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Quotes & Sayings About Love Fades Away

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Top Love Fades Away Quotes

Love Fades Away Quotes By Andreas Butler

Listen. The letter that's written but never gets sent, the tweets that were tweeted but not really meant; the whispers once whispered get lost in the fray, they shout and shout but the noise fades away; the thoughts that live on entirely in minds, the worlds of difference in how thoughts are aligned; the screams and the anguish, the love and the fear, the chains and the tethers, the shackles and spears, one day it all lifts, and we pause to revere, the real, the ideal, the love that we hear. — Andreas Butler

Love Fades Away Quotes By Milan Kundera

But just make someone who has fallen in love listen to his stomach rumble, and the unity of body and soul, that lyrical illusion of the age of science , instantly fades away. — Milan Kundera

Love Fades Away Quotes By Angela Richardson

This is what happens when soul mates finally join as one. The stars align, the heavens sing, and everything else fades away. You know you'll always have strength in your heart, and courage in your eyes. — Angela Richardson

Love Fades Away Quotes By Edmund Spenser

The whiles some one did chaunt this louely lay;
Ah see, who so faire thing doest faine to see,
In springing flowre the image of thy day;
Ah see the Virgin Rose, how sweetly shee
Doth first peepe forth with bashfull modestee,
That fairer seemes, the lesse ye see her may;
Lo see soone after, how more bold and free
Her bared bosome she doth broad display;
Loe see soone after, how she fades, and falles away.

So passeth, in the passing of a day,
Of mortall life the leafe, the bud, the flowre,
Ne more doth flourish after first decay,
That earst was sought to decke both bed and bowre,
Of many a Ladie, and many a Paramowre:
Gather therefore the Rose, whilest yet is prime,
For soone comes age, that will her pride deflowre:
Gather the Rose of love, whilest yet is time,
Whilest louing thou mayst loued be with equall crime. — Edmund Spenser

Love Fades Away Quotes By Gayle Forman

And that's just it, isn't it? That's how we manage to survive the loss. Because love, it never dies, it never goes away, it never fades, so long as you hang on to it. — Gayle Forman

Love Fades Away Quotes By Vanessa L. Williams

Love breaks your heart, love takes no less than everything. Love makes it hard, and it fades away so easily. — Vanessa L. Williams

Love Fades Away Quotes By Lysious

True love never dies for it is lust that fades away. Love bonds for a lifetime but lust just pushes away.
-Alicia Barnhart — Lysious

Love Fades Away Quotes By Stevie Nicks

For me ... it's the only life
That I've ever known
And love is only one ...
Fine star ... away
Even though the living
Is sometimes laced with lies ...
It's alright ...
The feeling remains
Even after the glitter fades — Stevie Nicks

Love Fades Away Quotes By Dan Wells

Feelings aren't good or bad. They're just weak or strong. Love, for example, is weak: someone loves you, you love them back, you're happy for a while, and then it fades away. But if one of those lovers betrays the other, then you have a real emotion - then you have something powerful, something that leaves a mark you'll never be rid of. Betrayal is the most delicious of all, but it takes a while to set it up, and fear can be just as intense if you know what you're doing. — Dan Wells

Love Fades Away Quotes By Alessandra Torre

I love you, Chloe. Everything else fades away from that. — Alessandra Torre

Love Fades Away Quotes By Aleksandra Ninkovic

You went from my life right into my dreams,
i can hardly tell,If i'm cursed or blessed ;
I am sure things aren't always as they seem,
but i drift away,mesmerized, possessed.

Memories i have uncertain and fragile,
Is what i have left and i have no peace,
At dawn fades away,all that i imagine,
i crave for your closeness,i need more then this.

Perhaps you are meant to guide and inspire,
to be ever timeless in the veil of mist,
flowing through my being in flaming desire,
the one i can't reach and cannot resist.

My darling,unique,outstanding perfection,
so utterly complex you can't be recreated,
I may be unworthy of your smallest fraction,
But you've never loved,nor anticipated.

