Famous Quotes & Sayings

Life Contribution Quotes & Sayings

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Top Life Contribution Quotes

Life Contribution Quotes By Robin Sharma

A life without impact and contribution is a very empty life, so use your life to make the world better. — Robin Sharma

Life Contribution Quotes By Malcolm Fraser

We are seeing healing among the stolen generations, and initiatives which are enabling Indigenous people to make their distinctive contribution to our national life. — Malcolm Fraser

Life Contribution Quotes By Charles A. Lindbergh

In honoring the Wright Brothers, it is customary and proper to recognize their contribution to scientific progress. But I believe it is equally important to emphasize the qualities in their pioneering life and the character in man that such a life produced. The Wright Brothers balanced success with modesty, science with simplicity. At Kitty Hawk their intellects and senses worked in mutual support. They represented man in balance, and from that balance came wings to lift a world. — Charles A. Lindbergh

Life Contribution Quotes By Ilchi Lee

This is a beautiful and hopeful time to be alive. We are at a turning point, and your contribution to the world is needed more than ever. All of your struggles, all the struggles of your ancestors, all the struggles of all life have led to this moment right now. You are the culmination of life's great yearning; you are the hope of the world. — Ilchi Lee

Life Contribution Quotes By Brian D. Meeks

I take many things seriously. Rudyard Kipling, Harper Lee, Oscar Wilde, and Elmore Leonard are all held in the highest regard. I am dead serious when I discuss the many reasons that Ernest Hemingway's greatest contribution to literature was his generous decision to take his own life. I will not be sucked into a discussion of politics by people who prefer emotion to reason. The designated hitter is an abomination, and the day pitchers and catchers report is the start of the new year despite what those ill-informed calendar makers might try to tell you." "I — Brian D. Meeks

Life Contribution Quotes By Steve Pavlina

It's a serious character weakness to think you can get something of value for little or nothing, to believe that life will flood you with abundance when you won't commit yourself to delivering your best contribution in exchange. In fact, it's a safe bet that you'll subconsciously sabotage yourself from being in such a place for long. You won't allow yourself to receive what you don't feel you've earned. To receive life's bounty, you must know without a doubt that you deserve it. — Steve Pavlina

Life Contribution Quotes By Michael Strong

Meaning comes from engagement in positive work that challenges our personal capacity combined with knowledge that our positive work is making a larger contribution to the overall well-being of humanity and life on the planet. — Michael Strong

Life Contribution Quotes By Oliver Sacks

This is what I get very upset at ... ' Temple, who was driving suddenly faltered and wept. 'I've read that libraries are where immortality lies ... I don't want my thoughts to die with me ... I want to have done something ... I'm not interested in power, or piles of money. I want to leave something behind. I want to make a positive contribution - know that my life has meaning, Right now, I'm talking about things at the very core of my experience.' I was stunned. As I stepped out of the car to say goodbye, I said, 'I'm going to hug you. I hope you don't mind.' I hugged her - and (I think) she hugged me back. — Oliver Sacks

Life Contribution Quotes By Peter Drucker

The person who will make the greatest contribution to a company is the mature person-and you cannot have maturity if you have no life or interest outside the job. — Peter Drucker

Life Contribution Quotes By Joshua Loth Liebman

There has been among us, particularly in America, an adolescent competitiveness - a feeling that life is a race in which the victory of one must mean the defeat of the other. No one can measure how much personal unhappiness and inner cowardice have come from this immaturity of our social outlook, this childlike comparison, this absurd rivalry in every area of life. As our democracy becomes more mature, men have a chance of growing up and of realizing that every person is needed and has some contribution to make. — Joshua Loth Liebman

Life Contribution Quotes By Alan Cohen

It is not selfish to be happy. It is your highest purpose. Your joy is the greatest contribution you can make to life on the planet. A heart at peace with its owner blesses everyone it touches. — Alan Cohen

Life Contribution Quotes By Marjory Stephenson

In trying to evaluate Hopkins' unique contribution to biochemistry it may perhaps be said that he alone amongst his contemporaries succeeded in formulating the subject. Among others whose several achievements in their own fields may have surpassed his, no one has ever attempted to unify and correlate biochemical knowledge so as to form a comprehensible picture of the cell and its relation to life, reproduction and function. — Marjory Stephenson

Life Contribution Quotes By Paul Solomon

I believe you came into the world to accomplish something, and that the something you came to accomplish is not small or insignificant, that's not worthy of you. You came here to make a major contribution to life on this planet. — Paul Solomon

Life Contribution Quotes By John F. MacArthur Jr.

