Quotes & Sayings About Living A Positive Life
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Top Living A Positive Life Quotes

I do not subscribe to the abuse "victim" or "survivor" labelling mentality. I have experienced every kind of abuse imaginable and I am and always have been the most happy-go-lucky, positive and life affirming person around. Your labels do not serve you, so don't use them as an excuse to be miserable. You have a beautiful life to live, so accept the beauty and start living. — Miya Yamanouchi

Life is to be experienced in totality. Try not to blame others like spouse, parents, friends, fellow beings or situations for any suffering.. Never allow your vibe to go to a lower level. This way you will attract more and more positive circumstances in your life. — Sakshi Chetana

I am not living my life to impress anyone, not of a big head to degrade anyone, not of negative thoughts to influence anyone. But a positive mind to inspire the people that surrounds me and the world. — Henry Johnson Jr

By comparison, the Integrated Human model of human nature, in addition to the two elements of our previous model, includes: A conscious analytic system, known as the slow brain (where logic resides) A subconscious intuitive system, or fast brain The full range of motivational drives (of which the drive to acquire is only one) Basic ideas of moral behavior, or moral intuitions Distinguishing characteristics, or personality traits Together, these elements of our nature provide all of the fundamental functions necessary for living life as a complete, Integrated Human - and they are the springboard for the development of leadership character. As our research data has shown, the ability to leverage all of these areas influence leadership's ability to achieve positive organizational outcomes. — Fred Kiel

Engrave beautiful and delightful thoughts in your mind. Forgive, let go, be good and keep positive. The Universe is after all a lovely place to be in and it will take care of you. It will bestow you with all the happiness that you can imagine because what you draw on the canvas of your mind, comes to picture. — Sanchita Pandey

The Law of Attraction says that you are a "living magnet" and that you invariably attract into your life the people, ideas, opportunities, and circumstances in harmony with your dominant thoughts. When you think positive, optimistic, loving, and successful thoughts, you create a force field of magnetism that attracts, like iron filings to a magnet, the very things you are thinking about. This law explains why it is that you don't have to be concerned where your good is going to come from. If you can keep your mind clearly focused on what you want, and refrain from thinking about what you don't want, you will attract everything you need to achieve your goals, exactly when you are ready. Change your thinking and you change your life. — Brian Tracy

It is in the more muddled moments of my life, that i become painfully aware of my issues. When nothing is going right, when life gets away from me. When i feel like life is living me, instead of me, living life. It's a difficult place be, but it's also where the seeds of change, often take root. And from those roots, a wellspring of hope and positive transformation, blooms. — Jaeda DeWalt

We lust after the material things in life, then in a blink of an eye; the life which was once given is taken; is there a point in stressing over the small stuff. — Epiphana Lewis

Boundaries and risk management are very important parts of living a healthy and positive life. — Bryant McGill

MAY 13 Guard Against Pessimism For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. ROMANS 14:17 NLT I HEARD A STORY ABOUT TWO FARMERS. When the rain fell, one farmer said, "Thank You, Lord, for watering our crops." But the other farmer said, "Yeah, but if the rain keeps up, it's going to rot the roots." When the sun came out, the positive farmer said, "Thank You, Lord, that our crops are getting the vitamins and minerals they need. We'll have a wonderful harvest this year." But the negative farmer said, "Yeah, but if it keeps up, it's going to scorch those plants. We're never going to make a living." Don't you know people who are always focused on the negative? Be sure to guard against their negative attitudes infecting your thinking! Stay focused on the positive things in life. — Joel Osteen

Let's make our existence more joyous, fulfilled and full of positive adventures... Let's add more vivid colors to life in the world around us: making it happier, merrier, easier, healthier, tastier and brighter! Our project is a constant source of inspiration to support these ideas. — Sahara Sanders

Don't live a day without your spiritual nourishment; mediation on the word of God. — Lailah Gifty Akita

A twenty-three-year-long study in Ohio determined that people who saw growing older as something positive lived a whopping seven and a half years longer than those who didn't. (356) — Victoria Moran

Success is ... living a full and balanced life in partnership with others to create a joyful feeling of love, contribution, appreciation and abundance, despite how our endeavors may turn out. — Susan Jeffers

Separate yourself from those who hinder your vision. Make a choice to walk away from the trap set to ensnare you. Realize when someone is pulling you backwards every time you take a step forward. Separate from them and the result of your action will be a life of success. — Amaka Imani Nkosazana