Every great passion is a work of fiction,
when we long for something that we cannot find,
Single thought of you is like an addiction,
yet,you're not exalted,except in my mind. — Aleksandra Ninkovic

Love Fades Away Quotes By Francesco Petrarca

Everything else, every thought, goes fore and forever fades away into the recesses of time, and therein what remains is my soul's love for you. — Francesco Petrarca

Love Fades Away Quotes By Riley Jean

When you're young, experiencing new relationships and first loves, nobody really knows what they're doing. We chase the butterflies and try to capture the perfect moments. But the more you grow, the more you realize that's not what it's all about. Love becomes real when the ideal fades away. When that one person becomes more important than yourself. When you make the decision that no matter the cost, you'll never stop fighting for them. When you can face each other, scarred and unashamed in this dark, lonely world, and feel like you're finally home.
Until we are ready to love with all our hearts, all our minds, and all our souls, we are nothing but lonesome people, just looking to use somebody. — Riley Jean

Love Fades Away Quotes By Angela Richardson

Our world were both dark, and nothing would be normal, but together we would make our own world filled with light and love. This is what happens when soul mates finally join as one. The stars align, the heavens sing, and everything else fades away. — Angela Richardson

Love Fades Away Quotes By Kabir

The guest is inside you, and also inside me;
you know the sprout is hidden inside the seed.
We are all struggling; none of us has gone far.
Let your arrogance go, and look around inside.
The blue sky opens out farther and farther,
the daily sense of failure goes away,
the damage I have done to myself fades,
a million suns come forward with light,
when I sit firmly in that world.
I hear bells ringing that no one has shaken,
inside "love" there is more joy than we know of,
rain pours down, although the sky is clear of clouds,
there are whole rivers of light.
The universe is shot through in all parts by a single sort of love.
How hard it is to feel that joy in all our four bodies!
Those who hope to be reasonable about it fail.
The arrogance of reason has separated us from that love.
With the word "reason" you already feel miles away. — Kabir

Love Fades Away Quotes By Jack Canfield

Turtledoves They walk along together, A couple holding hands And never caring whether The sight of them demands Responses less than seemly: A point, a laugh, a stare. Her hazel eyes are dreamy; He loses himself there. Time melts away, revealing A boy and girl in love. With poplars for a ceiling, Heralded by doves, They stroll the cobbled pathway, A golden life ahead. The vision fades. It's today, And standing there instead, Forever by his side, Is the woman he adores. He cherishes his bride More deeply than before In spite of all the creases, The creaks and silver strands. He knows nothing but peace as They wander, holding hands. Erin McCarty — Jack Canfield

Love Fades Away Quotes By Peco Gaskovski

Love never lasts. Love is like a suntan--it either burns you or it fades away. — Peco Gaskovski

Love Fades Away Quotes By Aziz Ansari

Companionate love is neurologically different from passionate love. Passionate love always spikes early, then fades away, while companionate love is less intense but grows over time. And, whereas passionate love lights up the brain's pleasure centers, companionate love is associated with the regions having to do with long-term bonding and relationships. Anthropologist Helen Fisher, the author of Anatomy of Love and one of the most cited scholars in the study of sex and — Aziz Ansari

Love Fades Away Quotes By Jacopone Da Todi

What happens to the drop of wine
That you pour into the sea?
Does it remain itself, unchanged?
It is as if it never existed.
So it is with the soul: Love drinks it in,
It is united with Truth,
Its old nature fades away,
It is no longer master of itself.
The soul wills and yet does not will:
Its will belongs to Another.
It has eyes only for this beauty;
It no longer seeks to possess, as was its wont
It lacks the strength to possess such sweetness.
The base of this highest of peaks
Is founded on nichil,
Shaped nothingness, made one with the Lord. — Jacopone Da Todi

Love Fades Away Quotes By Farzana Zahid

True love has nothing to do with physical contacts. True love is bound with the souls of two lovers. There are no meetings or partings when two hearts are beating in love. The distance between them fades away and what remains is the nearness of the souls. — Farzana Zahid

Love Fades Away Quotes By Leigh Hershkovich

If you're not happy, then something is wrong. A person comes into the world as a happy being, yet over time, the happiness fades away and they find themselves in this bubble of anxiety and misery all the time. And it's a comfortable place to stay, so they end up hanging out in this bubble for years and years before it suddenly dawns on them that life is meant to be happy. And, it is. It's just that they're too busy getting caught up in worry and stress to notice that life is magnificent and beautiful. Being alive is good. Being alive should already make you happy. — Leigh Hershkovich