This is the problem. An unconverted person may have great reasoning power and intellect, but when it comes to spiritual reality and the life of God and eternity, he makes no contribution. Whether it's Athens or Rome, whether it's Cambridge, Oxford, Harvard, Stanford, Yale, or Princeton, or wherever else, all the collected wisdom that is outside the Scripture adds up to nothing but foolishness. — John F. MacArthur Jr.

Life Contribution Quotes By Stephen Covey

Life is not accumulation, it is about contribution. — Stephen Covey

Life Contribution Quotes By Robert K. Greenleaf

Ego focuses on one's own survival, pleasure, and enhancement to the exclusion of others; ego is selfishly ambitious. It sees relationships in terms of threat or no threat, like little children who classify all people as "nice" or "mean." Conscience, on the other hand, both democratizes and elevates ego to a larger sense of the group, the whole, the community, the greater good. It sees life in terms of service and contribution, in terms of others' security and fulfillment. — Robert K. Greenleaf

Life Contribution Quotes By Marianne Williamson

Your life has purpose as long as you dedicate it to love. It's not what we do but who we are that forms our biggest contribution. — Marianne Williamson

Life Contribution Quotes By Kristin S. Kaufman

Alignment begins with a constituency of one. These are the individuals whose substance is real, pure and nonnegotiable. They share their vulnerabilities and fears in complement to their strengths. They are comfortable weaving all parts of their lives together in an integrated way. Our level of effectiveness, contribution and integrity of work and life are in direct correlation with our level of integration, self-actualization and total alignment fo body, mind and spirit. — Kristin S. Kaufman

Life Contribution Quotes By Samina Baig

I was thinking about the women of Pakistan, those who are not allowed to get education, those who are not allowed to do whatever they want to do in their life. I hope that the families will understand that the contribution of women is important and can be more powerful for building a greater country. — Samina Baig

Life Contribution Quotes By Mitchell Baker

There's the classic charitable contribution, which we receive thousands, and we're extremely grateful and they often come with notes from people, which are very heartwarming, about how much difference our products have made in their life on the Internet. — Mitchell Baker

Life Contribution Quotes By Frank Lowy

What is it to enjoy life? Sit at the beach? No. What it is is that you have to do something, you have be productive, make a contribution to the society, to the family, to yourself. — Frank Lowy

Life Contribution Quotes By Robert M. Pirsig

Cultures are not the source of all morals, only a limited set of morals. Cultures can be graded and judged morally according to their contribution to the evolution of life. — Robert M. Pirsig

Life Contribution Quotes By Krakauer Jon

[Chris] gave his life in exchange for knowledge and his story is his contribution to the world. I feel complete now to put this story behind me as it was on my mind for quite some time. — Krakauer Jon

Life Contribution Quotes By Raffi Cavoukian

We find these joys to be self evident: That all children are created whole, endowed with innate intelligence, with dignity and wonder, worthy of respect. The embodiment of life, liberty and happiness, children are original blessings, here to learn their own song. Every girl and boy is entitled to love, to dream and belong to a loving "village." And to pursue a life of purpose.
We affirm our duty to nourish and nurture the young, to honour their caring ideals as the heart of being human. To recognize the early years as the foundation of life, and to cherish the contribution of young children to human evolution.
We commit ourselves to peaceful ways and vow to keep from harm or neglect these, our most vulnerable citizens. As guardians of their prosperity we honour the bountiful Earth whose diversity sustains us. Thus we pledge our love for generations to come. — Raffi Cavoukian

Life Contribution Quotes By Saul Friedlander

Susannah Heschel's The Aryan Jesus is a brilliant and erudite investigation of the convergence between major trends in German Protestantism and Nazi racial anti-Semitism. By concentrating on the history of the Institute for the Study and Eradication of Jewish Influence on German Religious Life, Heschel describes in forceful detail the Nazification of all aspects of Protestant theology, including the Aryanization of Jesus himself. This is a highly original and important contribution to our understanding of the Third Reich. — Saul Friedlander

