Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Loving Yourself

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Top Loving Yourself Quotes

Loving Yourself Quotes By Nick Hornby

Loving people, and allowing yourself to be loved, was only worth the risk if the odds were in your favor, but they quite clearly weren't. There were about seventy-nine squillion people in the world, and if you were very lucky, you would end up being loved by fifteen or twenty of them. So how smart did you have to be to work out that it just wasn't worth the risk? — Nick Hornby

Loving Yourself Quotes By Mandy Hale

It's a lot harder to get someone OUT of your life than it is to let them IN, so please ... be selective. — Mandy Hale

Loving Yourself Quotes By Nisla Love

Start loving yourself early so others will know how to love you amazingly. — Nisla Love

Loving Yourself Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Just like you can't punish anyone without punishing yourself, you can't love anyone without loving yourself. — Debasish Mridha

Loving Yourself Quotes By Sereno Sky

If you don't know which road to take in life: do what's loving. Take a path that is loving, with yourself and towards others. That's the only path leading to light. If it's loving, it builds up, if not, it will only tear down. — Sereno Sky

Loving Yourself Quotes By Peter Julian Eymard

When later he [St. Joseph] carried the Child in his arms, acts of loving faith welled up constantly in his heart. It was a worship that pleased our Lord more than that which he receives in heaven. Picture to yourself Saint Joseph, adoring the little Child in his arms as his God. He tells of his readiness to die for Christ, of all his plans to promote Christ's glory, and to win more souls to his love. No lover builds more scintillating plans for his loved one than a saint. — Peter Julian Eymard

Loving Yourself Quotes By Mandy Hale

Be a bit of a challenge; not because you're playing games but because you realize you're worth the extra effort. — Mandy Hale

Loving Yourself Quotes By Steve Maraboli

Forgiveness: It's not because they deserve it; it's because you do. Sometimes forgiveness is about loving yourself enough to move on. — Steve Maraboli

Loving Yourself Quotes By Leo Tolstoy

Here's my advice to you: don't marry until you can tell yourself that you've done all you could, and until you've stopped loving the women you've chosen, until you see her clearly, otherwise you'll be cruelly and irremediably mistaken. Marry when you're old and good for nothing ... Otherwise all that's good and lofty in you will be lost. — Leo Tolstoy

Loving Yourself Quotes By Debra Fileta

Loving yourself requires that you know, value, and respect the person you are while moving toward the person God has made you to be. — Debra Fileta

Loving Yourself Quotes By Robert McCammon

I understood then what courage is all about. It is loving someone else more than you love yourself. — Robert McCammon

Loving Yourself Quotes By Jaggi Vasudev

If you strive to make yourself in such a way that nobody can help loving you, life will blossom, everything will yield. — Jaggi Vasudev

Loving Yourself Quotes By Phylicia Rashad

Loving oneself isn't hard, when you understand who and what 'yourself' is. It has nothing to do with the shape of your face, the size of your eyes, the length of your hair or the quality of your clothes. It's so beyond all of those things and it's what gives life to everything about you. Your own self is such a treasure. — Phylicia Rashad

Loving Yourself Quotes By Karen Salmansohn

Embrace your weirdness. Some will adore you. Others won't. But who cares? Worry about loving yourself, not loving the idea of other people loving you. — Karen Salmansohn

Loving Yourself Quotes By Laura Lane

Love is an expression of tenderness. Practice it in all ways. Of course you will be tender and loving to your child. Express that same love to the rest of the family, your spouse, and, most importantly,
yourself. There is so much love around you. Let it in. Let it ease the burden. Let it envelope you and hold you ever so tenderly as you journey through these days. — Laura Lane

Loving Yourself Quotes By Ella Dominguez

Another lie in your game, only this time, you're lying to yourself. I know who you are. You can push me away, Victor, but I'll never stop loving you. — Ella Dominguez

Loving Yourself Quotes By Alison Sweeney

People think, 'Oh, I'm loving myself by sitting on this sofa for four hours.' Love yourself enough to get up! — Alison Sweeney

Loving Yourself Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Your good deeds is an act of love. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Loving Yourself Quotes By Veronica Roth

There is evil in everyone. The first step toward loving someone else is to recognize that evil in yourself, so you can forgive them. — Veronica Roth

