Famous Quotes & Sayings

Loosey Goosey Quotes & Sayings

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Top Loosey Goosey Quotes

Loosey Goosey Quotes By Robyn Peterman

The Vampyres were loosey goosey, the Witches were nuts and the freakin' Fairies were downright pushovers, but not the Weres. Nope, if you enlisted you were in for life. — Robyn Peterman

Loosey Goosey Quotes By George F. Walker

HELEN: Life is complex and bewildering, isn't it? You meet someone. He's not spectacular, but he impresses you with his goodwill. You have a child. She's troublesome but kind of entertaining in her own loosey-goosey, head-up-her-ass way. For a time you all seem connected to the same life, on the same course. But after a while, not so much. And eventually not at all. And now, although most people would find it odd that we're trying to have each other killed, it actually seems to be a very natural thing. — George F. Walker

Loosey Goosey Quotes By Pierre Cardin

When I finish with one thing very well, I start some other thing. I don't like to stop. I like to continually prove myself. — Pierre Cardin

Loosey Goosey Quotes By Steven Pinker

Why do we say razzle-dazzle instead of dazzle-razzle? Why super-duper, helter-skelter, harum-scarum, hocus-pocus, willy-nilly, hully-gully, roly-poly, holy moly, herky-jerky, walkie-talkie, namby-pamby, mumbo-jumbo, loosey-goosey, wing-ding, wham-bam, hobnob, razza-matazz, and rub-a-dub-dub? I thought you'd never ask. Consonants differ in "obstruency" - the degree to which they impede the flow of air, ranging from merely making it resonate, to forcing it noisily past an obstruction, to stopping it up altogether. The word beginning with the less obstruent consonant always comes before the word beginning with the more obstruent consonant. Why ask why? — Steven Pinker

Loosey Goosey Quotes By Frances Farmer

I used to lie between cool, clean sheets at night after I'd had a bath, after I had washed my hair and scrubbed my knuckles and finger-nails and teeth. Then I could lie quite still in the dark with my face to the window with the trees in it, and talk to God. — Frances Farmer

Loosey Goosey Quotes By Jodi Ellen Malpas

I didn't think there was someone out there who was capable of really loving me," Miller goes on. "I didn't think there was someone out there who defied everything I knew." He takes a long swig of his drink, keeping his eyes on William, who's shifting uncomfortably on his stool, playing with his glass. "Then I found Olivia Taylor. — Jodi Ellen Malpas

Loosey Goosey Quotes By Jules Verne

Yes, forgotten by all else, but not by us. — Jules Verne

Loosey Goosey Quotes By Del Close

The absolute worst thing you can do in a scene is be apathetic. — Del Close

Loosey Goosey Quotes By Anne Rice

Sometimes dreams show me that my writing should go deeper. Dreams have not so much changed my work as deepened it. — Anne Rice

Loosey Goosey Quotes By Matt Smith 11th Doctor

I'm the Doctor; I'm worse than everybody's aunt! — Matt Smith 11th Doctor

Loosey Goosey Quotes By Martin Luther

When the article of justification is lost, nothing remains except error, hypocrisy, godlessness, and idolatry. — Martin Luther

Loosey Goosey Quotes By Chris Smith

In some ways the Zadroga thing was the subtext of the whole show, the whole sixteen years. A bewilderment, a bewilderment over something which seems obvious that was not being accomplished. The whole show was that: "Does anyone else think this is fucking weird?" That's it. That's all the show was.

I don't think that's a noble thing. But it's something. It's a shared moment.
~ Jon Stewart — Chris Smith