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Quotes & Sayings About Life Mates

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Top Life Mates Quotes

Life Mates Quotes By Alessandra Torre

I'm done. I don't need anything more out of life. I have you, and that's enough. — Alessandra Torre

Life Mates Quotes By J.R.R. Tolkien

When the glamour wears off, or merely works a bit thin, they think they have made a mistake, and that the real soul-mate is still to find ... And of course they are as a rule quite right: they did make a mistake. Only a very wise man at the end of his life could make a sound judgment concerning whom, amongst the total chances, he ought most profitably to have married! Nearly all marriages, even happy ones, are mistakes: in the sense that almost certainly (in a more perfect world, or even with a little more care in this very imperfect one) both partners might have found more suitable mates. But the 'real soul-mate' is the one you are actually married to. — J.R.R. Tolkien

Life Mates Quotes By Zoe Chant

Brennan's inner jaguar roared to life then with the need to protect this woman- protect my mate, must protect my mate it snarled. — Zoe Chant

Life Mates Quotes By Leisa Rayven

If I ever wanted concrete proof we're soul mates, I just got it. I've never been one for religion, or even spirituality, but with Cassie I have no doubt we've known each other before this life. I'm also certain we'll know each other after it. In a hundred different lifetimes, I'll always find her. — Leisa Rayven

Life Mates Quotes By Saint Cecilia

Some people go through life and never find their soul mates. They never do. You and I did, we just happened to have them for a shorter period of time. It's sad, but it's life. — Saint Cecilia

Life Mates Quotes By Neha Yazmin


I wish you wouldn't try,
to find me where I hide.
I am fine where I reside,
So please don't follow.

I wish you wouldn't cry,
can't bear that in your eyes.
I am more than terrified.
Please say you won't go.

If I could make two of me,
you would get one half.
But there's only one of me,
and that's more than enough.

I wish you wouldn't want from me,
what I cannot give.
I wish you could be satisfied,
with what you now receive.

There is only one of me,
and I belong to her.
If I live another life,
hope you come before her. — Neha Yazmin

Life Mates Quotes By Spencer W. Kimball

Soul mates' are fiction and an illusion; and while every young man and young woman will seek with all diligence and prayerfulness to find a mate with whom life can be most compatible and beautiful, yet it is certain that almost any good man and any good woman can have happiness and a successful marriage if both are willing to pay the price. — Spencer W. Kimball

Life Mates Quotes By Airicka Phoenix

Because I loved you!" she shouted. "Because I didn't want to let you go! Because I didn't want to lose you!" She hadn't realized she was crying until her voice hitched and she felt the tears on her cheeks. She swiped at them impatiently. "I have never fought for anything in my life because I never had anything worth fighting for, but I was going to fight for you. — Airicka Phoenix

Life Mates Quotes By Keiko Nobumoto

There was once a tiger-striped cat. This cat died a million deaths, and lived a million lives, and in those lives, various people owned him. None of those people he cared for. This cat was not afraid of death. One life, the cat became a stray cat, which meant it was free. And it met a white female cat. They became mates, and lived together. Time passed, the white cat passed away of old age. And the tiger- striped cat cried a million times. Eventually, the cat died again. But this time, it didn't come back to life. — Keiko Nobumoto

Life Mates Quotes By Ada Cambridge

[Their marriage] will not be all cakes and ale.... They are too much alike to be the ideal match. Patty is thick-skinned and passionate, too ready to be hurt to the heart by the mere little pinpricks and mosquito bites of life; and Paul is proud and crotchety, and, like the great Napoleon, given to kick the fire with his boots when he is put out. There will be many little gusts of temper, little clouds of misunderstanding, disappointments, and bereavements, and sickness of mind and body; but with all this, they will find their lot so blessed, by reason of the mutual love and sympathy tat, through all the vicissitudes, will surely grow deeper and stronger every day they live together, that they will not know how to conceive a better one. — Ada Cambridge