Loving Yourself Quotes By Louise Hay

Loving others is easy when you love and accept yourself. — Louise Hay

Loving Yourself Quotes By Lisi Harrison

The articles were extremely eye-opening. Not just in Teen Vogue but in Seventeen and CosmoGirl as well. They were all about being yourself, staying natural, loving your body as is, and going green! The messages were the exact opposite of Vik and Viv's.
Frankie turned to face the full-length mirror that was up against the yellow wardrobe. She opened her robe and examined her body. Fit, muscular, and exquisitely proportioned, she agreed with the magazines. So what if her skin was mint? Or her limbs were attached with seams? According to the magazines, which were - no offense! - way more in touch with the times than her parents were, she was suppose to love her body just the way it was. And she did! Therefor if the normies read magazines (which obviously they did, because they were in them), then they would love her, too. Natural was in.
Besides she was Daddy's perfect little girl. And who didn't love perfect? — Lisi Harrison

Loving Yourself Quotes By Chuck Palahniuk

I thought we were a real love relationship. I did. I was very invested in love, but it was just this long long sex thing that could end at any moment because after all, it's just about getting off. Almost all the time, you tell yourself you're loving somebody when you're just using them. This only looks like love. — Chuck Palahniuk

Loving Yourself Quotes By Mandy Hale

Love is a beautiful, wonderful, and even sacred thing, but until it arrives, shouldn't we give ourselves permission to thrive? — Mandy Hale

Loving Yourself Quotes By Jennifer Hudson

Loving yourself means caring enough to make the hard decisions in your life. — Jennifer Hudson

Loving Yourself Quotes By Cinda Williams Chima

Love is the root of so much suffering and misery, so much loss. It's the worst thing in the world, to risk yourself by loving someone. At the same time, it's the best thing in the world - and worth the risk. — Cinda Williams Chima

Loving Yourself Quotes By Dennis Kimbro

Finding and creating your life's work, even if it is entirely different from what you have done most of your life, will bring you more happiness and health than any other action you can take. If your primary responsibility in life is being true to yourself, that can only be accomplished by carrying out what you are called to do - your unique and special vocation ... Your life's work involves doing what you love and loving what you do. — Dennis Kimbro

Loving Yourself Quotes By Donald L. Hicks

Loving yourself doesn't make you selfish. When done correctly, the exact opposite occurs, because you know that selfish behaviors are negative for your mind, body and spirit. — Donald L. Hicks

Loving Yourself Quotes By Keith Ablow

Most children would rather preserve the fantasy of a loving connection with their fathers and mothers, at all costs, even if it costs them their self-esteem. When you're three or seven years old, it's less frightening to think of yourself as an unlovable, disappointing screwup than to recognize the fact that you're living with a monster. — Keith Ablow

Loving Yourself Quotes By Tom Emmer

I don't think you can call yourself a freedom-loving American and be a Democrat. — Tom Emmer

Loving Yourself Quotes By Shannon L. Alder

If only you could be yourself." they shouted. So, she did. "You are not like me or anyone I have met!" they screamed. So, she blended. "You are so fake." they laughed. So, the caterpillar retreated to her cocoon to find peace alone. One day, they came to find her gone. She left a message, "God knew I was different and gave me these beautiful wings because he meant for me to fly. You see ... I wasn't meant to be like you. I was meant to be me
better. — Shannon L. Alder

Loving Yourself Quotes By Fatema Mernissi

Happiness, she would explain, was when a person felt good, light, creative, content, loving and loved, and free. An unhappy person felt as if there were barriers crushing her desires and the talents she had inside. A happy woman was one who could exercise all kinds of rights, from the right to move to the right to create, compete, and challenge, and at the same time could be loved for doing so. Part of happiness was to be loved by a man who enjoyed your strength and was proud of your talents. Happiness was also about the right to privacy, the right to retreat from the company of others and plunge into contemplative solitude. Or sit by yourself doing nothing for a whole day, and not give excuses or feel guilty about it either. Happiness was to be with loved ones, and yet still feel that you existed as a separate being, that ou were not just there to make them happy. Happiness was when there was a balance between what you gave and what you took. — Fatema Mernissi

