Famous Quotes & Sayings

Kendyl Peters Quotes & Sayings

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Top Kendyl Peters Quotes

Kendyl Peters Quotes By Agatha Christie

What I feel is that if one has got to have a murder actually happening in one's house, one might as well enjoy it, if you know what I mean. — Agatha Christie

Kendyl Peters Quotes By John Steinbeck

Didn't know anyone could see it," Samuel said. "You know, Lee, I think of my life as a kind of music, not always good music but still having form and melody. And my life has not been a full orchestra for a long time now. A single note only - and that note unchanging sorrow. I'm not alone in my attitude, Lee. It seems to me that too many of us conceive of a life as ending in defeat. — John Steinbeck

Kendyl Peters Quotes By Leanne Waters

If I had the capacity to withstand instantaneous physical pain, I think I would have even considered taking a razor to my leg. Because after so long of living in that hole, I would have rather felt pain than nothing at all; I just wanted to feel something again. You reach a milestone in such illnesses when denial lifts and you realize that the things you do are truly damaging both to yourself and to others. By then, however, you learn to not care and you embrace the notion that this method of self-harming is both deserved and satisfying. — Leanne Waters

Kendyl Peters Quotes By Garry Marshall

I think men should go see Beaches too. I think they'll understand women better. — Garry Marshall

Kendyl Peters Quotes By John Green

That was what I liked most about my friends: just sitting around and telling stories. Window stories and mirror stories. I only listened - the stories on my mind weren't that funny. — John Green

Kendyl Peters Quotes By Charlie Chaplin

Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot. — Charlie Chaplin