Life Contribution Quotes By Anonymous

This false conceptualization has been achieved by using an old socialist trick to obscure the massive environmental improvement that industrial capitalism brought. The trick is to criticize something by comparison to a nonexistent and impossible utopia. Socialists used this technique to criticize capitalism for causing poverty, even though capitalism inherited poverty - and cured it. Yet Marxists would attack capitalism's incredible contribution to human life, including to the life of laborers, by comparing that contribution, not to its predecessors and not to any known alternatives, but to a fictional socialist utopia whose advertised results contradicted everything known (even then) about socialism's destructive nature. — Anonymous

Life Contribution Quotes By Michael Jackson

Music is my contribution to life. I have my heart in it. — Michael Jackson

Life Contribution Quotes By Lord Kelvin

I need scarcely say that the beginning and maintenance of life on earth is absolutely and infinitely beyond the range of all sound speculation in dynamical science. The only contribution of dynamics to theoretical biology is absolute negation of automatic commencement or automatic maintenance of life. — Lord Kelvin

Life Contribution Quotes By Karen Allen

I find myself really feeling like it's possible that maybe the greater contribution I'm going to be able to make through this next phase of my life might be as a writer writing wonderful parts for women, or even writing wonderful parts for myself, you know? — Karen Allen

Life Contribution Quotes By Stephen Covey

Retire from your job but never from meaningful projects. If you want to live a long life, you need eustress, that is, a deep sense of meaning and of contribution to worthy projects and causes, particularly, your intergenerational family. — Stephen Covey

Life Contribution Quotes By Zachary Quinto

It became clear to me in an instant that living a gay life without publicly acknowledging it is simply not enough to make any significant contribution to the immense work that lies ahead on the road to complete equality. — Zachary Quinto

Life Contribution Quotes By Joshua Fields Millburn

Happiness, as far as we are concerned, is achieved through living a meaningful life, a life that is filled with passion and freedom, a life in which we can grow as individuals and contribute to other people in meaningful ways. Growth and contribution: those are the bedrocks of happiness. Not stuff. This may not sound sexy or marketable or sellable, but it's the cold truth. Humans are happy if we are growing as individuals and if we are contributing beyond ourselves. Without growth, and without a deliberate effort to help others, we are just slaves to cultural expectations, ensnared by the trappings of money and power and status and perceived success. — Joshua Fields Millburn

Life Contribution Quotes By Bill Ayers

You will be raising these kids in your mind your whole life. And they will change you. Your little contribution to it - twenty years from now, they'll be marching off into other things and that's still the legacy you leave. — Bill Ayers

Life Contribution Quotes By Robin S. Sharma

the quality of your life will come down to the quality of your contribution. — Robin S. Sharma

Life Contribution Quotes By Michael Bassey Johnson

Let your heart shine even more than your face. The beautiful contents of your heart can never be forgotten, but your face will be a history. — Michael Bassey Johnson

Life Contribution Quotes By Ernest Becker

We said it is impossible for man to feel "right" in any straightforward way, and now we can see why. He can expand his self-feeling not only by Agape merger but also by the other ontological motive Eros, the urge for more life, for exciting experience, for the development of the self-powers, for developing the uniqueness of the individual creature, the impulsion to stick out of nature and shine. Life is, after all, a challenge to the creature, a fascinating opportunity to expand. Psychologically it is the urge for individuation: how do I realize my distinctive gifts, make my own contribution to the world through my own self-expansion? — Ernest Becker

Life Contribution Quotes By Stephen Covey

How does humility manifest itself in leadership and in life? A humble person is more concerned about what is right than about being right, about acting on good ideas than having the ideas, about embracing new truth than defending outdated position, about building the team than exalting self, about recognizing contribution than being recognized for making it. — Stephen Covey

Life Contribution Quotes By Muriel Spark

The letters of famous people can be placed into two categories: there is the type of letter which becomes itself a valuable contribution to literature through its wit, style or wisdom; another kind is that whose main importance lies in the provision of a background to their author's life. Especially in the correspondence of great writers and poets, these two factors are very often combined ... — Muriel Spark

Life Contribution Quotes By Robert Holden

A job is a sacrifice. Following an interest - that's a contribution. And we're here on the planet, not to sacrifice ourselves, but to make a contribution. — Robert Holden

Life Contribution Quotes By Mark Friedman

Customer results contribute to population results. What we do for our customers is our contribution to the quality of life of the community. — Mark Friedman

