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Inspirational Poem Quotes & Sayings

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Top Inspirational Poem Quotes

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Pat Conroy

The tide was a poem that only time could create, and I watched it stream and brim and makes its steady dash homeward, to the ocean. — Pat Conroy

Inspirational Poem Quotes By J.R.R. Tolkien

Not all that have fallen are vanquished. — J.R.R. Tolkien

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Delano Johnson

One word can turn into a book just as one poem should never be overlooked. — Delano Johnson

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Santosh Kalwar

It is when things are at worst you will get the best. — Santosh Kalwar

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Ana Lisa De Jong

What do you feel with a hill and view? Do you look for wings locked deep inside you? Do you ask a question, shed a tear, or make a poem? Or do you just see an ocean? I want you to see what I see. Or if not, for you to show me what you perceive. My journey isn't yours, and the source of our joy, is both a lock between us, and a key. — Ana Lisa De Jong

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Colleen Hoover

I could go on all night, Lake. I could go on and on and on about all the reasons I'm in love with you. And you know what? Some of them are the things that life has thrown our way. I do love you because you're the only other person I know who understands my situation. I do love you because both of us know what it's like to lose your mom and your dad. I do love you because you're raising your little brother, just like I am. I love you because of what you went through with your mother.
I love you because of what we went through with your mother. I love the way you love Kel. I love the way you love Caulder. And I love the way I love Kel. So I'm not about to apologize for loving all these things about you, no matter the reasons or the circumstances behind them. And no, I don't need days, or weeks, or months to think about why I love you. It's an easy answer for me. I love you because of you. Because of every single thing about you. — Colleen Hoover

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Alaska Gold

If the boy who draws
lets you look over his shoulder.
If the poet
and shows you her words.
If the girl who sings for the shower only,
hums a song
in front of you.
Know that you're no longer a person
but the air
and dust
that fills their lungs.
When the world perishes,
and all things cease to exist,
you'll remain inside an ink stain,
a paint brush,
a song.

Poem N. 8 — Alaska Gold

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Steve Maraboli

The greatest relationships are those in which love is not treated as a noun, but as a verb; with romance not viewed as a burden, but lived as a poem. — Steve Maraboli

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Charles Bukowski

be it peace or happiness
let it enfold you — Charles Bukowski

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Santosh Kalwar

I am nobody, even if I say I am this or that. — Santosh Kalwar

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Edna Stewart

Afghan Girl

Ice blue eyes that look to the morning sky as I knit the pieces and remnants of my life. I have No books, no paper, no pencils, and no black boards. I look at the holes in my life as I see the hills of the Appalachians that echo. I think to myself, who will I marry? Is my life-like Pari?

These strings please come together.

Snowflakes give me hope, and my dreams dance all around me. I'll put another log on the fire. I watch the brown paper bag over the broken glass pane letting the cold wind in; I'll take some of these remnants and stuff it.

These strings are come together.

Mama told me that life would be hard. I bartered for flour the other day, and the chickens ain't laying no eggs. I struggle with life and these strings. My hands are worn and tired. Now, I have granny square hands.
I am unclean, unblemished, and finished,

Afghan girl. — Edna Stewart

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Milena Michiko Flasar

Can you hear me? Sighing. You were right. My requiem is well prepared. Still to be written is the poem that is never complete, an endless rubbing on the ink block, an endless dipping of the pen, an endless swoop over the white paper, the poem of my life. I will try to write it down. Soon, no, now, I will try. The first line. I called him Necktie. I will write: He taught me to see with eyes of feeling. — Milena Michiko Flasar

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Scott Hastie

For every moment of suffering,
Others will arrive
That will instead pierce you with joy. — Scott Hastie

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Timothy Joshua

I only ever wanted to feel more human. — Timothy Joshua

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Santosh Kalwar

Scientific People, unscientific mind; why are we dividing the world which could shine? Between religion and science, all what matters is human lives. — Santosh Kalwar

