Quotes & Sayings About Love Chuck Palahniuk
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Top Love Chuck Palahniuk Quotes

Friendship is what really resolves and mitigates loneliness while not compromising the self in the way that love does, romantic love does. — Chuck Palahniuk

If it comes down to a choice between being unloved and being vulnerable and sensitive and emotional, then you can just keep your love. — Chuck Palahniuk

Cassie Wright's largest audience, the only part of her audience still growing, is composed of sixteen-to-twenty-five-year-old men. These men buy her backlist movies, her plastic breast relics and pocket vaginas, but not for any erotic purpose. They collect the blow-up sex surrogates and signature lingerie as some form of religious relics. Souvenirs of the real mother, the perfect mother they never had. Frankenstein parts or religious totems of the mother they'll spend the rest of their lives trying to find -who'll praise them enough, support them enough, love them enough. — Chuck Palahniuk

There are worse things you can do to the people you love than kill them. The regular way is just to watch the world do it. Just read the newspaper. — Chuck Palahniuk

It doesn't matter for crap that you've got three years of sobriety or that you finally look good in a two-piece bathing suit or you've met that perfect someone and you've fallen deeply, wildly, passionately in love. Today, as you pick up your dry cleaning, fax those reports, fold your laundry, or wash the dinner dishes, something you'd never expect is already stalking you. — Chuck Palahniuk

I love the power of words - no music or special effects - and I want to demonstrate that power. — Chuck Palahniuk

That old saying, how you always kill the one you love, well, look, it works both ways. — Chuck Palahniuk

All object printed: Love me. Look me. Million speaking objects,begging. Crown American consumer with power of king, to rescue choose and give home or abandon here for expire. — Chuck Palahniuk

Please know that there are much better things in life than being lonely or liked or bitter or mean or self conscious. We are all full of shit. Go love someone just because, I know your heart may be badly bruised, or even the victim of numerous knifings but it will always heal even if you don't want it to, it keeps going. There are the most fantastic, beautiful things and people out there, I promise. It's up to you to find them. — Chuck Palahniuk

What I want is to be needed. What I need is to be indispensable to somebody. Who I need is somebody that will eat up all my free time, my ego, my attention. Somebody addicted to me. A mutual addiction. — Chuck Palahniuk

Rant goes, "Really, truly with her whole entire heart, does Echo hate somebody?"
I go, doesn't Rant mean "love"?
And Rant shrugs and says, "Ain't it the same thing? — Chuck Palahniuk

That quest for something pretty. A cheat. A cliche. Flowers and Christmas lights, it's what we're programmed to love. — Chuck Palahniuk

Some of us are lucky enough to fall in love once or twice but the luckiest of us are those who find that someone they simply can't live without and have the pleasure of falling in love with them day in and day out for the rest of their lives. Relationships aren't about simply falling in love once and being done with it, they're about loving someone until the end of your days and growing that love endlessly. — Chuck Palahniuk

There's a famous quote regarding Polanski. Perhaps Jack Nicholson said it, perhaps someone else, but it goes, "Polanski is the five-foot Pole I wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole." So, yes, the world seems to despise him. I, however, love his work. It's so much funnier and well-constructed than the pompous stuff of Kubrick. Polanski balances between camp and horror in much the same way Billy Wilder did. — Chuck Palahniuk

To be honest, I keep wishing we could all talk. Chew the fat. And, yes, I know that wishing is another symptom of hope, but I can't help it. As we amble along, trudging over steaming brimstone beds of sulfur and coal, I want to ask if anyone else feels an intense sense of shame. By dying, do they feel as if they've disappointed everyone who ever bothered to love them? After all the effort that so many people made to raise them, to feed and teach them, do Archer or Leonard or Babette feel a crushing sense of having failed their loved ones? Do they worry that dying constitutes the biggest sin they could possibly commit? — Chuck Palahniuk

I thought we were a real love relationship. I did. I was very invested in love, but it was just this long long sex thing that could end at any moment because after all, it's just about getting off. Almost all the time, you tell yourself you're loving somebody when you're just using them. This only looks like love. — Chuck Palahniuk

No way could I fall in love. I just couldn't go there yet. Settle for less. I didn't want to process through anything. I didn't want to pick up any pieces. Lower my expectations. — Chuck Palahniuk

No, we love war.
War. Starvation. Plague. They fast-track us to enlightenment.
"It's the mark of a very, very young soul," Mr. Whittier used to say, "to try and fix the world. To try and save anyone from their ration of misery."
We have always loved war. We are born knowing that war is why we're here. And we love disease. Cancer. We love earthquakes. In this amusement-park fun house we call the planet earth, Mr. Whittier says we adore forest fires. Oil spills. Serial killers. — Chuck Palahniuk

