Famous Quotes & Sayings

Interesting Stuff Quotes & Sayings

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Top Interesting Stuff Quotes

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Erik Estrada

National Geographic has awesome stuff. I like Court TV. Sometimes I'll watch Reality Mix because they have some interesting stuff on that. — Erik Estrada

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Chris Tucker

I think real life reflects your movies. In your life, you pick stuff that influences what movie roles you wanna pick. I think if you've got an interesting life, you wanna do interesting movies about interesting things. — Chris Tucker

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Dennis Crowley

I didn't really start building my own stuff until I was 24, 25 or so, and even then, I ran into a lot of resistance from, like, older folks, like my bosses at other companies or people in the industry that were like, 'Oh that's an interesting idea, but it will never work.' And, I don't know, I kind of believed everything that they told me. — Dennis Crowley

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Anna Paquin

I'm drawn to doing interesting stuff at work. And some of the time with the supernatural, you get to do really crazy, fun things. But I'm not a big genre-fantasy gal, particularly. — Anna Paquin

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Jonathan Safran Foer

I usually write away from home, in coffee shops, on trains, on planes, in friends' houses. I like places where there's stuff going on that you can lift your eyes, see something interesting, overhear a conversation. — Jonathan Safran Foer

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Ira Glass

At some point, all comics have to go out and be retail salesmen doing door-to-door. And this idea of somebody who totally knows their craft having to get up for free in front of a crowd to work out some stuff they're thinking in their head, still, after as much success as you can get, is really interesting. — Ira Glass

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Jennifer Coolidge

I always find the most depressing stuff most interesting. — Jennifer Coolidge

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Liam Hemsworth

I read as many scripts as I can and just find stuff that I think is interesting, find stories that I think are worth telling. — Liam Hemsworth

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Guy Branum

Not a lot of gay guys end up coming to alt-comedy-ish shows. They like all these '80s shimmer shows, or they like going to drag shows. It is always weird and interesting when I meet somebody at a gay bar who is familiar with my stuff. — Guy Branum

Interesting Stuff Quotes By China Mieville

[ ... ]i'm not a leftist trying to smuggle in my evil message by the nefarious means of fantasy novels. I'm a science fiction and fantasy geek. I love this stuff. And when I write my novels, I'm not writing them to make political points. I'm writing them because I passionately love monsters and the weird and horror stories and strange situations and surrealism, and what I want to do is communicate that. But, because I come at this with a political perspective, the world that I'm creating is embedded with many of the concerns that I have [ ... ] I'm trying to say I've invented this world that I think is really cool and I have these really big stories to tell in it and one of the ways that I find to make that interesting is to think about it politically. If you want to do that too, that's fantastic. But if not, isn't this a cool monster? — China Mieville

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Patton Oswalt

I like confounding expectations. I can expand what it is I am able to do, and hopefully get to do more weird, interesting projects like this. There's nothing wrong with doing comedies, and I'm not against comedies, either, but I always want to do stuff that keeps me off my guard and gets me out of my comfort zone. And how the audience perceives that ... It's out of my hands. And I don't get that frustrated by it, because I'm on to the next thing at that point. — Patton Oswalt

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Toni Jerrman

I myself wouldn't want to read a magazine that focuses solely on a small part of the literary field or of the popular culture - better to smash the borders and look for interesting and important stuff from many different forms of storytelling. — Toni Jerrman

Interesting Stuff Quotes By J.K. Rowling

Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,
Teach us something please,
Whether we be old and bald,
Or young with scabby knees,
Our heads could do with filling
With some interesting stuff,
For now they're bare and full of air,
Dead flies and bits of fluff,
So teach us something worth knowing,
Bring us back what we've forgot,
Just do your best, we'll do the rest,
And learn until our brains all rot ... — J.K. Rowling

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Julianne Moore

Behavior is mutable. It changes from place to place. It's like accents, dialect - it varies from one area to another. But there are universal truths about what it means to be a human being. All the other stuff is like applique. Learning that was interesting to me and probably useful for becoming an actor. — Julianne Moore

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Abraham Lincoln

If there should prove to be one real, living Free State Democrat in Kansas, I suggest that it might be well to catch him and stuff and preserve his skin as an interesting specimen of that soon-to-be-extinct variety of the genus Democrat. — Abraham Lincoln