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Scott Hastie

To have been where you have been
And to still have joy,
Dazzling in your heart,
Now there's a thing to make the whole world smile. — Scott Hastie

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Debasish Mridha

My mind is an instrument of peace
I am the peace
My heart sing the song of peace
My mind dances with peace
I laugh with peace
My soul is longing for peace
My spirit is the source of peace. — Debasish Mridha

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Kamand Kojouri

I write to understand what I know. — Kamand Kojouri

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Santosh Kalwar

I am 15 and you are 51, I know you are the best, to be loved by, everyone. — Santosh Kalwar

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Anagarika Govinda

Sometimes a glance, a few casual words, fragments of a melody floating through the quiet air of a summer evening, a book that accidentally comes into hands, a poem or memory-laden fragrance may bring about the impulse which changes and determines our whole life. — Anagarika Govinda

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Christy Aldridge

Life doesn't stop. It doesn't stop progressing forward and it never stops trying to bring you to your knees. It will test your strengths and exploit your weakness, and I'm not sure that is always such a bad thing. — Christy Aldridge

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Sam Lipsyte

Tomorrow she'd look up tattoo removal. They were doing big things with lasers now. When Cal was just a little more stable, she'd break up with him, gently, and then she'd begin her project of helping everybody she could help, and after that she'd head out on a great long journey to absolutely nowhere and write a gorgeous poem cycle steeped in heavenly lavender-scented closure and also utter despair, a poem cycle you could also actually ride for its aerobic benefits, and she'd pedal that fucker straight across the face of the earth until at some point she'd coast right off the edge, whereupon she'd giggle and say, Oh, shit. — Sam Lipsyte

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Nizar Qabbani

Light is more important than the lantern,
The poem more important than the notebook — Nizar Qabbani

Inspirational Poem Quotes By J.D. Salinger

Keep me up till five because all your stars are out, and for no other reason ... Oh dare to do it Buddy! Trust your heart. You're a deserving craftsman. It would never betray you. Good night. I'm feeling very much over-excited now, and a little dramatic, but I think I'd give almost anything on earth to see you writing a something, an anything, a poem, a tree, that was really and truly after your own heart. — J.D. Salinger

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Robert Frost

A poem begins in delight and ends in wisdom. — Robert Frost

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Robert E. Howard

How can I wear the harness of toil
And sweat at the daily round,
While in my soul forever
The drums of Pictdom sound? — Robert E. Howard

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Debasish Mridha

So beautiful but so bountiful.
So delicate but so fresh.
So magical but so simple.
So much to say but yet so silent.
So loving and so pleasant.
Oh, flowers of charming love,
You are life's joy and present. — Debasish Mridha

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Goncalves Dias

Don't cry my son
Don't cry, because life is a redeemed fight
Life is a fight that will demean the weak person
And will always exalt the strong ones — Goncalves Dias

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Feel the kiss of ocean breeze,
Hear the song of dancing wave
Let your soul fly away with seagulls
To fill the heart with the joy of life. — Debasish Mridha

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Kamand Kojouri

Sadness is an invitation to God. — Kamand Kojouri

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Mary Oliver

Language is rich, and malleable. It is a living, vibrant material, and every part of a poem works in conjunction with every other part - the content, the place, the diction, the rhythm, the tone-as well as the very sliding, floating, thumping, rapping sounds of it. — Mary Oliver

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Scott Hastie

Let us have no guilt
Left to waste
For dreaming still. — Scott Hastie

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Diana Rose Morcilla

Random thoughts that fly away.
Where words has no place to stay.
Let it be right where they are.
Let the work of art preserve its life. — Diana Rose Morcilla

Inspirational Poem Quotes By William O'Brien

My path will weave
The way you say
There is no doubt
You'll create the way — William O'Brien

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Walt Whitman

This is what you should do:
Love the earth and sun and animals,
Despise riches, give alms to everyone that asks,
Stand up for the stupid and crazy,
Devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants,
Argue not concerning God,
Have patience and indulgence toward the people ...
Reexamine all you have been told in school or church or in any book,
Dismiss what insults your very soul,
And your flesh shall become a great poem. — Walt Whitman

