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Love Forgives All Things Quotes & Sayings

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Top Love Forgives All Things Quotes

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Pope Francis

Jesus receives us with all of our limitations, He bring us the mercy of the Father who forgives us, and transforms our heart, rendering it a new heart, capable of loving Him, who loved His own to the end (cf. John 13:1). And this love is manifested in his mercy. Jesus always forgives us. — Pope Francis

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Isabel Allende

He had only to touch me to turn my tears into sighs and my anger to desire. How accomodating love is; it forgives everything. — Isabel Allende

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Pope John Paul II

To humanity, which sometimes seems to be lost and dominated by the power of evil, selfishness and fear, the risen Lord gives the gift of His love which forgives, reconciles and reopens the soul to hope. — Pope John Paul II

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Lisa Kleypas

Love forgives all things. You don't even need to ask. — Lisa Kleypas

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Jim Butcher

You can have everything in the world, but if you don't have love, none of it means crap," he said promptly. "Love is patient. Love is kind. Love always forgives, trusts, supports, and endures. Love never fails. When every star in the heavens grows cold, and when silence lies once more on the face of the deep, three things will endure: faith, hope, and love."
And the greatest of these is love," I finished. "That's from the Bible."
First Corinthians, chapter thirteen," Thomas confirmed. "I paraphrased. Father makes all of us memorize that passage. Like when parents put those green yucky-face stickers on the poisonous cleaning products under the kitchen sink. — Jim Butcher

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Anonymous

1Praise the LORD,a my soul;b all my inmost being, praise his holy name.c 2Praise the LORD,d my soul, and forget note all his benefits - 3who forgives all your sinsf and healsg all your diseases, 4who redeems your lifeh from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion,i 5who satisfiesj your desires with good things so that your youth is renewedk like the eagle's.l 6The LORD works righteousnessm and justice for all the oppressed. — Anonymous

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Ernest Holmes

I believe that Love is at the center of everything; therefore, I accept Love as the healing power of life. I permit Love to reach out from me to every person I meet. I believe that Love is returned to me from every person I meet. I trust the guidance of Love because I believe it is the power of Good in the universe. I feel that Love is flowing through me to heal every situation I meet, to help every person I contact. Love opens the way before me and makes it perfect, straight, and glad. Love forgives everything unlike itself; it purifies everything. Love converts everything that seems commonplace into that which is wonderful. Love converts weakness into strength, fear into faith. Love — Ernest Holmes

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Rea Nolan Martin

Forgiveness is capital 'L' Love in action. Until you have to forgive someone, you haven't loved. You just think you have. Until somebody forgives you, you don't know humility. [p342, 1st paperback edition] — Rea Nolan Martin

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch

Love knows no virtue, no merit; it loves and forgives and tolerates everything because it must. We are not guided by reason ... — Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Jim Butcher

Love is patient. Love is kind. Love always forgives, trusts, supports, and endures. Love never fails. When every star in the heavens grows cold, and when silence lies once more on the face of the deep, three things will endure: faith, hope, and love. — Jim Butcher

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Friedrich Nietzsche

Love forgives the lover even his lust. — Friedrich Nietzsche

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Gilbert Morris

No, I don't believe it," Joseph said. "From listening to my father and grandfather talk about El Shaddai, I think he's different from the gods of Egypt. I think that none of us could ever be good enough for God. I think of Him as being so good that a human can't even enter His presence. A man would die if he did. I think God's merciful, Rashidi. I think he forgives us because he loves us, just as we forgive our children because we love them.
"Rashidi's eyes brightened. "A God that loves people! Now there's a new thought! — Gilbert Morris

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Ted Dekker

So where does Stan fit in this equation? ...
We are told to meditate on scripture, even the hald that details the consequences of evil, the consequent of Jericho and all. Not to pretend out God has somehow changed since the time of Christ. Obviously, Paul's idea of admirable and noble is quite different from ours. God forgives us, Bill. We have mocked His victory by whitewashing the enemy for the sake of our neighbirs approval.
No Greater Love has any man ... — Ted Dekker

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch

Love knows no virtue, no profit; it loves and forgives and suffers
everything, because it must. It is not our judgment that leads us;
it is neither the advantages nor the faults which we discover, that
make us abandon ourselves, or that repel us.
It is a sweet, soft, enigmatic power that drives us on. We cease to
think, to feel, to will; we let ourselves be carried away by it, and
ask not whither? — Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Viktor E. Frankl

The more one forgives himself - by giving himself to a cause to serve or another person to love - the more human he is and the more he actualizes himself. — Viktor E. Frankl

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Pope Francis

What has the Cross left in each of us? You see, it gives us a treasure that no one else can give: the certainty of the faithful love which God has for us. A love so great that it enters into our sin and forgives it, enters into our suffering and gives us the strength to bear it. It is a love which enters into death to conquer it and save us. — Pope Francis

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By C.S. Lewis

Love may, indeed, love the beloved when her beauty is lost: but not because it is lost. Love may forgive all infirmities and love still in spite of them: but Love cannot cease to will their removal. Love is more sensitive than hatred itself to every blemish in the beloved ... Of all powers he forgives most, but he condones least: he is pleased with little, but demands all. — C.S. Lewis

