Famous Quotes & Sayings

Leadership Culture Quotes & Sayings

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Top Leadership Culture Quotes

Leadership Culture Quotes By Tony Dovale

We now live in a time when PEOPLE and profits must become equally valuable in the corporate leaders Mindset.
Rethink your Leadership Culture to become a conscious, high performance organisation — Tony Dovale

Leadership Culture Quotes By Onyi Anyado

Yes, it's important to inspire the next generation but let's not forget to inspire the now generation too. — Onyi Anyado

Leadership Culture Quotes By Tony Dovale

ReThink culture, because it is the foundation of all strategic success. — Tony Dovale

Leadership Culture Quotes By Tony Dovale

Strategy has no value if your culture and leadership mindset are wrong — Tony Dovale

Leadership Culture Quotes By Howard Schultz

To be an enduring, great company, you have to build a mechanism for preventing or solving problems that will long outlast any one individual leader. — Howard Schultz

Leadership Culture Quotes By Tony Dovale

Rethink Your Success Mindset: Times are getting tougher. We need tougher mindsets to ensure that we go beyond survive to thrive. — Tony Dovale

Leadership Culture Quotes By Tony Dovale

Even the best Mindset will become contaminated and eventually blunted in a toxic organisational culture. — Tony Dovale

Leadership Culture Quotes By Tony Dovale

Culture is the constant constraint that controls creativity, commitment, collaboration, and cohesion. — Tony Dovale

Leadership Culture Quotes By Thomas L. Friedman

People will change their habits quickly IF they have a strong reason for doing so. — Thomas L. Friedman

Leadership Culture Quotes By Tony Dovale

A Culture of clear consistent communication and connection is the foundation of a high performance team that thrives and flourishes. — Tony Dovale

Leadership Culture Quotes By Mick Dodson

For Indigenous peoples , the impact of separating us from our heritage goes directly to the heart that pumps life through our peoples. To expect a people to be able to enjoy their culture without their cultural heritage and their sacred belongings is equivalent to amputating their legs and digging up the ground and asking them to run a marathon. — Mick Dodson

Leadership Culture Quotes By Thomas Frank

But such people (Moderate Conservatives) aren't liberal. What they are is corporate. Their habits and opinions owe far more to the standards of courtesy and taste that prevail within the white-collar world than they do to Franklin Roosevelt and the United Mine Workers. We live in a time, after all, when hard-nosed bosses compose awestruck disquisitions on the nature of 'change,' punk rockers dispense leadership secrets, shallow profundities about authenticity sell luxury cars, tech billionaires build rock'n'roll musuems, management theorists ponder the nature of coolness, and a former lyricist fro the Grateful Dead hail the dawn of New Economy capitalism from the heights of Davos. Coversvatives may not understand why, but business culture had melded with counterculture for reasons having a great deal to do with business culture's usual priority - profit. — Thomas Frank

Leadership Culture Quotes By Harold Cruse

In advanced societies it is not the race politicians or the "rights" leaders who create the new ideas and the new images of life and man. That role belongs to the artists and intellectuals of each generation. Let the race politicians, if they will, create political, economic or organizational forms of leadership; but it is the artists and the creative minds who will, and must, furnish the all important content. And in this role, they must not be subordinated to the whims and desires of politicians, race leaders and civil rights entrepreneurs whether they come from the Left, Right, or Center, or whether they are peaceful, reform, violent, non-violent or laissez-faire. Which means to say, in advanced societies the cultural front is a special one that requires special techniques not perceived, understood, or appreciated by political philistines. — Harold Cruse

Leadership Culture Quotes By Cher Wang

There is usually an 'X factor' that is hard to define. For HTC, I think it is our culture. We embrace the best of our Eastern roots and combine it with the best of the Western cultures where we have leadership and offices. It makes the culture colorful as well as energetic and creative. — Cher Wang

Leadership Culture Quotes By Tony Dovale

Leaders #1 job is to help their people, teams, leadership, and culture, to be #FutureFit...by supporting People, Planet & Profits, in a Consciously Constructive Revolutionary Workplace... today. — Tony Dovale

Leadership Culture Quotes By Gene Kim

DevOps and its resulting technical, architectural, and cultural practices represent a convergence of many philosophical and management movements (including): Lean, Theory of Constraints, Toyota production system, resilience engineering, learning organizations, safety culture, Human factors, high-trust management cultures, servant leadership, organizational change management, and Agile methods. — Gene Kim

