Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Little League Baseball

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Top Little League Baseball Quotes

Little League Baseball Quotes By Jonah Hill

I grew up with baseball; I played in Little League and went to games with my dad. But I, as I grew up, became more of a basketball fanatic than a baseball one. — Jonah Hill

Little League Baseball Quotes By Tom Guiry

That's what's great about baseball: some people are exceptional at the game, but still, even people that aren't very athletic, like me - I played Little League! It's one of those games in sports where even if you're not the greatest, you can still play. — Tom Guiry

Little League Baseball Quotes By A. Bartlett Giamatti

We have an obligation to spread amateur baseball both at home and abroad. Building up the game at all levels - Little League, Babe Ruth Leagues, the colleges - is in our own self-interest. That's where the pool of talent is - and also of fans. — A. Bartlett Giamatti

Little League Baseball Quotes By Herbert Hoover

Any lack of confidence in the economic future or the basic strength of business in the United States is foolish. — Herbert Hoover

Little League Baseball Quotes By Sandi K. Whipple

The quickest way to failure, is to consider it! — Sandi K. Whipple

Little League Baseball Quotes By Robert C. Merton

School work and intellectual interests such as music and the arts were not especially important to me while I was growing up, although mathematics, my favorite subject, was fun. Baseball was my first passion: I played sand lot and Little League and rooted for the Brooklyn Dodgers. — Robert C. Merton

Little League Baseball Quotes By John Irving

They were childless - Dan Needham suggested that their sexual roles might be so "reversed" as to make childbearing difficult - and their attendance at Little League games was marked by a constant disapproval of the sport: that little girls were not allowed to play in the Little League was an example of sexual stereotyping that exercised the Dowlings' humorlessness and fury. Should they have a daughter, they warned, she would play in the Little League. They were a couple with a theme - sadly, it was their only theme, and a small theme, and they overplayed it, but a young couple with such a burning mission was quite interesting to the generally slow, accepting types who were more typical in Gravesend. Mr. Chickering, our fat coach and manager, lived in dread of the day the Dowlings might produce a daughter. Mr. Chickering was of the old school - he believed that only boys should play baseball, and that girls should watch them play, or else play soft-ball. — John Irving

Little League Baseball Quotes By Anthony Edwards

I'm the youngest of five kids, and I wanted attention. And in Santa Barbara, there was lots of theater going on, so for that area, it was a little bit like playing Little League baseball. There were dance classes, theater classes, and I just loved it. — Anthony Edwards

Little League Baseball Quotes By Jennifer Echols

Mr. Rush slapped Drew on the back of the head. "You pay attention, Morrow. There'll be hell to pay if you hurt my drum major. I'll have Clayton Porridge out in the middle of the football field, doing the cancan."
"The cancan is surprisingly difficult," Barry said. "It takes a lot more coordination than Clayton Porridge has."
Mr. Rush gave Barry the brain-melting stare.
Barry shrank. "I know this because I played Little League baseball with Clayton Porridge."
Mr. Rush kept staring.
"Sir," Barry added. — Jennifer Echols

Little League Baseball Quotes By Yogi Berra

Little League baseball is a very good thing because it keeps the parents off the streets. — Yogi Berra

Little League Baseball Quotes By Yogi Berra

But Little League can be a great experience for kids, as long as they want to play
and don't play to bring their parents glory. — Yogi Berra

Little League Baseball Quotes By Jerry Spinelli

I think I have a pretty goofy profile for a writer. It seems to me most writers were reading 'Little Women' when they were 6 months old. At the age of a lot of my readers, I wanted to be a major league baseball player. I didn't read much. — Jerry Spinelli

Little League Baseball Quotes By Gary Wright

As a kid, I used to love to play baseball and be in Little League and sleep outside with my friends and do all those kind of things. — Gary Wright

Little League Baseball Quotes By Dan O'Brien

I was playing little league baseball when Bruce Jenner was winning the gold, but I don't think I was really paying attention at that time. It wasn't until 1980 - I think I was 12 years old - that I thought, 'Wow that's what I want to do. I want to be on the Olympic team.' — Dan O'Brien

Little League Baseball Quotes By Sally Robinson

If everyone approved, there'd be no point to it. — Sally Robinson

Little League Baseball Quotes By John Ortberg Jr.

I can buy baseball cards to view an entire career on the back of a little square of cardboard. But nobody sells major league father cards with key statistics on the back ("Had a great season in 2005: set career highs in unforced expressions of affection and averaged 87 minutes of quality time per day.") — John Ortberg Jr.