Life Mates Quotes By Philip Appleman

After the steaming bodies swept
through the hungry streets of swollen cities;
after the vast pink spawning of family
poisoned the rivers and ravaged the prairies;
after the gamble of latex and
diaphragms and pills;
I invoked the white robes, gleaming blades
ready for blood, and, feeling the scourge
of Increase and Multiply, made
affirmation: Yes, deliver us from
And after the precision of scalpels,
I woke to a landscape of sunshine where
the catbird mates for life and
maps trace out no alibis - stepped
into a morning of naked truth,
where acts mean what they really are:
the purity of loving
for the sake of love. — Philip Appleman

Life Mates Quotes By J.D. Robb

The vulnerability undid him even as the strength brought him pride. And the whole of her brought him love beyond the measuring of it.
Of all he'd craved in his life, all he'd dreamed of having, all he'd fought to gain by fair means or foul, he'd never imagined having such such as she as his own. Never imagined himself the man he'd come to be because she was. — J.D. Robb

Life Mates Quotes By Rebecca Traister

Some are sad to not yet have found mates, like Elliott Holt, a forty-year-old novelist who told me, 'I guess I just had no idea, could never have predicted, how intense the loneliness would be at this juncture of my life. — Rebecca Traister

Life Mates Quotes By Leon Uris

All men have a measure of cowardice in them. I learned that love of one's mates can overcome your fears. I learned that every survivor of this horror must try to live a good life because he lives for many men. — Leon Uris

Life Mates Quotes By Peter David

Nicrominus considered that possibility further and came to the realization that the prospect did not bother him particularly. He had led a long life, seen many things, had mates, eaten them, spawned children, eaten them, allowed one of them to live almost on a whim and found the experience to be, on the whole, rather uplifting. There were still things he wished to see and goals he wished to attain. He had no overt desire for death. But if the next few minutes were to result in his being a red and green splotch on the streets of the Spire city, well ... it wasn't as if he hadn't had more than his share of experiences. — Peter David

Life Mates Quotes By Glen Hansard

My life at home is super simple. My local bar with my mates, cooking for my mother, making tables, planting vegetables: It's the classic idea of the artistic existence. — Glen Hansard

Life Mates Quotes By Nikki Rowe

I won't deny that I haven't been this vulnerable for a long time, it scares me ~ all of it, love, emotion and connection but I've reached a point in my life that I now know this type of love doesn't knock often and when it does, maybe it's time to open the door. — Nikki Rowe

Life Mates Quotes By Gina Damico

Seriously?" she said with a glance of skepticism. Driggs and this nerdlinger? "You guys are best friends?"
Ferbus looked up briefly to give her a smug look. "We prefer the term heterosexual life mates. — Gina Damico

Life Mates Quotes By Sachin Tendulkar

I couldn't have asked for anything more than this. Winning the World Cup is the proudest moment of my life. Thanks to my team-mates. Without them, nothing would have happened. I couldn't control my tears of joy. — Sachin Tendulkar

Life Mates Quotes By Linda Becker

Helen, you would just have to sit still, close your eyes and think of me, and I would turn the universe inside out to find you. I would go anywhere and fight anything to get to you - witches, dragons, and even pirates. If I have to pass through a hundred lifetimes, I will do it to find you. I may be an old man and you may be an old woman. You may not even recognize me by the time it happens, but you will know and I will know, because nothing can separate us. We will always be together. I promise you. Now stop worrying. — Linda Becker

Life Mates Quotes By Gabrielle Aplin

I don't feel like a pop star. I like being able to live my life the same as my mates. I don't get recognised much. — Gabrielle Aplin

Life Mates Quotes By Sarah Ban Breathnach

I have a theory about soul mates
that God wants to be our sweetheart. And once we fall in love with life and have an intimate relationship with Spirit, that's when we meet our soul mate. It's as if God says, 'You're not meant to be alone on this earth. I just wanted you to love me first. — Sarah Ban Breathnach

Life Mates Quotes By Rose Wynters

Arch glared at him. I've spent hundreds of years watching you mope around because you thought you lost your soul mates. You wouldn't recognize a soul mate if she walked up to you and hit you in your face. Even after all this time, you still haven't figured it out. — Rose Wynters

