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Liased Quotes & Sayings

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Top Liased Quotes

Liased Quotes By Mario Vargas-Llosa

Prosperity or egalitarianism - you have to choose. I favor freedom - you never achieve real equality anyway: you simply sacrifice prosperity for an illusion. — Mario Vargas-Llosa

Liased Quotes By Jonathan Haidt

It is, rather, self-constructed as kids play with other kids. Taking turns in a game is like pouring water back and forth between glasses. No matter how often you do it with three-year-olds, they're just not ready to get the concept of fairness,7 any more than they can understand the conservation of volume. But once they've reached the age of five or six, then playing games, having arguments, and working things out together will help them learn about fairness far more effectively than any sermon from adults. — Jonathan Haidt

Liased Quotes By Harold Lindsell

Regardless of the day or the hour; whether in seeming good times or bad, the Christian lives in the world for the good of the world and for the sake of the world. — Harold Lindsell

Liased Quotes By Frederick Lenz

You might as well be perfect. There is really not all that much else to do here that is exciting. — Frederick Lenz

Liased Quotes By Stephen Chbosky

I had an amazing feeling when I finally held the tape in my hand. I just thought to myself that in the palm of my hand, there was this one tape that had all of these memories and feelings and great joy and sadness. — Stephen Chbosky

Liased Quotes By Trenton Lee Stewart

Enter at the exit — Trenton Lee Stewart

Liased Quotes By Alice Walker

She say, All my life I had to fight. I had to fight my daddy, I had to fight my brothers. I had to fight my cousins and my uncles. A girl child ain't safe in a family of men. But I never thought I'd have to fight in my own house. She let out her breath. I loves Harpo, she say. God knows I do. But I'll kill him dead before I let him beat me. Now if you want a dead son-in-law you just keep on advising him like you doing. She put her hand on her hip. I used to hunt game with a bow and arrow, she say. — Alice Walker

Liased Quotes By Benjamin Rush

Let us show the world that a difference of opinion upon medical subjects is not incompatible with medical friendships; and in so doing, let us throw the whole odium of the hostility of physicians to each other upon their competition for business and money. — Benjamin Rush

Liased Quotes By Joseph Conrad

Some of us, regarding the ocean with understanding and affection, have seen it looking old, as if the immemorial ages had been stirred up from the undisturbed bottom of ooze. For it is a gale of wind that makes the sea look old. — Joseph Conrad

Liased Quotes By Enrico Colantoni

I know that any fan of 'Veronica Mars' is hardcore and loyal, so I give them the time; we spend time talking about it because it warrants that. — Enrico Colantoni

Liased Quotes By Nellie McKay

You can criticize something you strive for, and you can avoid something you dream about. — Nellie McKay

Liased Quotes By Tim Young

The point is that this is not only for the rich; it is for those who prioritize healthy, naturally raised food over other discretionary spending. — Tim Young

Liased Quotes By Miranda A. Uyeh

What is a good story?--one that keeps you spellbound and with good reason. — Miranda A. Uyeh

Liased Quotes By Jan Jansen

If we take care the Nature it will be our careful Mother. — Jan Jansen

Liased Quotes By Aimee Bender

Although psychotherapy and writing are distinct in many ways, they are two fields whose great resource is the vast plains of the unconscious mind and how this landscape gets translated into words. As a writer, you are often asking your mind to dream while awake, and if remembering dreams is difficult in general, then it seems to follow that it would be sometimes grueling to conjure up the murky depths on call, eyes open. (Robert M. Young) calls it madness, which is a strong word, but it's not a bad one in exaggeration, because he's talking about creating a safe and bound space in which to explore all sorts of darknesses that collect in the recesses of the mind. He's talking about what we do not understand, or know about, or have control over. And the unconscious, if treated well, is the writer's very good friend. Allowing it room is crucial. Allowing it structure can be the safest way to access it without feeling overwhelmed. — Aimee Bender