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Lost In Crowd Quotes & Sayings

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Top Lost In Crowd Quotes

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Antonio Machado

Like an abandoned dog who cannot find
a smell or a track and roams
along the roads, with no road, like
the child who in a night of the fair
gets lost among the crowd,
and the air is dusty, and the candles
astounded, his heart
weighed down by music and by pain;
that's how I am, drunk, sad by nature,
a mad and lunar guitarist, a poet,
and an ordinary man lost in dreams,
searching constantly for God among the mists. — Antonio Machado

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Heidi Julavits

The sensation felt like spinning too fast on a merry-go-round. Each fraction of a second her eyes focused on a new face in a crowd. Within seconds the face was gone, whisked to a blur, replaced by another face that would just as soon be lost. — Heidi Julavits

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Evelyn Waugh

Rex, in his early forties, had grown heavy and ruddy; he had lost his Canadian accent and acquired instead the hoarse, loud tone that was common to all his friends, as though their voices were perpetually strained to make themselves heard above a crowd, as though, with youth forsaking them, there was no time to wait the opportunity to speak, no time to listen, no time to reply; time for a laugh - a throaty mirthless laugh, the base currency of goodwill. — Evelyn Waugh

Lost In Crowd Quotes By William Butler Yeats

THOUGH you are in your shining days, Voices among the crowd And new friends busy with your praise, Be not unkind or proud, But think about old friends the most: Time's bitter flood will rise, Your beauty perish and be lost For all eyes but these eyes. — William Butler Yeats

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Laurie Anderson

I wanted to impress people because I was kind of a kid who was lost in the crowd - was sort of my, feeling about childhood was being part of a big family. — Laurie Anderson

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Andrew Hyde

Never get lost in the crowd. Climb a mountain for a better view. — Andrew Hyde

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Cassandra Clare

Sorry," she said breathlessly.
"I got lost in the crowd."
"I noticed," he said.
"One second I was dancing with you, and the next you were gone and a very persistent werewolf was trying to get the buttons on my jeans undone."
Sebastian chuckled. "Girl or boy werewolf?"
"Not sure. Either way, they could have used a shave. — Cassandra Clare

Lost In Crowd Quotes By David Rosenfelt

The Los Angeles parade would begin in Griffith Park, where a large crowd would assemble and the speeches would be given. Every politician of consequence would be there. There was no way they would miss a chance to publicly praise the troops and honor those who had lost their lives in service.
Some of the tributes would be sincere and heartfelt, and some less so. But participating in the event, vowing undying support for the U.S. military, was an absolute must to maintain political viability. It was okay to vote to cut funds for veterans' healthcare, but don't dare miss a chance to jump on the Memorial Day bandwagon. — David Rosenfelt

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Susanna Kaysen

And in the end, I lost him. I did it on purpose, the way Garance lost
Baptiste in the crowd. I needed to be alone, I felt. I wanted to be going on alone to my future. — Susanna Kaysen

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Lance Henriksen

If the crowd is too big, it's too much for me. I took my daughter down there, and all I did was spend all of my time worrying that she was going to get lost because you're caught between somebody with a sandwich in their hand and somebody in a costume. It's really crazy. — Lance Henriksen

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Sarah Dessen

I couldn't imagine what it would be like to be one of so many, to have not just parents and siblings but cousins and aunts and uncles, an entire tribe to claim as your own. Maybe you would feel lost in the crowd. Or sheltered by it. Whatever the case, one things was for sure: like it or not, you'd never be alone. — Sarah Dessen

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Stephen Richards

Everyone in the place seen me nut him apart from the ref, it caught him on the blind side. I tried to nut him on the eyebrow so it would split open, but I got him on the forehead. The crowd turned right against me, but I made it to the last bell and lost on a unanimous decision. — Stephen Richards

Lost In Crowd Quotes By James Salter

If you read a book about school - someone else's book - you always translate it into your own school experiences. It's describing the student: he's bewildered and lost in a large crowd in a university classroom. You'll visualize that from your own experiences. So, everything you know is what you're really writing. — James Salter