You had to risk your life to get love. You had to get right to the edge of death to ever be saved. — Chuck Palahniuk

People fall so in love with their pain, they can't leave it behind. The same as the stories they tell. We trap ourselves. — Chuck Palahniuk

My one true love. My deformed or mutilated or diseased prince charming. My unhappily ever after. My hideous future. The monstrous rest of my life. — Chuck Palahniuk

No matter how much you love someone, you still want to have you own way. — Chuck Palahniuk

I still love him so much I'll hide any amount of conjugated estrogen in his food. So much I'll do anything to destroy him. — Chuck Palahniuk

I really love idiot, enlightened characters - these characters who fail to engage with the drama of their immediate circumstances; they fail to be reactive and enrolled by drama as it happens around them. — Chuck Palahniuk

The paradox of being a professional artist. How we spend our lives trying to express ourselves well, but we have nothing to tell. We want creativity to be a system of cause and effect. Results. Marketable product. We want dedication and discipline to equal recognition and reward. We get on our art school treadmill, our graduate program for a master's in fine arts, and practice, practice, practice. With all our excellent skills, we have nothing special to document. .... Nothing pisses us off more than when some strung-out drug addict, a lazy bum, or a slobbering pervert creates a masterpiece. As if by accident. Some idiot who's not afraid to say what they really love. — Chuck Palahniuk

I've met God across his long walnut desk with his diplomas hanging on the wall behind him, and God asks me, "Why?"
Why did I cause so much pain?
Didn't I realize that each of us is a sacred, unique snowflake of special unique specialness?
Can't I see how we're all manifestations of love?
I look at God behind his desk, taking notes on a pad, but God's got this all wrong.
We are not special.
We are not crap or trash, either.
We just are.
We just are, and what happens just happens.
And God says, "No, that's not right."
Yeah. Well. Whatever. You can't teach God anything. — Chuck Palahniuk

As the cubs slept, Peggy licked their burnt-orange coats clean and watched over them diligently. The way she looked at them as they slept, you knew she would do anything to protect them. Even with only one good paw. Even if it meant she would have to sacrifice her own life to keep them safe. Witnessing that kind of unconditional love was a miracle of nature. Moments like those are what made me want to become a vet. Secretly, — Chuck Palahniuk

God should be able to wink that good. Like somebody taking your picture. Give me joy. Give me fun. Give me love.
Flash. — Chuck Palahniuk

Six hundred and forty fish later, the only thing I know is everything you love will die. The first time you meet someone special, you can count on them one day being dead and in the ground. — Chuck Palahniuk

Just because it's anal intercourse doesn't mean it's not love. — Chuck Palahniuk

I am not loved. I am not a beautiful soul. I am not a good-natured, giving person. I am not anybody's savior. — Chuck Palahniuk

We love drama. We love conflict. We need a devil or we'll create one.
None of that is bad. It's just the way human beings operate. — Chuck Palahniuk

This isn't about love and hate, Helen says. It's about control. People don't sit down and read a poem to kill their child. They just want the child to
sleep. They just want to dominate. No matter how much you love someone, you still want to have your own way. The masochist bullies the sadist into
action. The most passive person is actually an aggressor. — Chuck Palahniuk

No matter how much you think you love somebody, you'll step back when the pool of their blood edges up too close. — Chuck Palahniuk

Find joy in everything you choose to do. Every job, relationship, home ... it's your responsibility to love it, or change it. — Chuck Palahniuk

Shot Dunyun: No bullshit, but I never leave the house without a mix for anything: Falling in love. Witnessing a death. Disappointment. Impatience. Traffic. I carry a mix for any human condition. Anything really good or bad happens to me, and my way not to overreact - like, to distance my emotions - is to locate the exact perfect sound track for that moment. Even the night Rant died, my automatic first thought was: Philip Glass's Violin Concerto II, or Ravel's Piano Concerto in G Major? — Chuck Palahniuk

I love and adore all of my family, except when I'm with them. — Chuck Palahniuk

Power, money, food, sex, love. Can we ever get enough, or will getting some make us crave even more? — Chuck Palahniuk

You must be kidding." She says, "Having the power of life and death isn't enough. You
must wonder what other poems are in that book."
Hitting me as fast as a hiccup, me resting my weight on my good foot, just staring at her, I say no.
She says, "Maybe you can live forever."
And I say no.
And she says, "Maybe you can make anyone love you."
And she says, "Maybe you can turn straw into gold."
And I say no and turn on my heel.
"Maybe you could bring about world peace," she says. — Chuck Palahniuk

