago'i. — Louise Erdrich

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Let us express our deepest gratitude for every moment that we spend in loving, laughing, and living out time that we call life. — Debasish Mridha

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Thomas J. Stanley

Good health, longevity, happiness, a loving family, self-reliance, fine friends ... if you [have] five, you're a rich man ... . — Thomas J. Stanley

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Lauryn Hill

Loving you is like a Song I replay every 3 Minutes and 30 Seconds of every Day ... — Lauryn Hill

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Jennifer DeLucy

Before entering into any kind of intimate relationships, whether friendship, familial re-connection, or romance, the idea of "needing" or "being needed" must be eliminated. It's harmful to me and others. Need is no kind of foundation for anything. Rather, I choose to be wanted. "Want" is a deliberate choice. Wanting is not based in fear or ego (which are one in the same, I believe). Want comes from recognition of someone else's goodness and loving them for it. Being wanted is unconditional. It does not require emotional games be played, it does not require reparations be made or obligations be met. Being wanted is good, in and of itself. — Jennifer DeLucy

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Thomas S. Monson

May we ever watch over one another, assisting in times of need. Let us not be critical and judgmental, but let us be tolerant, ever emulating the Savior's example of loving-kindness. In that vein, may we willingly serve one another. May we pray for the inspiration to know of the needs of those around us, and then may we go forward and provide assistance. — Thomas S. Monson

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Jeremy Aldana

The Memory Of You Is Like A Drug To Me — Jeremy Aldana

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Thich Nhat Hanh

Being rich is an obstacle to loving. When you are rich, you want to continue to be rich, and so you end up devoting all your time, all your energy, in your daily life to stay rich. — Thich Nhat Hanh

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Suzanne Collins

That it's no good loving me because I'm never going to get married anyway and he'd just end up hating me later instead of sooner. — Suzanne Collins

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By John Phillips

We're loving something to death in a way, which Americans tend to do a lot. — John Phillips

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Hiroshi Yamamoto

humans are fully capable of loving cats and dogs and tropical fish. If they can love something much less intelligent than humans that does not talk and looks nothing like them, why can they not love one another? Certainly, — Hiroshi Yamamoto

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Ken Keyes Jr.

I feel with loving compassion the problems of others without getting caught up emotionally in their predicaments that are offering them messages they need for their growth. — Ken Keyes Jr.

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Anthony De Mello

What is a loving heart? A loving heart is sensitive to the whole of life, to all persons; a loving heart doesn't harden itself to any persons or things. — Anthony De Mello

Loving Yourself For Who You Are Quotes By Gayle Forman

Go back to your ghost, I hear Bryn telling me. But she has it wrong. Bryn is the one who's been living with the ghost-the specter of a man who never stopped loving someone else. — Gayle Forman