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Dan B. Allender

God is continually, literally, second-by-second covering our sin under His Son's blood and forgiving us our sins. God cannot love us unless He forgives us and cannot forgive us without a commitment to love us. — Dan B. Allender

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Angie McKeon

It doesn't come in pretty packages. Sometimes it dents and bruises and does things it regrets, but it also forgives, shows mercy, and supports. It soothes and fights to the death. — Angie McKeon

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Mark Hart

I'm a sinner. I don't always love God as strongly as I could or as directly as I should. Ash Wednesday reminds me that it is only through God that I have life; He gave it to me. God forgives. He loves. And He gives this sinner a second chance. Put simply: my God kicks ash. — Mark Hart

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Chelsea Fine

Not the kind you see in the movies or hear about on the radio.
The real kind.
The kind that gets beaten down and bloody, yet perseveres.
The kind that hopes even when hope seems foolish.
The kind that can forgives. The kind that believes in healing.
The kind that can sit in silence and feel renewed.
The real kind of love.
It's rare and we have it.. — Chelsea Fine

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Nityananda Das

Love melts. Love heals. Love unites. Love forgives. A Divine Union that goes beyond time and space, that's what I'm looking for - — Nityananda Das

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Preston Sprinkle

The idea that there is an unconditional love that relieves the pressure, forgives our failures, and replaces our fear with faith seems too good to be true. — Preston Sprinkle

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Giovanni Ruffini

Offended self-love never forgives. — Giovanni Ruffini

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By William Penn

Force may subdue, but love gains, and he that forgives first wins the laurel. — William Penn

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Debasish Mridha

True love never wants to get, just give.
True love never can hurt because it always forgives. — Debasish Mridha

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By William Penn

They must first judge themselves, that presume to censure others: And such will not be apt to overshoot the Mark. We are too ready to retaliate, rather than forgive, or gain by Love and Information. And yet we could hurt no Man that we believe loves us. Let us then try what Love will do: For if Men did once see we Love them, we should soon find they would not harm us. Force may subdue, but Love gains: And he that forgives first, wins the [Laurel]. If I am even with my Enemy, the Debt is paid; but if I forgive it, I oblige him for ever. [From Fruits of Solitude, 1693] — William Penn

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Jim George

God is love - He is gracious and forgives. — Jim George

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Nando Parrado

You are angry at the God you were taught to believe in as a child. The God who is supposed to watch over you and protect you, who answers your prayers and forgives your sins. This God is just a story. Religions try to capture God, but God is beyond religion. The true God lies beyond our comprehension. We can't understand His will; He can't be explained in a book. He didn't abandon us and He will not save us. He has nothing to do with our being here. God does not change. He simply is. I don't pray to God for forgiveness or favors, I only pray to be closer to Him, and when I pray, I fill my heart with love. When I pray this way, I know that God is love. When I feel that love, I remember that we don't need angels or a heaven, because we are a part of God already. — Nando Parrado

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Philip Yancey

A human being is not someone who once in a while makes a mistake, and God is not someone who now and then forgives. No, human beings are sinners and God is love. — Philip Yancey

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Paulo Coelho

There are two gods. The god our teachers teach us about, and the God who teaches us. The god about whom people usually talk, and the God who talks to us. The god we learn to fear, and the God who speaks to us of mercy. The god who is somewhere up on high, and the God who is here in our daily lives. The god who demands punishment, and the God who forgives us our trespasses. The god who threatens us with the torments of Hell, and the God who shows us the true path.
There are two gods. A god who casts us off because of our sins, and a God who calls to us with His love. — Paulo Coelho

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Charles R. Swindoll

Every one of us can blame somebody for something that has happened in our lives. But don't waste your time. What we need most is a steady stream of love flowing among us. Love that quickly forgives, willingly overlooks, and refuses to take offense. — Charles R. Swindoll

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Theophan The Recluse

"Love covers a multitude of sins," (I Pet. 4:8). That is, for love towards one's neighbor, God forgives the sins of the one who loves. — Theophan The Recluse

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By T.F. Hodge

Better to be blinded by love than hate; one forgives and the other refuses. — T.F. Hodge

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Matt Eachus

We're all sinners separated from a holy God. Because of our sin, we're under a death sentence, and we can't fix the problem by simply trying to be good. But out of his great love for us, God sent his Son, Jesus, to pay the penalty for our sins. Jesus died on the cross to reconcile us to God, and he was raised from the dead to give us new life in him. If we accept Jesus by faith, God forgives our sins and promises us eternal life. That's good news! And that's the message of the gospel. — Matt Eachus

Love Forgives All Things Quotes By Anonymous

God's Love EXPLANATION: Just as Hosea went after his unfaithful wife to bring her back, so the Lord pursues us with his love. His love is tender, loyal, unchanging, and undying. No matter what, God still loves us. IMPORTANCE: Have you forgotten God and become disloyal to him? Don't let prosperity diminish your love for him or let success blind you to your need for his love. Restoration EXPLANATION: Although God will discipline his people for sin, he encourages and restores those who have repented. True repentance opens the way to a new beginning. God forgives and restores. IMPORTANCE: There is still hope for those who turn back to God. No loyalty, achievement, or honor can be compared to loving him. Turn to the Lord while the offer is still good. No matter how far you have strayed, God is willing to forgive you. — Anonymous