Leadership Culture Quotes By Frederick Smith

In an environment where there is a shared vision of excellence, where people can be the best they can be on a daily basis, where they know what is expected of them, understand that reward is linked to performance, and believe they can make a difference because they will be heard, they will make a difference. They will go beyond our expectations and great things will happen. — Frederick Smith

Leadership Culture Quotes By Malik

Free Nest without birds
and an Empty Nation without a good sense of leadership n followers
The Sahara desert Await Immigrant of any kind to cross over because the land is filled with milk, honey, wine, foods
but No One believe our Religion and culture differences are worth celebratin
cos Our untruth tales was sugarcoated by my favourite writer
However free Nest still Await the long gone birds to come back home. — Malik

Leadership Culture Quotes By Pedro Noguera

It's been a struggling school for many, many years, and [that's] not surprising since it's serving some of the most disadvantaged kids in the city. It wasn't the only one by any means, but it was among those. It shows that things like good, steady, stable leadership makes a huge difference; focusing on the culture of the schools as a place where kids feel supported and want to be; supporting the teachers, so they want to stay and work hard. — Pedro Noguera

Leadership Culture Quotes By Thomas L. Friedman

Of course, the speed at which any society embraces these strategies will always be a product of the interplay between politics, culture, and leadership. Culture shapes a society's political responses, and its leadership and politics, in turn, shape culture. What exactly is culture? I like this concise definition offered by BusinessDictionary: culture is the "pattern of responses discovered, developed, or invented during the group's history of handling problems which arise from interactions among its members, and between them and their environment. These responses are considered the correct way to perceive, feel, think, and act, and are passed on to the new members through immersion and teaching. Culture determines what is acceptable or unacceptable, important or unimportant, right or wrong, workable or unworkable." One — Thomas L. Friedman

Leadership Culture Quotes By Stan Slap

Bury My Heart is a life-altering approach to turning managers into unconditionally committed leaders. — Stan Slap

Leadership Culture Quotes By Kevin E. Phillips

Employees who are not engaged have untapped potential that sours like a perishable item. — Kevin E. Phillips

Leadership Culture Quotes By Stan Slap

The question is not how to get managers' emotional commitment but why manager's don't give it even if they like their company. — Stan Slap

Leadership Culture Quotes By Mike Huckabee

There's a lot of us who do not accept the culture of the bubbles. — Mike Huckabee

Leadership Culture Quotes By Bill Jensen

Reliance is the ultimate measure of a team's or organization's culture. It's not 'Would I recommend a friend to work here?' It's 'Would this group of people put their ass on the line for me?' And 'Would I do the same for them? — Bill Jensen

Leadership Culture Quotes By Arianna Huffington

Creating the culture of burnout is opposite to creating a culture of sustainable creativity. This is something that needs to be taught in business schools. This mentality needs to be introduced as a leadership and performance-enhancing tool. — Arianna Huffington

Leadership Culture Quotes By Archibald Marwizi

So why don't we take the step of setting goals for ourselves? One reason that stands out is that we aren't willing to accept full responsibility for our lives. If we don't set goals, then we don't have to reach them. Another excuse is that goal setting has never been part of our lives or culture. As a result, we may end up mixing with people who have no clear idea where they are headed, becoming a person who "follows the followers. — Archibald Marwizi

Leadership Culture Quotes By Tony Dovale

With the right Mindset ... effective thinking is automatic. — Tony Dovale

Leadership Culture Quotes By Vern Dosch

In a servant leadership culture we learn by choice or example that if we want to be great, we have to serve others respectfully. — Vern Dosch

Leadership Culture Quotes By Walter Isaacson

Bob Iger, Disney's chief operating officer, had to step in and do damage control. He was as sensible and solid as those around him were volatile. His background was in television; he had been president of the ABC network, which was acquired in 1996 by Disney. His reputation was as an corporate suit, and he excelled at deft management, but he also had a sharp eye for talent, a good-humored ability to understand people, and a quiet flair that he was secure enough to keep muted. Unlike Eisner and Jobs, he had a disciplined calm, which helped him deal with large egos. " Steve did some grandstanding by announcing that he was ending talks with us," Iger later recalled. " We went into crisis mode and I developed some talking points to settle things down. — Walter Isaacson

Leadership Culture Quotes By Tony Dovale

The foundation of all long-term success lies in building a Resilient and Growth oriented MINDSET. — Tony Dovale

