Jurassic Quotes & Sayings
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Top Jurassic Quotes

'Jurassic' is a legacy and a classic. Steven Spielberg created something pretty spectacular. It's actually really interesting, when I look at it, I ask, 'How has my life changed since being Lex?' And I can literally walk into just about any city in the world and people will know who I am. — Ariana Richards

I encourage people who don't believe in evolution to look for horses in Jurassic Solenhofen limestone. — Jack Horner

It is not only the size of these redwoods but their strangeness that frightens them. And why not? For these are the last remaining members of a race that flourished over four continents as far back in geologic time as the upper Jurassic period. Fossils of these ancients have been found dating from the Cretaceous era while in the Eocene and Miocene they were spread over England and Europe and America. And then the glaciers moved down and wiped the Titans out beyond recovery. And only these few are left
a stunning memory of what the world was like once long ago. Can it be that we do not love to be reminded that we are very young and callow in a world that was old when we came into it? And could there be a strong resistance to the certainty that a living world will continue its stately way when we no longer inhabit it? — John Steinbeck

'Jurassic Park' and 'Star Wars' shoved me into loving sci-fi and film in general when I was a barely coherent 3-year-old. And 'Lord of the Rings' took me to another planet entirely. Before that series, I knew I loved writing, but after, I knew that I had to write. — Victoria Aveyard

Yeah but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could they didn't stop to think if they should. — Jeff Goldblum

I think we must ask ourselves if this is really what we want to do to God's creation, to drive it to extinction? Because extinction really is irreversible; species that go extinct are lost forever. This is not like Jurassic Park. We can't bring them back. — Stuart L. Pimm

Just stay still, if you stay still it can't find you. That's sharks, you idiot. Sharks and dinosaurs. This isn't Jurassic Park. — Kelley Armstrong

Yes. And they promptly chewed the collars off. But even if the raptors never get free," Arnold said, "I think we have to accept that Jurassic Park is inherently hazardous." "Oh balls, " Hammond said. — Anonymous

By the way, it was his simulations that helped out in Jurassic Park - without them, there would have been only a few dinosaurs. Based on his techniques, Industrial Light and Magic could make whole herds of dinosaurs race across the screen. — Marvin Minsky

I'm not saying that what the radio plays isn't good. My issue is with what they don't play. You can play Jay-Z, but why don't you play Jurassic 5? You can play Nas and Nelly, but why don't you play J-Live? I want to open up the door to how it was back in the day. — DJ Jazzy Jeff

I don't blame people for their mistakes, but I do ask that they pay for them. — Richard Attenborough

Let's be clear. The planet is not in jeopardy. We are in jeopardy. We haven't got the power to destroy the planet - or to save it. But we might have the power to save ourselves. — Michael Crichton

(When asked merely if they accept evolution, 45 percent of Americans say yes. The figure is 70 percent in China.) When the movie Jurassic Park was shown in Israel, it was condemned by some Orthodox rabbis because it accepted evolution and because it taught that dinosaurs lived a hundred million years ago-when, as is plainly stated at every Rosh Hashonhan and every Jewish wedding ceremony, the Universe is less than 6,000 years old. — Carl Sagan

There are companies which are prepared to change the way they work. They realize that nothing can be based on what used to be, that there is a better way. But, 99 percent of companies are not ready, [they are] caught in an industrial Jurassic Park. — Ricardo Semler

They can't reproduce?" said Shaun incredulously. "That's your big solution? They won't fuck? Did none of you people ever see Jurassic Park? — Mira Grant

I learned from Jurassic Park that just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. — Christopher C. Starr

Those menacing prehistoric birds of wire and rotting canvas loomed over me, evil dragonflies that some secret power had hung from the ceiling of the nave. I saw them as sapiential metaphors, far more meaningful than their didactic pretext. A swarm of Jurassic insects and reptiles, allegory of the long terrestrial migrations the Pendulum was tracing, aimed at me like angry archons with their long archeopterix-beaks — Umberto Eco