Life Contribution Quotes By David DuChemin

The real failure is to rob this world of the contribution only you can make, and to fail to make work that truly gives you that 'this is what I was created to do' feeling that has no equal. — David DuChemin

Life Contribution Quotes By Yovanny Alfonso

You and I have been created with a DNA that drives us to want to live a life with good experiences, forces us to human growth and leads us to the contribution of something beyond our understanding. — Yovanny Alfonso

Life Contribution Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Life is not only for consumption but for contribution. — Debasish Mridha

Life Contribution Quotes By Gavin De Becker

I have learned that the kindness of a teacher, a coach, a policeman, a neighbor, the parent of a friend, is never wasted. These moments are likely to pass with neither the child nor the adult fully knowing the significance of the contribution. No ceremony attaches to the moment that a child sees his own worth reflected in the eyes of an encouraging adult. Though nothing apparent marks the occasion, inside that child a new view of self might take hold. He is not just a person deserving of neglect or violence, not just a person who is a burden to the sad adults in his life, not just a child who fails to solve his family's problems, who fails to rescue them from pain or madness or addiction or poverty or unhappiness. No, this child might be someone else, someone whose appearance before this one adult revealed specialness or lovability, or value. — Gavin De Becker

Life Contribution Quotes By Gautama Buddha

When you move your focus from competition to contribution life becomes a celebration. Never try to defeat people, just win their hearts. — Gautama Buddha

Life Contribution Quotes By Billy Graham

Your greatest contribution to God's Kingdom work - and to defeating the Enemy's efforts against this Kingdom - is to keep up your daily devotions; live a clean, honest, humble, Spirit-filled life; trust God to guard and protect you morally, physically, and spiritually; and openly witness for Jesus Christ. Don't be a pawn of the devil, but a servant of Christ. — Billy Graham

Life Contribution Quotes By Stephen Hawking

One big contribution my father [Stephen Hawking] has made is to show that having a disability does not bar you from leading a full and eventful life. — Stephen Hawking

Life Contribution Quotes By Jane Rule

Casino owners spoke more loudly than any of the other kings of industry to defend their contribution to society. They could speak more loudly because theirs was the purest activity of civilized man. They had transcended the need for a product. They could maintain and advance life with machines that made nothing but money. — Jane Rule

Life Contribution Quotes By Eddie Rickenbacker

Major Richard Bong was an example of the tragic and terrible price we must pay to maintain principles of human rights, of greater value than life itself. This gallant Air Force hero will be remembered because he made his final contribution to aviation in the dangerous role of test pilot of an untried experimental plane, a deed that places him among the stout-hearted pioneers who gave their lives in the conquest of sky and space. — Eddie Rickenbacker

Life Contribution Quotes By Justin Cronin

His father had always said, Son, the most important thing in life is to make a contribution. Who would have thought Kittridge's contribution would be video-blogging from the front lines of the apocalypse? — Justin Cronin

Life Contribution Quotes By David Simon

The greatest contribution we can make to the wellbeing of those in our lives
is to have peace in our own hearts. — David Simon

Life Contribution Quotes By Ted Williams

All the bullets and all the bombs that explode all over the world won't leave the impact, when all is said and done, of a dollar bill dropped in the Jimmy Fund pot by a warm heart and a willing hand. You should be proud and happy to know that your contribution will someday help some kid to a better life. — Ted Williams

Life Contribution Quotes By Deepak Chopra

The secret to a happy life is to recognize that no matter what the situation, there's a creative opportunity in it ... find meaning and purpose in your life to make a contribution. — Deepak Chopra

Life Contribution Quotes By Alan Cohen

Your greatest contribution to helping other people live their destiny is for you to live your own. — Alan Cohen

Life Contribution Quotes By George Coyne

The Copernican revolution was actually a contribution to the life of the church, the development of our view of ourselves in terms of the Universe, and therefore our view of God, et cetera. But, that took centuries, and struggles, and conflicts before that happened. — George Coyne

Life Contribution Quotes By John Templeton

Each of us has a purpose for living beyond our own survival and pleasure. Every individual is like a thread in a beautiful tapestry with a vital contribution to make, not only to the sustenance of life as we know it, but in the creation and development of more beneficial expressions of life. — John Templeton

Life Contribution Quotes By Deepak Chopra

Each of us is a unique strand in the intricate web of life and here to make a contribution. — Deepak Chopra

