Look To God For Answers Quotes & Sayings
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Top Look To God For Answers Quotes

This sense of being made in God's image calls us all constantly to look for it in others and to do what we can to help them acknowledge it and to realize it by joining in worship. We thereby carry to others the answer to their inmost longing, a yearning for union with the Trinity, a thirst to respond with adoration to the God who made them. — Marva Dawn

Wants and needs are closely connected. And all our needs, even the ones we're not completely aware of yet, will be met. Be grateful that God knows more about what we need than we do. Sometimes when we pray, we get what we want. Sometimes we get what we need. Accept both answers-the yes's and the something else's-with heartfelt gratitude. Then look around and see what your lesson and gift is. — Melody Beattie

But what could have ever induced a God to die as a malefactor upon a cross between two sinners, with such insult to his divine majesty? "Who did this?" asks St.Bernard; he answers, "It was love, careless of its dignity." Ah, love indeed, when it tries to make itself known, does not seek what is becoming to the dignity of the lover, but what will serve best to declare itself to the object loved. St. Francis of Paula therefore had good reason to cry out at the sight of a crucifix, "O love, O love, O love!" And in like manner, when we look upon Jesus on the cross, we should all exclaim, O love, O love, O love! Ah, — Alfonso Maria De Liguori

I began two hundred hours of continuous reading in the twelve hours that remained before examinations. Melvin Bloom my roommate flipped the pages of his textbook in a sweet continuous trance. Reviewing the term's work was his pleasure. He went to sleep early. While he slept I bent into the night reading eating Benzedrine smoking cigarettes. Shrieking dwarfs charged across my notes. Crabs asked me questions. Melvin flipped a page blinked flipped another. He effected the same flipping and blinking with no textbook during examinations. For every question answers marched down his optical nerve neck arm and out onto his paper where they stopped in impeccable parade. I'd look at my paper oily scratched by ratlike misery and I'd think of Melvin Bloom. I would think Oh God what is going to happen to me. — Leonard Michaels

God, When I was alone, and had nothing, I asked for a friend to help me bear the pain, No one came, except God, When I needed a breath to rise, from my sleep, No one could help me.. except God, When all I saw was sadness, and I needed answers, No one heard me, except God, So when I'm asked.. who I give my unconditional love to? I look for no other name, except God — Tupac Shakur

Librarians were somewhat on a par with God-who else could be bothered with, and better yet, know the answers to so many different types of questions? Knowledge was power, but a good librarian did not hoard the gift. She taught others how to find, where to look, how to see. — Jodi Picoult

What is man - and of course the writer means all of us puny little insignificant creatures - what is a mere human being that God who made the immense universe should ever notice?' She chuckled. 'The sky does take you down to size.'
Not even big as bugs. Not even a speck of dust to the nearest star,' Angel agreed.
But the psalmist answers his own question. "Thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honor ... " '
What?' Angel asked, not sure she had heard right.
A little lower than the angels, crowned with glory and honor.'
The real angels? Do you believe that?'
Yes, Angel, I do. When people look down on me, and these days' - she laughed shortly - 'these days everyone over the age of five does. When people look down on me, I remember that God looks at this pitiful, twisted old thing that I have become and crowns me with glory. — Katherine Paterson

There is going to come a time when we have to accept who we are without the assistance of religion. That will be the dawn of true faith. We leave the big decisions to invisible consultants and pray we get the answers we are looking for. The late great George Carlin once said he gave up praying to God and started praying to Joe Pesci because his prayers to Joe Pesci were answered with as much accuracy and frequency as those to God. [ ... ] If we as people are still looking for answers, we should turn our eyes away from the heavens and look to each other. I know we do not play well together - hell, some of us do not even like being in the same room with each other - but the divine lies in all of us. We are miracles. We are "god." If we shared a little more, we would not be left feeling less. We hold the keys to our own destinies. It is time we started looking for the locks. — Corey Taylor

For now, I look to God, for I know He will respond to my questions. For I believe, in the deepest part of my heart, that He shall truly bring us into a frame of mind where we may hear His greatest responses . . . Perhaps not the final answers, but at the very least, the next response we need. — Alexandra Silber