But too often the goal of the planners is a universal gray state of health corresponding to absence of disease rather than to a positive attribute conducive to joyful and creative living. This kind of health will not rule out and may even generate another form of ill, the boredom which is the penalty of a formula of life where nothing is left unforeseen. — Rene Dubos

The power of positive thoughts is divine. Maintain a positive thoughts to create the life you want. — Lailah Gifty Akita

To live, to TRULY live, we must be willing to RISK. To be nothing in order to find everything. To leap before we look. — Mandy Hale

People who go to Disney who have magic in themselves experience magic there, just as people who go to the grocery store who have magic in themselves experience magic at the grocery store. The principle is simple: fun, joy, and happiness, are something we bring to life, not something life, circumstance, or situation bring to us. There are truly no magic kingdoms, only magic people.
Fun, joy and happiness are choices, orientations, approaches, attitudes, a way of living in the world, not the world itself ... — David W. Jones

Life is a sacred journey. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Appreciate every little beautiful moment in every day of your life. Give it a try and you'll see the world from another perspective. — Thea Kristine May

Problems are solved only when we devote a great deal of attention to them and in a creative way ... to have a good life, it is not enough to remove what is wrong with it. We also need a positive goal, otherwise why keep going? Creativity is one answer to that question - It provides one of the most exciting models for living. — Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

There is no saint here. I have attained wisdom from life's experiences... the positive, the negative, the destructive, the nourishing. I have been medicine and I have been poison. I've learned a lot about heaven from aligning with angels and I learned a lot about hell from acting like a devil. I offer my scars... what you call "wisdom"... as insight I have gathered from my comfort of living within both the light and the shadow. — Steve Maraboli

Does not the very word 'creative' mean to build, to initiate, to give out, to act - rather than to be acted upon, to be subjective? Living photography is positive in its approach, it sings a song of life - not death. — Berenice Abbott

Sometimes we have to think of the worst so we can figure out how to pick up the pieces and move on. Don't let life slap you with a cold shock; consider all the negative outcomes so you can live a more positive life. You'll make wiser choices and not dwell on all the perils that can befall you. - William — Dannika Dark

Every cloud doesn't have a silver lining but making time to look at the beauty of clouds can give you peace of mind — C.L. Bennett

When you listen to good music in the morning makes a good day. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Being a God-pleaser makes you a winner every time. When you switch your focus to being a God-pleaser instead of a people-pleaser, you win every time. You win because you are pleasing the only one who really matters. You win because living a God-pleasing life affects others in a positive way (whether they know it or not). You win because the joy and strength of the LORD are yours. You win because pleasing God gives you the hope that no matter what happens here on earth you are taken care of and loved by God Almighty. — Peter Cain

Sometimes, when you're feeling you're lowest, the real you is summoned~And you understand, maybe for the first time ever, how grand you are, because you discover that vulnerable doesn't mean powerless, scared doesn't mean lacking in beauty, and uncertainty doesn't mean that you're lost~These realizations alone will set you on a journey that you will take you far beyond what you used to think of as extraordinary.~There is always a bright side, The Universe — Mike Dooley

Live a passionate life. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Joyful living is a healthy life. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Have a set of core values you must follow while living your life. It should be your Personal Constitution. — Sanchita Pandey

Anything in your life that's acting as a security blanket is only smothering the person you were born to be. — Mandy Hale

Every day you choose your own reality with the thoughts in your head and the actions you take or don't take. We are all born with the same opportunity to live a full and happy life. Don't blame your circumstances. An effective mindset is one that makes the best use of available resources that are in front of you and within you. This includes your time, energy and efforts and uses them to create positive change. It's not about trying to do everything and be everything, it's making the very best of what you have while enjoying the process of living. — John Geiger

A dream is sacred essence of life. — Lailah Gifty Akita

I just don't want to come down to that level of society ... .the ones who sit by their televisions, drink their beer, their guts fat, vicariously living someone else's life, in a destructive way. I want a positive way. — Miki Dora

Life is all about finding yourself through experiences, and about learning more and more about who you are and what you're capable of. If you're getting older and not succeeding in anything or doing anything to make a positive impact on people, then you're not living. You're just waiting for death. Get out there and make an impact on people, whether it's by helping them directly or by doing research to make their lives better or just by inspiring them. Do something good to be remembered for. This is more important than money. — Zak Bagans

The adult age begins with the blessed single strand of a grey hair. — Lailah Gifty Akita