Life Contribution Quotes By David Blunkett

Nothing is more important for young people than enhancing their life chances, liberating their potential and encouraging their contribution to a globally competitive and modern economy. — David Blunkett

Life Contribution Quotes By James P. Gorman

If you consider the contribution of plumbing to human life, the other sciences fade into insignificance. — James P. Gorman

Life Contribution Quotes By Lauren Bacall

I'm not ashamed of what I am - of how I pass through this life. What I am has given me the strength to do it. At my lowest ebb I have never contemplated suicide. I value what is here too much. I have a contribution to make. I am not just take up space in this life. I can add something to the lives I touch. I don't like everything I know about myself, and I'll never be satisfied, but nobody's perfect. I'm not sure where the next years will take me - what they will hold - but I'm open to suggestions. — Lauren Bacall

Life Contribution Quotes By Jim Rohn

Each person entering our world brings either a contribution or destruction. Trying to be "always nice" is to invite certain disaster. Those with poisonous attitudes, strange opinions, and caustic conversations love to look for someone nice who will listen to them. They love to dump their verbal garbage into the mental factory of anyone willing to listen. A major challenge in life is for each person to learn the art of standing guard at the doorway of their mind. Carefully examine the credentials and authority of those seeking to enter within that place where your attitudes are formed. — Jim Rohn

Life Contribution Quotes By William Jennings Bryan

Service is the measure of greatness; it always has been true; it is true today, and it always will be true, that he is greatest who does the most of good. Nearly all of our controversies and combats grow out of the fact that we are trying to get something from each other
there will be peace when our aim is to do something for each other. The human measure of a human life is its income; the divine measure of a life is its outgo, its overflow
its contribution to the welfare of all. — William Jennings Bryan

Life Contribution Quotes By Helen Keller

If there were no life beyond this earth-life, some people I have known would gain immortality by the nobility of our memory of them. With every friend I love who has been taken into the brown bosom of the earth a part of me has been buried there; but their contribution of happiness, strength, and understanding to my being remains to sustain me in an altered world. — Helen Keller

Life Contribution Quotes By Herbie Hancock

It might be something as simple as saying the right word to the right person at the right time-and that could change the course of history. You never really know. But the whole thing is to work at the process of being in sync with the universe, so that everything will align at the proper time so that you can deliver that which is your life mission. And that's why we're here as individuals. And then there's our contribution to the collective. It makes a lot of sense, doesn't it? — Herbie Hancock

Life Contribution Quotes By Arti Honrao

I maybe many things to many people; but for me I am a writer; always have been and always will be.
I may not contribute to great literatures, but my contribution to writing would be always there; etched in the minds of the people whose lives I have touched with words.
Only a writer can understand what it means to a writer to not be able to be one.
To have the nib of pen broken ... like a death sentence ..
Or a life imprisonment in one's own mind without an outlet to thoughts.
I would give up things I love the most if that's the choice I am given to be able to be what I really want to be - A writer.
(C) Arti Honrao — Arti Honrao

Life Contribution Quotes By Dan Pallotta

When we show people that something is possible that they didn't think was possible it does more than just change things. It changes the way people think about the possibility of things changing. It helps them see that life is not the same day-after day, unsurprising, unending drudgery that so much of life teaches them that it is. And that is a huge contribution to their humanity. — Dan Pallotta

Life Contribution Quotes By Eleanor Roosevelt

Remember always that you have not only the right to be an individual; you have an obligation to be one. You cannot make any useful contribution in life unless you do this. — Eleanor Roosevelt

Life Contribution Quotes By Ronald Carter

Johnson's later life, from 1763, is among the best documented of all literary lives. James Boswell gave himself the enormous task, after Johnson's death in 1784, of producing what is now held to be a model of biography; rich in detail and anecdote, a complete picture of the man and his times, traced over a period of more than twenty years. Boswell's Life of Johnson, published in 1791, carries on Johnson's own contribution to the growing art of biography, and consolidates Johnson's position as a major literary figure, who, although a poet and a novelist, is remembered more for his academic and critical achievement than for his creative writings. — Ronald Carter

Life Contribution Quotes By Narendra Modi

All of us have to ensure that our future generations lead a life of peace, dignity and mutual respect. We need to sow the seeds of a conflict-free world, and in this endeavour, Buddhism and Hinduism have a great contribution. — Narendra Modi

Life Contribution Quotes By Andy Granatelli

When you are making a success of something, it's not work. It's a way of life. You enjoy yourself because you are making your contribution to the world. — Andy Granatelli

