Famous Quotes & Sayings

Kets Quotes & Sayings

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Top Kets Quotes

Kets Quotes By Gilbert Highet

These are not books, lumps of lifeless paper, but minds alive on the shelves. From each of them goes out its own voice ... and just as the touch of a button on our set will fill the room with music, so by taking down one of these volumes and opening it, one can call into range the voice of a man far distant in time and space, and hear him speaking to us, mind to mind, heart to heart. — Gilbert Highet

Kets Quotes By Braya Spice

Did you ever think the reason you haven't found the right man is because it's not your time? Sometimes God kets bad things happen to us as a sign that something is not right. He also does it to make us stronger. God got a plan for you, and you gotta stop fighting it. Focus on YOU, and let God lead that man to you. — Braya Spice

Kets Quotes By Maria Lugones

One may also inhabit the limen, the place in between realities, a gap 'between and betwixt' universes of sense that construe social life and persons differently, an interstice from where one can most clearly stand critically toward different structures. — Maria Lugones

Kets Quotes By Shirley Maclaine

Then come the lights shining on you from above. You are a performer. You forget all you learned, the process of technique, the fear, the pain, you even forget who you are you become one with the music, the lights, indeed one with the dance. — Shirley Maclaine

Kets Quotes By Louis Pasteur

As in the experimental sciences, truth cannot be distinguished from error as long as firm principles have not been established through the rigorous observation of facts. — Louis Pasteur

Kets Quotes By James George Frazer

For strength of character in the race as in the individual consists mainly in the power of sacrificing the present for the future, of disregarding the immediate temptations of ephemeral pleasure for more distant and lasting sources of satisfaction. The more the power is exercised the higher and stronger becomes the character; till the height of heroism is reached in men who renounce the pleasures of life and even life itself for the sake of winning for others, perhaps in distant ages, the blessings of freedom and truth. — James George Frazer

Kets Quotes By Cynthia Hand

Tucker," I say. "I'm so glad you're still here."
I throw myself into his arms. He hugs me tightly.
"I couldn't leave," he says.
"I know."
"I mean, literally. I don't have a ride. — Cynthia Hand

Kets Quotes By Dorothy Dunnett

To pass over grief, they say, the Italian sleeps; the Frenchman sings; the German drinks; the Spaniard laments, and the Englishman goes to plays. What then does the Scot?' To Jerott's mind sprang, unbidden, a picture of the sword Archie Abernethy was trying to clean at this moment below.

'This one,' he said, 'kills. — Dorothy Dunnett

Kets Quotes By Robert Herjavec

Too much thinking leads to paralysis by analysis. — Robert Herjavec

Kets Quotes By Ken Hill

Sometimes just getting out of the house and doing something you haven't done in a long time (or never done!) can open up the doors to musical inspiration. — Ken Hill

Kets Quotes By Craig Ferguson

Bush's memoir is 512 pages. To be fair, 200 of those pages are just games and puzzles. — Craig Ferguson

Kets Quotes By Steve King

The current practice of extending U.S. citizenship to hundreds of thousands of 'anchor babies' must end because it creates a magnet for illegal immigration into our country. Now is the time to ensure that the laws in this country do not encourage law-breaking. — Steve King

Kets Quotes By Gary Gygax

Some of the roots of role-playing games (RPGs) are grounded in clinical and academic role assumption and role-playing exercises. — Gary Gygax

Kets Quotes By Rich Lowry

If Hillary can't win the nomination - and it's clearly very, very hard for her - she's basically a stalking horse for McCain. She's preparing the demographic ground for McCain, by getting white working-class Democrats used to (if you will) not voting for Obama. — Rich Lowry

Kets Quotes By Manfred F.R. Kets De Vries

Restructuring is a favorite tactic of antisocials who have reached a senior position in an organization. The chaos that results is an ideal smokescreen for dysfunctional leadership. Failure at the top goes unnoticed, while the process of restructuring creates the illusion of a strong, creative hand on the helm. — Manfred F.R. Kets De Vries