Loving Yourself Quotes By Juliette Binoche

I believe such illumination comes if you're open to the surprises the universe throws at you. You must be able to let go of the past, whatever success you may have seen, whatever your comfort, whatever your habits. To me, that's the key to loving life: Enabling yourself to step bravely into the unknown. Only there will you find yourself again. — Juliette Binoche

Loving Yourself Quotes By Jay Woodman

Love yourself enough to give what matters every chance of working by communicating as well as you possibly can, and trying for as long as you wish. — Jay Woodman

Loving Yourself Quotes By Julia Quinn

I did what I thought was best.'
And so you kidnapped me,' she said bitterly.
'If you recall I offered you the option of residing with my relatives. You refused.'
'I want to be independent.'
'One doesn't have to be alone to be independent.'
Victoria couldn't think of a suitable rebuttal to that statement, so she remained silent.
'When I marry you,' Robert said softly, 'I want it to be a partnership in every sense of the word. I want to consult you on matters of land management and tenant care. I want us to decide together how to raise our children. I don't know why you are so certain that loving me means losing yourself. — Julia Quinn

Loving Yourself Quotes By Erich Fromm

If you love without calling forth love, that is, if your love as such does not produce love, if by means of an expression of life as a loving person you do not make of yourself a loved person, then your love is impotent, a misfortune. — Erich Fromm

Loving Yourself Quotes By Margot Anand

Loving yourself ... does not mean being self-absorbed or narcissistic, or disregarding others. Rather it means welcoming yourself as the most honored guest in your own heart, a guest worthy of respect, a lovable companion — Margot Anand

Loving Yourself Quotes By Brian McLaren

If you love someone, you will want to understand them and accept them as they grow and change; similarly, loving yourself involves a never-ending process of self-understanding and self-acceptance through life's ups and downs...we are finally coming to understand that love for neighbor and love for self naturally lead to love for the earth...if you love your neighbor as yourself, you want both them and you to be able to breathe, so you need to love clean fresh air...you want them and you to be able to drink, so you need to love pure water in all its forms...you want them and you to be be able to eat, so you need to care about the climate...." (p. 59-60) — Brian McLaren

Loving Yourself Quotes By John Templeton

Is your life beautiful? Do you live in surroundings that you have made beautiful through your own unique, creative ideas? To expect and lovingly require beauty to be apparent in all areas of your life is to be deeply loving to yourself, your soul, your world, and shows reverence to God and all of life. There is always something beautiful to be found, right where you are, if you will look for it. Concentrate your thoughts on the good, the beautiful, and the true things in life. — John Templeton

Loving Yourself Quotes By SARK

A Gift for You
I send you ...
The gift of a letter from your wise self. This is the part of you that sees you with benevolent, loving eyes. You find this letter in a thick envelope with your name on it, and the word YES written boldly above your name.
My Dear,
I am writing this to remind you of your 'essence beauty.' This is the part of you that has nothing to do with age, occupation, weight, history, or pain. This is the soft, untouched, indelible you. You can love yourself in this moment, no matter what you have, or haven't done or been.
See past any masks, devices, or inventions that obscure your essence.
Remember your true purpose, WHICH is only Love.
If you cannot see or feel love, lie down now and cry; it will cleanse your vision and free your heart.
I love you; I am you. — SARK

Loving Yourself Quotes By Madonna Ciccone

The cross is a very powerful symbol and it symbolizes suffering, but it also is connected to a person who was loving and sharing and his message was about unconditional love. I tried to take a powerful image and use it to draw attention to a situation that needs attention. For me, we all need to be Jesus in our time. Jesus' message was to love your neighbor as yourself and these are people in need. — Madonna Ciccone

Loving Yourself Quotes By Colleen Coble

For a moment, the color leeched from his face, then he blinked and smiled. Margaret, for a second I thought it was your mama standing there. He gave a gruff laugh. You look lovely, my dear.
Her father's praise brought tears to her eyes. His approving words came far too infrequently. Was her appearance all that mattered to him-to anyone? It seemed to be the way of the world. No one cared about who she was on the inside. No one saw the heart longing to be loved and to love in return. She sometimes even doubted God's love for her. — Colleen Coble

