J W Marriott Quotes & Sayings
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Top J W Marriott Quotes

Motivate them, train them, care about them and make winners out of them. We know if we treat our employees right, they'll treat the customers right. And if customers are treated right, they'll come back. — J.W. "Bill" Marriott Jr.

By the nourishing spirit of the temple we can learn the reality, the power and the hope of the Savior's Atonement in our personal life. — Neill F. Marriott

They say it's always darkest before the dawn and it was pitch black by the time I arrived at the Marriott. However I still had a few bullets left for my deadbeat uncle that tried to stab me in the back. — Angel Ramon Medina

The Small Faces was such a different band than the Faces. I know three of us are the same, but when you take Steve Marriott out, it's a very different band. — Ian McLagan

I don't want you because I expect you to swoop in and rescue me and make everything all right.I don't want you because you're beautiful. None of that matters. you could never be a bad bargain to me, because ... you're you.
And I love you. — Zoe Marriott

A wise man ought always to follow the paths beaten by great men, and to imitate those who have been supreme, so that if his ability does not equal theirs, at least it will savour of it. — W.K. Marriott

We worked solidly for a long time together. George Marriott Edgar and myself. — Val Guest

Laughing, the man replied, "I've been following you, you've been following the pilgrims in front of you, and they've been following in the footsteps of a million more pilgrims before them. — Stephen Marriott

Those who by valorous ways become princes ... acquire a principality with difficulty, but they keep it with ease. — W.K. Marriott

If you feel guilty or quietly ashamed, seek the power of the Atonement. — Neill F. Marriott

How do we make the Lord's ways our ways? I believe we begin by learning of Him and praying for understanding. — Neill F. Marriott

Take care of your people and they will take care of your customers. — J. Willard Marriott

It's more important to hire people with the right qualities than with specific experience. — J. Willard Marriott

It's the little things that make the big things possible. Only close attention to the fine details of any operation makes the operation first class. — J. Willard Marriott

On my fourteenth birthday when the sakura was in full bloom, the men came to kill us. — Zoe Marriott

The four most important words in the English language are, "What do you think?" Listen to your people and learn. — J.W. "Bill" Marriott Jr.

Zoe had dressed up for their meeting with Dr. Marriott in a long Indian skirt stitched with beads and tiny mirrors, a T-shirt embossed with CAT WOMAN STRIKES AGAIN! and a short-sleeved pink hoodie. To top it off, she wore a bracelet made from typewriter keys. She was sure Dr. Marriott would love it, seeing as typewriters were right up his alley. — Christine Brodien-Jones

We owe America something because they turned us into a touring band. But at least we feel confident about appearing in Britain again now. Hyde park was the first time over here for ages. — Steve Marriott

You see, that is why it is so easy to fool people with our illusions, Yue. In this world, illusions are usually much kinder than the truth. — Zoe Marriott

Out in the wide readership,his younger brother was kicking an ice bucket in the woods behind the Marriott,
his younger brother who was missing that part of the brain that allows you to make out with your pillow.
Poor kid. — David Berman

I just take dictation for the voices in my head. — D.L. Marriott

A general rule is drawn which never or rarely fails: that he who is the cause of another becoming powerful is ruined; because that pre-dominancy has been brought about either by astuteness or else by force, and both are distrusted by him who has been raised to power. — W.K. Marriott

Our small acts of faith and service are how most of us can continue in God and eventually bring eternal light and glory to our family, our friends, and our associates. — Neill F. Marriott

It's as if people
normal people
are made of silver. Shiny to start with, but tarnished by time, by ill-treatment. Luca ... Luca is gold. Nothing in the world could ever make him shine less brightly. — Zoe Marriott

Why do [TEMPLES] beautify and shine? Because as the scriptures say, 'truth shineth,' and temples contain truth and eternal purpose; so do you. — Neill F. Marriott

Unless you're honest, you won't know that the love is true. It's easy to say I love you, much harder to say I'd never lie to you. — Blanche Marriott

No matter how hard you work for your money, there's always someone out there willing to work twice as hard to take it away from you. — J. Willard Marriott

Couldn't a woman be happy doing a great many things, just as a man could? — Zoe Marriott

Ninety percent of our managers started in the hourly ranks or started in the lower ranks. — J.W. "Bill" Marriott Jr.

Customer needs may vary, but their bias for quality never does. — J. Willard Marriott

I keep trying to tell people that Los Angeles is already the largest Indian city in the U.S., that there are Toltecs playing Little League baseball in Pasadena, Mayans making beds at the Marriott in Westwood, and Chichimecs driving buses in L.A. Los Angeles is a majority-Indian city. — Richard Rodriguez

Both Mitt and I have summer places up in New Hampshire on Lake Winnipesaukee. And a few summers ago I was taking my grandchildren and children to town in the boat for ice cream ... And I realized there was nobody in the boat to help me dock the boat, handle the ropes, do anything ... And I looked up and there was Mitt Romney. So he pulled me in, he tied up the boat for me. He rescued me just as he's going to rescue this great country. — J.W. "Bill" Marriott Jr.

I am so angry all the time, and so sad, and it screams inside me and never stops. Cutting is the only thing that eases me. — Zoe Marriott

It is not like that. I am not punishing myself. The cutting makes me feel better." "Hurting — Zoe Marriott

See and be seen. Get out of your office, walk around, make yourself visible and accessible. — J. Willard Marriott