When I was a kid, I was hugely impacted by 'Jurassic Park.' I think I was just the right age when that movie came out, and I remember running around my town like a Velociraptor. — Rob McClure

I've done movies for certain reasons; I did 'Anaconda' because the black man lives. Simple. The black man isn't dead in the first three pages, like Jurassic Park. It's like, 'The black man kills the snake with a Latino girl? Damn! I got to do this.' — Ice Cube

Scientists are actually preoccupied with accomplishment. So they are focused on whether they can do something. They never stop to ask if they should do something. — Michael Crichton

We're in 'Jurassic Park' territory. If we go to the zoo in the future, we'll have zoos for extinct animals. — Michio Kaku

I want to be the Bob DeNiro of the Jurassic. — Robert T. Bakker

Hey!" Eddie said. The baby [T-Rex] lunged forward, and clamped its jaws around the ankle of his boot. He pulled his foot away, dragging the baby, which held its grip tightly. "Hey! Let go!"
Eddie lifted his leg up, shook it back and forth, but the baby refused to let go. He pulled for a moment longer, then stopped. Now the baby just lay there on the ground, breathing shallowly, jaws still locked around Eddie's boot. "Jeez," Eddie said.
Eddie looked down at the tiny, razor-sharp jaws. They hadn't penetrated the leather. The baby held on firmly. With the butt of his rifle, he poked the infant's head a couple times. It had no effect at all. The baby lay on the ground, breathing shallowly. Its big eyes blinked slowly as they stared up at Eddie, but it did not release its grip. — Michael Crichton

There is a certain irony in the fact that Britain gave the world nearly all its most important geological names - Devonian, Cambrian, Silurian, Ordovician - but that the one epoch that everybody knows about is named for the Jura Mountains in France, even though the Dorset coast is actually the best place in the world to see Jurassic outcrops. — Bill Bryson

Lately, however, the routine had begun to pall. Coprolites and Jurassic snails no longer held the fascination they once did, and the incessant backbiting and political manoeuvring endemic in upperechelon academia - which she had always known and accepted as part of the scholastic landscape - was proving more and more of an irksome distraction. The further she travelled into darkest PhD territory, the more the fossilised remains of extinct creatures dwindled in fascination; she was rapidly specialising herself beyond caring about her subject. Whether or not the world learned what the latest new megasaurus ate for lunch sixty million years ago, what difference did it make? — Stephen R. Lawhead

I love watching Hollywood movies - I just don't know if I'd be happy doing a 'Jurassic Park.' — Frances O'Connor

'Jurassic Park' isn't about the bad luck of three people who keep getting thrown into the same situation. — Colin Trevorrow

I am fine playing 'Law & Order' and even the 'Jurassic' movies to be straight up, as far as the characters being portrayed there, but I never want to stay in straight-up land too long. I always wanted to do something where the character's world gets to be explored. — B. D. Wong

Why not aspire to build a real Jurassic Park? — Newt Gingrich

'Jurassic Park' has a lot of science in it - and a lot of it is wrong - but if it was all accurate, it would be a documentary. — Jack Horner

But if planting deadly ferns at poolside was any indication, then it was clear that the designers of Jurassic Park had not been as careful as they should have been. — Michael Crichton

Michael Giacchino is a fiercely creative musical mind and a true 'Jurassic Park' fan. — Colin Trevorrow

If people knew where the sounds in Jurassic Park came from, it'd be rated R! — Gary Rydstrom

I was joking with my mom that all Jewish mothers now will want their kids to be filmmakers instead of doctors. Because you can make one film, and suddenly you're directing a 'Jurassic Park' movie. — Colin Trevorrow

Saving the world via medical research or going off to Gobi Desert to dust off dinosaur eggs is what I thought I might be doing when I was a kid, and I'd love to bring those interests to a show like 'E.R.' or 'The West Wing,' or a movie like 'Jurassic Park.' — Morgan Fairchild