Life Mates Quotes By Stacie Simpson

A circle has no end, no beginning, and can hold within itself all the love and devotion shared between mates. Let the rings you exchange now guide you in your life together and show you the way to everlasting love. — Stacie Simpson

Life Mates Quotes By Pamela Druckerman

You will miss out on some near soul mates. This goes for friendships, too. There will be unforgettable people with whom you have shared an excellent evening or a few days. Now they live in Hong Kong, and you will never see them again. That's just how life is. — Pamela Druckerman

Life Mates Quotes By Cusi Cram

Most people are lucky enough to have a few electrifying kissing experiences in their lifetimes, which make you believe in God, the reality of soul mates, or at least the power of sexual chemistry [Cram,Cusi, "'One Life to Live' and 14 Beautiful Boys to Kiss," Cafe, January 14, 2015]. — Cusi Cram

Life Mates Quotes By Gillian Flynn

Soul mates. They really call themselves that, which makes sense, because I guess they are ... They have no harsh edges with each other, no spiny conflicts, they ride though life like conjoined jellyfish - expanding and contracting instinctively, filling each other's spaces liquidly. Making it look easy. — Gillian Flynn

Life Mates Quotes By Sapan Saxena

You have been the summary of my entire existence; my biggest weakness, my greatest strength. The weathers of my life start and end with you. You complete me. — Sapan Saxena

Life Mates Quotes By Neha Yazmin

he saw her face and there was light again. There, in ...her face, her eyes, there in the spot where Mukti stood, there was his world. All the memories that gave cohesion to the sights and sounds around him were tied up with her.
Mukti gave his life meaning.
She was his life... — Neha Yazmin

Life Mates Quotes By Steve Maraboli

You didn't just cheat on me; you cheated on us. You didn't just break my heart; you broke our future. — Steve Maraboli

Life Mates Quotes By Andrea Hurst

Wolves mated for life. Where was he? Where was the echo to her howl, her mate? Was there no other lone wolf, searching the hills for her? — Andrea Hurst

Life Mates Quotes By William Shakespeare

Now, my co-mates and brothers in exile,
Hath not old custom made this life more sweet
Than that of painted pomp? Are not these woods
More free from peril than the envious court? — William Shakespeare

Life Mates Quotes By Kate McGahan

She made me her everything. She didn't realize then that when you make someone your everything, when they are gone you have nothing left. I have since learned that our Master sends us soul mates who teach us to depend on them and then we come to believe we cannot live without them. Then He takes them away to prove to us that we can indeed live without them, but also to prove that we cannot live without Him. — Kate McGahan

Life Mates Quotes By Lynsay Sands

Oh, Armand!" Agnes whirled away to embrace him now. "I do like her. You were ever so clever to find her."
Armand actually chuckled as he hugged her back. "I'm glad, Agnes. I like her too."
"Oh you!" Agnes pulled back to slap his chest playfully at the reprimand. "Ever the man of understatement. You don't just like her, Armand. I can read your thoughts. You love her."
Eshe stilled at the words, a little startled by them, though she didn't know why. They were life mates; love came naturally and easily between life mates. However, she'd been preoccupied by other matters such as the case and the great sex life mates enjoyed and hadn't given a thought to love developing between them.
Her gaze slid to Armand to find his expression solemn as he met her gaze and said, "Yes, I do love her. — Lynsay Sands

Life Mates Quotes By Gracia Hunter

Ask yourself a simple question. Do you want to keep playing, offence and defense included, for the rest of your life? Is this what you are marrying for? If answer is no, then stay away from Sporting Demons. If somehow the answer is yes or you, yourself, are a sporting demon then go ahead ... But don't come complaining if the game goes too far or too crappier to handle. — Gracia Hunter

Life Mates Quotes By John R. Dallas Jr.