Leadership Culture Quotes By Dick Van Dyke

The show became its own little world, with its own internal rhythm and high standards. — Dick Van Dyke

Leadership Culture Quotes By Tony Dovale

Rethink Your Success Mindset: Gratitude is the attitude, fuel and catalyst that transforms life's challenges into wisdom. — Tony Dovale

Leadership Culture Quotes By Lou Gerstner

If the practices and processes inside a company don't drive the execution of values, then people don't get it. The question is, do you create a culture of behavior and action that really demonstrates those values and a reward system for those who adhere to them? — Lou Gerstner

Leadership Culture Quotes By Kevin E. Phillips

In good organizations, leaders are treated with a sense of appreciation and respect by employees; in great organizations, employees are treated with the same esteem by leaders. — Kevin E. Phillips

Leadership Culture Quotes By Ron Suskind

Islam is in a formative period struggling to consolidate the vast reach won by both inspiration and force at its founding. Two centuries along, the faith of Muhammad hangs like an intricate veil: a religion still searching for institutional wholeness, a set of lessons to live by. — Ron Suskind

Leadership Culture Quotes By Scott Farris

For him (JFK) as he imagined of the British aristocracy, policies were less important than character traits such as dignity, courage, and honor. They did not pose as angry young men, but brought an almost lighthearted approach to politics. The very idea of politics invigorating society rather than dominating society very much appealed to Kennedy. — Scott Farris

Leadership Culture Quotes By Preet Bharara

History has shown that one cannot legislate a culture of integrity. And yet, one of the paramount responsibilities and challenges of corporate leadership is to ensure such a culture. — Preet Bharara

Leadership Culture Quotes By Douglas Alexander

Under Ed Miliband's leadership, we are changing both our party's structures and culture. — Douglas Alexander

Leadership Culture Quotes By Pearl Zhu

A Board can be harmonized through leadership humility, insightful business understanding, trustful culture, and learning agility. — Pearl Zhu

Leadership Culture Quotes By Howard Dean

Tom DeLay himself has never been the issue. DeLay is a symptom of a larger disease?a sick Republican culture of corruption that touches everyone who took his dirty money, voted for his corrupt leadership, or sat silently while their party has sold our government to the highest bidder. — Howard Dean

Leadership Culture Quotes By Heather Simmons

Those who disrupt their industries change consumer behavior, alter economics, and transform lives. — Heather Simmons

Leadership Culture Quotes By Tony Dovale

Performance depends upon our actions an behaviors, which are activated by emotions, which are created when our MINDSET meets reality ... Mindsets Matter Most — Tony Dovale

Leadership Culture Quotes By Michael M. Rose

Leadership doesn't occur in a vacuum, it manifests in a context. These contexts are as dynamic as the personalities, stakes, culture and information available. — Michael M. Rose

Leadership Culture Quotes By Geraldine Brooks

As wars dwindled to skirmishes and our strength grew, so David was able to spend less time with military commanders and more with the engineers and overseers who were fanning out throughout the land, digging cisterns, making roads, fortifying, connecting, and generally making a nation out of our scattered people. — Geraldine Brooks

Leadership Culture Quotes By H.W. Brands

The nature of revolutions is to sweep the reluctant along. — H.W. Brands

Leadership Culture Quotes By Andy Hargreaves

On school culture: It's hard to eat something you've had a relationship with. — Andy Hargreaves

Leadership Culture Quotes By Tony Dovale

REAL Leaders are experts at bringing out the best in others ... Thinking , feelings and actions. They improve their teams' thinking skills and Mindsets. — Tony Dovale

Leadership Culture Quotes By Linda Tucker

The symbol of the lion, throughout history, throughout cultures, is one pure, radiant symbol and that is leadership, kingship — Linda Tucker

Leadership Culture Quotes By Max McKeown

Culture is the sum of the values, beliefs and assumptions of human groups. — Max McKeown

Leadership Culture Quotes By Werner Berger

$20M in sales, our leadership team was dysfunctional and divided. Prior to this, our culture had earned several "Best Places to Work" accolades, and our performance was repeatedly acknowledged by Inc. Magazine's, Inc. 5000 award, and Ernst & Young honored our success as a finalist for their Entrepreneur of the year award. — Werner Berger

