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Love All Your Imperfections Quotes & Sayings

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Top Love All Your Imperfections Quotes

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Madeline Sheehan

I wasn't always broken; we are all born pure. It is our journey that burdens us and leads us astray. Our mistakes that beat us down and cover us in guilt and shame, burying us a little more with each successive hardship. It is up to us to dig ourselves out, to come to terms with our faults, to embrace not only our imperfections but those of the ones we love, and to once again find the path we strayed from. — Madeline Sheehan

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Esther Perel

Beginnings are always ripe with possibilities, for they hold the promise of completion. Through love we imagine a new way of being. You see me as I've never seen myself. You airbrush my imperfections, and I like what you see. With you, and through you, I will become that which I long to be. I will become whole. Being chosen by the one you chose is one of the glories of falling in love. It generates a feeling of intense personal importance. I matter. You confirm my significance. — Esther Perel

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Michael Bassey Johnson

If you can't ignore imperfections, then your imaginary ideal soulmate will always remain pending till you grow old and die. — Michael Bassey Johnson

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Catherine Anderson

I think I fell in love with you the first time I saw you, Molly mine. And when I look at you, that's all I'm ever going to see, the woman I love. It doesn't matter if you're perfect. To me, you will be, and that's all that counts. It'll be that way always. Even years from now, when you're old and withered, I'll see you with my heart, not my eyes. That's just the way it is when you love someone. The imperfections don't exist. If you see them at all, you think they're beautiful. — Catherine Anderson

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Charles Mathias

The brown bag, of course, had its imperfections. While some kids carried roast beef sandwiches, others had peanut butter. I have no way of knowing if all of those brown bags contained 'nutritionally adequate diets.' But I do know that those brown bags and those lunch pails symbolized parental love and responsibility. — Charles Mathias

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Marianne Williamson

Our divine perfection - not registered by the physical eye but only by the heart's knowing - is who we truly are. Our mortal imperfections - registered by the physical senses - are not who we truly are. Yet we keep trying, in love, to find each other's perfection within the world of imperfection. And it simply is not there. — Marianne Williamson

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Richard Sibbes

Here see the opposite disposition between the holy nature of Christ, and the impure nature of man. Man for a little smoke will quench the light; Christ ever we see cherisheth even the least beginnings. How bare he with the many imperfections of his poor disciples. If he did sharply check them, it was in love, and that they might shine the brighter. Can we have a better pattern to follow than this of him by whom we hope to be saved? — Richard Sibbes

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Cassandra Clare

Clary shut her eyes. You didn't say no to an angel, no matter what it had in mind. Her heart pounding, she sat floating in the darkness behind her eyelids, resolutely trying not to think of Jace. But his face appear against the blank screen of her closed eyelids anyway - not smiling at her but looking sidelong, and she could see the scar at his temple, the uneven curl at the corner of his mouth, and the silver line on his throat where Simon had bitten him - all the marks and flaws and imperfections that made up the person she loved most in the world. Jace. A bright light lit her vision to scarlet, and she fell back against the sand, wondering if she was going to pass out - or maybe she was dying - but she didn't want to die, not now that she could see Jace's face so clearly in front of her. She could almost hear his voice, too, saying her name, the way he'd whispered it at Renwick's, over and over again. Clary. Clary. Clary.
"Clary," Jace said. "Open your eyes. — Cassandra Clare

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Steve Maraboli

Where it Matters
Being with you today is worth all the broken hearts of yesterday. In a flash, all of the stumbling blocks of relationships gone wrong have become the stepping stones to our perfect love.
We fit. I now understand the feeling I used to think was pain that came along with love was actually the discomfort from being in a place I didn't fit.
Thank you for being you ... for sharing your love with me ... for inspiring me to accept myself ... for helping me see the unique beauty in imperfection ... for showing me that love is something you do; something not just to be said, but also to be shown.
I am not perfect; neither are you. I love that!
Our love is perfect. And even though we may not be, our love creates a bridge that spans over our imperfections and joins us where it matters.
I love you! — Steve Maraboli

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Jenny Han

It's the imperfections that make things beautiful — Jenny Han

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Emily Giffin

I once offhandedly mentioned that I wanted to pick out my own ring, something I have to look at every day, but there is something decidedly unromantic and a little bit depressing about having a symbol of love reduced to such scientific classifications - especially classifications focusing on imperfections. — Emily Giffin

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Lisa Unger

When you start to really know someone, all his physical characteristics start to disappear. You begin to dwell in his energy, recognize the scent of his skin. You see only the essence of the person, not the shell. That's why you can't fall in love with beauty. You can lust after it, be infatuated by it, want to own it. You can love it with your eyes and body but not your heart. And that's why, when you really connect with a person's inner self, any physical imperfections disappear, become irrelevant. — Lisa Unger