Loving Yourself Quotes By Shannon L. Alder

Empowered Women 101: Forgive yourself for having chosen to expose yourself to people who don't care about your feelings and help others to do the same. Enjoy life! It is as simple as changing your focus or perspective when you start thinking about people from the past who hurt your feelings. Eventually, you will forget about those types of people because your time and attention will be taken up by more positive things/people/events/activities etc. When you understand how much time is wasted trying to make people see you, understand you, respect you, value you, like you or agree with you ... life becomes a pointless negative fight for validation that will drain your happiness. You are worth more than the indifference, inattention or crumbs people throw you. You are a queen that demands respect and God will bring the right person into your life to make you forget why you ever wasted your time on nothing important. — Shannon L. Alder

Loving Yourself Quotes By Shirley Hazzard

But that's a way to go on loving
a place, or a person. To miss it. In fact, to go away, to put yourself in the state of missing, is sometimes the simplest way to preserve love. [p. 56] — Shirley Hazzard

Loving Yourself Quotes By Halle Berry

Sexiness is a state of mind - a comfortable state of being. It's about loving yourself in your most unlovable moments. — Halle Berry

Loving Yourself Quotes By Billy Joel

It's OK if you mess up. You should give yourself a break. — Billy Joel

Loving Yourself Quotes By Louise Hay

One of the bonuses about loving yourself is that you get to feel good. — Louise Hay

Loving Yourself Quotes By Innocent Mwatsikesimbe

Of course, competition against others is there, but it should serve to challenge you. To show you how well other people are competing against themselves. — Innocent Mwatsikesimbe

Loving Yourself Quotes By Annette Vaillancourt

You cannot make someone love you, but you can allow it. Allow yourself to perceive and receive loving actions from others. — Annette Vaillancourt

Loving Yourself Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Always be loving, always be kind, always be true to yourself, because it matters. — Debasish Mridha

Loving Yourself Quotes By Debbie Ford

In the presence of your own loving attention, you create the inner conditions that are necessary to step into the next greatest evolution of yourself. — Debbie Ford

Loving Yourself Quotes By Diriye Osman

You may feel like your future is slipping from your grasp, that if you don't rush now to greet your dreams you might lose out on them, but please wait. If you are coming from an unsupportive environment with regards to your sexual orientation, the best thing to do is to establish your independence. Make sure you have a support network of loving and loyal friends. Make sure you have somewhere to live. Make sure you have an income to sustain you. Place a premium on your life. Always, always place a premium on your life.

When all these elements have been configured and your psychic compass is at the ready, go forth in the knowledge that you've created a self-preserving future for yourself. Go forth in the knowledge that you have a safe space to call home. Go forth in the knowledge that not only are you kicking ass but you are kicking ass on a major scale. Go forth in the knowledge that not only are you winning at life but you have already won. — Diriye Osman

Loving Yourself Quotes By Liz Nierzwicki

Loving yourself means to be your own best friend. Loving yourself means that you do not betray yourself. Loving yourself means only choosing situations and relationships that honor your divinity and respect your body. Loving yourself means eating foods that are healthy because you want to treat your body well. Loving yourself mean you talk kindly to yourself after you have made a mistake because you realize that you are human and that we all make mistakes. Loving yourself means exercising because you want to protect your body and keep it as a well-tuned optimally working — Liz Nierzwicki

Loving Yourself Quotes By Mandy Hale

Stand strong in your worth and don't let anyone talk you out of it. — Mandy Hale

Loving Yourself Quotes By Rhonda Britten

You don't have to earn or deserve love. You are love. Loving is never about how others treat you. It is always about how you are treating yourself. — Rhonda Britten

Loving Yourself Quotes By Louise L. Hay

The more we love ourselves, the less we project our pain onto the world. When we stop judging ourselves, we naturally judge others less. When we stop attacking ourselves, we don't attack others. When we stop rejecting ourselves, we stop accusing others of hurting us. When we start loving ourselves more, we become happier, less defended, and more open. As we love ourselves, we naturally love others more. "Self-love is the greatest gift because what you give yourself is experienced by others," says Louise. — Louise L. Hay

Loving Yourself Quotes By Phillip Moffitt

Change that does not lead to liberation from fear, greed and delusion is not wholesome. Furthermore, any change that does not yield more compassion and loving-kindness for yourself and others is a waste of precious life energy. — Phillip Moffitt