Lost In Crowd Quotes By John Irving

Lupe was upset that the Japanese honeymooners were wearing surgical masks over their mouths and noses; she imagined the young Japanese couples were dying of some dread disease - she thought they'd come to Of the Roses to beg Our Lady of Guadalupe to save them. "But aren't they contagious?" Lupe asked. "How many people have they infected between here and Japan?" How much of Juan Diego's translation and Edward Bonshaw's explanation to Lupe was lost in the crowd noise? The proclivity of the Japanese to be "precautionary," to wear surgical masks to protect themselves from bad air or disease - well, it was unclear if Lupe ever understood what that was about. — John Irving

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Kim Wilde

You can spend your life competing in a world that talks too loud / You can lose your own direction getting lost among the crowd / Confusion - is it any wonder that the road ahead's not clear / Well you can try too hard to find it now I realise it's here — Kim Wilde

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Frederick William Robertson

My Christian brethren, if the crowd of difficulties which stand between your souls and God succeed in keeping you away, all is lost. Right into the Presence you must force your way, with no concealment, baring the soul with all its ailments before Him, asking, not the arrest of the consequences of sin, but the cleansing of the conscience " from dead works to serve the living God," so that if you must suffer, you will suffer as a forgiven man. — Frederick William Robertson

Lost In Crowd Quotes By S.L. Naeole

Normal is overrated and experience. Being just like everyone else, getting lost in the crowd is nothing to strive for. — S.L. Naeole

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Christine Gregoire

When nearly a third of our high school students do not graduate on time with their peers, we have work to do. We must design our middle and high schools so that no student gets lost in the crowd and disconnected from his or her own potential. — Christine Gregoire

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Hunter S. Thompson

A cop lost his temper and rushed into the crowd to seize an agitator ... and that was the last we saw of him for about three minutes. When he emerged, after a dozen others had rushed in to save him, he looked like some ragged hippie ... the mob had stripped him of everything except his pants, one boot, and part of his coat. His hat was gone, his gun and gunbelt, all his badges and police decorations ... he was a beaten man and his name was Lennox. I know this because I was standing beside the big plainclothes police boss who was shouting, Get Lennox in the van! — Hunter S. Thompson

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Frederick Buechner

God is the comic shepherd who gets more of a kick out of that one lost sheep once he finds it again than out of the ninety and nine who had the good sense not to get lost in the first place. God is the eccentric host who, when the country-club crowd all turned out to have other things more important to do than come live it up with him, goes out into the skid rows and soup kitchens and charity wards and brings home a freak show. The man with no legs who sells shoelaces at the corner. The old woman in the moth-eaten fur coat who makes her daily rounds of the garbage cans. The old wino with his pint in a brown paper bag. The pusher, the whore, the village idiot who stands at the blinker light waving his hand as the cars go by. They are seated at the damask-laid table in the great hall. The candles are all lit and the champagne glasses filled. At a sign from the host, the musicians in their gallery strike up Amazing Grace. — Frederick Buechner

Lost In Crowd Quotes By N'Zuri Za Austin

i often sit and wonder
i often sit and dream
i often
sit and wait
for the one that's just for me
i search the many faces
in the crowds of people i see
looking for,
the one that it could be.

is it Mister Blue Collar?
is it Mister Too Clean?
is it Mister Holy One
which was made for me?

then i stop and think
of the biggest catastrophe -
what if this man
i'm waiting for

doesn't even recognize me?