Leadership Culture Quotes By Jonathan Raymond

We could say that the health of a culture is equal to the collective ability of the people who work there to feel the impacts of their actions on others. Now if you're an app developer and want to help me build a tool that tracks that, please give a call. What I've seen over and over again in my career as a business leader and leadership mentor is that this one thing - the inability of people to feel their impact on others - is the cause of cultural dysfunction. And the higher up you are on the org chart, the more problematic that weakness is in terms of what it does to the culture at large. Which is why, as a manager, the most important thing you can do - after recognizing your own impact on your team - is to help people see their impacts on each other, and to help them let go of the emotional story they're telling themselves that's keeping the pattern going. In — Jonathan Raymond

Leadership Culture Quotes By Amy Hood

As the leadership team, we're taking bold and decisive action to evolve our organization and culture. This includes difficult steps, but they are necessary to position Microsoft for future growth and industry leadership. — Amy Hood

Leadership Culture Quotes By Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Come forward as servants of Islam, organize the people economically, socially, educationally and politically and I am sure that you will be a power that will be accepted by everybody. — Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Leadership Culture Quotes By Jeffrey R. Immelt

I'm out talking about this company (General Electric) seven days a week, 24 hours a day, with nothing to hide. We're a 130-year-old company that has a great record of high-quality leadership and a culture of integrity. — Jeffrey R. Immelt

Leadership Culture Quotes By Mindy Hall

The number one way culture is shaped is by what leaders model. — Mindy Hall

Leadership Culture Quotes By Beth Ramsay

It is the leader's job to model and enforce the values and behaviors that make up the company culture. "Model" the behaviors is key. "Do as I say" only breeds contempt from others. — Beth Ramsay

Leadership Culture Quotes By Henrietta Newton Martin

Success in an enterprise can be brought about, through effective leadership, which educes open communication, which in turn would contribute towards bringing down conflict levels, thus leading to higher productivity and distinguished gains, which in turn testifies about the healthy corporate culture of an organization. — Henrietta Newton Martin

Leadership Culture Quotes By Robert M. Edsel

Museum Work and Museum Problems" course, the first academic program specifically designed to cultivate and train men and women to become museum directors and curators. In addition to the connoisseurship of art, the "Museum Course" taught the financial and administrative aspects of running a museum, with a focus on eliciting donations. The students met regularly with major art collectors, bankers, and America's social elite, often at elegant dinners where they were required to wear formal dress and observe the social protocol of high culture. By 1941, Sachs's students had begun to fill the leadership positions of American museums, a field they would come to dominate in the postwar years. — Robert M. Edsel

Leadership Culture Quotes By Howard Schultz

People want guidance, not rhetoric. They need to know what the plan of action is, and how it will be implemented. They want to be given responsibility to help solve the problem and authority to act on it. — Howard Schultz

Leadership Culture Quotes By Bob Anderson

Great leaders create great cultures regardless of the dominant culture in the organization. — Bob Anderson

Leadership Culture Quotes By Pearl Zhu

Culture is what happens when the managers are not around. — Pearl Zhu

Leadership Culture Quotes By Leonard L. Berry

Superior execution is vital to sustaining the success initiated by an innovative service concept. An innovator's service quality is usually more difficult to imitate than its service concept. This is because quality service comes from inspired leadership throughout an organization, a customer-minded corporate culture, excellent service-system design, the effective use of information and technology, and other factors that develop slowly in a company, if at all. — Leonard L. Berry

Leadership Culture Quotes By Sherry Turkle

It's too late to leave the future to the futurists. — Sherry Turkle

Leadership Culture Quotes By Beth Ramsay

It is the leader's job to lead by example and enforce the values and the behaviors to set the culture for any company or work group. Show me a company in rapid decline, and I will show you someone in charge who doesn't give a _. — Beth Ramsay

Leadership Culture Quotes By Cathy Freeman

I want to be a positive role model, especially for kids and Aboriginal people ... When people see me, often all they see is another Australian athlete having a go. It isn't until they see the full Cathy Freeman picture that they realise how proud I am of my ancestry and heritage. I'd like a little more tolerance and acceptance of my culture and all the differing cultures that make up Australia. — Cathy Freeman

Leadership Culture Quotes By William Clay Ford Jr.

Lewis Booth and Derrick Kuzak represent the very best of Ford and our culture and built a legacy of leadership, integrity and commitment to excellence that will benefit us for years to come. — William Clay Ford Jr.

Leadership Culture Quotes By Andy Hargreaves

Culture is the possibility and impossibility that bacon and fruit can appear on the same plate. — Andy Hargreaves

Leadership Culture Quotes By Lou Gerstner

The rewards system is a powerful driver of behavior and therefore culture. — Lou Gerstner

Leadership Culture Quotes By Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.