We may feel the need to change employment, but we don't.
We may feel the need to start a specific project, but we don't.
We may feel the need to pursue higher education, but we don't
We may feel the need to heal a broken relationship, but we don't.
We may feel the need to work to improve our spiritual lives, but we don't.
We may feel the need to take steps toward a healthier physical or emotional life for ourselves and/or our family, but again, we don't.
(This list could likely go on for eternity.)
The desire for progression is innate, but the problem we face is that the actual act of progression is also a choice.
Without embracing our inherent need for progress, for positive growth and/or change, we'll still go on living.
...But at what cost? — Richie Norton

I believe you can train yourself to become a positive thinker, but you must cultivate a desire to develop the skill of setting personal worthy and realistic goals. I am so thoroughly convinced that if we don't set goals in our life and learn how to master the technique of living to reach our goals, we can reach a ripe old age and look back on our life only to see that we reached but a small part of our full potential. When you learn to master the principle of setting a goal, you will then be able to make a great difference in the results you attain in this life. — M. Russell Ballard

Managing emotions is about living your truth rather than suffering a series of reactions.
You are a powerful creator and more than your emotions.Emotions are a good guiding system to let you know what is going on inside; but they are not the rulers of your world. Appreciate your emotional range which is part of the wonderful human experience, but keep your inner guidance system in place. Follow your path. Choose your destination. — Sheri Kaye Hoff

Get rid of grudges and negativity in your thoughts by replacing them with positive thoughts. You deserve a beautiful life. — Sanchita Pandey

People in your life leave you a rhyme,
On leaving they leave a new footprint in the Sands of Time. — Adhish Mazumder

Today remind yourself that nothing is too good to be true. Your great hopes can be realized. Your most wonderful dreams can come true. All that you really need, you can have. An incredible goodness is operating on your behalf. If you are living a paltry life, resolve to stop it today. Expect great things to happen. — Norman Vincent Peale

Today I realized that I am nothing more than tomorrow's ghost. In a way, it robs my sense of self to know I'm always changing; at the same time, it provides incentive to have the best today possible so I can have a positive influence on tomorrow and, if need be, shake some sense into the living. (Samantha Green) — Riley Noehren

... You see, my dear friend, I am made up of contradictions, and I have reached a very mature age without resting upon anything positive, without having calmed my restless spirit either by religion or philosophy. Undoubtedly I should have gone mad but for music. Music is indeed the most beautiful of all Heaven's gifts to humanity wandering in the darkness. Alone it calms, enlightens, and stills our souls. It is not the straw to which the drowning man clings; but a true friend, refuge, and comforter, for whose sake life is worth living — Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Although time seems to fly, it never travels faster than one day at a time. Each day is a new opportunity to live your life to the fullest. In each waking day, you will find scores of blessings and opportunities for positive change. Do not let your TODAY be stolen by the unchangeable past or the indefinite future! Today is a new day! — Steve Maraboli

Healthy living involves taking care of myself - both mentally and physically. It means surrounding myself with positive and supportive people, as well as exercising and maintaining a well-balanced diet. At this point, healthy living is just a way of life. — Demi Lovato

She knew her husband would never stray, so highly did he value that which he'd waited nearly six thousand years to know, so precious was it to him: love. She knew he would be there with her until the very end, that he would cherish each wrinkle, every line in her face, because in the final analysis they were not a negation of life but an affirmation of a life well lived. Proof positive of laughter and tears, of joy and grief, of passion, of living. — Karen Marie Moning

If misfortune finds us, it will not find a home among us, for our hearts will give it no berth, as we birth the fortunes, misfortune missed. — Tom Althouse

Being satisfied: this is the general model of being and living whose promoters and supporters do not appreciate the fact that it generates discontent. For the quest for satisfaction and the fact of being satisfied presuppose the fragmentation of 'being' into activities, intentions, needs, all of them well-defined, isolated, separable and separated from the Whole. Is this an art of living? A style? No. It is merely the result and the application to daily life of a management technique and a positive knowledge directed by market research. The economic prevails even in a domain that seemed to elude it: it governs lived experience. — Henri Lefebvre