I think my favourite memory from filming 'Jurassic World' would just be a compilation of me running through the jungle in heels, and just how absurd that really was. That that actually happened. — Bryce Dallas Howard

What would you prefer? Life in a maximum-security prison or trapped in Jurassic Park?"
"Do I have a social standing in this prison?"
"No. You're just an average Joe."
"Then I guess I have to go with Jurassic Park."
"Well, I'll have constant fresh air, for a start, and also if I'm going to be anyone's prey, I'm going to be the prey of an animal that's acting out of instinct rather than psychopathy ... You?"
"If you're in Jurassic Park, I'm in Jurassic Park. — Samantha Young

As those who have seen Jurassic Park will know, this means a tiny disturbance in one place, can cause a major change in another. A butterfly flapping its wings can cause rain in Central Park, New York. The trouble is, it is not repeatable. The next time the butterfly flaps its wings, a host of other things will be different, which will also influence the weather. That is why weather forecasts are so unreliable. — Stephen Hawking

Hamish shrugged. It's all pretty cool and impressive ... if you never saw fucking Jurassic Park. — Matthew Reilly

There are no black film composers doing the likes of Star Wars, doing the likes of E.T., doing the likes of Jurassic Park. There are none, nor will there ever be one. That ain't about to happen! — J.J. Johnson

I love stories where the impossible appears believable, plausible and real. Maybe it's silly, but it's one of the reasons Michael Crichton's writing always appealed to me: he took outlandish ideas and made them seem completely within the realm of possibility. I remember reading "Jurassic Park" and feeling like: "Oh, yeah
no, that's totally happening right now. They're bringing back dinosaurs! — J.J. Abrams

Another growl came, and then very heavy footsteps - like T-rex-shaking-the-water-cup-jurassic-park-style heavy foot steps. — Courtney Allison Moulton

When I started writing, I was reading people such as Tom Clancy or Michael Crichton, who did 'Jurassic Park,' which is possibly the most action-filled book you'll read, apart from mine, and I said to myself, 'Why aren't these guys doing big-scale action like you would see in a movie?' — Matthew Reilly

Are we not witnessing a strange tableau of survival whenever a bird alights on the head of a crocodile, bringing together the evolutionary offspring of Triassic and Jurassic? — Anna Lee

We haven't had any accidents for months now ... Everything on that island is perfectly fine. — Michael Crichton

I abide in a goodly Museum, Frequented by sages profound: 'Tis a kind of strange mausoleum, Where the beasts that have vanished abound. There's a bird of the ages Triassic, With his antediluvian beak, And many a reptile Jurassic, And many a monster antique. — May Kendall

Publishing is in a kind of Jurassic age. — Paulo Coelho

Im jeff goldblum in jurassic park for u
i point out human beings' exploitation of the natural world
thats my main function
also im arrogant and i like u — Steve Roggenbuck

Chaos theory treats the behavior of a whole system like a drop of water moving on a complicated propeller surface. The drop may spiral down, or slip outward toward the edge. It may do many different things, depending. But it will always move along the surface of the propeller." "Okay." "Malcolm's models tend to have a ledge, or a sharp incline, where the drop of water will speed up greatly. He modestly calls this speeding-up movement the Malcolm Effect. The whole system could suddenly collapse. And that was what he said about Jurassic Park. — Michael Crichton

God help us we're in the hands of engineers. — Jeff Goldblum

Everything about doing 'Jurassic World' was a dream come true. — Bryce Dallas Howard

'Jurassic Park' is like 'Star Wars.' Different directors can give a different taste to each movie. — Colin Trevorrow