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Jill Telford

A poem a day keeps the doctor away. — Jill Telford

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Peace is a road to happiness and the future.
War is a road to destruction and death. — Debasish Mridha

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Oh the beauty of nature!
Oh the magical heart touching flower.
My heart wants to bloom like you
with love, joy, and laughter. — Debasish Mridha

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Muse

... here at home our faith dwindles
political division
causes tensions to kindle -
we should never forget
who stands at the door -
who shields us with armor
and shall forever more ... — Muse

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Euginia Herlihy

Every word, every sentence, every poem and every chapter of a book I have written came from the bottom of my heart, it's very special and very unique to me. — Euginia Herlihy

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Debasish Mridha

O, flower! If you bloom with love in spring,
will you understand if my soul sings? — Debasish Mridha

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Tijan

I'll be there for the whole thing. Whatever you need, you tell me. I'll be your running bitch. I'll give you a radio and you can call me any moment. I'll come running. I'll do whatever. If you want an inspirational poem, call me Logan Angelou. If you want music to warm you up, I'm the new Beastie Boy. Whatever you want. — Tijan

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Debasish Mridha

A poem is a painting with imagery and words; a painting is a poem of color on a reflecting mirror. — Debasish Mridha

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Life is a poem with passion and you are the poet with vision and mission. — Debasish Mridha

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Israelmore Ayivor

Don't pack out!

To some people, you make life bright
When you decide to dim your light
Their lives will be full of darkness
Do shine your light in kindness

To some people, you bring out a joy
With their emotions, never ever toy
With your smiles, grease them with oil
And make them glad when their lives boil

To other people, you are the warmth
That kills coldness and brings strength
Don't do it; don't pack out
Else, they will have blackout

You're on earth to do two things here
Wake up and do them now; this year
First, dare to grow and become better
Second, help others to also become greater

Never in any of the four seasons
Should you neglect your gifts for any reasons
The world needs you to make it a better place
Don't pack out; run your race. — Israelmore Ayivor

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Santosh Kalwar

Sickness awakens sadness sleeps- Moments of aloneness results into peace. — Santosh Kalwar

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Santosh Kalwar

Darkness all around, smoke in between my fingers, all you have given me dear, sorrow and sadness to sing here. — Santosh Kalwar

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Michelle Frost

teach us
equality through empathy — Michelle Frost

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Susie Clevenger

Life is a poem
just waiting to be written,
lift your pen and speak. — Susie Clevenger

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Susan Goldsmith Wooldridge

Life can be like a poem that way, with the unexpected appearing in the room, not just on the page. — Susan Goldsmith Wooldridge

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Robert Graves

The art of poetry consists in taking the poem through draft after draft, without losing its inspirational magic: he removes everything irrelevant or distracting, and tightens up what is left. Lazy poets never carry their early drafts far enough: some even believe that virtue lies in the original doodle scrawled on the back of an envelope. — Robert Graves

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Sarah Kay

I want her to know that this world is made out of sugar. It can crumble so easily but don't be afraid to stick your tongue out and taste it. — Sarah Kay

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Paul Travis

Imperfection is my ticket, perfection is my pursuit — Paul Travis

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Love is a song, written in your heart.
The moon is a poem in a starry night. — Debasish Mridha

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Pure is honourable.
Honourable is right.
Right is lovely.
Lovely is admirable.
Admirable is excellent.
Excellent is prasie worthy.
Praise worthy is peace. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Greg Noack

Bob's Words:
Nobody knows what tomorrow brings
By loving, giving, caring
And sharing today
Lets one know that if tomorrow
Does not come
Today is a good day to be the last — Greg Noack

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Shauna Niequist

We struggle and push and plant seeds deep underground, and it doesn't look like much for a while. But then someone comes along and listens to your song or sees your painting or reads your poem, and they feel alive again, like the world is fresh and bursting, just like harvest. Plant something today that will feed someone many months or many years from now. Plant something today, because you've feasted on someone else's carefully planted seeds, seeds that bloomed into nourishment and kept you alive and wide-eyed. — Shauna Niequist