Interesting Stuff Quotes By David Mandel

I have been able to watch the Clintons and The Clinton Foundation; Al Gore and what he did post-losing the whole Florida thing. There's a grand tradition of a lot of interesting stuff that happens to these post-presidents. — David Mandel

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Kesha

I write about stuff that happens to me, so I try to live as interesting a life as possible. — Kesha

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Jerry Spinelli

Most people are looking for a challenging, interesting job. I wanted a boring, undemanding job so that I could forget about it at 5, so that I would have something left over at the end of the day to do my own stuff. — Jerry Spinelli

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Miley Cyrus

Some of the fanmail is interesting! Some of it's the lyrics to the songs and stuff, and they'll like, send me their favourite lines, which is cool to ... know what people are liking. Most of them are really cool to read. — Miley Cyrus

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Deyth Banger

You don't find interesting stuff because you don't search enough, ... every book has it's own lesson. But sometimes it's difficult to get it! — Deyth Banger

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Steve Coogan

I try to not make safe choices, but I also like to do stuff which is interesting and is sort of exciting in some way and accessible. — Steve Coogan

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Bill Sienkiewicz

It's interesting, because in the corporate stuff there's a dichotomy there, depending on the creator. Even what, in essence, may be a very safe corporate approach, there is some stuff that is allowed to be pushed. — Bill Sienkiewicz

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Deyth Banger

Tactics and Checkmate in 1 move, show me some interesting stuff about chess... so far I can say that I see the chessboard different. — Deyth Banger

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Neill Blomkamp

My favourite stuff is visual, and I always want to work with visual artwork. I think it depends on the person, but for me, photographs of an image of something interesting or inspiring is worth a lot more than words to me. I think every concept I've come up with and turned into films or that will be hopefully become a film comes from images first. — Neill Blomkamp

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Ralph Sarchie

I happened to write a book about the stuff I've been involved in over the years. It just so happened that my profession is that I was a cop in the New York City Police Department. I guess people thought it was pretty interesting to have these two things meshed together. My life is pretty boring, I don't know why they're doing this. It's fun. — Ralph Sarchie

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Lisa Tuttle

The 1970s were so wonderful for women writers. There were all these women, and they were seen as doing the most interesting, innovative and exciting stuff in science fiction. I was inspired by that. — Lisa Tuttle

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Denis O'Hare

I love monsters, I love creatures, I love beings, I love aliens. That's more supernatural and more the stuff of fairy tales. Fairy tales are as ancient as we are. I love those stories. I think they're really interesting because they always have more than simply the fright aspect. There's something deeply psychological. — Denis O'Hare

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Talulah Riley

Dark matter is interesting. Basically, the universe is heavier than it should be. There's whole swathes of stuff we can't account for. — Talulah Riley

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Deyth Banger

Short Brief Story, How I started to make this which you see today?
I'm talking about the works, most people doubt about that I will become a writer. Most people said me this, you must drink a lot of teas, to become a writer (you must have a rich vocabulary and many other stuff!). But check out what Stephen King said in his book "Memoir and Craft" this
amazed me.
Most people know him as an actor or as an book writer...Maybe this can change some people opinions which didn't believe in me (in their opinions), I just show in my books a new world, YEAH I read some books in this time, I watched some films, I finished some games, some interesting stuff happened and many other things. But the best thing everything as much as possible was added in the books Series The Life Of One Kid! — Deyth Banger

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Billy Campbell

So many movies are so formulaic because you've got to get it done in an hour and a half. On a TV series, that's where the really interesting stuff can happen. — Billy Campbell

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Neil Strauss

I know that I need honesty from the people I interview. I also know that the truth is more interesting than made up stuff, and also, people don't connect with you if you're not honest. — Neil Strauss

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Adrian Lyne

Their every instinct - and I have to say this is without exception - is to iron out the bumps, and It's always the bumps that are the most interesting stuff. — Adrian Lyne

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Deyth Banger

The porn isn't something interesting, you don't have pleasure even to get pleasure it really sucks to have realationship so far most of them end very earlier. To watch porn is useless, what you do it is making pervert thoughts about stuff which are brutal and aren't the way should it be made! — Deyth Banger