Words are words. People add meaning to words.
Information is information. With words people add value to information.
Words breathe life into information. Words move mountains of information.
Words are action. Momentum for living evolves from pursuit of deeper, wider and higher significance, utility and value of words.
Words we sow, nourish and harvest feed hungry minds and hearts. Gathered words strengthen, ignite and release us.
Words identify, signify and proclaim our individuality. Words pronounce a purposeful life's choices.
With wisdom, courage and patience we must choose high-performing words for long-term relationships. Chosen words become soul mates. — John R. Dallas Jr.

Life Mates Quotes By Gillian Flynn

They have no harsh edges with each other, no spiny conflicts, they ride through life like conjoined jellyfish - expanding and contracting instinctively, filling each other's spaces liquidly. — Gillian Flynn

Life Mates Quotes By Anonymous

Romantic love is not a concept that I'm familiar with or interested in familiarizing myself with. Love is for the weak, everyday people looking for soul mates, a partner to witness their life. There's nothing in my life that I wish for someone else to witness. — Anonymous

Life Mates Quotes By Shana Abe

All this is simply your reaction to my Gifts. You never loved me before, not in all those years. Now that you who I
what I can do, you've convinced yourself it's more than it is. Its simple instinct."
"Perchance you're right. But the result is the same, isn't it? We were meant to be together in life. That's our law, because that is our instinct, the natural order of our kind. Strongest mates to strongest."
She took the steps necessary to stand before him. She held out a hand to him and he accepted it, lightly, his fingers cradled hers. "This is not life, Rhys."
"No." He studied their locked hands, the pulse in her wrist. "But it is still love. Just as I loved you when we were young
"Stop it," she whispered.
"My heart beast for you." He released her fingers and gave her that faint, sardonic smile.
"I am going to marry Hayden."
"I know. And I'm still going to love you." The smile deepened. "Sorry. — Shana Abe

Life Mates Quotes By Adam L. Gowans

And tears take sunshine from thine eyes! Life is but thought: so think I will That Youth and I are house-mates still. — Adam L. Gowans

Life Mates Quotes By John O'Grady

There is no better way of life in the world than that of the Australian. I firmly believe this. The grumbling, growling, cursing, profane, laughing, beer drinking, abusive, loyal-to-his-mates Australian is one of the few free men left on this earth. He fears no one, crawls to no one, bludges on no one, and acknowledges no master. Learn his way. Learn his language. Get yourself accepted as one of him; and you will enter a world that you never dreamed existed. And once you have entered it, you will never leave it. — John O'Grady

Life Mates Quotes By Virginia Alison

Some souls are just ...There.
They are a constant in your world. You know, no matter what, they will remain. Intrinsically woven into the fabric of your life, inexplicably connected, you are drawn to their intoxicating essence and it is there you will find your reflection staring back at you.
Such is love between soul mates... — Virginia Alison

Life Mates Quotes By Steve Maraboli

Through all the challenges life may throw at us; let's not forget that we are soul mates ... companions ... individuals ... divinely fused together by the immeasurable power of love ... and that we can get through it all ... as one. — Steve Maraboli

Life Mates Quotes By Chelsie Shakespeare

Everything is connected, like a delicate web. Ever growing, ever changing. New silvery strands come together every day, and once the strand is formed, no matter what superficial circumstances may sometimes keep you apart, it is never broken. You will meet again, perhaps in another lifetime. The connection is unbreakable, lying dormant in your subconscious. — Chelsie Shakespeare

Life Mates Quotes By Penn Jillette

In the late twentieth century we consider solitude our natural condition. Mates divorce, and even friendship is diagnosed as a disorder - co-dependency. So the concept of living a life interlocked with another human is unthinkable — Penn Jillette

Life Mates Quotes By David Mitchell

But, Henry, this is wicked!' But, Adam, the world is wicked. Maoris prey on Moriori, Whites prey on darker-hued cousins, fleas prey on mice, cats prey on rats, Christians on infidels, first mates on cabin boys, Death on the Living. 'The weak are meat, the strong do eat. — David Mitchell

Life Mates Quotes By Shaun Hick

You smile and draw me near and whisper, "Do as dreamers do."
I lean to you and whisper in your ear, "I cannot dream tonight my Dear. For it is you. — Shaun Hick