In such mysticism of prayer, the relationship of domination between God and humans has been transformed into one of love. That is precisely the mystical transformation that happens to prayer of supplication. The feudalistic patriarchal understanding of supplication often starts from the assumption that human beings have to go and knock on God's door and awaken "him" in order to present their petitions. The feudal lord then answers or refuses. If "he" has refused often enough even the most necessary things, the supplicant will go away and perhaps look elsewhere for salvation ...
Mystics have rarely cultivated the prayer of supplication; they have worked at a relationship based on mutuality. — Dorothee Solle

Librarians, to Melanie, were somewhat in a par with god
who else could be bothered with, and better yet, know the answers to so many diffrent types of questions? Knowledge was power, but a good librarian did not hoard the gift. She taught others how to fknd, where to look, how to see — Jodi Picoult

I don't think we get answers to every question. We don't get all the whys. But I think when we look back to the end of our lives, if we do the best we can, and we will see that the things we begged God to take from us, the things we cursed him for, the things that made us turn our backs on him, are the things that were the biggest blessings, the biggest opportunities for growth. — Amy Harmon

We will be taking a look at why we have emotional problems, what solutions the world offers versus those the Word of God offers, and why God's answers bring lasting results. God has equipped us through His Word to control our emotions - good and bad. We can walk in true emotional stability each and every day of our lives if our faith and trust is in Him. — Andrew Wommack

Simple answers to the most difficult questions:
1. Why do humans find it difficult to express themselves?
To relate to the movies and books, later.
2. Why do humans make everything look so big, beautiful & complicated?
Ego feels good.
3. Why do humans want to protect the nature?
Because they can't even protect themselves. Moreover, they are guilty conscious.
4. What is romance?
It is complicated as far as humans are concerned.
5. What is love?
The complicated part of the fourth question.
6. What is unconditional love?
Not there yet.
7. Who is God?
Sixth leads you to the seventh.
8. Who am I?
Ask yourself.
9. What is loneliness?
Potential energy wasted on learned answers.
10. What is happiness?
All of the above. — Saurabh Sharma

Dating is never mentioned in the Bible, not once.
I'm not saying that dating's a sin or that dating's evil. That's not what this book is about. What I am saying is that if we look to Scripture for specific answers on dating we're not going to find any. That's not a problem, though, because it has a lot to say about marriage, and when we figure out why God created marriage, we will figure out a lot about dating in return. — Cole Ryan

We have access to all knowledge and wisdom of the Universe/God through our connection to the collective consciousness. Once you fully embrace Oneness with the Universe/God, you will look inward through your personal consciousness to the collective consciousness for all answers. — Russell Anthony Gibbs

Human beings are always fighting about which version of God to worship, or whether any God exists at all. But it seems to me we are only likely to find answers about the nature of the universe, or the possibility of a creator, if we look. And we can't do that in any meaningful way if our only commitment is to the answers we've presupposed. — Steve Volk

My answer to someone who is in contrast with me - by not seeing God in the scientific data - is that you don't see God in the scientific data because you're not me. I have other experiences than you have, that bring me to look at this data as enriching my experience of God. — George Coyne

Worship demands the far distances of God; it protests against the little, the near, the material. It must love but it must look up. It cannot live without the note of spirituality and universality, if not mystery. The ascension, the passing of Christ within the veil, answers this need. So does a full-robed Christianity add to definiteness of knowledge the outreach of imagination and home. — Maltbie Davenport Babcock

Our testimonies, our closeness to our Father in Heaven, and our ability to serve and love and laugh and enjoy life do not depend on whether we are married or single. If we look to Christ for answers, He will give them. It also follows that with our increased devotion and understanding of Him, the happier and more complete we will become and the more we will comprehend our true worth in the sight of God. — Kristen McMain Oaks

God, I thank You that even when I don't do everything right, You see in my heart the desire to do so, and You bless me with answers to my prayers. I am grateful You look past my imperfections and see the perfect qualities of Your Son, Jesus, stamped on my heart instead. Help me to live Your way so that my ways are pleasing in Your sight. — Stormie O'martian