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Jon Kabat-Zinn

It's interesting to look at your children as line-in Zen masters who can put their finger on places where you're resistant, or thinking narrowly, in ways noone else can. You can either lose your mind and your authenticity in the process of reacting to all that stuff, or you can use it as the perfect opportunity to grow and nourish your children by attending to what is deepest and best in them and in yourself. — Jon Kabat-Zinn

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Christopher Brookmyre

Truth was, if you were going to believe something, it was best to believe in stuff that made the world seem a more interesting place. — Christopher Brookmyre

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Alan Ball

I think there's a lot of interesting stuff on TV. I feel much more optimistic about TV than I do about movies. There will always be good movies but I think, for the most part, it's always going to be a huge fight to get those movies made. TV is the best place to be as a writer, I think. — Alan Ball

Interesting Stuff Quotes By LouAnne Johnson

There are two kinds of books in the world
the boring kind they make you read in school and the interesting kind that they won't let you read in school because then they would have to talk about real stuff like sex and divorce and is there a God and if there isn't then what happens when you die, and how come the history books have so many lies in them. — LouAnne Johnson

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Will Self

A funny yet interesting read, Will Self knowa his stuff and must do a lot of deep research. — Will Self

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Jaimie Alexander

Green screen, you know, it's been interesting, it's my first time to ever work with green screen technology, and it's, sometimes it can be really boring because you're like wow, I've got to really imagine all of this stuff around me. But it's low maintenance, which is nice, um, and it's not as hard as I thought it would be, so. — Jaimie Alexander

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Edie Falco

The high-grossing films are not all that interesting to me, I have to say. It's not stuff I would want to be in. Yes, you would want the big paycheck, but that's never really been my concern. — Edie Falco

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Deborah Ann Woll

It is definitely a hard show [True Blood] to jump into the middle of, but luckily we have things like HBO Go now. It's not like you've missed it and now you're stuck. And I think once guys give it a shot - and you'll be able to speak to this better than I will - there's a lot of stuff that can be interesting to guys. There's a lot of action. Plenty of people are getting their heads chopped off. — Deborah Ann Woll

Interesting Stuff Quotes By J Mascis

I was just reading about Paul Simon in 'Uncut', and it was fascinating. I never think about him much or think about his music or anything, but it's interesting to hear his ideas on stuff. — J Mascis

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Ridley Scott

What's interesting to me about Moses isn't the big stuff that everybody knows. — Ridley Scott

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Justin Halpern

I feel like if I'm going to give you a book about my dad, then I really want to give you my dad, because he is interesting and he is funny and if you're buying a book about him, I don't want you to have to sit through stuff that's not him. — Justin Halpern

Interesting Stuff Quotes By John Green

I love making YouTube videos. I love Tumblr, I love Twitter. I love talking with people I find interesting about stuff I find interesting, and the Internet is a great way to do that. — John Green

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Liam Neeson

It's interesting, the more successful you become the more people want to give you stuff for nothing. — Liam Neeson

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Richard Feynman

This is how a rocket works. At first it is standing still, say, in empty space, and then it shoots some gas out of the back, and the rocket goes forward. The point is that of all the stuff in the world, the centre of mass, the average of all the mass, is still right where it was before. The interesting part has moved on, and an uninteresting part that we do not care about has moved back. There — Richard Feynman

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Loudon Wainwright III

The big things in the average person's life are the romances that they have - and then the destruction and loss of them. Parents, siblings, children, the death of parents, family tension ... these are monumental things. They struck me as being interesting to write about. I didn't have a very exotic life, but all this stuff happened to me. — Loudon Wainwright III

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Elizabeth Gilbert

Anyhow, what else are you going to do with your time here on earth - not make things? Not do interesting stuff? Not follow your love and your curiosity? — Elizabeth Gilbert

Interesting Stuff Quotes By J.K. Rowling

Our heads could do with filling With some interesting stuff, For now they're bare and full of air, Dead flies and bits of fluff, — J.K. Rowling

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Joseph Gordon-Levitt

I have an eclectic taste in stuff whether it be movies or music or books or food or anything. Variety is interesting. — Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Alexander Skarsgard

A lot of times we associate Greenpeace and climate change and shrinking polar caps with heavy-handed, weighty material. It's somber stuff. But with Funny Or Die we thought we could put an interesting take on it. Make it a little more palatable, especially for young people who tune into the website. — Alexander Skarsgard