Loving Yourself Quotes By V.C. Andrews

All right, Chris, you've given me a breather. I'm prepared for
And thank you for saying all of that, and for loving me, for you
haven't gone unloved, or unadmired, yourself." I kissed him quickly on
the lips, and told him to go on, to hit me with his knockout blow.
"Really, Chris, I know you must have something perfectly awful to tell
me-so out with it. Keep holding me as you tell me, and I can stand
anything you have to say. — V.C. Andrews

Loving Yourself Quotes By Miya Yamanouchi

Make a vow to yourself today that from now on you will treat yourself with the same love, attention, affection, understanding, compassion and forgiveness that you so readily give to others. — Miya Yamanouchi

Loving Yourself Quotes By Matshona Dhliwayo

Have gracious thoughts of your neighbors,
kind thoughts of your friends,
loving thoughts of your family,
and humble thoughts of yourself. — Matshona Dhliwayo

Loving Yourself Quotes By Grace Burrowes

Somehow, I cannot see anyone describing me as gracious, loving, and happy." He frowned at his sandwich as if in puzzlement. "You are loving," Anna replied staunchly, though she hadn't exactly planned for those words to leave her mouth. "Now that is beyond surprising." The earl eyed her in the deepening shadows. "How do you conclude such a thing, Mrs. Seaton?" "You have endless patience with your family, my lord," she began. "You escort your sisters everywhere; you dance attendance on them and their hordes of friends at every proper function; you harry and hound the duke so his wild starts are not the ruination of his duchy. You force yourself to tend to mountains of business which you do not enjoy, so your family may be safe and secure all their days." "That is business," the earl said, looking nonplussed that his first sandwich had disappeared, until Anna handed him a second. — Grace Burrowes

Loving Yourself Quotes By Miya Yamanouchi

Be as loving, gentle and tender with yourself, as you are with your children or your beloved. — Miya Yamanouchi

Loving Yourself Quotes By April Mae Monterrosa

The more you try to protect yourself from love, the more pain you bring to yourself and those that love you — April Mae Monterrosa

Loving Yourself Quotes By Steve Maraboli

I can only love you most when I love me best. — Steve Maraboli

Loving Yourself Quotes By K.M. Shea

Loving a person isn't a magical, sparkly passion. It's hard work. It's putting the other person before yourself. It's companionship and being able to trust and depend on each other. That loquacious true love everyone spouts about is really finding a partner who will go through the heartbreaks and joys of life with you. — K.M. Shea

Loving Yourself Quotes By Shannon L. Alder

You will know it is love when the need can't be met by yourself or God. — Shannon L. Alder

Loving Yourself Quotes By Hans Lindor

Loving me to you seems worthless. It aches my heart that I love you more than I love myself. I love you more than you love yourself. — Hans Lindor

Loving Yourself Quotes By Nhat Hanh

A look filled with understanding, an accepting smile, a loving word, a meal shared in warmth and awareness are the things which create happiness in the present moment. By nourishing awareness in the present moment, you can avoid causing suffering to yourself and those around you. The way you look at others, your smile, and your small acts of caring can create happiness. True happiness does not depend on wealth or fame. — Nhat Hanh

Loving Yourself Quotes By Wayne Dyer

Let go of your ego's need to be right. When you're in the middle of an argument, ask yourself: Do I want to be right or be happy? When you choose the joyous, loving, spiritual mode, your connection to intention is strengthened. — Wayne Dyer

Loving Yourself Quotes By Sharon Salzberg

You can experiment with directing metta toward a difficult aspect of yourself. There may be physical or emotional aspects of yourself you have struggled with, denied, avoided, been at war with. Sit quietly, sending yourself metta. After some time, turn your attention to the loneliness, anger, disability, addiction, or whatever aspect of your mind or body you feel most estranged from. Healing begins with the open, compassionate acknowledgment of these unpleasant aspects of our lives. Surround the painful element of your experience with the warmth and acceptance of metta. You can use phrases such as, ' May I accept this,' 'May I be filled with loving kindness toward this,' 'May I use the pain of this experience for the welfare of all. — Sharon Salzberg

Loving Yourself Quotes By Dee Wallace

The basis of all choice in manifestation is Loving Yourself. This is the start and the finish to all good things that you are looking for. — Dee Wallace