- but they're minor-level functionaries. They can't do that kind of shit. And a demon can't possess another demon - or a half, for that matter. So two plus two, okay? His other half ain't Ahhazu, it's incubus. And there's only one half human, half incubus ever been recorded - "
"Maybe Pritkin's birth wasn't recorded."
"Bullshit. You know damn well who we got - "
"Don't say it."
" - next door, and John Pritkin ain't his - "
"I'm warning you."
" - name. It's motherfucking Mer - "
"Say it and spend the rest of your life in the Jurassic," I hissed. — Karen Chance

The kids were probably with Grant. And if Grant was out in the park, well ... what better person to get them safely through Jurassic Park than a dinosaur expert? — Michael Crichton

Obviously it's a thrill to direct a 'Jurassic Park' film, and it's a great honor. — Colin Trevorrow

I've been saying I really want to get a 1992 Jeep Sahara, and I'm going to paint it so it looks like the 'Jurassic Park' Jeep. I've actually seen a guy who did have a Jeep Sahara, and he did make it look like the 'Jurassic Park' Jeep. I gave him a thumbs up and said, 'You're awesome!' — Ty Simpkins

My aura is psychedelic, flow non-prehistoric metamorphic boric like acid no hat tricks a classic so park that ass like Jurassic — Bahamadia

'Jurassic Park' movies don't fit into a specific genre. They're sci-fi adventures that also have to be funny, emotional, and scary as hell. That takes a lot of construction, but it can't feel designed. — Colin Trevorrow

People are always like, 'Oh, 'Jurassic Park' is on ... ' or 'Oh, 'The River Wild' is on ... ' I actually haven't seen any of my movies in a long time. Being more self-aware now, and being an adult, I'm a little bit embarrassed to watch them. — Joseph Mazzello

Whatever it is you seek, you have to put in the time, the practice, the effort. You must give up a lot to get it. It has to be very important to you. And once you have attained it, it is your power. It can't be given away : it resides in you. It is literally the result of your discipline. — Michael Crichton

The only time I have a good hunch the audience is going to be there is when I make the sequel to 'Jurassic Park' or I make another Indiana Jones movie. I know I've got a good shot at getting an audience on opening night. Everything else that is striking out into new territory is a crap shoot. — Steven Spielberg

Almost all of my graduate students say that they got interested in dinosaurs because of 'Jurassic Park.' — Jack Horner

Here's the thing: I am not only a creature of civilization, I'm an asthmatic person. I will only live so long as I have stockpiled the proper inhalers. I'm effectively a cyborg. You know how in Jurassic Park, they bred those dinosaurs with the lysine deficiencies, so if they ever got off the island, they'd die? That's me. — John Hodgman

Dr. Grant, my dear Dr. Sattler ... Welcome to Jurassic Park. — Michael Crichton

What is this place? Jurassic Park? — Mark A. Cooper

My early exposure to all the leviathans of the Saturday matinee creature features inspired me, when I grew up, to make 'Jurassic Park.' — Steven Spielberg

Four months ago you refused to believe a place like Croak even existed, and now look at you. All jazzed up and concocting crackpot theories that probably involve a hidden flock of unicorns."
"Or dinosaurs," Lex said with a grin. "Let's not prematurely dismiss a Jurassic Park scenario. — Gina Damico

I had to travel into the future and direct 'Jurassic World' as myself in 20 years - and I did. — Colin Trevorrow

'Jurassic Park' doesn't belong to America; it belongs to the whole world. — Colin Trevorrow

There's no such thing as good or bad dinosaurs. There are predators and prey. The T-Rex in 'Jurassic Park' took human lives and saved them. No one interpreted her as good or bad. — Colin Trevorrow

Now, once again, we find ourselves facing rising gas prices, and the question is: This time, are we going to learn from the past? Are we finally going to get serious about energy conservation? Of course not! We have the brains of mealworms! So we need to get more oil somehow. As far as I can figure, there's only one practical way to do this. That's right: We need to clone more dinosaurs. We have the technology, as was shown in two blockbuster scientific movies, Jurassic Park and Jurassic Park Returns with Exactly the Same Plot. Once we have the dinosaurs, all we need is an asteroid. — Dave Barry