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Tinsel Korey

After the make-up process, I was like, "I never want to do a sci-fi movie where I'm in make-up for seven months." It's interesting. It was my first time ever getting prosthetics. They put this goopy stuff all over your head and they tell you it's like a facial, but it's actually very claustrophobic. All they have are these places where your nostrils are and I kept thinking that they were closing up, but they were like, "No, we're looking at it." So, they made a mold of my face. — Tinsel Korey

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Cory Doctorow

Everyone wants a definition of creativity that makes what they do into something special and what everyone else does into nothing special. But the fact is, we're all creative. We come up with weird and interesting ideas all the time. The biggest difference between 'creators' isn't their imagination - it's how hard they work. Ideas are easy. Doing stuff is hard. — Cory Doctorow

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Judy Blume

I think the child I was until 12 was so much more interesting than the teenager I became. As a teenager, you get wrapped up in your friends and sexual stuff, and the imaginative life you had, it just goes. And mine was so rich and fun. Fortunately, I was able to tap back into that later on [through my books] to save my life. — Judy Blume

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Robert Carlyle

Acting is probably the greatest therapy in the world. You can get a lot stuff out of you on the set so you don't have to take it home with you at night. It's the stuff between the lines, the empty space between those lines which is interesting. — Robert Carlyle

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Jojo Moyes

All the stuff that was important or interesting about me was what I couldn't share. — Jojo Moyes

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Banksy

Bus stops are far more interesting and useful places to have art than in museums. Graffiti has more chance of meaning something or changing stuff than anything indoors. Graffiti has been used to start revolutions, stop wars, and generally is the voice of people who aren't listened to. Graffiti is one of those few tools you have if you have almost nothing. And even if you don't come up with a picture to cure world poverty you can make somebody smile while they're having a piss. — Banksy

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Ewan McGregor

I'm just into making quality stuff if I can, with interesting people and good scripts. But it's very important that it's about something and that it says something. Otherwise, I don't know what the point is, really. — Ewan McGregor

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Gillian Armstrong

'Little Women' has interesting gender connotations. There are generations of women who love the book. But there are a lot of men who think it's sentimental, gooey stuff. — Gillian Armstrong

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Deyth Banger

Outside there a lot of powerful stuff, starting from mind movies up to movies like drama, real life, horror, mysteries and many other. Music which makes your day interesting, quotes which change your thought, books which provoke and many other stuff... (So now you know what's everything about, Good Luck with the other Stuff!) — Deyth Banger

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Mark Waters

I've read the whole 'Divergent' series, the 'Pretty' series. I just read it because I find this stuff interesting to read. — Mark Waters

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Courtney Barnett

There's lots of interesting stuff happening in the world. Lots of good and bad things, and there's interest in music still, which there always will be, which is always a good thing. — Courtney Barnett

Interesting Stuff Quotes By George Saunders

I've noticed that nowadays I'm doing a lot of stuff on the phone and on the computer, which I usually wouldn't do earlier. And I can feel my brain being rewired: I'm getting anxious, I'm getting more manic. Now, I'm an extreme case because I'm old and I'm overdoing it. But still, it's really interesting that I can actually feel a change in my neurochemistry from this interaction with the technology. — George Saunders

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Tom Wopat

I've made it clear to my agents that I want more interesting stuff. — Tom Wopat

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Philippe Falardeau

I needed to create some dramatic tension to sustain the interest of the audience. For instance, the boy in the film is not in the play, so this relationship that he had with the former teacher, and his guilt, this is not at all in the play. I thought it would be interesting to look at in the film, and I added stuff like that around the main character. For me, it was not more difficult or less difficult. — Philippe Falardeau

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Erin Davie

Everything is energy. It's physics. So I find the science of it all interesting; how 90% of stuff that's in our universe is made of stuff that we can't even measure. I find that fascinating. — Erin Davie

Interesting Stuff Quotes By David Fincher

I thought that the behavioral and some of the profiling stuff was interesting. The thing that I was most interested in, and the thing that we were really adament about, was let's get these guys who were there on tape, or in some kind of way, telling what happened. No one has really talked to them all. — David Fincher

