Famous Quotes & Sayings

Limpamax Quotes & Sayings

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Top Limpamax Quotes

Limpamax Quotes By Samuel R. Delany

The mark of the truly civilized is their (truly baffling to the likes of you and me) patience with what truly baffles. — Samuel R. Delany

Limpamax Quotes By Richard Laymon

That sort of aloneness gives you goosebumps scurrying up your spine. It makes your scalp crawl. — Richard Laymon

Limpamax Quotes By Greil Marcus

What's the impulse behind art? It's saying in whatever language is the language of your work, "If I could move you as much as it moved me ... if I can move anyone a tenth as much as that moved me, if I can spark the same sense of mystery and awe and surprise as that sparked in me, well that's why I do what I do." — Greil Marcus

Limpamax Quotes By Elizabeth Bard

I was living "every girl's" dream. But I had yet to find my own passion, my personal project, the thing that would help make Paris mine. — Elizabeth Bard

Limpamax Quotes By Juanita Ray

He reminded me of all the questions I asked God years ago when God was too busy to answer.
Try asking God. I think it helps especially if you have problems talking to adults. — Juanita Ray

Limpamax Quotes By Paul Theroux

My father had an invisible job outside of the house; I didn't know what he did. But my kids were privy to the ups and downs of a writer's life. — Paul Theroux

Limpamax Quotes By Christopher Hitchens

Very often the test of one's allegiance to a cause or to a people is precisely the willingness to stay the course when things are boring, to run the risk of repeating an old argument just one more time, or of going one more round with a hostile or (much worse) indifferent audience. — Christopher Hitchens

Limpamax Quotes By Janette Oke

Little is much, If love abides — Janette Oke

Limpamax Quotes By Susan Sontag

The solution to a problem - a story that you are unable to finish - is the problem. It isn't as if the problem is one thing and the solution something else. The problem, properly understood = the solution. Instead of trying to hide or efface what limits the story, capitalize on that very limitation. State it, rail against it. — Susan Sontag

Limpamax Quotes By Erskine Caldwell

I'm not interested in plots. I'm interested only in the characterization of people and what they do. — Erskine Caldwell

Limpamax Quotes By Thomas Pynchon

Tis useful nonetheless, now and then, to regard Politics here, as the greater American Question in Miniature, - in the way that Chess represents war, - with Governor Penn a game-piece in the form of the King. — Thomas Pynchon

Limpamax Quotes By Nathaniel Branden

Fully to surrender to love can be terrifying. But it is the price life asks in exchange for the possibility of ecstasy. — Nathaniel Branden