Famous Quotes & Sayings

Lazytown Cast Quotes & Sayings

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Top Lazytown Cast Quotes

Lazytown Cast Quotes By Daniel Kahneman

When I describe priming studies to audiences, the reaction is often disbelief. [ ... ] The idea you should focus on, however, is that disbelief is not an option. The results are not made up, nor are they statistical flukes. You have no choice but to accept that the major conclusions of these studies are true. More important, you must accept that they are true about you. [ ... ] You do not believe that these results apply to you because they correspond to nothing in your subjective experience. But your subjective experience consists largely of the story that your System 2 tells itself about what is going on. Priming phenomena arise in System 1, and you have no conscious access to them. — Daniel Kahneman

Lazytown Cast Quotes By J.C. Ryle

It is useless to say you have no time. There is plenty of time, if men will employ it. Time may be short, but time is always long enough for prayer. Daniel had the affairs of a kingdom on his hands, and yet he prayed three times a day. David was ruler over a mighty nation, and yet he says, "Evening and morning and at noon will I pray" (Psalms 55:17). When time is really wanted, time can always be found. — J.C. Ryle

Lazytown Cast Quotes By Edward Gibbon

The science of the church is neglected for the study of geometry, and they lose sight of Heaven while they are employed in measuring the earth. Euclid is perpetually in their hands. Aristotle and Theophrastus are the objects of their admiration; and they express an uncommon reverence for the works of Galen. Their errors are derived from the abuse of the arts and sciences of the infidels, and they corrupt the simplicity of the gospel by the refinements of human reason. — Edward Gibbon

Lazytown Cast Quotes By E.F. Schumacher

Study how a society uses its land, and you can come to pretty reliable conclusions as to what its future will be. — E.F. Schumacher

Lazytown Cast Quotes By Erin Bowman

Second chances are not the same as forgiveness. — Erin Bowman

Lazytown Cast Quotes By Barry Sternlicht

Today, when you're marketing a brand, you can't try to appeal to everybody. You should speak to a group of people and create them as loyalists. — Barry Sternlicht

Lazytown Cast Quotes By B.B. King

I wanted to connect my guitar to human emotions. — B.B. King

Lazytown Cast Quotes By C. G. Jung

Obviously, the problem of the shadow plays a great role in all political conflicts. If the man who had this dream had not been sensible about his shadow problem, he could easily have identified the desperate Frenchman with the "dangerous Communists" of outer life, or the official plus the prosperous man with the "grasping capitalists." In this way he would have avoided seeing that he had within him such warring elements. If people observe their own unconscious tendencies in other people, this is called a "projection." Political agitation in all countries is full of such projections, just as much as the backyard gossip of little groups and individuals. Projections of all kinds obscure our view of our fellow men, spoiling its objectivity, and thus spoiling all possibility of genuine human relationships. — C. G. Jung