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Austin Kleon

Stock and flow" is an economic concept that writer Robin Sloan has adapted into a metaphor for media: "Flow is the feed. It's the posts and the tweets. It's the stream of daily and sub-daily updates that remind people you exist. Stock is the durable stuff. It's the content you produce that's as interesting in two months (or two years) as it is today. — Austin Kleon

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Kathleen Hanna

I'm really going off of watching John Waters speak one time and I remember he just kind of talked and it was totally interesting. I wanted to hear about his life and how he got started and when did he think he made it, stupid stuff like that. And what his relationship with the mainstream is because he's so far out there, but then he became part of the mainstream in this weird way. He was really funny, though. Yeah, I have to work on my jokes. — Kathleen Hanna

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Sherman Alexie

But the real interesting stuff is in the cellar and the attic. — Sherman Alexie

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Terry Pratchett

If you are going to write, say, fantasy - stop reading fantasy. You've already read too much. Read other things; read westerns, read history, read anything that seems interesting, because if you only read fantasy and then you start to write fantasy, all you're going to do is recycle the same old stuff and move it around a bit. — Terry Pratchett

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Garry Winogrand

I really try to divorce myself from any thought of possible use of this stuff. That's part of the discipline. My only purpose while I'm working is to try to make interesting photographs, and what to do with them is another act - an alter consideration. Certainly while I'm working, I want them to be as useless as possible. — Garry Winogrand

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Katie Price

There's a lot of stuff that happened to me when I was kinda young. Like when I was just 12, or 13 or so. It might really shock some people. It's an interesting part of my life, I hope it's in the book, I didn't check whether they put it in or not. — Katie Price

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Deyth Banger

Green Inferno was the truth, everything can be saw, how we were in the privous centuries, how did we survive and many other interesting stuff.
So do you have the guts? — Deyth Banger

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Robert Moss

We need to consider ancestral cleansing. If we're willing to clear our energy fields of the ancestral energies we don't want, then we are ready to do something really interesting and beautiful which is to claim a connection with the wisdom of the kinds of ancestors we do want to be in contact with. But we can't do this until we've cleaned out the lower stuff that is hindering us. — Robert Moss

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Christine Quinn

My favorite app is 'StumbleUpon,' because it just gives you interesting things that are sometimes exactly the stuff I'm interested in and sometimes just silly and funny. — Christine Quinn

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Scott Westerfeld

Tally sighed, tipping her feet again to follow. "Maybe that's because they have better stuff to do than kid tricks. Maybe partying in town is better than hanging out in a bunch of old ruins."
Shay's eyes flashed. "Or maybe when they do the operation-when they grind and stretch your bones to the right shape, peel off your face and rub all your skin away, and stick in plastic cheekbones so you look like everyone else-maybe after going through all that you just aren't very interesting anymore. — Scott Westerfeld

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Lorin Stein

I tend to think that the onus is on the writer to engage the reader, that the reader should not be expected to need the writer, that the writer has to prove it. All that stuff might add up to a kind of fun in the work. I like things that are about interesting subjects, which sounds self-evident. — Lorin Stein

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Iwan Rheon

I'm always drawn towards the darker stuff, because I think it's just a lot more interesting. But it's also good fun doing the comedy, and I think that's why 'Misfits' has been great in that way, as you get a really good balance. I think it's best to try and do everything as an actor, really. — Iwan Rheon

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Susanna Kaysen

Now, I would say to myself, you are feeling alienated from people and unlike other people, therefore you are projecting your discomfort onto them. When you look at a face, you see a blob of rubber because you are worried that your face is a blob of rubber.
This clarity made me able to behave normally, which posed some interesting questions. Was everybody seeing this stuff and acting as though they weren't? Was insanity just a matter of dropping the act? If some people didn't see these things, what was the matter with them? Were they blind or something? These questions had me unsettled. — Susanna Kaysen

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Aaron Koblin

As a kid, I was always into art at the same time as computers, and eventually I realised I was making more interesting stuff with my keyboard than with my hands. I really enjoyed modifying computer games more than playing them, so that got me into programming. — Aaron Koblin

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Dana Spiotta

If you directly try to write about an idea, it will never be what you imagined. But if you're imagining through the building of sentences, through the characters, and paying attention to avoid ease and comfort yet still thinking about making the sentences work, you will get a shot at some real interesting stuff. — Dana Spiotta

