Famous Quotes & Sayings

Koji Koda Quotes & Sayings

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Top Koji Koda Quotes

Koji Koda Quotes By Chloe Neill

You are mine, Merit. — Chloe Neill

Koji Koda Quotes By William Shakespeare

Be just, and fear not.
Let all the ends thou aim'st at be thy country's,
Thy God's and truth's. — William Shakespeare

Koji Koda Quotes By Scott Bakula

The longer you are in acting business, the more you cherish the times when you're working with people that do great work, and can figure out how to enjoy themselves while they're doing the great work. — Scott Bakula

Koji Koda Quotes By Victor Hugo

For men felt therein the presence of that great human thing which is called law, and that great divine thing which is called justice. — Victor Hugo

Koji Koda Quotes By John Flaherty

Say somebody shot somebody ... We ... are so concerned about whether this evidence was admitted properly ... (and) not recognize the intrusion into our sacred individuality that is being caused every time people turn on the faucet? ... I am astounded by how much untruth has been officially promulgated (pro fluoridation). — John Flaherty

Koji Koda Quotes By Doris McCarthy

Writing gave me a second chance - not to change things, but to savor them. That is a great gift. — Doris McCarthy

Koji Koda Quotes By Sri Aurobindo

I say, of the Congress, then, this that its aims are mistaken, that the spirit in which it proceeds towards their accomplishment is not a spirit of sincerity and whole-heartedness, and that the methods it has chosen are not the right methods, and the leaders in whom it trusts, not the right sort of men to be leaders; in brief, that we are at present the blind led, if not by the blind, at any rate by the one-eyed. — Sri Aurobindo

Koji Koda Quotes By Dilip Hiro

Though Urdu is the mother tongue of only 5 percent of Pakistanis, it is the official language of the state and is taught in schools nationwide. — Dilip Hiro

Koji Koda Quotes By Ed Seykota

Risk no more that you can afford to lose, and also risk enough so that a win is meaningful. — Ed Seykota

Koji Koda Quotes By A.W. Tozer

I venture to suggest that the one vital quality which they had in common was spiritual receptivity. Something in them was open to heaven, something which urged them Godward. Without attempting anything like a profound analysis I shall say simply that they had spiritual awareness and that they went on to cultivate it until it became the biggest thing in their lives. They differed from the average person in that when they felt the inward longing they did something about it. They acquired the lifelong habit of spiritual response. They were not disobedient to the heavenly vision. As David put it neatly, "When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek" (p. 67). — A.W. Tozer

Koji Koda Quotes By Iris Johansen

Mystery writing involves solving a puzzle, but 'high suspense' writing is a situation whereby the writer thrusts the hero/heroine into high drama. — Iris Johansen

Koji Koda Quotes By Anne Graham Lotz

If Jesus forgave those who nailed Him to the cross, and if God forgives you and me, how can you withhold your forgiveness from someone else? — Anne Graham Lotz

Koji Koda Quotes By Clint Eastwood

Whatever the drama of the story is, you have to be true to it. — Clint Eastwood

Koji Koda Quotes By Ed Catmull

If our mental models are mere approximations of reality, then, the conclusions we draw cannot help but be prone to error. A few words uttered by someone close to us can carry enormous weight, for example, whereas the same words uttered by a stranger won't resonate at all. At our jobs, we may interpret not being invited to a meeting as a threat to us or to our projects, even when no threat is intended. But because we often don't see the flaws in our reasoning - or our biases - it's easy to be deluded while being quite convinced that we are the only sane ones around. — Ed Catmull