Life Mates Quotes By Serena Jade

A solid foundation for us makes a great partner for someone else.-Serena Jade — Serena Jade

Life Mates Quotes By Elizabeth Gilbert

People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.
A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then leave.
A soul mates purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life, then introduce you to your spiritual master ... — Elizabeth Gilbert

Life Mates Quotes By Elizabeth Gilbert

Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then they leave. And thank God for it. Your problem is, you just can't let this one go. It's over, Groceries. David's purpose was to shake you up, drive you out of that marriage that you needed to leave, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light could get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you had to transform your life, then introduce you to your spiritual master and beat it. That was his job, and he did great, but now it's over. Problem is, you can't accept that this relationship had a real short shelf life. You're like a dog at the dump, baby - you're just lickin' at an empty tin can, trying to get more nutrition out of it. And if you're not careful, that can's gonna get stuck on your snout forever and make your life miserable. So drop it. — Elizabeth Gilbert

Life Mates Quotes By C. JoyBell C.

When we get married, we promise a person the rest of our lives, "Til death do us part". But what if in another life we promised someone forever? What if ten lifetimes ago we promised someone lifetime after lifetime after lifetime? Think about it. Maybe that's why marriages fail when they do fail. Because maybe promises are never really broken. — C. JoyBell C.

Life Mates Quotes By Susan Meissner

Papa said marriage is not kept by affection but by a pledge. Affection does not beget the pledge; the pledge begets the affection. When you share a life and a home and a bed with someone, you become soul mates as surely as cream and effort produce butter ... And so I began to imagine my life with James Luddy. I imagined being butter. — Susan Meissner

Life Mates Quotes By Adrianna Stepiano

Into the wind we vary,
Our hearts free of youth,
Mold me into envy,
If I can't have your muse;
Under toe,
Walk to the throne,
After centuries of life. — Adrianna Stepiano

Life Mates Quotes By Yasmine Galenorn

We come together, we create our families, we chose our mates out of the desire to form a life together. Love takes many forms, wears many faces, but when it's real, when it touches your heart, you will know it and
with hope
embrace it. Love is stronger than hate, love is stronger than anger. Love is stronger than all artificial divisions that exist n our world. — Yasmine Galenorn

Life Mates Quotes By Dr. Dianne Rosena Jones, Mpsy.D.

God has brought a very wise Japanese lady into my life who lives in Calif. We've never met, but she has shared a tremendous amount of wisdom with me concerning unconditional love within relationships. Here is one of the things she said to me this evening when we were discussing "Soul Mates."

"Soul mates aren't perfect people. They can come into your life and provide polar emotional experiences from intense love to intense pain. Growth comes from both. And a soul mate helps you grow. It isn't just "...and they lived happily ever after" but "...and they lived!" ~ From my mentor ~ Lori Chidori Phillips — Dr. Dianne Rosena Jones, Mpsy.D.

Life Mates Quotes By Lisa Kleypas

I no longer believed in the idea of soul mates, or love at first sight. But I was beginning to believe that a very few times in your life, if you were lucky, you might meet someone who was exactly right for you. Not because he was perfect, or because you were, but because your combined flaws were arranged in a way that allowed two separate beings to hinge together. — Lisa Kleypas

Life Mates Quotes By Stanley Victor Paskavich

Some one asked me today to explain "Soul Mates" I said "Well if all the energy was created at the same time as they say. Then all souls and spirits and such would be the same age. The only way you could say then if your a so called Old Soul, it would mean you have played the game more than others. Then some where along the way the person your attracted to was there with you one or many times playing the game also. Yet the experiences you shared could of been in many different life applications, not just Lovers. — Stanley Victor Paskavich

Life Mates Quotes By Colleen Hoover

I don't know if I normally believe in soul mates," I tell her. "But for the next twenty-four hours, I'd bet my life for it to be true. — Colleen Hoover

Life Mates Quotes By Akif Kichloo

So often we confuse mistakes for soul mates, lessons for
lovers, and at the same time worthy life partners for one-night stands.

