Famous Quotes & Sayings

Knaan Amadou Quotes & Sayings

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Top Knaan Amadou Quotes

Knaan Amadou Quotes By Dion DiMucci

A lot of blues music seems like it's moving away from God, or the center, and Gospel music is moving towards it. It's embracing a higher reality. When you look a little closer, the way that I define it or explain it, is that the blues is the naked cry of the human heart, apart from God. People are searching for union with God. They're searching to be home. There's something in people that seeks this union with their creator. Why am I here? Where am I going? What's it all about? Who am I? All this kind of stuff. — Dion DiMucci

Knaan Amadou Quotes By Joseph Prince

As they come forth, Lord, to sow, release upon them, Father, the power to get, to create, to receive wealth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. — Joseph Prince

Knaan Amadou Quotes By John Scalzi

He decided he'd rather die as a fundamentally decent human being than live as the sort of asshole who'd tear out someone's liver to get into an escape pod. — John Scalzi

Knaan Amadou Quotes By John Donne

What gnashing is not a comfort, what gnawing of the worm is not a tickling, what torment is not a marriage bed to this damnation, to be secluded eternally, eternally, eternally from the sight of God? — John Donne

Knaan Amadou Quotes By Mike Birbiglia

It's a difficult line to tread, where sometimes you go to the movies or you watch someone do publicity for movies or TV shows, and they do all the jokes that are good in the promotion of it, and you see the movie, and you're like, 'I kind of get it already. I'm not that psyched about it.' — Mike Birbiglia

Knaan Amadou Quotes By Peta Wilson

You can shave my head if you need to; it doesn't bother me. — Peta Wilson

Knaan Amadou Quotes By David Hume

Convulsions in nature, disorders, prodigies, miracles, though the most opposite of the plan of a wise superintendent, impress mankind with the strongest sentiments of religion. — David Hume

Knaan Amadou Quotes By Gautama Buddha

Here even the various mind-pleasing blossoming flowers, and attractive shining supreme golden houses, have no inherently existent maker at all. They are set up through the power of thought. Through the power of conceptuality the world is established — Gautama Buddha

Knaan Amadou Quotes By Bob Schieffer

Had there been a reporter along with Lieutenant Calley when he massacred those people in Vietnam, I think that probably wouldn't have happened. — Bob Schieffer

Knaan Amadou Quotes By Michael Grant

Sheep. So long as they had a shepherd to ward off the wolves, they were happy. Spineless, indifferent, weak, stupid: it was hard not to have complete contempt for them. — Michael Grant

Knaan Amadou Quotes By Donna Summer

God had to create disco music so I could be born and be successful. — Donna Summer

Knaan Amadou Quotes By Naomi Novik

He coiled himself neatly and waited without fidgeting, as was polite; but at length, when Majestatis showed no signs of waking - after ten minutes, or perhaps five - very nearly five - Temeraire coughed; then he coughed again, a little more emphatically, and Majestatis sighed and said, without opening his eyes, "So you are not leaving, I suppose?"
"Oh," Temeraire said, his ruff prickling, "I thought you were only sleeping, not ignoring me deliberately; I will go at once."
"Well, you might as well stay now," Majestatis said, lifting his head and yawning himself away. "I don't bother to wake up if it isn't important enough to wait for, that's all. — Naomi Novik