Kline Quotes & Sayings
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Top Kline Quotes

The people who matter in our lives stay with us, haunting our most ordinary moments. — Christina Baker Kline

My mother was one of the most dynamic and brilliant women I have ever known. She was also mercurial and unfocused. — Christina Baker Kline

With a hardcover, you get two chances, a year apart, for the book to make an impact - often with a new cover featuring artfully crafted snippets of reviews, a new marketing campaign and maybe even a new publisher. — Christina Baker Kline

If you really want to know me, I said, we'll have to start with the witches. — Christina Baker Kline

Each moment of loss, she has come to believe, contains within it the possibility of a new life. When the unimaginable happens, and your life changes irrevocably, you may find along with the pain a kind of grace. And in the place of certainty and fear - the fear of losing what you had - you are left with something startling: a depth of empathy, a quivering sensitivity to the world around you, and the unexpected blessing of gratitude for what remains. — Christina Baker Kline

Do you believe in spirits? Or ghosts? ... Yes, I do. I believe in ghosts ... They're the ones who haunt us. The ones who have left us behind."
"Vivian has come back to the idea that the people who matter in our lives stay with us, haunting our ordinary moments. They're with us in the grocery store, as we turn the corner, chat with a friend. They rise up through the pavement; we absorb them through our soles."
"The things that matter stay with you, seep into your skin. — Christina Baker Kline

For a few years, skeins of yarn piled up in baskets around the house. There weren't enough humans in my mother's orbit to wear all the scarves and sweaters and hats she knitted. And then, as suddenly as she started, she lost interest, leaving needles still entwined in half-finished fragments. — Christina Baker Kline

Bailey, wait."
She didn't even turn his way again, simply flung her hand up and flipped her middle finger up at him. Damn her stubborn pride and damn his addled brain. — T.J. Kline

This isn't bickering. This is classic mother-daughter communications. I've been reading up on it. — Christina Baker Kline

We simply can't keep providing money from the federal government in the form of subsidized or actual loans and Pell Grants when we don't have the money. — John Kline

Playing Shakespeare requires technique. You don't play a Bach toccata by getting in the mood. — Kevin Kline

so alone was almost spiritual - but something in Abby's voice makes her pause. "You might have a better idea," she says. "But you two were 'best friends,'" Abby says mockingly. She taps ash from her cigarette into a chipped teacup on the table. Kathryn looks at her. "I thought so." She swallows hard. "But — Christina Baker Kline

Radiation is relentless: my protocol is five days a week, 33 sessions altogether. — Christina Baker Kline

You are the most stubborn woman I've ever met, Bailey Hart."
"You should probably get out and meet more women then," she muttered, letting the screen door slam shut behind her. — T.J. Kline

I have three sons, as different from each other as any three humans could be but connected by their shared love of Guitar Hero. I'm lucky to be married to a man I can call my soulmate without any irony whatsoever. — Christina Baker Kline

I will not serve lunch to anyone in the middle of a workday. I rarely rearrange my furniture or cabinets; once I find a drawer for something, it stays there. I don't garden. And I don't knit. — Christina Baker Kline

Nobody sees the same movie. I'm sure there are people who saw Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and thought "Finally a gay movie about men who really care about each other. Thank God!" That's not what I saw necessarily but I don't think any two people see the same movie. — Kevin Kline

Kline Brooks left his new intern, Leslie, under my watchful eye while he flew out to L.A. for the day to schmooze investors and impress potential advertising clients for TapNext. I was certain she had been sent straight from Hell. The devil might as well have wrapped a big red bow around her neck and attached a note. Dear Georgie, Have fun with this one. Love, Satan I'd — Max Monroe

If you turned a Labrador into a person you would make Brad Kline. He's happy and gushy and about as interesting and complex as a tree stump. — Andrea Portes

We took away their country and their means of support. It was for this and against this that they made war. Could anyone expect less? — Christina Baker Kline

Wells is teaching us to think. Burroughs and his lesser imitators are teaching us not to think. Of course, Burroughs is teaching us to wonder. The sense of wonder is in essence a religious state, blanketing out criticism. Wells was always a critic, even in his most wondrous and romantic tales.
And there, I believe, the two poles of modern fantasy stand defined. At one pole wait Wells and his honorable predecessors such as Swift; at the other, Burroughs and the commercial producers, such as Otis Adelbart Kline, and the weirdies, and horror merchants such as H.P. Lovecraft, and so all the way past Tolkien to today's non-stop fantasy worlders. Mary Shelley stands somewhere at the equator of this metaphor. — Brian W. Aldiss

