Famous Quotes & Sayings

L85a2 Quotes & Sayings

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Top L85a2 Quotes

L85a2 Quotes By Lisa Kudrow

On network TV, I'm still Phoebe to people, and it would be hard to convince them otherwise in the bright lights of a sitcom. — Lisa Kudrow

L85a2 Quotes By Sunday Adelaja

To have an encounter with God is to feel the ache of his loving heart for the redemptions of the earth — Sunday Adelaja

L85a2 Quotes By Susan D. Kalior

You are lovable as you are. Be kind to yourself. You are an original standing alone, yet a collective that is everyone. Everyone is okay, including you. No one need change, but if you seek modification, require it from no other. If you change, those around you will change, as they are reflections of yourself. One person transforming, changes the world, even if only a sliver. — Susan D. Kalior

L85a2 Quotes By Allen Carr

When I had tried to stop previously there were weeks of dark depression. There would be odd days when I was comparatively cheerful but the next day I would invariably sink back into the misery and depression. It was like clawing your way out of a slippery pit - you feel that you are nearing the top; you can see the sunshine - and then find yourself sliding back down again. — Allen Carr

L85a2 Quotes By Surya Das

Sex, creativity, music, art, family, love, beauty, and creative imagination are all part of the spiritual path in the tantric traditions. So I think that for today that has a lot to say to us about not dividing ourselves from ourselves. — Surya Das

L85a2 Quotes By Billy Idol

I don't think punk ever really dies, because punk rock attitude can never die. — Billy Idol

L85a2 Quotes By Roseanne Barr

It's okay to be fat. So you're fat. Just be fat and shut up about it. — Roseanne Barr

L85a2 Quotes By Vince Cable

Housing associations have fingered the fact that they cannot use their assets as liquidity due to Bank of England rules unlike their continental equivalents. This has emerged to be one of the main bottlenecks to getting investment going in the U.K. It is a Bank of England issue. — Vince Cable

L85a2 Quotes By Val Kilmer

The first play I saw was a Samuel Beckett play which was great. — Val Kilmer

L85a2 Quotes By Jon Tester

I don't know how the other senators see me. I hope they see me as a farmer. That's really what I am. But I don't think they see me on a tractor or fixing equipment. I hope they see me grounded, as somebody who has common sense. — Jon Tester

L85a2 Quotes By Jimmy Kimmel

You can say Pizza Hut is terrible pizza, but they also sell more pizzas than anybody else. — Jimmy Kimmel

L85a2 Quotes By Julie Klassen

I have not yet proven myself."
"I don't care if you succeed or not."
"But I do. And pretending. there is a future for us, allowing myself to hope, to-" he reached out and touched her soft cheek.
"It would only make it more difficult for me when the inevitable happens." He held her gaze, willing her to see all the sentiments he knew he should not express.
"The inevitable?"
He sighed. "When you marry someone else." There he'd said it. What should she do now, now that he had taken her no doubt light flirtation and carried it out to its logical conclusion like a killjoy?
"Who says it's inevitable?" She pouted, and he saw a glimpse of the adorable little girl she's once been.
He smiled indulgently. "I do." He leaned forward to kiss her on the cheek.
"And it's time that you accepted that fact as well."
He resolutely stepped to the door and gestured for her to precede him from the room. — Julie Klassen

L85a2 Quotes By Edward Young

And friend received with thumps upon the back. — Edward Young