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Jay Crownover

Love is never perfect, big brother. It's what you make of the imperfections in it that makes the ride worthwhile. — Jay Crownover

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By A.G. Howard

I don't want those things from you. I love your faults and imperfections. Your kind heart. The scars that match mine, and the struggles to find ourselves. I want your humanness. Nothing else. — A.G. Howard

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Tessa Dare

I know how mirrors work. They're all in league with the cosmetics trade. They tell a woman lies. Drawing her gaze from one imagined flaw to another, until all she sees is a constellation of imperfections. If you could get outside yourself, borrow my eyes for just an instant ... There is only beauty. — Tessa Dare

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By L.R. Knost

Parenting has nothing to do with perfection. Perfection isn't even the goal, not for us, not for our children. Learning together to live well in an imperfect world, loving each other despite or even because of our imperfections, and growing as humans while we grow our little humans, those are the goals of gentle parenting. So don't ask yourself at the end of the day if you did everything right. Ask yourself what you learned and how well you loved, then grow from your answer. That is perfect parenting. — L.R. Knost

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Tyler Cowen

Our love of art is often quite temporary, dependent upon our moods, and our love of art is subservient to our demand for a positive self-image. How we look at art should account for those imperfections and work around them. — Tyler Cowen

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By John Lennon

We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create — John Lennon

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Fredrik Backman

At first you fall in love with all the new things, amazed every morning that all this belongs to you, as if fearing that someone would suddenly come rushing in through the door to explain that a terrible mistake had been made, you weren't actually supposed to live in a wonderful place like this. Then over the years the walls become weathered, the wood splinters here and there, and you start to love that house not so much because of all its perfection, but rather for its imperfections. You get to know all the nooks and crannies. How to avoid getting the key caught in the lock when it's cold outside. Which of the floorboards flex slightly when one steps on them or exactly how to open the wardrobe doors without them creaking. These are the little secrets that make it your home. Ove, — Fredrik Backman

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Fredrik Backman

Loving someone is like moving into a house. At first you fall in love with all the new things, amazed every morning that all this belongs to you, as if fearing that someone would suddenly come rushing in through the door to explain that a terrible mistake had been made, you weren't actually supposed to live in a wonderful place like this. Then over the years the walls become weathered, the wood splinters here and there, and you start to love that house not so much because of all its perfection, but rather its imperfections. You get to know all the nooks and crannies. How to avoid getting the key caught in the lock when it's cold outside. Which of the floorboards flex slightly when one steps on them or exactly how to open the wardrobe doors without their creaking. These are the little secrets that make it your home. — Fredrik Backman

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Reinhold Niebuhr

Perhapsthemost sublimeinsights oftheJewishprophets and the Christian gospel is the knowledge that since perfection is love, the apprehension of perfection is at once the means of seeing one's imperfections and the consoling assurance of grace which makes this realization bearable. This ultimate paradox of high religion is not an invention of theologians or priests. It is constantly validated by the most searching experiences of life. — Reinhold Niebuhr

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Helena Hunting

There are no refunds and no exchanges with love. It comes with flaws and imperfections. It's raw, unfiltered, and sometimes it isn't easy. But I've found the best things in this life are the ones I've had to work hardest for. — Helena Hunting

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Zoe Heller

Joel, for all his talk of communal childrearing and tribes, deeply resented the idea that Lenny should have succeeded in evoking Audrey's passion where her 'real' children had failed. 'Karla and Rosa are your flesh and blood,' he would chide her. But these appeals to sanguine loyalty missed the point, she felt. If anything, the fact that Lenny was not hers made it easier to love him. As the coauthor of Karla and Rosa, she could not help but look upon them with the dissatisfied eye of an artist assessing her own flawed handiwork. Lenny, on the other hand, was an unsolicited donation: she was free to enjoy the gift of him without any burden of genetic responsibility for his imperfections. She had chosen to love him. The disparity in her feelings toward her daughters and her son was regrettable, but it was not something that was her gift to correct. — Zoe Heller

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By John Lennon

There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life. — John Lennon

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By San Juan De La Cruz

Some of these beginners, too, make little of their faults, and at other times become over-sad when they see themselves fall into them, thinking themselves to have been saints already; and thus they become angry and impatient with themselves, which is another imperfection. Often they beseech God, with great yearnings, that He will take from them their imperfections and faults, but they do this that they may find themselves at peace, and may not be troubled by them, rather than for God's sake; not realizing that, if He should take their imperfections from them, they would probably become prouder and more presumptuous still. They dislike praising others and love to be praised themselves; sometimes they seek out such praise. Herein they are like the foolish virgins, who, when their lamps could not be lit, sought oil from others. — San Juan De La Cruz