I love you," he writes again and again. "I can't bear to live without you. I'm counting the minutes until I see you." The words he uses are the idioms of popular songs and poems in the newspaper. And mine to him are no less cliched. I puzzle over the onionskin, trying to spill my heart onto the page. But I can only come up with the same words, in the same order, and hope the depth of feeling beneath them gives them weight and substance. I love you. I miss you. Be careful. Be safe. — Christina Baker Kline

All of us, you, your children, your neighbors and their children are everyday geniuses, even though the fact is unnoticed and unremembered by everyone. That's probably because school hasn't encouraged us to notice what's hidden inside us waiting for the right environment to express itself. — Peter Kline

School should be the best party in town — Peter Kline

[The error in the teaching of mathematics is that] mathematics is expected either to be immediately attractive to students on its own merits or to be accepted by students solely on the basis of the teacher's assurance that it will be helpful in later life. [And yet,] mathematlcs is the key to understanding and mastering our physical, social and biological worlds. — Morris Kline

That the quickest relief will come in forgetting. — Christina Baker Kline

Julia Kline, you've spent your whole life running and all you've done is run farther away from the love that's been waiting for you all along. The first time you smiled at me with your two missing teeth you had my undivided attention. When you laugh, I want to laugh with you. When you cry, I want to be the one to hold you. When you said you loved me, you highjacked my heart forever. They say that love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. Your happiness is what I will spend the rest of my life striving to give you. I love you so much. Will you do the honor of marrying me? — Sophie Monroe

Vivian has come back to the idea that the people who matter in our lives stay with us, haunting our most ordinary moments. They're with us in the grocery store, as we turn a corner, chat with a friend. They rise up through the pavement; we absorb them through our soles. Vivian — Christina Baker Kline

out and folding it against — Christina Baker Kline

Molly learned long ago that a lot of the heartbreak and betrayal that other people fear their entire lives, she has already faced. Father dead. Mother off the deep end. Shuttled around and rejected time and time again. And still she breathes and sleeps and grows taller. She wakes up every morning and puts on clothes. So when she says it's okay, what she means is that she knows she can survive just about anything. — Christina Baker Kline

Tough and weird is preferable to pathetic and vulnerable ... — Christina Baker Kline

People think the painting is a portrait, but it isn't. Not really. He wasn't even in the field; he conjured it from a room in the house, an entirely different angle. He removed rocks and trees and outbuildings. The scale of the barn is wrong. And I am not that frail young thing, but a middle-aged spinster. It's not my body, really, and maybe not even my head. He — Christina Baker Kline

made it through this year because I had to, because I had no options. But now that I've experienced comfort and safety, how can I go back? These thoughts take me to the edge of despair, so I will myself - I force myself - not to have them. — Christina Baker Kline

I remember her words to me when I left school: Your mind will be your comfort. It is, sometimes. And sometimes it isn't. — Christina Baker Kline

I don't think that trauma is an illusion; there is no question in my mind that circumstances beyond our control can shape and define us. But ultimately, we make choices about letting ourselves be defined by our pasts. — Christina Baker Kline

I can play characters who sing, but I don't like singing in a nightclub or something. It's not my metier. — Kevin Kline

No substitute for the living, perhaps, but I wasn't given a choice. I could take solace in their presence or I could fall down in a heap, lamenting what I'd lost. The ghosts whispered to me, telling me to go on. — Christina Baker Kline

We don't talk about the danger
but what I imagine is a cartoon version, bullets flying and each boy a super hero, running, invincible, through a spray of gunfire. — Christina Baker Kline

And even if she loses the charms, she thinks, they'll always be a part of her. The things that matter stay with you, seep into your skin. People get tattoos to have a permanent reminder of things they love or believe or fear, but though she'll never regret the turtle, she has no need to ink her flesh again to remember the past. She had not known the markings would be etched so deep. A — Christina Baker Kline