Collateral learning in the way of formation of enduring attitudes, of likes and dislikes, may be and often is much more important than the spelling lesson or lesson in geography or history that is learned. For these attitudes are fundamentally what count in the future. The most important attitude that can be formed is that of desire to go on learning. If impetus in this direction is weakened instead of being intensified, something much more than mere lack of preparation takes place. The pupil is actually robbed of native capacities which otherwise would enable him [sic] to cope with the circumstances that he meets in the course of his life. We often see persons who have had little schooling and in whose case the absence of set schooling proves to be a positive asset. They have at least retained their native common sense and power of judgement, and its exercise in the actual conditions of living has given them the precious gift of ability to learn from the experiences they have. — John Dewey

We are living in a process of pursuit. But sometimes we get so focused on trying to get where we're going and we forget that this is life, too. We're living it right now. — Alison Sudol

Living life at a young age is like being a sponge thrust into the ocean. You absorb what's around you. If you're around people who are supportive and positive, that's how you look at the world. — Freddie Prinze Jr.

Death can come slow. Death can come quick. If you've got one last breath, you better make the most of it. — A.H. Scott

Belief in yourself comes from a positive attitude that sees life as worth living and that you have a wonderful part to play in it. — John Patrick Hickey

Sometimes life will be awesome. Sometimes, life will look blurry. Along the way in the journey of life, sometimes, life will be colder than warmer and sometimes warmer than colder but in all things we must remember that it is never over for a purposeful journey of life until the journey of life is over. Be it rough or smooth, good or bad, we must accomplish the task. It shall always not be good and it shall always not be bad; we only have to work hard. — Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

When it comes to our own well being, it is not a matter of doing the math, it is a matter of choosing the formula. When you add up the numbers, keep the primary factors in mind. Then multiply all sums by a positive outlook. The numbers will inevitably change and so will any undesirable equivalence. The math is merely the meter for the moment in an ever changing flux of the dynamic human equation. — Tom Althouse

Life is a sacred spark of divinity. — Lailah Gifty Akita

But it also happens at times that dreams genuinely tell us something about other people. In this way, the unconscious plays a role that is far from being fully understood. Like all the higher forms of life, man is in tune with the living beings around him to a remarkable degree. He perceives their sufferings and problems, their positive and negative attributes and values, instinctively-quite independently of his conscious thoughts about other people. — C. G. Jung

People who know their purpose know where they're going, what they're doing, and, more importantly, they know why they're doing it. This shifts the basic emphasis of life from one of meeting needs, dealing with fears, and seeking happiness to following a path that leads to the greatest possible fulfillment, success, and meaning in life. Knowing your purpose satisfies a deep need that lives in everyone: the need for meaning, to have a positive impact, to have your presence and life felt by others. As people age, the yearning to leave some kind of legacy grows stronger. There is no greater legacy you can leave than living your life purpose to the fullest extent possible. — Tim Kelley

The days of our lives, for all of us, are numbered ... We know that. And yes, there are certainly times when we aren't able to muster as much strength and patience as we would like. It's called being human. But I have found that in the simple act of living with hope, and in the daily effort to have a positive impact in the world, the days I do have are made all the more meaningful and precious. And for that I am grateful. — Elizabeth Edwards

Negative thought saps a person's strength.
Positive thought is healthy to the soul. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Give up smoking cold turkey. Start a diet in the next 5 min. Accept that job right away. Life can be beautiful without planning! — Rossana Condoleo

We are a sacred-living soul. — Lailah Gifty Akita

You were not born to make only a living but to live life. — Lailah Gifty Akita

I want to live my life to its fullest potential. I want to embrace my own purpose, however large or small it may be. I want to find my own Nehru moments and take positive steps toward becoming the person I am meant to be. The journey will undoubtedly be a winding one, filled with surprises and setbacks as well as gifts. But I'm ready to embrace it fully, wherever it may take me. — Mallika Chopra

I was raised in a typical Puritan Midwestern Methodist home and there was a lot of hurt and hypocrisy in those times. And I think that whatever part Playboy played and that I managed to play in terms of the sexual revolution came out of what I saw in the negative part of that life and tried to change things in some positive way so that people could choose alternate personal ways of living their lives. — Hugh Hefner

Each of us have a winner within. Tap into your potential and gain unlimited success! The only one who can stop you is yourself. Think Positive! Be Optimistic! Don't be fooled into thinking it can't be done. Look around amazing things are accomplished everyday. New inventions, discoveries are happening all the time. If you can get one foot in the door, you can make it happen. — Amaka Imani Nkosazana

Renewal of the mind is good for the soul because it allows you to be focused and gain understanding of your life choices. It allows you to renew your spirit and become uplifted filled with hope. Take a moment to transform those negative thoughts into something more positive. And, you will discover anything is possible when you believe. — Amaka Imani Nkosazana