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Keke Palmer

Love yourself. Nobody's perfect. I mean, come on, nobody is perfect. Not you, not your mom, even the people on TV - nobody is perfect, and there's always something that nobody likes, but you know, you just accept that. Your imperfections make you beautiful. It's those things you find you don't like that someone else finds very special and very unique about you. — Keke Palmer

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Michelle Dalton

A perfect person is easy to love. But when somebody likes all your imperfections, well, that's when you know they really mean it. — Michelle Dalton

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Rick Cormier

There is an unspoken agreement in every successful relationship: "I'm not perfect and you're not perfect. I can ignore your imperfections if you can ignore mine. I choose to spend my life in your company. — Rick Cormier

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Matshona Dhliwayo

The Matrimonial Act:

Bless your wife with all of your strength;
she deserves your protection.
Bless your wife with all of your mind;
she deserves your attention.
Bless your wife with all of your heart;
she deserves your affection.
Bless your wife with all of your soul;
she deserves your devotion.
Bless your wife with all of you;
she deserves your adoration.

Accept her suggestions.
Accept her instructions.
Accept her recommendations.
Accept her supplications.
Accept her imperfections.
Accept her ambitions.
Accept her contributions. — Matshona Dhliwayo

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Tyler Cowen

Our time and attention is scarce. Art is not that important to us, no matter what we might like to believe ... Our love of art is often quite temporary, dependent upon our moods, and our love of art is subservient to our demand for a positive self image. How we look at art should account for those imperfections and work around them.
Keep in mind that books, like art museums, are not always geared to the desires of the reader. Maybe we think we are supposed to like tough books, but are we? Who says? Many writers (and art museums) produce for quite a small subsample of the ... public. — Tyler Cowen

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Alexander McCall Smith

We can be confident in our dealings with the world when what the world sees is the outer person, with all the outer person's defences: the intimacy of a love affair is a different matter altogether. And who might not feel just the slightest bit insecure under the gaze of a lover
a gaze which falls on birthmarks, on blemishes physical and psychological, on our imperfections and impatience, on our human vulnerability? — Alexander McCall Smith

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By John Legend

Love your curves and all your edges All your perfect imperfections — John Legend

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Debasish Mridha

In our dreams every man and woman are amazingly perfect, but in reality they have imperfections, so accept it without judgement. — Debasish Mridha

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By San Juan De La Cruz

19. Before the divine fire is introduced into the substance of the soul and united with it through perfect and complete purgation and purity, its flame, which is the Holy Spirit, wounds the soul by destroying and consuming the imperfections of its bad habits. And this is the work of the Holy Spirit, in which he disposes it for divine union and transformation in God through love. The very fire of love that afterward is united with the soul, glorifying it, is what previously assailed it by purging it, just as the fire that penetrates a log of wood is the same that first makes an assault on the wood, wounding it with the flame, drying it out, and stripping it of its unsightly qualities until it is so disposed that it can be penetrated and transformed into the fire. Spiritual writers call this activity the purgative way. — San Juan De La Cruz

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Mehmet Murat Ildan

We love our country, not because it is perfect in everything, but it manages to touch our heart despite all its imperfections in everything! — Mehmet Murat Ildan

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Joseph Campbell

And then he says, "The writer must be true to truth." And that's a killer, because the only way you can describe a human being truly is by describing his imperfections. The perfect human being is uninteresting - the Buddha who leaves the world, you know. It is the imperfections of life that are lovable. And when the writer sends a dart of the true word, it hurts. But it goes with love. This is what Mann called "erotic irony," the love for that which you are killing with your cruel, analytical word. — Joseph Campbell

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Elisa Marie Hopkins

Sometimes you get this look in your eyes, like you've just realized I'm edible."
"Well, I like looking at you." He angles his head. "Do you know what else I like? I like your thoughts, your imperfections, your lips, your sarcasm, your explosions of anger, your intelligence, your strength of character. I like it all. — Elisa Marie Hopkins

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Jenna Moreci

Everyone deserves to feel beautiful. It is your God-given right to look in the mirror and love what you see. Never mind the imperfections -we're all imperfect, after all. But people tend to get so caught up in what they are lacking, they forget to appreciate all that they have. — Jenna Moreci

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Ephelia

And yet I love this false, this worthless man,
With all the passion that a woman can;
Dote on his imperfections, though I spy
Nothing to love; I love, and know not why.