If I was a bird, Kline Brooks could go fuck himself. — Max Monroe

No, it would be stupid. That's what I tell my clients. Don't run away from the problem. Making a fresh start can be much harder than sticking things out in the same old place.' 'I — Penny Kline

Those of us who work in this field see a developing potential for nearly a total control of human emotional status, mental functioning, and will to act. These human phenomena can be started, stopped or eliminated by the use of various types of chemical substances. What we can produce with our science now will affect the entire society." A "utopia" could be found - providing "a sense of stability and certainty, whether realistic or not. — Nathan S. Kline

The feeling that one must be an authority in a subject to say anything about it is unfounded. We are all laymen outside the field of our own specialty, — Morris Kline

Despite the landlord's disapproval, the sweltering heat, the gloomy rooms, and the cacophony of strange noises, so unfamiliar to my country ears, I felt another swell of hope. As I looked around our four rooms, it did seem that we were off to a fresh start, having left behind the many hardships of life in Kinvara: the damp that sank into our bones, the miserable, cramped hut, our father's drinking - did I mention that? - that threw every small gain into peril. Here, our da had the promise of a job. We could pull a chain for light; the twist of a knob brought running water. Just outside the door, in a dry hallway, a toilet and bathtub. However modest, this was a chance for a new beginning. — Christina Baker Kline

Be totaled; we can't afford a new one. — Christina Baker Kline

Franz Kline, who became known for his black and white paintings, did a whole series of gorgeous landscapes and wonderful portraits that may still hang in Greenwich Village. — David Amram

When I was seventeen I went to college to escape my father's impotent rage and my mother's infinite capacity for forgiveness. — Christina Baker Kline

No Child Left Behind taught us that parents, teachers and state and local leaders are more suited to address students' needs than a one-size-fits-all accountability system developed by Washington bureaucrats. — John Kline

The twists and turns of your life can be so unexpected, and that's a good thing to learn. — Christina Baker Kline

She feels like a circus clown who wakes up one morning and no longer wants to glue on the red rubber nose. — Christina Baker Kline

People ask, 'What's the best role you've ever played?' The next one. — Kevin Kline

If you're going to give him a second chance, I should get one, too. — Sylvia Day

Hindsight. It's like foresight without a future. — Kevin Kline

You do realize trying to bribe an officer is a felony, right?"
She cocked a brow at him as she slid her helmet back over her head and slipped her sunglasses on, starting the engine. "Who said anything about bribing you? Maybe I was trying to poison you. — T.J. Kline

I think every American actor wants to be a movie star. But I never wanted to do stupid movies, I wanted to do films. — Kevin Kline

I've come to think that's what heaven is- a place in the memory of others where our best selves live on. — Christina Baker Kline

Most people are remarkably resilient. Even those who have been through war or great loss often find reservoirs of strength. But the legacy of trauma is a heavy burden to bear. — Christina Baker Kline

I ... am left with the lingering feeling that the places we go in our minds to find comfort have little to do with where our bodies go. — Christina Baker Kline

For too many years, politicians in Washington have been eager to pledge more hard-earned taxpayer dollars to help deal with the student debt load. But this doesn't sit right with the many Americans who take pride in making fiscally responsible choices and paying off their loans on time. — John Kline

It was all completely incomprehensible to me. I was fearful of the language. You had to look up every third word. — Kevin Kline

Book clubs, both online and in person, have become a large percentage of the reading public, and many of them won't consider reading books in hardcover. — Christina Baker Kline

Easier to assume that people have it out for you than to be disappointed when they don't come through. — Christina Baker Kline

I think of what Mamey told me long ago: there are many ways to love and be loved. Too bad it's taken most of a lifetime for me to understand what that means. — Christina Baker Kline

Her absence is a presence, ghostly and haunting, touching all who knew her. It is impossible that she disappeared, inconceivable that she will never return. She is at once nowhere and everywhere, a constant shadow, elusory and insubstantial, her life an unkept promise, a half-remembered dream. — Christina Baker Kline

People who matter in our lives stay with us, haunting our most ordinary moments. They're with us in the grocery store, as we turn a corner, chat with a friend. They rise up through the pavement; we absorb them through our soles. — Christina Baker Kline

My parents are a bedrock. And I have three complex, strong, and funny sisters who inspire and sustain me. — Christina Baker Kline