This isn't a matter for the eyes, it is a matter for the heart. Many signs point to a growing historical consciousness among the American people. I trust this is so. It is useful to remember that history is to the nation as memory is to the individual. As persons deprived of memory, they become disoriented and lost, not knowing where they have been and where they are going. So a nation denied a conception of the past will be disabled in dealing with its present and its future. When I'm depressed, I ascribe our behavior to stupidity, the stupidity of our leadership, the stupidity of our culture. — Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.

Leadership Culture Quotes By Adam S. McHugh

God has always been about the business of shattering expectations, and in our culture, the standards of leadership are extroverted. It perfectly follows the biblical trend that God would choose the unexpected and the culturally "unfit" - like introverts - to lead his church for the sake of greater glory. — Adam S. McHugh

Leadership Culture Quotes By Archibald Marwizi

Short term interventions will call for more guns and force in affected areas, in order to protect the vulnerable and suppress proliferation of terrorism and sectarian hatred, but the forward-looking leadership driving for sustainable solutions must now promote deliberate intents to influence systems of education, belief, culture, values and attitudes to promote tolerance, mutual respect, love and hope for all to succeed. If this area was given the same kind of attention and resources that HIV-AIDS has received to date, I can promise you, the same progress made in the containment of HIV-AIDS, would also have been made on the extremism front. — Archibald Marwizi

Leadership Culture Quotes By Sue Mallory

To instill the values for the culture was and is the responsibility of the leadership, and staff alignment was critical to its success. It started with both board and staff. They realized that they needed to share the same value system that says, "I am the equipper, not the doer." If not, there were going to be immense roadblocks to effectively mobilizing people for ministry. — Sue Mallory

Leadership Culture Quotes By Henna Inam

Authentic leadership is at the root of cultures of great innovation, engagement, outstanding client experiences, and growth. — Henna Inam

Leadership Culture Quotes By Ronald Kessler

The truth is that no internal reviews or congressional hearings will change the Secret Service's broken management culture. It needs better leadership. — Ronald Kessler

Leadership Culture Quotes By Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa

You cannot transpose the U.S. system on Turkey, and the Turkish system on France etc. You have to understand the people and their culture. That's leadership. — Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa

Leadership Culture Quotes By James MacDonald

If all you are doing is spending time with the struggling members of your church and you are not building proactively into your church's culture, and you are being shortsighted and limiting the effectiveness of your ministry. — James MacDonald

Leadership Culture Quotes By Pearl Zhu

Organizational culture is just like the "Operation System" of the organization, you need reboot periodically to keep it running smoothly. — Pearl Zhu

Leadership Culture Quotes By Henna Inam

Authentic leaders inspire us to engage with each other in powerful dreams that make the impossible possible. We are called on to persevere despite failure and pursue a purpose beyond the paycheck. This is at the core of innovation. It requires aligning the dreams of each individual to the broader dream of the organization. — Henna Inam

Leadership Culture Quotes By Robin S. Sharma

A leadership culture is one where everyone thinks like an owner, a CEO or a managing director. It's one where everyone is entrepreneurial and proactive. — Robin S. Sharma

Leadership Culture Quotes By Walter Isaacson

One of his motivating passions was to build a lasting company. At age twelve, when he got a summer job at Hewlett-Packard, he learned that a properly run company could spawn innovation far more than any single creative individual. " I discovered that the best innovation is sometimes the company, the way you organize a company," he recalled." The whole notion of how you build a company is fascinating. When i got the chance to come back to Apple, I realized that I would be useless without the company, and that's why I decided to stay and rebuild it. — Walter Isaacson

Leadership Culture Quotes By Fela Durotoye

Houses are built brick-by-brick. HOMEs are built word-by-word. Houses don't build themselves. So YOU must build your home — Fela Durotoye

Leadership Culture Quotes By Tony Dovale

With the right MINDSET, you can Survive, Thrive & Grow ... Even in the Midst of turbulence and change — Tony Dovale

Leadership Culture Quotes By George Takei

If leadership requires a fired-up sense of purpose and imagination, it also demands a profound connection to the society to be led. Like it or not, this is our culture, and we should embrace and celebrate it, even while we strive to refine and shape it. — George Takei