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Hilary Duff

You're so convinced you'll disappoint people if you show them that you're not perfect. You don't realize you are perfect. Your imperfections are what make you perfect. They make you you. That's what people love. It's what I love too. — Hilary Duff

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Demi Lovato

If you don't love yourself for your flaws and imperfections, you can't expect anyone else to either. Sometimes the very thing we are most insecure about is the feature that people like the most about us. You're not supposed to look like everyone else. We are each made differently, so find whatever flaw or imperfection you have and start embracing it because it's part of you. Goal: Be proud of your originality. There's no one else in the world that's like you. — Demi Lovato

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Alyscia Cunningham

Throughout their lifetime, most women learn to be uncomfortable with their physical appearance. They create a
mask of makeup that is intended to "fix" their "imperfections." They identify so much with this mask they reject their true beauty.
Feminine Transitions encourages women to remove their masks and love their true selves, completely. — Alyscia Cunningham

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Angelo Dirks

Friendship love. This is a very special thing. It's the sort of love where you know another being's strengths and weaknesses, perfections and imperfections, and you love the whole package. — Angelo Dirks

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By C.S. Lewis

Love, while always forgiving of imperfections and mistakes, can never cease to will their removal. — C.S. Lewis

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Matthew Donnelly

Observe your imperfections. Love them. Then move through them. — Matthew Donnelly

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Binta Userkaf

I love you because you're you. Neither of us are perfect, but if we put the tiny bit of perfection that we do have together and choose to learn from either others imperfections, that makes us as a whole, perfect. It's like putting together a broken heart. One half can't be a full heart without the other half. — Binta Userkaf

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Misha Glouberman

The idea that love is something magical, almost supernatural, in your heart, that has nothing to do with the day-to-day encounters with a real person
that understanding of love has probably created more unhappiness and ruined more marriages than just about anything.
Love is what happens between people living their lives together, becoming close through contact and actual partnership and it's what survives through difficulties and imperfections. An idealized, imagined, faraway person in your heart
that's not love. That's a daydream. — Misha Glouberman

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Shelina Zahra Janmohamed

love can blind you to their imperfections. — Shelina Zahra Janmohamed

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Alysia Reiner

The more I am able to deeply love and accept my flaws and imperfections, the more I am able to do that with my fellows. — Alysia Reiner

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Lace Vintage

Our Imperfections Are What Make Us Perfect. — Lace Vintage

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Anonymous

A good relationship is with someone who knows all your insecurities and imperfections but still loves you for who you are — Anonymous

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Vironika Tugaleva

Self-love is not the process of ignoring things, paying attention to fewer flaws or forcing yourself to look away from the parts of you that you perceive as ugly or unwanted. Self-love is the process of expanding your awareness, of seeing those flaws and imperfections alongside the incredible potential of the universe flowing within you, alongside the eternal truth of life flowing within your veins in each second, alongside the flickers of creativity and opportunity present within each moment of your existence. Like this, the imperfections persist, but only as lovable quirks, like a bad doorknob on the front door of a cottage in paradise, like a few thorns on a beautiful rose, like a cloud in a sunset. Like this, what was once unwanted becomes essential, memorable, humbling. — Vironika Tugaleva

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Cora Reilly

Love is when you feel safe in someone's arms, when he's the first thing you want to see in the morning, love is surrendering. You risk getting hurt but you don't care. You are willing to give someone the power to break your heart. Love means seeing someone at their worst and still seeing the good in them, love means someone is perfect for you despite their imperfections — Cora Reilly

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By John Geiger

We all experience highs and lows in life. If you are feeling down right now, each second that passes is another moment to turn it all around. Feelings, good and bad, always come and go. The trick is to be grateful when your mood is high and graceful when it is low. When you stop expecting people and situations to be perfect, you can start appreciating them for who and what they are. Imperfections are important, and so are mistakes. We get to be good by learning from our mistakes and we get to be real by being imperfect. — John Geiger

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Harriet Lerner

The miracle is that your children will love you with all your imperfections if you can do the same for them. — Harriet Lerner

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Paramahansa Yogananda

Never count your faults. Just see that your love for God is deeply
sincere. For God doesn't mind your imperfections: He minds your
indifference. — Paramahansa Yogananda

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Steve Maraboli

Our love is perfect. And even though we may not be, our love creates a bridge that spans over our imperfections and joins us where it matters. — Steve Maraboli

Love All Your Imperfections Quotes By Balroop Singh

A moment of care carries us away!
The fragrance of forgiveness elevates us
Imperfections are essentially universal
Divine love drives our desire. — Balroop Singh