I applied everything that I could muster creatively to this mission to find a way to create a new 'Jurassic Park' movie for a new generation. — Colin Trevorrow

I doubt it's a strictly factual account, but these attitudes are deeply imbedded.
Which means that our only hope of changing them, of ending the wrecks, lies not in stopping or even changing the Internet -- even with the best blocking functions, report-abuse functions, real-name transparency protocols, and twenty-four-hour moderation in the world, hate (to quite Jurassic Park) finds a way -- but in changing ourselves, and our definitions of womanhood. We have to stop believing that when a woman does something we don't like, we are qualified and entitled to punish her, violate her, or ruin her life. We have to change our ideas of what a "good" woman, or a "likable" woman, or simply a "woman who can leave her house without fearing for her life because she is a woman," can be. — Sady Doyle

I wonder if we are seeing a return to the object in the science-based museum. Since any visitor can go to a film like Jurassic Park and see dinosaurs reawakened more graphically than any museum could emulate, maybe a museum should be the place to have an encounter with the bony truth. Maybe some children have overdosed on simulations on their computers at home and just want to see something solid
a fact of life. — Richard Fortey

Martin heaved a heavy sigh, settling deeper into the cushions of the couch. "Like I said, everyone is the main character in their own story. Even villains."
I shook my head. "I don't know ... Not necessarily. I mean, sometimes the story is bigger than the characters, like Jurassic Park. The Park was really the central focus of the story, and all the characters were secondary to the Park. Their only purpose was to react to the Park."
Martin yawned, set his now empty beer on the coffee table, and closed his eyes. "That's because dinosaurs are awesome. We're all sidekicks to dinosaurs."
"Or dinner. — Penny Reid

Welcome...to Jurassic Park! — Michael Crichton

To me the biggest breakthrough was when we did Terminator 2 that just opened the door for Jurassic and all of the others and that was as big as when we did motion control on Star Wars. But I don't see another big thing coming. — Dennis Muren

I'd seen this movie. This was the part where the dinosaurs ate the tourists. — Pippa DaCosta

Computer language design is just like a stroll in the park. Jurassic Park, that is. — Larry Wall

I saw a post the other day, where someone wrote that, when they walk through a library, they touch the spines of all the books they've read , as a way of greeting their favorite characters . . .
Try that with one of my novels, and you'll walk away counting your fingers! — Max Hawthorne

'Jurassic Park' was able to get away with big, dynamic filmmaking that might be out of place in another kind of story. — Colin Trevorrow

'Jurassic World' takes place in a fully functional park on Isla Nublar. It sees more than 20,000 visitors every day. You arrive by ferry from Costa Rica. It has elements of a biological preserve, a safari, a zoo, and a theme park. There is a luxury resort with hotels, restaurants, nightlife and a golf course. And there are dinosaurs. — Colin Trevorrow

Anxiety is a kind of fuel that activates the fight-or-flight part of the brain in me. It makes sure that a velociraptor isn't around the corner and that you do as much as you possibly can to survive. Because Hollywood has a lot in common with 'Jurassic Park' and its primeval-dinosaur universe. — Ben Affleck

The only movie that I would ever even consider retrofitting is the first 'Jurassic Park,' which I think would look pretty spectacular in 3D. That's the only one of my films that I would consider doing in 3D. — Steven Spielberg

Three 'Jurassic Park' movies isn't enough! You want more! — Colin Trevorrow

Useful mnemonic for remembering the geologic periods of the last half-billion years is: Camels Often Sit Down Carefully, Perhaps Their Joints Creak (Cambrian-Ordovician-Silurian-Devonian-Carboniferous-Permian-Triassic-Jurassic-Cretaceous). The mnemonic unfortunately runs out before the most recent periods: the Paleogene, the Neogene, and the current Quaternary. — Elizabeth Kolbert