Leadership Culture Quotes By Heather Simmons

Truth be told, nobody thought Dell's direct business model would work, at least back in the early 90s. As Bill Sharpe, head of the advertising agency that held the Dell Canada account from 1996 to 2006, told me, "I had a business partner in California who said, we have a client, Dell. It sells computers over the phone, and ships them to you. I said, 'There's no way, who's gonna buy a computer over the phone? They're complicated. — Heather Simmons

Leadership Culture Quotes By Jon Gordon

I've always believed that culture is defined and created from the top down, but it comes to life from the bottom up. This meant that I had to build our culture by working with the leadership group (i.e., the owner, general manager, and executives), the coaching staff, and the football team. To strengthen the culture among the leadership group, it was important to reiterate to the owner, team president, and general manager the shared beliefs, values, and expectations that we had discussed in depth when I was interviewing for the head coaching position. It was important to have collaborative conversations on a regular basis to discuss the changes we were making and why we were making them. — Jon Gordon

Leadership Culture Quotes By Stan Slap

The personal values managers reported being the most under pressure to compromise to do their jobs successfully: 1. Family 2. Integrity. — Stan Slap

Leadership Culture Quotes By Ed Catmull

Who better to teach than the most capable among us? And I'm not just talking about seminars or formal settings. Our actions and behaviors, for better or worse, teach those who admire and look up to us how to govern their own lives. Are we thoughtful about how people learn and grow? As leaders, we should think of ourselves as teachers and try to create companies in which teaching is seen as a valued way to contribute to the success of the whole. Do we think of most activities as teaching opportunities and experiences as ways of learning? One of the most crucial responsibilities of leadership is creating a culture that rewards those who lift not just our stock prices but our aspirations as well. — Ed Catmull

Leadership Culture Quotes By Heather Simmons

To the disrupters go the spoils. — Heather Simmons

Leadership Culture Quotes By Scott Keller

The competitive advantage of the twenty-first century is increasingly derived from hard-to-copy intangible assets such as company culture and leadership effectiveness. — Scott Keller

Leadership Culture Quotes By Ayn Rand

Professional intellectuals are the voice of a culture and are, therefore, its leaders, its integrators and its bodyguards. — Ayn Rand

Leadership Culture Quotes By Bill Jensen

Loyalty - deep, intense, devoted loyalty - to a leader or a culture, to any group, brand or idea, goes far beyond being engaged or having our needs met. We see our emotional selves in that connection. We see our future, our best selves and our better angels in that connection. — Bill Jensen

Leadership Culture Quotes By Simon Sinek

Truly human leadership protects an organization from the internal rivalries that can shatter a culture. When we have to protect ourselves from each other, the whole organization suffers. But when trust and cooperation thrive internally, we pull together and the organization grows stronger as a result. — Simon Sinek

Leadership Culture Quotes By David Halberstam

Officers came and went and were never a part of daily life. — David Halberstam

Leadership Culture Quotes By Tony Dovale

21st Century Managers must change their thinking because they are now in the business of managing Mindsets & thinking, which impacts actions and behaviors. — Tony Dovale

Leadership Culture Quotes By Nigel Cumberland

We live in a world in which everything seems to needed now and working quickly is normally viewed as a positive attribute in the workplace...Do not let yourself become too frazzled and stressed by doing everything at high speed.

As I have coached hundreds of individuals in the workplace, I have discovered that we waste precious time by delaying and procrastinating. We might know that the work is very urgent and important but we still might find ourselves being slow to start the task. — Nigel Cumberland

Leadership Culture Quotes By Carolyn Taylor

The key difference between captain and coach? The latter's opportunities for influence come at moments when play isn't happening, — Carolyn Taylor

Leadership Culture Quotes By Jim Van Yperen

Too often pastors address problems from within the flawed assumptions of their culture and training. Unable to see how problems are forming, and how their leadership is often a cause, church leaders employ legalistic or democratic remedies to issues that require Spirit-directed discernment, repentance, and forgiveness. Meanwhile, leaders have to deal with members who, as noted above, insist on rights and want to "vote" instead of submit. — Jim Van Yperen

Leadership Culture Quotes By Richard Branson

Create the kind of workplace and company culture that will attract great talent. If you hire brilliant people, they will make work feel more like play. — Richard Branson

Leadership Culture Quotes By Denise Moreland

Imagine going to work every day to do only and exactly what you love!! All the work gets done because of the abundant diversity of your team. Different skills, interests and talents are woven together into a whole that is much greater than the sum of the parts! — Denise Moreland