Life Contribution Quotes By Jerry Bridges

God does not believe for us, but through His Spirit He creates spiritual life in us so that we can believe. Faith is the gift of God. It's part of the whole salvation package that God gives to us through the work of Christ for us and the work of the Holy Spirit in us. It's not our contribution, so to speak, to God's great plan of salvation. God does it all. It's part of the unsearchable riches of Christ. — Jerry Bridges

Life Contribution Quotes By Neil DeGrasse Tyson

I have a personal philosophy in life: If somebody else can do something that I'm doing, they should do it. And what I want to do is find things that would represent a unique contribution to the world - the contribution that only I, and my portfolio of talents, can make happen. Those are my priorities in life. — Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Life Contribution Quotes By Erik Weihenmayer

What a thrill to be able to say that you had a contribution in the life of someone - a young person, perhaps, who is trying to take a look at the possibility of their own lives and find out what they are good at and you can help steer their career. — Erik Weihenmayer

Life Contribution Quotes By Benjamin Zander

Life is revealed as a place to contribute and we as contributors. Not because we have done a measurable amount of good, but because that is the story we tell. — Benjamin Zander

Life Contribution Quotes By John F. Kennedy

I think the success of any school can be measured by the contribution the alumni make to our national life. — John F. Kennedy

Life Contribution Quotes By Marlo Morgan

During our journey there were two occasions that we celebrated by honoring someone's talent. Everyone is recognized by a special party, but it has nothing to do with age or birthdate - it is in recognition of uniqueness and contribution to life. They believe that the purpose for the passage of time is to allow a person to become better, wiser, to express more and more of one's beingness. So if you are a better person this year than last, and only you know that for certain, then you call for a party. When you say you are ready, everyone honors that. — Marlo Morgan

Life Contribution Quotes By Frans De Waal

Having spent all my life among academics, I can tell you that hearing how wrong they area is about as high on their priority list as finding a cockroach in their coffee. The typical scientist has made an interesting discovery early on in his or her career, followed by a lifetime of making sure that everyone else admires his or her contribution and that no one questions it. There is no poorer company than an aging scientist who has failed to achieve these objectives. — Frans De Waal

Life Contribution Quotes By Philip Khuri Hitti

The real contribution of Rihani consists in having given us, in both Arabic and English, what may be considered the most vivid and interesting account of common-day life as it is lived at present in the hitherto little known Arabia. — Philip Khuri Hitti

Life Contribution Quotes By Stephanie Ellis

It's a fact of life that how you dress affects how you are perceived and whether your contribution to a meeting is registered as worth listening to. It was most alarming the way people's attitudes changed when I started wearing my designer suits to committee meetings. Obviously, it's not just the clothes that count; you have got to have something worth saying. But it si true that some people's views are dismissed before they speak because others perceive them as just a secretary! — Stephanie Ellis

Life Contribution Quotes By Werner Erhard

What we are engaged in creating is the opportunity for people to participate in the transformation of peoples' lives and of life itself. This context of transformation is a context of freedom and opportunity, of empowerment and human joy, of contribution and of participation. Participation in this transformation is, for me, the fullest expression of being. — Werner Erhard

Life Contribution Quotes By Anita O'Day

When I'm singing, I'm happy. I'm doing what I can do and this is my contribution to life. — Anita O'Day

Life Contribution Quotes By Deepak Burfiwala

You are defined not by what you have in life but by what you have given in life. — Deepak Burfiwala

Life Contribution Quotes By C. G. Jung

His retreat into himself is not a final renunciation of the world, but a search for quietude, where alone it is possible for him to make his contribution to the life of the community. — C. G. Jung

Life Contribution Quotes By Desmond Tutu

You are the indispensable agent of change. You should not be daunted by the magnitude of the task before you. Your contribution can inspire others, embolden others who are timid, to stand up for the truth in the midst of a welter of distortion, propaganda, and deceit; stand up for human rights where these are being violated with impunity; stand up for justice, freedom, and love where they are trampled underfoot by injustice, oppression, hatred, and harsh cruelty; stand up for human dignity and decency at times when these are in desperately short supply. God calls on us to be his partners to work for a new kind of society where people count; where people matter more than things, more than possessions; where human life is not just respected but positively revered; where people will be secure and not suffer from the — Desmond Tutu