The Workforce Investment Improvement Act of 2012 would consolidate and eliminate dozens of ineffective or duplicative programs, enhance the role of job creators in workforce development decisions, and improve accountability over the use of taxpayer dollars. — John Kline

And anyway, how do you talk about losing everything? — Christina Baker Kline

And so it is that you learn how to pass, if you're lucky, to look like everyone else, even though you're broken inside. — Christina Baker Kline

Before we leave the gravesite, Mary sings Mother's favorite gospel hymn ...
Mary's lovely voice rises and lingers in the air, and by the end of the song most of us are crying. I am too, though I still don't know what those stars are meant to represent. My mistake, I suppose, is in thinking they should mean something. — Christina Baker Kline

Actually, most mathematics courses do not teach reasoning of any kind. Students are so baffled by the material that they are obliged to memorize in order to pass examinations. — Morris Kline

And I know, with the newfuond clarity of being in a relationship myself, that my own parents were never happy together, and probably never would have been, whatever the circumstances — Christina Baker Kline

Thinking for yourself is the thing on which everything else depends. — Nancy Kline

After about half an hour, Mr. Sorenson turns onto a narrow unpaved road. Dirt rises around us as we drive, coating the windshield and side windows. We pass more fields and then a copse of birch tree skeletons, cross through a dilapidated covered bridge over a murky stream still sheeted with ice, turn down a bumpy dirt road bordered by pine trees. Mr. Sorenson is holding a card with what looks like directions on it. He slows the truck, pulls to a stop, looks back toward the bridge. Then he peers out the grimy windshield at the trees ahead. "No goldarn signs," he mutters. He puts his foot on the pedal and inches forward. Out — Christina Baker Kline

I want to say, Christina, that you are ... unusual. And somehow..." her voice trails off. "Your mind-- your curiosity-- will be your comfort. — Christina Baker Kline

Test your limits. Learn what you can endure. — Christina Baker Kline

Mr.Kline was standing his ground, his arms outstretched in front of a small group of kids. He was red faced an appeared sweaty or maybe just covered with tears. I ran to catch up with them. — Jennifer Brown

The writing in mathematics text is not only laconic to a fault; it is cold, monotonous, dry, dull, and even ungrammatical ... The books are not only printed by machines; they are written by machines. — Morris Kline

Mathematics is a body of knowledge, but it contains no truths. — Morris Kline

Don't kiss a man who hasn't shaved. — Kevin Kline

I had studied piano since I was 13, but I was surrounded by students who'd been playing since they were 5. I realized I was never going to be anything but mediocre. — Kevin Kline

I am not glad she is dead, but I am not sorry she is gone. — Christina Baker Kline

I feel a joy so strong it's almost painful - a knife's edge of joy. — Christina Baker Kline

So I am learning to pretend, to smile and nod, to display empathy I do not feel. I am learning to pass, to look like everyone else, even though I feel broken inside. — Christina Baker Kline

We are headed toward the unknown, and we have no choice but to sit quietly in our hard seats and let ourselves be taken there. — Christina Baker Kline

Mrs. Scatcherd raps Dutchy's knuckles several times with a long wooden ruler, though it seems to me a halfhearted penalty. He barely winces, then shakes his hands twice in the air and winks at me. Truly , there isn't much more she can do. Stripped of family and identity, fed meager rations, consigned to hard wooden seats until we are to be, as Slobbery Jack suggested, sold into slavery - our mere existence is punishment enough. — Christina Baker Kline

Without even thinking about it, my son uses technology in almost everything he does, large and small. — Christina Baker Kline

This is like telling a person who has leapt off a cliff to be careful. I am already in midair. — Christina Baker Kline

Half the world wants to be like Thoreau worrying about the noise of traffic on the way up to Boston; the other half use up their lives being part of that noise. I like the second half. — Franz Kline

If you want trouble, find yourself a redhead. — Christina Baker Kline

If you're disorganized, you risk losing everything. — Christina Baker Kline

You instinctively like what you can't do. — Franz Kline

I am your friend," Gous said. "I drank with you, didn't I?"
Kline tried to nod but nothing happened. He could see the wrappings around Gous' hand staining with blood.
"Besides," said Gous, "friendship is one thing, God another. — Brian Evenson