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Catie Curtis

So, once I get writing I really try and put five to eight hours a day in my room with a guitar to really try and come up with stuff that feels interesting enough to me to keep it. — Catie Curtis

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Sarah Palin

It's not interesting stuff that they're making up and writing, and that's why they're going down. — Sarah Palin

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Chris Baio

We'd be recording and I'd go down to Greenpoint where Rostam was living and track stuff ... It was a busy time. I felt like in general, I was just super psyched with the prospect of getting to be a musician, that it became a thing that I would think about more than I would think about my studies and stuff like that. I still did fine, but it was an interesting time in my life. — Chris Baio

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Joel Salatin

My advice to anyone who wants to join in on farming is diversify. Nature is diversified, and I know you'll always have a core thing that you'll really like, but hang stuff around the edges of it. It will make your place more interesting for people to come to, and it's a lot easier to sell something else to an existing customer. — Joel Salatin

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Jane Smiley

Well, in fact everybody - everybody - in the entire nation has enough stuff in their life to write about that's interesting that they could write their autobiography. And in the end that's why I find people interesting. — Jane Smiley

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Laura Kaye

Good with languages," she murmured. With everything she learned about him, he got more and more interesting. Or more mysterious, depending on how you looked at it. "So, good with languages, shovels, and igloos. Anything else?"

The smug look he tossed at her was so wicked it shivered right down her spine. Walked right into that, hadn't she. She shook her head and, looking away to hide her blush, moved her cardboard forward one spot. Without a doubt, he would be good at...other stuff. Jesus. — Laura Kaye

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Robert Mankoff

To paraphrase president Kennedy's inaugural, the torch has been passed to a new generation of cartoonists and they are doing really interesting stuff, taking the old cliches and breathing new life into them and inventing new ones. This doesn't mean the previous generation of which I'm a charter member isn't doing good stuff but this new material is invigorating everyone. — Robert Mankoff

Interesting Stuff Quotes By P. J. O'Rourke

I realised the bohemian life was not for me. I would look around at my friends, living like starving artists, and wonder, 'Where's the art?' They weren't doing anything. And there was so much interesting stuff to do, so much fun to be had ... maybe I could even quit renting. — P. J. O'Rourke

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Spider Robinson

Now that I finally have the time for it, this web surfing stuff turns out to be as interesting and fun and addictive as you've all been telling me. Zipping from link to link, chasing an idea across the noosphere, sucking up information like a killer whale - way cool. — Spider Robinson

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Steve Coogan

I think I'm good with actors. I like directing actors. I also like to show up and just do an acting gig. Where I'm just a hired gun, I don't have to have an opinion on anything.I never got involved in all this stuff because I wanted to control stuff; I got involved in writing and producing because I wasn't getting interesting acting gigs. In a way I'm grateful that I didn't get interesting roles, because it made me pull my finger out and do some work. — Steve Coogan

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Chris Pratt

It's interesting - I always thought when I was doing more melodramatic stuff like 'Everwood' that the directors were constantly reeling me in and stopping me from being funny. — Chris Pratt

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Natalie Merchant

I don't have a lot of thrilling anecdotes about my career or personal life. All the stuff that is interesting is private and I wouldn't want people to know. — Natalie Merchant

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Toby Jones

Hitchcock is a big ask. I am playing someone significantly older than me and someone significantly bigger than me. The stuff I find very interesting is why certain physical things have come about. How can he be light on his feet when he is so big? How can his weight vary so much? Where does this rather beautiful voice come from? — Toby Jones

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Hasan Minhaj

One thing I found very interesting about comedians around the world was their knowledge of stuff outside of their own culture and comfort zone. That's not very common in the States. We produce our own soft power, which is pop culture, but we rarely try to absorb and learn information from other cultures and countries. — Hasan Minhaj

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Kevin Spacey

It's interesting to play a politician who gets stuff done. — Kevin Spacey

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Rick Riordan

Keep moving. Don't get bogged down. Don't think about the bad stuff. Smile and joke even when you don't feel like it. — Rick Riordan

Interesting Stuff Quotes By Debby Ryan

I love people like Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, people who create and write their own stuff - especially when there's just not enough cool, interesting characters out there. — Debby Ryan