-LostInACrowd — N'Zuri Za Austin

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Joseph Conrad

I remember staying to look at it for a long time, as one would linger within reach of a consoling whisper. The sky was pearly grey. It was one of those overcast days so rare in the tropics, in which memories crowd upon one, memories of other shores, of other faces. — Joseph Conrad

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Rajneesh

Meditation opens the doors of your inner treasures, what Jesus calls the kingdom of god. Meditation is only a key, and keys are always small things, but they can unlock immense treasures. Everybody is born as a prince or a princess, but gets lost in the blind crowd of beggars. — Rajneesh

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Never forget to be someone even when you get lost in the wildness of a crowd. — Debasish Mridha

Lost In Crowd Quotes By William Ritter

A young woman across the dock pulled her winter coat tightly around herself and ducked her chin down as the crowd of sailors passed. Her shoulders might have shaken, just a little, but she kept to her path without letting the men's boisterous laughter keep her from her course. In her I saw myself, a fellow lost girl, headstrong and headed anywhere but home. — William Ritter

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Ernest Hemingway,

The people that I liked and had not met went to the big cafes because they were lost in them and no one noticed them and they could be alone in them and be together. — Ernest Hemingway,

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Deyth Banger

Everything have positive and negative side it's like Yin and yang. If you look you make a mistake for example you lost a lot of money, or you lose a friend which you can count on... If you look losing money it's a big risk it's something which is negative it's like going in casino or going to lottery you give money for bet and then you lose them it's a negative... If you look it from positive you have just learn a new lesson, what you have losed it's just one step out of the crowd, one step that you think as independent. — Deyth Banger

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Tim Hansel

God has spoken very boldly about his desire to be a presence in our lives. If I want to heal the ache and loneliness in my own life, one of the things I need to do is get away, alone with God ... In the silence God will speak to you most powerfully. Too often his words to us get muffled, lost, or covered by the crowd of many noises both inside and outside of us. We must have a quiet heart in order to hear God's distinctive message to us. — Tim Hansel

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Jim Sensenbrenner

The President's science advisor, who is a former Harvard professor named Holdren, is involved in the email scandals and covering up the fact that data has been lost, the fact that contrary opinions to the global warming crowd has been squeezed out of scientific journals ... Now this is an international conspiracy. — Jim Sensenbrenner

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Ufuoma Apoki

There's the 'right way' and the 'usual way'.
Folks tend to confuse both.
The right way isn't always the best way, and the usual way leaves you lost in the crowd of the common.
Then, there's the 'unusual way', which might be right or 'wrong'; but when it births success, it usually has the power to invalidate the right way and the usual way. — Ufuoma Apoki

Lost In Crowd Quotes By John Hagel III

The challenge with SXSW and events like it is it's so big and overwhelming, it's easy to get lost in the crowd. — John Hagel III

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Bill Bryson

Woods are not like other spaces. To begin with, they are cubic. Their trees surround you, loom over you, press in from all sides. Woods choke off views & leave you muddled & without bearings. They make you feel small & confused & vulnerable, like a small child lost in a crowd of strange legs. Stand in a desert or prairie & you know you are in a big space. Stand in the woods and you only sense it. They are vast, featureless nowhere. And they are alive. — Bill Bryson

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Sarah Morgan

technically, her last disaster hadn't been her fault she knew another accident would get her fired. Her brief was to be invisible, and she considered herself perfectly qualified for the job. In a world where extroverts were celebrated, she was an introvert. She'd spent most of her life blending into the background. First in the playground, where she'd hidden away in books written by other people, and then at college, when she'd hidden in the books she'd written herself. Lost in her own fictional world, she became each and every one of her heroines and endowed them with qualities she herself coveted, namely courage, communication skills and coordination. Her current creation was Lara Striker, small-town girl finally returning home and trying to live down her badgirl reputation. Matilda stared through the crowd, her mind — Sarah Morgan

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Studs Terkel

It was in '35 - we had this campaign to raise a million tax dollars. In the town of Phillips, one evening, during a blizzard, I was met by a crowd of miners. They were given the day off and a stake to attend this meeting. They surrounded me and said this tax would cost six hundred of them their jobs. They were busted farmers and fortunately found a job in these Home Stake mines. I went back home feeling worried. But the tax was passed, and not a single miner lost his job. — Studs Terkel

Lost In Crowd Quotes By George Foreman

I've been on the opposite side of decisions before when the crowd would be booing and saying that I lost. I've lived with it. Judging in boxing has been same since the beginning, and it isn't gonna change. — George Foreman

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Preeth Nambiar

Hold my hands, O Lord, for the world is so crowded,
If I lose myself, whom else would I condemn? — Preeth Nambiar