Every new morning, I write a grateful gratitude for the new grace. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Are you a clairvoyant? A fortune-teller? If not, why anticipate the worst for yourself? Past does not equal the future, so why not think big and positive? — Maddy Malhotra

When you think positively, you attract divine forces for a positive lifestyle. — Lailah Gifty Akita

My favorite parable for living a positive and influential life is the Golden Rule: 'Do unto others what you would have them do unto you.' — Tony Oller

Life is a 'stage'
Every day is a book's new page.
The most of life you should make,
Every difficulty, as an opportunity,
you must take.
What you make out of life: gain or loss,
The choice is finally yours.
Always be in the NOW
For everything in life, be in WOW!
Life's a precious gift from God to you,
One good deed every day, you should do.
Perform your duties and your work,
and you shall surely invite Lady Luck.
Stay positive and have loads of fun
Have a cheerful life in the long run!
Be like the trees, and shine like the Sun
Help everyone, expecting nothing in return.
Life is a gift, make the most out of it
Stay happy, healthy, kind and fit
So that your 'play' is remembered
Reminisced as a 'Hit'!
(Poem Composed by Sangeet Pandey) — Sanchita Pandey

Who knows? Life may just be a Positive Conspiracy bent on putting us in the right place at the right time every living, breathing moment of the day. It just takes a certain kind of perspective to see this. Realizing this can put our "analyzer" on hold, our interpretive mind on "ga-ga" and our hearts on breathless. — Antero Alli

You are the water that flows freely, the most dynamic force on the planet with the ability to change course and outlook at any time. You can be a raging river or a placid pond. A source of nourishment, or a breaker of walls. Part of an ocean or a solitary drop. You are dynamic, you are beauty, you are life. — Tom Althouse

If you have a strong purpose in life, you don't have to be pushed. Your passion will drive you there. — Roy Bennett

ANYAELE SAM CHIYSON'S LAW OF PASSION: You must have a longing to succeed in accordance with your desires: Your intense, high-wrought emotion that compels you to action must be high-powered to get you fervent and excited to do what is required by the terms so as to make your desires a success. Get ready to follow through your innovations. Create your structures! Do things right to a turn and ardently carry your strategies to a successful completion and accomplish your desires. — Anyaele Sam Chiyson

No one ever finds life worth living - one has to make it worth living. — Winston Churchill

Maintain a receptive attitude! — Tae Yun Kim

You won't ever get ahead if you keep feeling sorry for yourself. You must stop all the negative talk and start thinking positive. You have a lot of potential but your life won't change until you change how you think. — Michele Woolley

How will people remember you when you are gone? And for how long until they forget? Were you selfish or selfless? A gossip or a patient listener? Did you add value to the world, or did you simply take from it? Did you add value to the lives of others, or did you take the value out of someone's life? Were you a plus or negative? Meaningful or meaningless? Do you live to take or live to give? — Suzy Kassem

The decision to be positive is not one that disregards or belittles the sadness that exists. It is rather a conscious choice to focus on the good and to cultivate happiness
genuine happiness. Happiness is not a limited resource. And when we devote our energy and time to trivial matters, and choose to stress over things that ultimately are insignificant. From that point, we perpetuate our own sadness, and we lose sight of the things that really make us happy and rationalize our way out of doing amazing things. — Christopher Aiff

A living faith, a glorious hope. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Removing toxicity from your life is essential to maintaining a peaceful state of mind and an overall quality of health. This purging can and should include any detrimental habits, including negative, controlling, and abusive people. Once you start living an empowered lifestyle that supports your own higher balance, you will find it to be an easy transition from the negative to the positive in every aspect of your life — Gary Hopkins

If you want your life to be a five-star reality, you have to stop settling for a fast food mentality! — Mandy Hale

I would rather live a joyful simple life, doing what I love, than to be unhappy and rich. — Lailah Gifty Akita

You are a light born to shine. You are not who the world thinks you are. You are not what you think you are. You are as God created you. Never see yourself less than that. You are powerful than you know! — Kemi Sogunle

To the greatest extent possible, I try to make choices that involve the least amount of cruelty and environmental damage. I'm interested in sustainable agriculture, environmental issues, human rights, and my interconnectedness in the web of life. It is a great pleasure for me to find products and practices that have a positive effect on living beings and the environment, rather than a negative one. — Vesanto Melina