This is your last chance, honey," Brandy says, and her blood is getting all over the place. She says, "Do you love me?" It's when folks ask questions like this that you lose the spotlight. — Chuck Palahniuk

Don't do this. I love you. Don't shut me out. — Chuck Palahniuk

You love me. You ignore me. You save my life, then you cook my mother into soap. — Chuck Palahniuk

I came to Party Crashing because accidents happen. People you love will die. Nothing you treasure will last forever. And I need to accept and embrace that fact. — Chuck Palahniuk

Experts in ancient Greek culture say that people back then didn't see their thoughts as belonging to them. When ancient Greeks had a thought, it occurred to them as a god or goddess giving an order. Apollo was telling them to be brave. Athena was telling them to fall in love.
Now people hear a commercial for sour cream potato chips and rush out to buy, but now they call this free will.
At least the ancient Greeks were being honest. — Chuck Palahniuk

The damaged love the damaged. — Chuck Palahniuk

That saying, about how you always kill the thing you love, well, it works both ways. — Chuck Palahniuk

Make me into anything, but just love me. — Chuck Palahniuk

Your folks are god, you love them and you want to make them happy but you still want to make up your own rules. — Chuck Palahniuk

There are worse things you can do to people you love than kill them. — Chuck Palahniuk

That old saying, about how you always kill the thing you love, well, it works both ways. And it does work both ways. — Chuck Palahniuk

Romance ... affection ... these are what give our lives value. They justify all the suffering of life. My goal is to always reinvent heroic romances and present larger-than-life characters that will inspire readers to fall in love and expand their own lives. — Chuck Palahniuk

If you love something set it free, but don't be surprised if it comes back with herpes. — Chuck Palahniuk

Anybody's true nature is bullshit. There is no human soul. Emotion is bullshit. Love is bullshit. — Chuck Palahniuk

We fight wars. We fight for peace. We fight hunger. We love to fight. We fight and fight and fight, with our guns or mouths or money. And the planet is never one lick better than it was before us. — Chuck Palahniuk

It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't love. — Chuck Palahniuk

Ok. You fuck me, then snub me. You love me, you hate me. You show me a sensitive side, then you turn into a total asshole. Is this a pretty accurate description of our relationship. — Chuck Palahniuk

We have pain and hate and love and joy and war in the world because we want them. — Chuck Palahniuk

Overrun with Goths wearing sandals and soaking lentils at home, the future I wanted is gone. The future I was promised. Everything I expected. The way everything was supposed to turn out. Happiness and peace and love and comfort. — Chuck Palahniuk

Completely and totally, permanently and without hope, forever and ever I love Brandy Alexander.
And that's enough. — Chuck Palahniuk

I love everything about Tyler Durden, his courage and his smarts. His nerve. Tyler is funny and charming and forceful and independent, and men look up to him and expect him to change their world. Tyler is capable and free, and I am not. — Chuck Palahniuk

I'm living the life I love, I tell myself, and loving the life I live. I tell myself: I deserved this. This is exactly what I wanted. — Chuck Palahniuk

How could you ever bring yourself to love so deeply if you truly knew how brief a lifetime could be? — Chuck Palahniuk

I'm giving you my life to prove to myself I can, I really can love somebody. Even when I'm not getting paid, I can give love and happiness and charm. You see, I can handle the baby food and the not talking and being homeless and invisible, but I have to know that I can love somebody. Completely and totally, permanently and without hope of reward, just as an act of will, I will love somebody. — Chuck Palahniuk

Real writers write because they love to write. They don't write for public acclaim. — Chuck Palahniuk

People accepted the worst from each other, screaming and slapping. Divorce and abortion were never a plot option. If this was love or just inertia, Misty couldn't tell. — Chuck Palahniuk

Love is bullshit. Emotion is bullshit. I am a rock. A jerk. I'm an uncaring asshole and proud of it. — Chuck Palahniuk

The only funny part about Colonial Dunsboro is maybe it's too authentic, but for all the wrong reasons. This whole crowd of losers and nutcases who hide out here because they can't make it in the real world, in real jobs - isn't this why we left England in the first place? To establish our own alternate reality. Weren't the Pilgrims pretty much the crackpots of their time? For sure, instead of just wanting to believe something different about God's love, the losers I work with want to find salvation through compulsive behaviors. — Chuck Palahniuk

It's just such a big commitment," Brandy says, "being a girl, you know. Forever."
Taking the hormones. For the rest of her life. The pills, the patches, the injections, for the rest of her life. And what if there was
someone, just one person who would love her, who could make her life happy, just the way she was, without the hormones and make-up and the clothes and shoes and surgery? She has to at least look around the world a little. — Chuck Palahniuk