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Mohsin Hamid

Slowly, even though I thought it would never happen, New York lost its charm for me. I remember arriving in the city for the first time, passing with my parents through the First World's Club bouncers at Immigration, getting into a massive cab that didn't have a moment to waste, and falling in love as soon as we shot onto the bridge and I saw Manhattan rise up through the looks of parental terror reflected in the window. I lost my virginity in New York, twice (the second one wanted to believe he was the first so badly). I had my mind blown open by the combination of a liberal arts education and a drug-popping international crowd. I became tough. I had fun. I learned so much.
But now New York was starting to feel empty, a great party that had gone on too long and was showing no sign of ending soon. I had a headache, and I was tired. I'd danced enough. I wanted a quiet conversation with someone who knew what load-shedding was. — Mohsin Hamid

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Sanhita Baruah

It was either the chaos of a crowd of thoughts or the silence of solitude ... nothing in between.. — Sanhita Baruah

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Penny Reid

I'm sorry, I'm always saying silly things I guess. I must've overdone it today in the bakery."
"See now, that's a great excuse. I usually blame all the silly things I say on syphilis." I started to laugh at my own joke before even finishing it. However, after seven seconds of dismayed stares and silence, I realized that maybe STD humor was lost on this crowd. — Penny Reid

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Rebecca Donovan

I couldn't believe I let him see me like this, unable to fend for myself. I fumed in disgust at my vulnerability. I didn't want Evan to think I needed protecting. I pulled back my torment and let the numb blanket envelop me, pushing away the stirred memories, the noise of the crowd, and the trembling that still lay beneath the surface. I stared at the flames licking at the darkness and everything was lost as I sank deeper into nothingness. — Rebecca Donovan

Lost In Crowd Quotes By David Nicholls

They spoke to each other in strange, strangulated voices, and lost the knack of making each other laugh, jeering at each other instead in a spiteful, mocking tone.
Their friendship was like a wilted bunch of flowers that she insisted on topping up with water.
Why not let it die instead?
It was unrealistic to expect a friendship to last forever, she had lots of other friends: the old college crowd, her friends from school, and Ian of course.
But whom to could she confide about Ian? Not Dexter, not anymore — David Nicholls

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Baltasar Gracian

The hossanas of the multitude can never bring satisfaction to the discerning. Yet there exist those chamaleons of popularity who find their joy, not in the sweet breath of Apollo, but in the smell of the crowd. And not in mind: Do not be taken in by what are miracles to the populace, for the ignorant do not rise above marveling. Thus the stupidity of a crowd is lost in admiration, even as the brain of an individual uncovers the trick. — Baltasar Gracian

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Robert Greene

Everything is judged by its appearance; what is unseen counts for nothing. Never let yourself get lost in the crowd, then, or buried in oblivion. Stand out. Be conspicuous, at all cost. Make yourself a magnet of attention by appearing larger, more colorful, more mysterious than the bland and timid masses. — Robert Greene

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Kamala Suraiyya Das

Today at Nariman Point the tall buildings crowd one another. But when I was young and in love with a grey-eyed man it was a marshy waste. We used to walk aimlessly along the quiet Panday Road or cross the Cuffe Parade to walk towards the sun. We did not have a place to rest. But in the glow of those evening suns, we felt that we were Gods who had lost their way and had strayed into an unkind planet.. — Kamala Suraiyya Das

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Christopher J. Nolan

EAMES: There's a man here. Yusuf. He formulates his own versions of the compound.
COBB: Let's go see him.
EAMES: Once you've lost your tail.
(Cobb reacts)
Back by the bar, blue tie. Came in about two minutes after we did.
COBB: Cobol Engineering?
EAMES: They pretty much own Mombasa.
Cobb glances over the balcony.
COBB: Run interference. We'll meet downstairs in half an hour.
EAMES: Back here?
COBB: Last place they'd expect.
Eames downs his drink. Rises. Walks over to the Businessman.
EAMES: Freddy!
The Businessman looks up, awkward.
EAMES: Freddy Simmonds, it is you!
Cobb nonchalantly SLIPS over the balcony DROPPING HARD into the midst of the crowd on the street below.
EAMES: (looks harder) Oh. No, it isn't.
The Businessman looks past Eames but Cobb has vanished. — Christopher J. Nolan