Life Contribution Quotes By Andrew Davies

Rebecca Eaton has made an enormous contribution to the cultural life of America, and, more than that, she is one of the most fun people I know. — Andrew Davies

Life Contribution Quotes By John Portman

It is through accomplishment that man makes his contribution and contribution is life's greatest reward. — John Portman

Life Contribution Quotes By Neal A. Maxwell

Enthusiasm needs to be effective enthusiasm. We must distinguish between the contribution and enthusiasm of the cheerleader and the enthusiasm of the player. While cheerleaders serve an important purpose, the real contest involves players on the field or on the court of life. We must not go through life acting only as enthusiastic cheerleaders available for hire; we must be anxiously and personally engaged. — Neal A. Maxwell

Life Contribution Quotes By David Geffen

It's very easy for me to thank everyone for the incredible contribution they've made to my life. — David Geffen

Life Contribution Quotes By Caitlin Moran

We must recall the most important of humanity guidelines: Be polite. Being polite is possibly the greatest daily contribution everyone can make to life on Earth. — Caitlin Moran

Life Contribution Quotes By Nelson Mandela

The names of Dingane and Bambata, Hintsa and Makana, Squngthi and Dalasile, Moshoeshoe and Sekhukhuni, were praised as the glory of the entire African nation. I hoped then that life might offer me the opportunity to serve my people and make my own humble contribution to their freedom struggle. — Nelson Mandela

Life Contribution Quotes By Natasa Nuit Pantovic

We hope to help you discover Your Self; inspire you to live more passionate and sensitive life; helping you listen to your Soul, finding your-own space in this matrix of life, making a genuine contribution to humanity. — Natasa Nuit Pantovic

Life Contribution Quotes By Bill Maher

People, especially the liberals, just live in this world where if anything is said that offends anybody even a little bit, not only does that person have to apologize; sometimes they have to go away forever. Go away, bad person. My analysis of this is that most of us don't do anything decent in our life. I'm not saying we're evil. I'm just saying we don't make a contribution, so the way they [liberals] think they're making a contribution is to point at the bad people [which] is somehow even more pathetic. — Bill Maher

Life Contribution Quotes By Tony Robbins

Only those who have learned the power of sincere and selfless contribution experience life's deepest joy: true fulfillment. — Tony Robbins

Life Contribution Quotes By Aly Khan

The contribution of Islam to history and modern civilization is the product of the efforts of peoples of many races and tongues which came to accept its way of life. — Aly Khan

Life Contribution Quotes By Tommy Newberry

Success is a planned outcome, not an accident. Success and mediocrity are both absolutely predictable because they follow the natural and immutable law of sowing and reaping. Simply stated, if you want to reap more rewards, you must sow more service, contribution, and value. That is the no-nonsense formula. Some of God's blessings have prerequisites! Success in life is not based on need but on seed. So you've got to become good at either planting in the springtime or begging in the fall. — Tommy Newberry

Life Contribution Quotes By Carmen Dell'Orefice

We have to program the mind of the public that age is not ugly. Age is just age. Wake up, American children, and stop listening to other people's voices. Know yourself, be true to yourself and make a contribution. It took me half my life to know myself. I listened to other people's opinions and took them as gospel. — Carmen Dell'Orefice

Life Contribution Quotes By Hugh MacLeod

It's good to be young and full of dreams. Dreams of one day doing something 'insanely great.' Dreams of love, beauty, achievement, and contribution. But understand they have a life of their own, and they're not very good at following instructions. Love them, revere them, nurture them, respect them, but don't ever become a slave to them. Otherwise you'll kill them off prematurely, before they get the chance to come true. — Hugh MacLeod

Life Contribution Quotes By Jeffrey R. Immelt

Work hard with passion and courage. Life is a marathon of contribution. You really must work hard to accomplish something ... Find your passion and get good at it. — Jeffrey R. Immelt

Life Contribution Quotes By Harold S. Kushner

The circumstances of your life have uniquely qualified you to make a contribution. And if you don't make that contribution, nobody else can make it. — Harold S. Kushner

Life Contribution Quotes By Tom Butler-Bowdon

The contribution of humanistic psychology to better relationships is recognized by the inclusion of Carl Rogers, whose influential book reminds us that relationships cannot flower if they don't have a climate of listening and nonjudgmental acceptance, and that empathy is the mark of a genuine person. — Tom Butler-Bowdon