Love Fades Away Quotes By Anna Godbersen

It occurred to him, for the first time, that it did unflattering things to a person when affection was taken away from them. For there had been a time when she had seemed gorgeous, and fun, and all of her naughtiness had had for him a kind of irresistible pull. It was only after he decided he didn't want her anymore that she became a shrew, and obliterated his memory of the girl she used to be. — Anna Godbersen

Love Fades Away Quotes By Susan Polis Schutz

The most painful love there is, is the love left unshown
A love that cannot be expressed, affection left unknown
The love that withholds touching,afraid of what it would say
And the most painful thing about unexpressed love is..,
it never fades away — Susan Polis Schutz

Love Fades Away Quotes By Nikita Dudani

Love is like liquor. In love, u feel high as u feel when you drink too much alcohol. It stays in your head for some time, making u tipsy n turvy and disconnected with everything. But just like it's effect fades away slowly and slowly, aching your every nerve so does the after effects of falling out of love. No drug can soothe it away. — Nikita Dudani

Love Fades Away Quotes By Christina Rossetti

This life is but the passage of a day,
This life is but a pang and all is over;
But in the life to come which fades not away
Every love shall abide and every lover. — Christina Rossetti

Love Fades Away Quotes By Marcel Proust

However, since I'm jealous only of pleasure, since it's my body that's jealous, since what I'm jealous of is not her heart, not her happiness, which I wish for her to find with the person most capable of making her happy; when my body fades away, when my soul gets the better of my flesh, when I am gradually detached from material things as on a past evening when I was very ill, when I no longer wildly desire the body and when I love the soul all the more - at that point I will no longer be jealous. Then I will truly love. — Marcel Proust

Love Fades Away Quotes By Lev Grossman

A new thought happens and a new plant springs up. A feeling fades away and the plant dies. Some of the more common ones are always in bloom - fear, anger, happiness, love, envy. They're quite unruly, they grow like weeds. Certain basic mathematical ideas never go away either. But others are quite rare. Complex concepts, extreme or subtle emotions. Awe and wonder are harder to find than they once were. — Lev Grossman

Love Fades Away Quotes By Tim McGraw

Like an old photograph, time can make a feeling fade, but the memory of a first love never fades away. — Tim McGraw

Love Fades Away Quotes By Janvier Chouteu-Chando

There are people who bring joy to our lives, but who fail to make us happy. They are the people for the moment. Never rely on their love because it is not sustainable. Their love is alike a comet that illuminates the sky, but then fades away because it lacks the sustainable energy of the sun. — Janvier Chouteu-Chando

Love Fades Away Quotes By Chirag Tulsiani

Someday, the people we know, are acquainted to become the people we knew. They leave. They leave to pursue the opportunities laid down in their paths and they leave on account of misunderstandings.
Their absence causes a vacuum, a space, an incompleteness which we believe no one can fill. But someday, someone eventually does and that someone rekindles our hopes for companionship, until the circle continues and is ultimately intervened by the permanence of death.
The future is alarming, as atrocious as the past. And the friendship, the love, the memories either remain in our hearts cherished or are forgotten like an undeserving dream.
Everything eventually fades away, either for the better or worse.
Someday, the people we know, are acquainted to become the people we knew.
But then again, that someday is not today and so we must be a little more appreciative, for the moment, for the times, for the present because someday everything is going to change. — Chirag Tulsiani

Love Fades Away Quotes By Angela Richardson

Our worlds were both dark, and nothing would be normal, but together we would make our own world filled with light and love. This is what happens when soul mates finally join as one. The stars align, the heavens sing, and everything else fades away. You know you'll always have strength in your heart, and courage in your eyes. Our future wouldn't be normal, and would be different from the rest, but no less perfect. — Angela Richardson

Love Fades Away Quotes By Gayle Forman

Love, it never dies. It never goes away, it never fades, so long as you hang on to it. Love can make you immortal — Gayle Forman

Love Fades Away Quotes By Nomthandazo Tsembeni

You Don't Need To Be Anyone's Reflection,
Neither Do You Need To Be Anyone's Reason For Perfection.
If You Find Love,
Let It Allow You To Be Yourself,
Let It Not Define You.
Let It Be The Reason Someone Believes In Love Again,
Not The Reason You Smile.
Let It Warm Your Heart,
And When It Fades Away,
Allow It Not Lead You Astray,
Let It Go And Never Force It To Stay.
Because True Love Neither Dies Nor Leaves,
It Stays With Us For The Rest Of Our Lives. — Nomthandazo Tsembeni