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Donna Tartt

Or rather, I dreamed of her constantly, only as absence, not presence: a breeze blowing through a just-vacated house, her handwriting on a notepad, the smell of her perfume, streets in strange lost towns where I knew she'd been walking only a moment before but had just vanished, a shadow moving away against a sunstruck wall. Sometimes I spotted her in a crowd, or in a taxicab pulling away, and these glimpses of her I treasured despite the fact that I was never able to catch up with her. — Donna Tartt

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Elyse M. Fitzpatrick

You're not just one in millions, a face lost in the crowd. In the heart of God you're unique, a distinct person with a particular name, chosen from before the foundation of the world (Eph. 1:4). — Elyse M. Fitzpatrick

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Delicious David

Our first kiss, the first touch of our heating lips, the yearning reciprocating from both sides, I was lost in everything. But I had a sudden feeling of eyes staring at our acts and unnecessary muttering. I could feel it even with my closed eyes. So far the sober girl in me resisted and my palms struggled to escape. David realized my condition and he left me be. I could see anger in his eyes for the crowd around but he stayed calm for my sake. My heart purred. 'I am lost now!'
He sat next to me and didn't bother to look at anyone around. Though, we knew many looked upon us and then they turned their faces away. He was horny. I could see his bulge behind his winter suit. I avoided looking and forced myself to gaze into his eyes instead. His pair was fixed on mine, reading mine. I gave a wide smile in an attempt to hide my lust although it was clearly written over my face. — Delicious David

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Hanif Kureishi

The city blew the windows of my brain wide open. But being in a place so bright, fast and brilliant made you vertiginous with possibility: it didn't necessarily help you grasp those possibilities. I still had no idea what I was going to do. I felt directionless and lost in the crowd. I couldn't yet see how the city worked, but I began to find out. — Hanif Kureishi

Lost In Crowd Quotes By John Keats

Who would wish to be among the commonplace crowd of the little famous - who are each individually lost in a throng made up of themselves? — John Keats

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Judah Smith

I can imagine myself in her place: trapped by a sordid past, terribly alone, defenseless before a crowd of jeering judges who hold my life in their hands. And then, when hope is lost, the one who truly has the right to condemn me looks at me. In his eyes I read something completely unexpected. Compassion. — Judah Smith

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Maggie Nelson

Of course my ex didn't walk me home. Instead I wandered, drunk, from Main Street down to the railroad tracks, lay down there and listened to the quiet world. Smoked a cigarette on my back, feeling a part of the ground, one of night's dark and lost creatures.
For as long as I can remember, this has been one of my favorite feelings. To be alone in public, wandering at night, or lying close to the earth, anonymous, invisible, floating. To be "a man of the crowd," or, conversely, alone with Nature or your God. To make your claim on public space even as you feel yourself disappearing into its largesse, into sublimity. To practice for death by feeling completely empty, but somehow still alive.
It's a sensation that people have tried, in various times and places, to keep women from feeling. — Maggie Nelson

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Joe Rogan

If I could make the same amount of money doing standup it would be no contest. The problem is that if you do make that kind of money doing standup, it's not in clubs, it's in big auditoriums and large venues, and I really think something is lost when you do standup for a big crowd. — Joe Rogan

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Marcel Proust

In the case of the solitary, his seclusion, even when it is absolute and ends only with life itself, has often as its primary cause a disordered love of the crowd, which so far overruled every other feeling that, not being able to win, when he goes out, the admiration of his hall-porter, of the passers-by, of the cabman whom he hails, he prefers not to be seen by them at all, and with that object abandons every activity that would oblige him to go out of doors. — Marcel Proust

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Jeff Lemire

There's only two ways to be completely alone in this world, lost in a crowd or in total isolation ... — Jeff Lemire

