Famous Quotes & Sayings

Lady Wisdom Quotes & Sayings

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Top Lady Wisdom Quotes

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Jethro Tull

For the May Day is the great day,
Sung along the old straight track.
And those who ancient lines did ley
Will heed this song that calls them back ...
Pass the cup, and pass the Lady,
And pass the plate to all who hunger,
Pass the wit of ancient wisdom,
Pass the cup of crimson wonder. — Jethro Tull

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Patricia Grasso

How does a woman gain such wisdom in only twenty-nine years?" Gordon asked, escorting her across the lawns toward the mansion.
"The same way a man does."
"Which is?"
Lady Keely cast him an ambiguous smile. "Either you are born with wisdom, my lord, or you make do
without it ... — Patricia Grasso

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Frank Sinatra

Trouble just seems to come my way-unbidden, unwelcome, unneeded. — Frank Sinatra

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Jane Stanton Hitchcock

Libraries are like houses of worship: Whether or not you use them yourself, it's important to know that they are there. In many ways they define a society and the values of that society. Librarians to me are the keepers of the flame of knowledge. When I was growing up, the librarian in my local library looked like a meek little old lady, but after you spent some time with her, you realized she was Athena with a sword, a wise and wonderful repository of wisdom. — Jane Stanton Hitchcock

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Anonymous

Lady Wisdom will be your close friend; and Brother Knowledge will be your pleasant companion. — Anonymous

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Ikechukwu Izuakor

Knowledge without wisdom is like a beautiful lady without morals — Ikechukwu Izuakor

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Murasaki Shikibu

Let us be sure that the lady of our choice possesses certain tangible qualities that we admire; and if in other ways she falls short of our ideal, we must be patient and call to mind those qualities that first induced us to begin our courting. — Murasaki Shikibu

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Rory McIlroy

The fact is, I've always felt more British than Irish. Maybe it was the way I was brought up, I don't know, but I have always felt more of a connection with the U.K. than with Ireland. — Rory McIlroy

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Tyra Banks

I think I'm too young to be a mogul. I think I'm too young for that. — Tyra Banks

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Roberta Gellis

It is too late for me to learn your wisdom in this matter. From the time I knew aught, I have lived with a knight and his lady whose love lit and warmed the dark hall on winter's nights. Madam, my example comes not from any book of romance. My grandparents walked and breathed; they kissed and quarreled. This I must have, and I will seek it with the point of my knife in a bad husband's heart if I can find it no other way. — Roberta Gellis

Lady Wisdom Quotes By E. E. Cummings

Wholly to be a fool
while Spring is in the world
my blood approves,
and kisses are a far better fate
than wisdom
lady i swear by all flowers. — E. E. Cummings

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Jon Anderson

This is love that surrounds, only a fool without wisdom can see. Blind as I am in your eyes, my lady of dreams. — Jon Anderson

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Shelly Crane

Lily asked Calvin to play dolls with her. He reluctantly joined her on the floor, but it soon became Chuck Norris meets Joy doll and she was going down repeatedly. Lily, scandalized, pouted, but began to retaliate. Oh no you don't, Chuck! I'm Piper, psycho Barbie! — Shelly Crane

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Roland Smith

You don't have to be alone to feel alone. — Roland Smith

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Jus Accardo

I don't like him." Looking from Kale to Alex, Ginger said, "I don't like cabbage. Do you see me taking on the produce section of the food store? — Jus Accardo

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Julia Quinn

You have a minute and a half left."
"Fine," she snapped. "Then I'll reduce this conversation to one single fact. Today I had six callers. Six! Can you recall the last time I had six callers?"
Anthony just stared at her blankly.
"I can't," Daphne continued, in fine form now. "Because it has never happened. Six men marched up our steps, knocked on our door, and gave Humboldt their cards. Six men brought me flowers, engaged me in conversation, and one even recited poetry."
Simon winced.
"And do you know why?" she demanded, her voice rising dangerously. "Do you?"
Anthony, in his somewhat belatedly arrived wisdom, held his tongue.
"It is all because he" - she jabbed her forefinger toward Simon - "was kind enough to feign interest in me last night at Lady Danbury's ball. — Julia Quinn

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Sameh Elsayed

A man putting flowers on the grave of his wife saw a lady putting sandwiches on her husband's grave:
Man: do you really think your husband will eat those sandwiches?
Woman: yes ... , just after your wife enjoys the smell of your flowers.
A state of a wisdom. — Sameh Elsayed

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Dr. Dianne Rosena Jones, Mpsy.D.

God has brought a very wise Japanese lady into my life who lives in Calif. We've never met, but she has shared a tremendous amount of wisdom with me concerning unconditional love within relationships. Here is one of the things she said to me this evening when we were discussing "Soul Mates."

"Soul mates aren't perfect people. They can come into your life and provide polar emotional experiences from intense love to intense pain. Growth comes from both. And a soul mate helps you grow. It isn't just "...and they lived happily ever after" but "...and they lived!" ~ From my mentor ~ Lori Chidori Phillips — Dr. Dianne Rosena Jones, Mpsy.D.