Loving Yourself Quotes By MK PRINCE

Love yourself before loving people..none will hurt you — MK PRINCE

Loving Yourself Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Love yourself and extend the love to others. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Loving Yourself Quotes By N. T. Wright

The point of the resurrection ... is that the present bodily life is not valueless just because it will die ... What you do with your body in the present matters because God has a great future in store for it ... What you do in the present - by painting, preaching, singing, sewing, praying, teaching, building hospitals, digging wells, campaigning for justice, writing poems, caring for the needy, loving your neighbor as yourself - will last into God's future. These activities are not simply ways of making the present life a little less beastly, a little more bearable, until the day when we leave it behind altogether (as the hymn so mistakenly puts it ... ). They are part of what we may call building for God's kingdom. — N. T. Wright

Loving Yourself Quotes By Chuck Palahniuk

Almost all the time, you tell yourself you're loving somebody when you're just using them. — Chuck Palahniuk

Loving Yourself Quotes By Shahid Kapoor

Attachment is your biggest strength and your biggest weakness. Though it gives you the power to love someone more than yourself, it becomes difficult to live when you lose something you are attached to. Even when we have lost, we should go beyond that and get truly attached to someone. Loving someone truly is the most beautiful feeling. — Shahid Kapoor

Loving Yourself Quotes By Zara D. Green

Here's the truth: It is not Grown to expect a relationship to provide what you are not committed to providing for yourself. The capacity for others to love you can never exceed the love you demonstrate for yourself. Furthermore, you don't attract what you want in relationships, but what you are. So if you want financial security in a relationship, you need to commit to providing that for yourself. If tender, loving treatment is what you desire, then you should be giving that to yourself as a single person. If you seek forgiveness, compassion and emotional safety in a relationship, you must be committed to requiring that of yourself in single life. If you want a relationship rich with fun, joy and adventure, then that is exactly the life you should be pursuing as a single person. On the other hand, if you are desperate and unhappy as a single person, you are neither qualified nor prepared for a healthy relationship and you will attract and choose anything but. — Zara D. Green

Loving Yourself Quotes By Steve Maraboli

Free yourself from the poisonous and laborious burden of holding a grudge. When you hold a grudge, you want someone else's sorrow to reflect your level of hurt, but the two rarely meet. Let go ... Sometimes, forgiveness is simply a reflection of loving yourself enough to move on. — Steve Maraboli

Loving Yourself Quotes By Mike Dooley

Sometimes, when you're feeling you're lowest, the real you is summoned~And you understand, maybe for the first time ever, how grand you are, because you discover that vulnerable doesn't mean powerless, scared doesn't mean lacking in beauty, and uncertainty doesn't mean that you're lost~These realizations alone will set you on a journey that you will take you far beyond what you used to think of as extraordinary.~There is always a bright side, The Universe — Mike Dooley

Loving Yourself Quotes By Anna Torv

The secret to life is trusting yourself and loving who you are, just the way you are. — Anna Torv

Loving Yourself Quotes By Dossie Easton

Practice self-nurturing, not only to get you through hard times but to guide you into a loving relationship with yourself. When you follow through with a simple act like comforting yourself with homemade soup, bringing home a fragrant flower for your night table, or taking a sweet solitary walk in a beautiful place, then you get an experience of being kind to yourself that can answer all those questions about "what do they mean, love myself?" This question is more easily answered by doing than by thinking. — Dossie Easton

Loving Yourself Quotes By Iyanla Vanzant

You will stumble at time, forget what you want, fall headfirst into your old habits and beliefs. Fear not! Always remember to be patient and loving with yourself and others because that is what God does all the time. — Iyanla Vanzant

Loving Yourself Quotes By Innocent Mwatsikesimbe

I'm alive now, but I don't know if I will be tomorrow. The state of being alive is not guaranteed, but should I let that stop me from living? — Innocent Mwatsikesimbe

Loving Yourself Quotes By Colleen Vanderlinden

the danger in loving is in giving someone the ability to destroy you. Because you cannot truly love without giving up some of yourself, and it is a leap of faith to hope that the person you give it to cares enough for it that you keep yourself all in one piece. — Colleen Vanderlinden