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Fyodor Dostoyevsky

I sometimes have moments of such despair, such despair ... Because in those moments I start to think that I will never be capable of beginning to live a real life; because I have already begun to think that I have lost all sense of proportion, all sense of the real and the actual; because, what is more, I have cursed myself; because my nights of fantasy are followed by hideous moments of sobering! And all the time one hears the human crowd swirling and thundering around one in the whirlwind of life, one hears, one sees how people live - that they live in reality, that for them life is not something forbidden, that their lives are not scattered for the winds like dreams or visions but are forever in the process of renewal, forever young, and that no two moments in them are ever the same; while how dreary and monotonous to the point of being vulgar is timorous fantasy, the slave of shadow, of the idea ... — Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Nathaniel Hawthorne

Had there been a Papist among the crowd of Puritans, he might have seen in this beautiful woman, so picturesque in her attire and mien, and with the infant at her bosom, an object to remind him of the image of Divine Maternity, which so many illustrious painters have vied with one another to represent; something which should remind him, indeed, but only by contrast, of that sacred image of sinless motherhood, whose infant was to redeem the world. Here, there was the taint of of deepest sin in the most sacred of quality of human life, working such effect, that the world was only the darker for this woman's beauty, and the more lost for the infant that she had borne. — Nathaniel Hawthorne

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Anonymous

Calvin believed that biblical preaching must occupy the chief place in the worship service. What God has to say to man is infinitely more important than what man has to say to God. If the congregation is to worship properly, if believers are to be edified, if the lost are to be converted, God's Word must be exposited. Nothing must crowd the Scriptures out of the chief place in the public gathering. — Anonymous

Lost In Crowd Quotes By R.A. Salvatore

Another week of emptiness, of solitude, though the schooner was fully crewed and there were few places where someone could be out of sight of everyone else. That was the thing about the open ocean, you were never physically alone, yet all the world seemed removed. Catti-brie and Drizzt had spent hours together, just standing and watching, each lost, drifting on the rolls of the azure blanket, together and yet so alone. — R.A. Salvatore

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Ali House

Naydir held his breath as he watched the person who had once been his friend move forward into the crowd. He wanted to run up to her and demand to know which side she was on, but he was rooted to the ground by fear. In a few seconds she would announce who had won the war and who had lost. Naydir prayed that he was on the winning side. — Ali House

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Neil Gaiman

I have lost people, though.
It's strange when it happens. I don't actually lose them. Not in the way one loses one's parents, either as a small child, when you think you are holding your mother's hand in a crowd and then you look up, and it's not your mother ... or later. When you have to find the words to describe them at a funeral service or a memorial, or when you are scattering ashes on a garden of flowers or into the sea. — Neil Gaiman

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Leslie Meier

In fact, she realized when they finally found their table and sat down, every single woman at the banquet was dressed in some variation of back. Black silk, black chiffon, black with beads, black with rhinestones, short black cocktail dresses, black evening dresses, and even black pantsuits. All black. There was no way she was going to get lost in this crowd, not in her pink-and-orange poppy print — Leslie Meier

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Maureen O'Hara

Lost in a crowd of greats, not a single Oscar. That's showbiz. — Maureen O'Hara

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Rick Warren

Those who follow the crowd usually get lost in it. — Rick Warren

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Michael J. Schiemer

You don't want to just get by, you want to get ahead. You don't want to settle for mediocrity, you want to strive for greatness. You don't want to get lost in the crowd, you want to stand out and lead the charge. Pushing the limits of your potential isn't easy, but it will be worth it. — Michael J. Schiemer

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Erin Morgenstern

That man has no shadow," he says, as Chandresh leans over the twins to peer out the window at the empty street.
"what did you say?" Chandresh asks, but Poppet and Widget, and the orange kittens have already run off down the hall, lost in the colorful crowd. — Erin Morgenstern

Lost In Crowd Quotes By Gilbert K. Chesterton

I do not believe that any human being is fundamentally happier for being finally lost in a crowd, even if it is called a crowd of comrades. — Gilbert K. Chesterton