I can manage my own pain. I can drink. I can go to the doctor and get a prescription. I can exercise. I can write a story about it. I've done it a million times! But I don't want to see the people I love tortured and suffering. — Chuck Palahniuk

This isn't so much romance as it is opportunity [victor mancini] — Chuck Palahniuk

You know how they say you only hurt the ones you love? Well, it works both ways. — Chuck Palahniuk

Almost all the time, you tell yourself you're loving somebody when you're just using them. — Chuck Palahniuk

More and more, for the stupid little kid, that was the idea . . .
That if enough people looked at you, you'd never need anybody's attention ever again.
That if someday you were caught, exposed, and revealed enough, then you'd never be able to hide again. There'd be no difference between your public and your private lives.
That if you could acquire enough, accomplish enough, you'd never want to own or do another thing.
That if you could eat or sleep enough, you'd never need more.
That if enough people loved you, you'd stop needing love.
That you could ever be smart enough.
That you could someday get enough sex.
These all became the little boy's new goals. The illusions he'd have for the rest of his life. These were all the promises he saw in the fat man's smile — Chuck Palahniuk

You always kill the one you love. — Chuck Palahniuk

Love is a skill you learn. — Chuck Palahniuk

Everybody looks a little crazy if you're looking close enough and if you can't look that close, then you don't really love them. — Chuck Palahniuk

When you get famous, dinner isn't food anymore; it's twenty ounces of protein, ten ounces of carbohydrates, salt-free, fat-free, sugar-free fuel. This is a meal every two hours, six times a day. Eating isn't about eating anymore. It's about protein assimilation.
It's about cellular rejuvenation cream. Washing is about exfoliation. What used to be breathing is respiration.
I'd be the first to congratulate anybody if they could do a better job of faking flawless beauty and delivering vague inspiring messages:
Calm down. Everyone, breathe deep. Life is good. Be just and kind. Be the love. — Chuck Palahniuk

People in love - with nurturing, attentive non-movie-star parents - they would never invent gravity. Nothing except deep misery leads to real success. — Chuck Palahniuk

And when they're old enough I'm going to tell my little girls that everybody looks a little crazy if you're looking close enough, and if, you can't look that close then you don't really love them. All the while life goes around. And if you keep waiting for somebody perfect you'll never find love, because it's how much you love them is what makes them perfect. — Chuck Palahniuk

It's easy to cry when you realize that everyone you love will reject you or die. — Chuck Palahniuk

Everything you ever love will reject you or die — Chuck Palahniuk

What you have to do is work on yourself. Make yourself attractive through the things you do, the principles you hold dear, and the goals you've set for yourself. Then you can try to get a woman. You can't expect her to love you just because you love her back. That only happens when the woman is weak. — Chuck Palahniuk

Waiters will always pee in soup, people will always fall in love. — Chuck Palahniuk

Give me release.
I'm tired of this world of appearances. Pigs that only look fat. Families that look happy.
Give me deliverance.
From what only looks like generosity. What only looks like love.
Flash. — Chuck Palahniuk

Nothing offers better public relations fodder than something you can rescue and love intensively for a month and then be filmed burying at a lavish funeral. — Chuck Palahniuk

It's amazing what a woman will read into it if you by accident say, I love you. Ten times out of ten, a guy means I love this. — Chuck Palahniuk

That if you could acquire enough, accomplish enough, you'd never want to own or do another thing. That if you could eat or sleep enough, you'd never need more. That if enough people loved you, you'd stop needing love. — Chuck Palahniuk

If you look at old pictures, Irene Casey is so pretty. Not just young, but pretty the way you look when your face goes smooth, the skin around your eyes and lips relaxed, the pretty you only look when you love the person taking the picture. — Chuck Palahniuk

You can't fool people into loving you. — Chuck Palahniuk

The damaged love the damaged. True fact. — Chuck Palahniuk

The people who really, actually loved us, they'd beg us to go. To fulfill our dreams. Practice our craft. And they would love us when we all came back. — Chuck Palahniuk

People have to really suffer before they can risk doing what they love. — Chuck Palahniuk

I'd like to see more stand-up routines venture into depicting tragedy. It's conventional to give people a humorous cathartic release; now I'd love to hear stand-up tragedy that would reduce the audience to exhausted tears. — Chuck Palahniuk

Why should I believe any of this?'
It happens that fast.
I say, because I think I like you.
Marla says, 'Not love?'
This is a cheesy enough moment, I say. Don't push it. — Chuck Palahniuk

Oh love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me. I'll be anybody you want me to be. — Chuck Palahniuk

This isn't about love as in caring. This is about property as in ownership. — Chuck Palahniuk