Little League Baseball Quotes By Chadwick Boseman

I played Little League baseball, but I also played basketball. Basketball was my primary sport. When you play basketball seriously, a lot of times, through the summer season, you continue playing. So that replaced me playing baseball. — Chadwick Boseman

Little League Baseball Quotes By John Grisham

That's sounds right. Another $5,000 went to dress up the Little League park where he had played so many games. Seems like he paid off the MORTAGE on his parents' home, which wasn't that much. — John Grisham

Little League Baseball Quotes By Bobby Keys

In the summertime, I played Little League baseball; football in the fall; basketball in the winter. — Bobby Keys

Little League Baseball Quotes By Jack Canfield

As I was driving home from work one day, I stopped to watch a local Little League baseball game that was being played in a park near my home. As I sat down behind the bench on the first-baseline, I asked one of the boys what the score was.
"We're behind 14 to nothing," he answered with a smile.
"Really," I said. "I have to say you don't look very discouraged."
"Discouraged?" the boy asked with a puzzled look on his face. "Why should we be discouraged? We haven't been up to bat yet. — Jack Canfield

Little League Baseball Quotes By Jim Evans

As a youngster, I played in Little League, Pony League, and all sorts of amateur baseball programs growing up. — Jim Evans

Little League Baseball Quotes By Kelly Clarkson

I'm actually not a big fan of the word hope. I think it's a depressing word. I don't want to hope - I want to know. Like I don't hope there's a God, I know there's a God. — Kelly Clarkson

Little League Baseball Quotes By George Will

Night baseball isn't an aberration. What's an aberration is a team that hasn't won a World Series since 1908. They tend to think of themselves as a little Williamsburg, a cute little replica of a major league franchise. Give me the Oakland A's, thank you very much. People who do it right. — George Will

Little League Baseball Quotes By Tucker Elliot

It's one thing to win a game with a base hit, or to save a game by pitching a scoreless ninth ... it's something altogether different to save our National Pastime by day in and day out showing up with the joy and passion of a kid playing Little League and the determined attitude and work ethic of a consummate professional bent on doing one thing and one thing only: his job. — Tucker Elliot

Little League Baseball Quotes By Richard Rodriguez

I keep trying to tell people that Los Angeles is already the largest Indian city in the U.S., that there are Toltecs playing Little League baseball in Pasadena, Mayans making beds at the Marriott in Westwood, and Chichimecs driving buses in L.A. Los Angeles is a majority-Indian city. — Richard Rodriguez

Little League Baseball Quotes By Therese Fowler

I'm among the first girls ever to play Little League baseball, and to my knowledge, the very first in western Illinois. It was 1976, and I was a nine-year-old tomboy whose older brothers had played. — Therese Fowler

Little League Baseball Quotes By Jeph Loeb

As Long as we Keep telling stories about people we lost, they'll never go away. (from Bonus features 'Big Hero 6') — Jeph Loeb

Little League Baseball Quotes By Jodi Picoult

Those eyes, they've got a history with mine. They were the first things I saw when I came to, after being hit in the skull with a baseball thrown by Patrick at Little League. They were the fortification I needed at sixteen to ride the chairlift at Sugarloaf, although I am terrified of heights. For almost my whole life, they've told me I'm doing all right, during moments when it was not in my own power to answer. — Jodi Picoult

Little League Baseball Quotes By Dennis Quaid

My real-life athletic career was not very much. I played Little League baseball. — Dennis Quaid

Little League Baseball Quotes By Tom Glavine

Everything with me is normal except when I pitch (in Fenway Park). When I pitch here it's a little different. There is a little more anxiety to go along with the nostalgia because this is the park I grew up with as a kid. This is the park I dreamed of playing Major League Baseball in and no other ballpark has that feeling for me. There are a lot more family and friends here than in my normal starts and I want to pitch well here. — Tom Glavine

Little League Baseball Quotes By Jon Stewart

My life was typical. I played a little Little League baseball. I never wanted for food. I always had shoes. I had a room. There were no great tragedies. There were the typical ups and downs but I wouldn' t say it was at all sad. We were Jewish and living in the suburbs so there was a slightly neurotic bent to it, but I can't point to anything where a boy overcame a tragedy to become a comedian. As my grandmother used to say, 'I can't complain. — Jon Stewart

Little League Baseball Quotes By Patrick Caddell

When you have the Chief of Staff of the Republican National Committee and the political director of the Romney campaign, and their two companies get $150 million at the end of the campaign for the 'fantastic' get-out-the-vote program ... some of this borders on RICO violations. — Patrick Caddell