Loving Yourself Quotes By Anne Graham Lotz

The first secret to loving others is to immerse yourself in a love relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit - and abide there. — Anne Graham Lotz

Loving Yourself Quotes By Rajneesh

Be loving towards yourself, then you will be able to love others too. — Rajneesh

Loving Yourself Quotes By Kemi Sogunle

You cannot love if you cannot forgive. — Kemi Sogunle

Loving Yourself Quotes By Bangambiki Habyarimana

You say you need to love others, but do you love yourself — Bangambiki Habyarimana

Loving Yourself Quotes By Nicholas Wolterstorff

But we all suffer. For we all prize and love; and in this present existence of ours, prizing and loving yield suffering. Love in our world is suffering love. Some do not suffer much, though, for they do not love much. Suffering is for the loving. This, said Jesus, is the command of the Holy One: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." In commanding us to love, God invites us to suffer. — Nicholas Wolterstorff

Loving Yourself Quotes By Johnny Carson

If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. — Johnny Carson

Loving Yourself Quotes By Iyanla Vanzant

When you need to be loved, you take love wherever you can find it. When you are desperate to be loved, feel love, know love, you seek out what you think love should look like. When you find love, or what you think love is, you will lie, kill, and steal to keep it. But learning about real love comes from within. It cannot be given. It cannot be taken away. It grows from your ability to re-create within yourself, the essence of loving experiences you have had in your life. — Iyanla Vanzant

Loving Yourself Quotes By Gary Zukav

Work with yourself. Work. If you have a partner, so much the better. Speak. Use whatever process is appropriate. Know that this universe is compassionate, aware and alive. This is a universe of life. This is not a material enterprise. It is a spiritual enterprise and it is filled with loving assistance. This is a thought form that must be in place in order for you to receive assistance. — Gary Zukav

Loving Yourself Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Happiness only comes when you make yourself worthy of happiness by loving others. — Debasish Mridha

Loving Yourself Quotes By Shya Kane

To build a respectful, kind and loving relationship, begin by being respectful, kind and loving to yourself — Shya Kane

Loving Yourself Quotes By Ann Patchett

You can't control what other people think about your art. Think about the part of yourself that you can control, which is your ability to be kind and loving and creative. — Ann Patchett

Loving Yourself Quotes By Kate DiCamillo

There's no point in going on if you feel that way. No point at all. You must be filled with expectancy. You must be awash in hope. You must wonder who will love you, whom you will love next." "I am done with being loved," Edward told her. "I'm done with loving. It's too painful." "Pish," said the old doll. "Where is your courage?" "Somewhere else, I guess," said Edward. "You disappoint me," she said. "You disappoint me greatly. If you have no intention of loving or being loved, then the whole journey is pointless. You might as well leap from this shelf right now and let yourself shatter into a million pieces. Get it over with. Get it all over with now. — Kate DiCamillo

Loving Yourself Quotes By Pierre Alex Jeanty

The day you begin to accept who you are is when the journey of knowing yourself begins. That day is when validation through others becomes something of the past, and loving you and evolving into who you were made to be will begin. — Pierre Alex Jeanty

Loving Yourself Quotes By Armistead Maupin

My only regret about being gay is that I repressed it for so long. I surrendered my youth to the people I feared when I could have been out there loving someone. Don't make that mistake yourself. Life's too damn short. — Armistead Maupin

Loving Yourself Quotes By Steve Maraboli

I want you to embark on the truth of loving yourself because when you love yourself and when you appreciate yourself, you will make healthy changes in your life for healthy reasons. — Steve Maraboli

Loving Yourself Quotes By Kemi Sogunle

If you spend time judging and criticizing people, you will not have time to heal from your pain or brokenness. You cannot love yourself when you judge or criticize others who are created in God's image and after His Likeness...in which you are also created. Love cannot operate from a space of pain. Love and hurt cannot reside in the same space. — Kemi Sogunle

Loving Yourself Quotes By Ann Powers

Loving music had pushed all of us off the track- away from the normal pursuit of career, mate, and family, on an endless quest for that vibrating high, the plunge beyond time that comes only when you submerge yourself beneath the waterline of amplified sound. We were addicts, in a way, but also adept, enlightened by a noise most people considered no more than a pleasant distraction. What was left for us but to practice our art of listening? — Ann Powers