Famous Quotes & Sayings

Lelldorin Belgariad Quotes & Sayings

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Top Lelldorin Belgariad Quotes

Lelldorin Belgariad Quotes By Tom Waits

There's a certain fast-food approach to the whole music thing that's changed the role it plays for us all. You are doing it while you are doing other things. Not that that is new - people have had music on in the background as long as there has been music. — Tom Waits

Lelldorin Belgariad Quotes By Toni Morrison

Perhaps that's what all human relationships boiled down to: Would you save my life? or would you take it? — Toni Morrison

Lelldorin Belgariad Quotes By Stephen King

When you come from the city to the town you lie wakeful in the absence of noise at first. You wait for something to break it: the cough of shattering glass, the squeal of tires blistering against the pavement, perhaps a scream. But there is nothing but the unearthly hum of the telephone wires and so you wait and wait and then sleep badly. But when the town gets you, you sleep like the town and the town sleeps deep in its blood, like a bear. — Stephen King

Lelldorin Belgariad Quotes By Carla H. Krueger

The fear of not being remembered is a dangerous thing. — Carla H. Krueger

Lelldorin Belgariad Quotes By Jane Welsh Carlyle

Young children are such nasty little beasts! — Jane Welsh Carlyle

Lelldorin Belgariad Quotes By Priscilla Glenn

Leah turned her back to Holly, offering her the zipper. "Okay, do me and I'll do you."
"I don't normally swing that way, but you do look hot right now. — Priscilla Glenn

Lelldorin Belgariad Quotes By G.J. Walker-Smith

I wished for you," he whispered, so quietly that I struggled to hear.
"What did that feel like? I've never made a wish in my life." My voice was as shaky as my words were stupid.
"Everybody wishes for something, Charli."
I put just enough space between us to be able to look at him. "Not me. I've saved them all up. Birthday candles, shooting stars, stray eyelashes ... ladybugs. I've saved hem all up. I figure I'm owed hundreds of wishes now. — G.J. Walker-Smith

Lelldorin Belgariad Quotes By David Eddings

Anyway, Arianna and I left the castle very late one evening. I knew the knight on guard at the drawbridge so I hit hit him over the head because I didn't want to hurt him.
Garion blinked.
"I knew he'd be honor-bound to try to stop us," Lelldorin explained. "I didn't want to have to kill him, so I hit him over the head."
"I suppose that makes sense," Garion said dubiously.
"Arianna's almost positive he won't die."
"I hit him just a little too hard, I think. — David Eddings

Lelldorin Belgariad Quotes By David Eddings

The priest DID have it coming, though," Lelldorin declared hotly.
"What priest?"
"The priest of Chaldan at that little chapel who wouldn't marry us because Arianna couldn't give him a document proving she had her family's consent. He was very insulting."
"Did you break anything?"
"A few of his teeth is about all
and I stopped hitting him as soon as he agreed to perform the ceremony. — David Eddings

Lelldorin Belgariad Quotes By Marilyn Grey

I so envied the world around me. Don't get me wrong, I loved my own life too, but that didn't stop me from wishing I could close my eyes and slip into someone else's life. You know, explore the world with different eyes, a different heart. — Marilyn Grey

Lelldorin Belgariad Quotes By T.W. Brown

But Ava, you are probably saying, he looks like Brad Pitt? You could dunk Brad Pitt in raw sewage and I'd still ride him like a roller coaster. — T.W. Brown

Lelldorin Belgariad Quotes By Henry Blodget

In the era of networks only, I cannot tell you the number of shows that we don't know about that did not survive. They got canceled. But there are a few that survived by accident, because they didn't have anything else to do, and they stayed with it. — Henry Blodget

Lelldorin Belgariad Quotes By Ralph Waldo Emerson

Judicious praise is to children what the sun is to flowers. Christian Bovee A little praise Goes a great ways. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Lelldorin Belgariad Quotes By Evelyn Waugh

Other nations use 'force'; we Britons alone use 'Might'. — Evelyn Waugh

Lelldorin Belgariad Quotes By Raymond Dart

You can only look forward as far as you can look back. — Raymond Dart

Lelldorin Belgariad Quotes By Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

The world of empirical morality consists for the most part of nothing but ill will and envy. — Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Lelldorin Belgariad Quotes By George Benson

Of course we've lost so many superstars who've made jazz what it is. We've lost so many musicians who created new things and changed the way we think about music and who took jazz to a new level. So jazz is suffering from that. But we still have a lot of incredible people playing jazz in the world. We have a lot of people leading the way. — George Benson

Lelldorin Belgariad Quotes By David Eddings

to put it briefly
Arianna and I had become
"I see."
"Nothing improper, you understand," Lelldorin said quickly. "But our friendship was such that
we didn't want to be separated." The young Asturian's face appealed to his friend for understanding. "Actually," he went on, "it was a little more than 'didn't want to.' Arianna told me she'd die if I left her behind."
"Possibly she was exaggerating," Garion suggested.
"How could I risk it, though?" Lelldorin protested. "Women are much more delicate than we are
besides, Arianna's a physician. She'd know if she'd die, wouldn't she? — David Eddings