It's an epidemic. — Akif Kichloo

Life Mates Quotes By Alyse M. Gardner

It's two lovers that continue to hold each other close but move in life as if they aren't their soul mates because it is deemed necessary. — Alyse M. Gardner

Life Mates Quotes By Hannah Lillith Assadi

I looked at Laura . . . and wondered at how many lives before this life we might have known together. — Hannah Lillith Assadi

Life Mates Quotes By Elizabeth Gilbert

A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then leave. — Elizabeth Gilbert

Life Mates Quotes By Abby McDonald

Just because they were soul mates doesn't mean they had to last forever. Just because they felt true love doesn't mean they couldn't have a new life after that love was over. — Abby McDonald

Life Mates Quotes By Terri Herman-Ponce

We do not remember days, Shemei, we remember moments, and the richness of life lies in memories we have forgotten. — Terri Herman-Ponce

Life Mates Quotes By Lisa Kleypas

What if you could meet your soul mate?" the ghost asked. "You 'd want to avoid that?"
"Hell, yes. The idea that there's one soul out there, waiting to merge with mine like some data-sharing program, depresses the hell out of me."
"It's not like that. It's not about losing yourself."
"Then what is it?" Alex was only half listening, still occupied with the viselike tightness of his chest.
"It's like your whole life you 've been falling toward the earth, until the moment someone catches you. And you realise that somehow you 've caught her at the same time. And together, instead of falling, you might be able to fly. — Lisa Kleypas

Life Mates Quotes By Bob Dylan

Life has its ups and downs, and time has to be your partner. Really, time is your soul mate. — Bob Dylan

Life Mates Quotes By Terry Spear

I thought he should know the truth.
"Some say that I'm a ... well a ..." I hated to say what others teased me mercilessly about... "A... slow learner."
He shrugged as if to indicate that it didn't mean anything to him, but seemed anxious about what to say to console me. Finally, he reached out and touched my hand. "Yeah, but they don't have life mates whose destines are written in the stars." I wanted to groan out loud. I was a slow learner and was to be mated with a vampiric human whose old flame wanted me dead. How was this a good thing? — Terry Spear

Life Mates Quotes By Coco J. Ginger

Soul mates are muses. The people in your life you despise, disrespect and desire the most. — Coco J. Ginger

Life Mates Quotes By Arielle Ford

When deep down in the core of your being you believe that your soul mate exists, there is no limit to the ways he or she can enter your life. — Arielle Ford

Life Mates Quotes By Nalini Singh

Oh, God, Judd." She squeezed his hand. "I felt the ... shadow of that, an echo. If what I felt was diluted, how are you still conscious?"
"Why did you feel it?" Protective instincts roared to life. "We aren't mated."
Her shattered eyes went wide. "Are you sure?"
His heart actually stopped for a second, he wanted so much for her to belong to him on the most irrevocable level. "I guess we'll find out. — Nalini Singh

Life Mates Quotes By Cecelia Ahern

Some people go through life searching and never find their soul mates. They never do. You and I did, we just happened to have them for a shorter period of time than we hoped for. It's sad, but it's life. So you go to this ball, Holly and you embrace the fact that you had someone whom you loved and who loved you back. — Cecelia Ahern

Life Mates Quotes By Stuart Wilde

Next, take a look at the quality of the people who surround you. Do these people back you emotionally, or not? If they don't back you, are they at least passive? If not, get rid of them. Sometimes it is hard to drop off your mates at the great bus stop of life. But remember, your energy will only rise in direct relationship to the number of things you are able to get rid of - not to the things you acquire. By getting rid of things, attitudes, encumbrances, and blocks of one kind or another, things fly. — Stuart Wilde

Life Mates Quotes By A.A. Gupte

She was his rock. It was blasphemy to imagine a life without Iris in it. — A.A. Gupte

