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Intangible Memories Quotes & Sayings

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Top Intangible Memories Quotes

Intangible Memories Quotes By Kathleen Norris

To eat in a monastery refectory is an exercise in humility; daily, one is reminded to put communal necessity before individual preference. While consumer culture speaks only to preferences, treating even whims as needs to be granted (and the sooner the better), monastics sense that this pandering to delusions of self-importance weakens the true self, and diminishes our ability to distinguish desires from needs. It's a price they're not willing to pay. — Kathleen Norris

Intangible Memories Quotes By Mira Bartok

Some of my old memories feel trapped in amber in my brain, lucid and burning, while others are like the wing beat of a hummingbird, an intangible, ephemeral blur. — Mira Bartok

Intangible Memories Quotes By Elie Wiesel

Hunger is isolating; it may not and cannot be experienced vicariously. He who never felt hunger can never know its real effects, both tangible and intangible. Hunger defies imagination; it even defies memory. Hunger is felt only in the present. — Elie Wiesel

Intangible Memories Quotes By Martin Amis

What was Richard? He was a revenger, in what was probably intended to be a comedy. — Martin Amis

Intangible Memories Quotes By Anchee Min

I felt tired, but I pitched the ball back at her. You want me to talk about myself, right? Let me tell you what 'self' means to me. The self, myself, the self as I see it, is composed mainly of selected memories from my history. I am not what I am doing now. I am what I have done, and the edited version of my past seems more real to me than what I am at this moment. I don't know who or what I really am. The present is fleeting and intangible. No one in China wants to talk about his past, because nobody wants to paint his face black. Our past is not a flattering picture, and no one wants to look at it for long. Yet what we were in fixed and final. It is the basis for predictions of what we will be in the future. To tell you truth, I identify with what no longer exists more than what actually is. We have lied about what we actually are, and that, unfortunately, will be your book. So would you still like me to talk about myself? — Anchee Min

Intangible Memories Quotes By Gustavo Gutierrez

The complete encounter with the Lord will mark an end to history, but it will take place in history. — Gustavo Gutierrez

Intangible Memories Quotes By Gao Xingjian

You should know that there is little you can seek in this world, that there is no need for you to be so greedy, in the end all you can achieve are memories, hazy, intangible, dreamlike memories which are impossible to articulate. When you try to relate them, there are only sentences, the dregs left from the filter of linguistic structures. — Gao Xingjian

Intangible Memories Quotes By Lionel Suggs

Sometimes it takes bravery in order to be a coward. — Lionel Suggs

Intangible Memories Quotes By Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

As soon as any one belongs to a narrow creed in science, every unprejudiced and true perception is gone. — Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Intangible Memories Quotes By Cornel West

White supremacy is so deep-seated that it's hard to see it eliminated. But we could definitely push it back. — Cornel West

Intangible Memories Quotes By Terry Pratchett

Nothing happened for a whole day. Then, in a little hollow on the edge of the brooding hill, a few grains of sand shifted and left a tiny hole.

Something emerged. Something invisible. Something joyful and selfish and marvellous. Something as intangible as an idea, which is exactly what it was. A wild idea.

It was old in a way not measurable by any calendar known to Man and what it had, right now, was memories and needs. It remembered life, in other times and other universes. It needed people.

It rose against the stars, changing shape, coiling like smoke.

There were lights on the horizon.

It liked lights.

It regarded them for a few seconds and then, like an invisible arrow, extended itself towards the city and sped away.

It liked action, too . . . — Terry Pratchett

Intangible Memories Quotes By Jon Acuff

As you guide, you're going to disappoint people who want your time or your input or your attendance. And often you won't be able to give it to them. But it's okay to disappoint people, as long as you make sure you're disappointing (and guiding) the right people. The biggest lesson for me was to not say yes to things I am ultimately going to say no to. — Jon Acuff

Intangible Memories Quotes By Arthur Smith

The best way to prepare for a night out with a Shakespearean tragedy is to do a bit of reading up in the afternoon, eat a light supper - perhaps Welsh rarebit - and then arrive early to do some stretching exercises in the foyer before curtain-up. — Arthur Smith

Intangible Memories Quotes By Marco Rubio

We must change the decisions we are making by changing the people who are making them. — Marco Rubio

Intangible Memories Quotes By Anatol Rapoport

The outcome of a non-constant-sum game may be dictated by the individual rationality of the respective players without satisfying a criterion of collective rationality. — Anatol Rapoport

Intangible Memories Quotes By Sarah Waters

She said that; and I knew then that, careful as I have been - still and secret and silent as I have been, in my high room - she has been watching me, as Miss Ridley watches, and Miss Haxby. — Sarah Waters