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Elly Economou

The sunshine is so healthful," the lady said. "Isn't it wonderful how the good God has arranged nature for our benefit. In summer we can come to the sea for a cool swim, in spring we can enjoy the fresh green grass and flowers, in autumn the rain makes music for us, and in winter He sends the snow. He has made all things in wisdom. — Elly Economou

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Ramana Maharshi

Lady with fair countenance! Understand that one who is not able to realise the Truth in his Heart by this knowledge of spiritual wisdom known as Kala Jnana, can never attain it even by studying countless crores ofsastras (scriptures) spread out like the sky. — Ramana Maharshi

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Kirsty Gallacher

I hate alarms. If they go off I get really tetchy. I hate them. They just get me going, I'm hyper at the best of times, but they drive me mad. — Kirsty Gallacher

Lady Wisdom Quotes By George MacDonald

counsel:--Go to the Lady of Sorrow, and 'take with both hands'* what she will give you. Yonder lies her cottage. She is not in it now, but her door stands open, and there is bread and water on her table. Go in; sit down; eat of the bread; drink of the water; and wait there until she appear. Then ask counsel of her, for she is true, and her wisdom is great. — George MacDonald

Lady Wisdom Quotes By A.M. Homes

A man of the mouth, formerly the most oral of surgeons, Henry had the habit of giving his lady patients laughing gas, putting them out, then fiercely fucking them, while tugging on their wisdom teeth. His getting caught was a slip of the tongue, so to speak. While he was buried deep in a muff, some sharp thing slipped, and his prize patient, Mrs Mavis Gilette, woke to find a harpoon hole in her cheek and her lost licker languishing on the floor. — A.M. Homes

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Ah, lady! it is hardly what you thought it, This life of luxury and social power; You gave yourself as principal, and bought it, But God extracts the interest hour by hour. — Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Christopher Fowler

You see? This is what's wrong with the world. A young lady with bleached hair, an estuarine accent and unfeasible breasts can outsell a respected expert with decades of wisdom and experience."
"She's human interest," replied May.. "You're not. People reading her story will feel that if she can make it without talent, maybe they can. — Christopher Fowler

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Robin Jarvis

Alone, her soul destroyed and her heart bereft and empty, the Lady Ninnia touched her amulet and closed her eyes. "No," she breathed, "I was wrong. This time, my wisdom has failed me. Our daughter is not ready. To become the Handmaiden of Orion, one must know terrible grief in order to learn compassion." She gazed after her husband and shook her head sorrowfully. "Even the deaths of us, her parents, are not, I fear, enough. May she find what she needs upon that dark and deadly road upon which I have sent her. My poor, poor child - farewell. — Robin Jarvis

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Jacqueline Winspear

And you think journeying abroad will give you this knowledge you crave?
I think it will contribute to my understanding of the world, of people.
More so than say, the old lady who has lived in the same house her entire life, who has borne children both alive and dead? Who tends her soil; who sees the sun shine and the rain fall over the land, winter, spring, summer and autumn? What might you say to the idea that we all have a capacity for wisdom, just as a jug has room for a finite amount of water-pouring more water in the jug doesn't increase that capacity. — Jacqueline Winspear

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Sabrina York

I know it's not always easy making the smart choice. Giving up things you want to do in exchange for prudence. Or to protect people you care about from worry and fear. But it is something a wise young lady does...I'm verra proud of you for making the wise choice, Isobel." Alexander Lochlannach from Susana and the Scot p. 205 by Sabrina York — Sabrina York

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Crystal Woods

Be a lady? Forget it. Ladies don't last a day in the real word. No one's a lady anymore. Why do you think we get our claws polished? — Crystal Woods

Lady Wisdom Quotes By R. Alan Woods

'Lady Wisdom' is my wife and those I reach with Truth understood are my children".

~R. Alan Woods [2012] — R. Alan Woods

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Walter Mosley

I took up writing to escape the drudgery of that every day cubicle kind of war. — Walter Mosley

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Bart D. Ehrman

Wisdom is referred to as "she" - or even as "Lady Wisdom" - because the Greek word for wisdom is feminine); — Bart D. Ehrman

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Rick Yancey

It would be the hardcore. The ones who tell Lady Luck to go screw herself. The ones with hearts of stone. The ones who could let a hundred die so one might live. The ones who see the wisdom in torching a village in order to save it. The world was FUBAR now. — Rick Yancey

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Money cannot buy you love. But it sure can buy you things that some people will love you for having. — Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Juana Ines De La Cruz

But, lady, as women, what wisdom may be ours if not the philosophies of the kitchen? Lupercio Leonardo spoke well when he said: 'how well one may philosophize when preparing dinner.' And I often say, when observing these trivial details: had Aristotle prepared vituals [sic], he would have written more. — Juana Ines De La Cruz

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Kin Hubbard

Only one fellow in ten thousand understands the currency question, and we meet him every day. — Kin Hubbard

Lady Wisdom Quotes By Jasleen Kaur Gumber

She walks,
on the streets,
with a face that,
doesn't belong.
It smiles more than,
many put together,
whole day long.
Her heart misfit,
a little chipped.
And she likes to,
call it once broken,
but now stitched. — Jasleen Kaur Gumber