Life Mates Quotes By Mingmei Yip

Therefore, when Ziqi died, Boya, realizing that no one else would understand his music as well as his friend, smashed his qin at Ziqi's grave and sighed, "Why play the qin when there's no more zhiyin to understand my music!" From then on, the term zhiyin had been used to describe soul mates. "Precious Orchid," Qing Zhen looked at me intently while a solitary bird soared behind him in the vast sky, "you realize how lucky we are? Most people search all their life for a zhiyin but never find one. We're not only lovers; we're also zhiyin." Though I was used to compliments from men and usually did not take them seriously, this one from Qing Zhen touched a silk string in my heart. — Mingmei Yip

Life Mates Quotes By Walt Whitman

TO the garden, the world, anew ascending,
Potent mates, daughters, sons, preluding,
The love, the life of their bodies, meaning and being,
Curious, here behold my resurrection, after slumber;
The revolving cycles, in their wide sweep, have brought me again,
Amorous, mature - all beautiful to me - all wondrous;
My limbs, and the quivering fire that ever plays through them, for reasons, most wondrous;
Existing, I peer and penetrate still,
Content with the present - content with the past,
By my side, or back of me, Eve following,
Or in front, and I following her just the same. — Walt Whitman

Life Mates Quotes By Gabrielle Hamilton

I was firmly in the out-of-sight-out-of-mind camp, and had cogent, unflinchingly honest declarations I frequently made about losing a shared context, and sentimentalism, and the general faint hearted ness of most people-but I knew there were people in the world who remained friends, for life, with bunk mates from sleepaway camp, and this was that group of people. — Gabrielle Hamilton

Life Mates Quotes By Truth Devour

Soul mates recognise one another's vibration. They instantly fuse to the life force that surrounds their core of being. — Truth Devour

Life Mates Quotes By Elizabeth Gilbert

Your problem is you don't understand what that word means. People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that's holding you back, the person who brings you to your attention so you can change your life. A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then they leave. — Elizabeth Gilbert

Life Mates Quotes By Neha Yazmin

Yours is the only face I'm capable of seeing, the only face I want to see. All my life and knowledge, the whole world, is right there in your face, your brown eyes. You give cohesion to everything I know. Without you in my life, I'd be worse than an amnesiac. — Neha Yazmin

Life Mates Quotes By Anita Renfroe

I believed that if you were really in love and really soul mates, there would be this cosmic resonance, filled with huge chunks of agreement. What a crock! If only I'd known then that there are about three or four issues that are vital to life and about seven billion other details that don't really matter at all, I could have saved myself (and John!) boatloads of stress. — Anita Renfroe

Life Mates Quotes By Louisa May Alcott

You do me proud, Captain. But, dear, I want to say one thing and then I'm done; for you don't need much advice of mine after my good man has spoken. I read somewhere that every inch of rope in the British Navy has a strand of red in it, so wherever a bit of it is found it is known. That is the text of my little sermon to you. Virtue, which means honour, honesty, courage, and all that makes character, is the red thread that marks a good man wherever he is. Keep that always and everywhere, so that even if wrecked by misfortune, that sign shall still be found and recognized. Yours is a rough life, and your mates not all we could wish, but you can be a gentleman in the true sense of the word; and no matter what happens to your body, keep your soul clean, your heart true to those who love you, and do your duty to the end. — Louisa May Alcott

Life Mates Quotes By Louis Tomlinson

All my mates are at university, and it's a life I haven't had a chance to enjoy, so it's great to turn up and sample a bit of it. — Louis Tomlinson

Life Mates Quotes By Rumi

A moment of happiness,
you and I sitting on the verandah,
apparently two, but one in soul, you and I.
We feel the flowing water of life here,
you and I, with the garden's beauty
and the birds singing.
The stars will be watching us,
and we will show them
what it is to be a thin crescent moon.
You and I unselfed, will be together,
indifferent to idle speculation, you and I.
The parrots of heaven will be cracking sugar
as we laugh together, you and I.
In one form upon this earth,
and in another form in a timeless sweet land. — Rumi

Life Mates Quotes By James Patterson

We kissed and pressed against each other and it seemed as if we were merging, getting closer and closer. I loved the touch of her mouth against mine, the feel of her body, the way we fit. We were both strong, and yet we could be gentle together. I passionately believe in soul mates. I guess I always have. The best thing I had ever done in my life was to be in love. I missed it and was finally ready to love again. — James Patterson

Life Mates Quotes By Lynn Margulis

Of course, the plea for respect for nonhuman life goes far beyond the scientific delight of familiarity with our planet mates. The nonhuman forms of life with which we 6,000 million talking, upright apes share this finite planet are directly or indirectly connected to our well-being. — Lynn Margulis

Life Mates Quotes By Jamie McGuire

I decided a long time ago I would feed on the vultures until a dove came along. A pigeon. The kind of soul that didn't impede on anyone; just walked around worrying about its own business, trying to get through life without pulling everyone else down. With its own needs and selfish habits. Brave. A communicator. Intelligent. Beautiful. Soft-spoken. A creature that mates for life. Unattainable until she has a reason to trust you. — Jamie McGuire

Life Mates Quotes By Leo Tolstoy

Love does not exist. There exists the physical need for intercourse,
and the rational need for a mate in life — Leo Tolstoy

Life Mates Quotes By Steve Maraboli

When forever becomes a place ... when forever ceases to be just a word ... when it ceases to be just a measurement of time ... but instead becomes a place where soul mates can dance to the song in their hearts ... that is a reflection of true love. — Steve Maraboli

Life Mates Quotes By Muse

Do You Believe
... on this road of life
on this day
I take you
now husband and wife ... — Muse

Life Mates Quotes By Quinn Loftis

She gets a man who will love her completely and faithfully. She gets a man who will not only save her life, but lay down his own to keep her safe. He will provide for her no matter the cost, he will shelter her against all storms that come their way, he will be the one to bring a smile to her face when no one else can. She gets a friend, a lover, a mate, the only man in this world who can complete her and give her the other half of her soul. — Quinn Loftis

Life Mates Quotes By Mary Balogh

We would have met again some other time or in some other place,' he said. 'We would have been given other chances. Life recognizes the unpredictability of our movements in any given life. Somehow we would have met, Jane. We were determined that it would be so before we entered this life. — Mary Balogh

Life Mates Quotes By Deb Caletti

You have the ability to just go on and forget people and how much they are meant, but I don't. You can people in their own little boxes and leave them there. So much for love. So much for soul mates. I'm sorry you don't want to believe the best or how I can change. You put a stake through the heart. I'm the only one who cared enough to suffer like this. — Deb Caletti

Life Mates Quotes By Colleen Hoover

I'm convinced that people come across others in life whose souls are completely compatible with their own. Some refer to them as soul mates. Some refer to it as true love. Some people believe their souls are compatible with more than one person, and I'm beginning to understand how true that might be. I've known since the moment I met Maggie years ago that our souls were compatible, and they are. That's not even a question. However, I also know that my soul is compatible with Sydney's, but it's also so much more than that. Our souls aren't just compatible - they're perfectly attuned. I — Colleen Hoover

Life Mates Quotes By Jill Telford

I don't really enjoy experiencing pain. No one does. But we will become less human if we learn to detach ourselves from one another to the point that when we experience death of a beautiful being (our mothers, our fathers, our sisters, our brothers, our soul mates, our friends etc.) that it will not bother us that we will not feel. But see that's suppression. It will bother us somewhere deep inside. So, love someone. Hold them tight. Don't fear the loss. Fear the part of being too afraid to love someone. Love Everyone. It's inevitable: we all die. Thats the ugly part of life. But Love and being alive is so beautiful and so strong that the love, the memories stay even in death. Life is love, life is being alive to feel pain. The love the beautiful love always remains. Love. Life. Joy. Peace — Jill Telford

Life Mates Quotes By Serena Jade

To be able to recognize your soul's mates, you are experiencing life on a very high spiritual level.They are a piece of Heaven on Earth ... Now that is astronomical!-Serena Jade — Serena Jade

Life Mates Quotes By Prince

When I'm writing [songs], some days the pen just goes. I'm not in charge and I'm almost listening outside of it. That's when I realize that we all have to start looking at life as a gift. It's like listening to a color and believing that these colors have soul mates and once you get them all together the painting is complete. — Prince