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Debasish Mridha

A good poem has rhyming but no ending, it continues to rhyme in our heart. — Debasish Mridha

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Steve Maraboli

If life is a poem, be the poet. If life is a story, be the author. If life is an adventure, be the hero. To live any other way is a waste of this experience we call life. — Steve Maraboli

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Paul Auster

The moon people do not eat by swallowing food but by smelling it. Their money is poetry - actual poems, written out on pieces of paper whose value is determined by the worth of the poem itself. — Paul Auster

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Robert Frost

Nothing gold can stay. — Robert Frost

Inspirational Poem Quotes By A. Jarrell Hayes

Give a poet a pen — A. Jarrell Hayes

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Benny Bellamacina

Going down in history is a dead end pursuit — Benny Bellamacina

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Debasish Mridha

A beautiful poem is nothing but a mirror of philosophy through which we can see life's pure beauty. — Debasish Mridha

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Munia Khan

My tears of joy
hear the raindrops crying,
as the rain never wants to pour
down on my cloudy days
when I make
our love-dreams
for the sun to dream
only for you ...
(From the poem "Only For You" By Munia Khan) — Munia Khan

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Allen Shawn

A species in which everyone was General Patton would not succeed, any more than would a race in which everyone was Vincent van Gogh. I prefer to think that the planet needs athletes, philosophers, sex symbols, painters, scientists; it needs the warmhearted, the hardhearted, the coldhearted, and the weakhearted. It needs those who can devote their lives to studying how many droplets of water are secreted by the salivary glands of dogs under which circumstances, and it needs those who can capture the passing impression of cherry blossoms in a fourteen-syllable poem or devote twenty-five pages to the dissection of a small boy's feelings as he lies in bed in the dark waiting for his mother to kiss him goodnight... — Allen Shawn

Inspirational Poem Quotes By D.S. Kenn

Every story you've read, play you've seen, every movie and every television show, every poem you've heard and every song...

All came to live because someone had a story in their mind and had enough courage to put it on paper and share it with the world.

Be brave. Tell your story.

-DS. — D.S. Kenn

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Santosh Kalwar

A foolish man question: "what is love?" A madman answer: "Love is an omnipresent attribute of human life. Our appetite will always be unfulfilled for love. It is better for us because without it, earth will not rotate, seasons will not change, birds will not sing and life will not exit." What do you think? — Santosh Kalwar

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Cristen Rodgers

Solitude is an unmarked place beyond the borders of the map, a place where most fear to tread. It's no surprise, then, that this is where the greatest secrets and most valuable treasures are hidden. — Cristen Rodgers

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Kamand Kojouri

I began missing you even before we met. — Kamand Kojouri

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Nikki Rowe

Cherish the beauty and cherish the pain, both will give you experience and you will never be the same — Nikki Rowe

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Sinovuyo Nkonki

My mother is a poem that I could never write for she deserves multitudes; all of praise. — Sinovuyo Nkonki

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Israelmore Ayivor

Break out to go out:

The birds dare to break the egg shell
It does so in order to get out of that Hell
When it finally succeeds, it'll then fly
To its comfort zone it'll say bye
Are you being confined in a small space
How long will you remain at that place?
Before you can explore more territories,
Break away from the former glories.
Yesterday's excellence is today's average
You must strive to be better age after age
Never accept the available mediocrity
As the only preferable opportunity
Decide to grow from below to hero
And make it a point to vacate level zero
Reach out and arise with power
God's blessings on you, will shower
Agree to grow, never attempt to be slow
Be not afraid. Never doubt. You'll flow
The grace of God will be your guide
Taking you along, side by side. — Israelmore Ayivor

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Kamand Kojouri

Autumn is here
and I am in love.
My heart has taken residence in my mind.
I pick the crisp ochre leaves
and put them in my pocket.
I am in love. — Kamand Kojouri

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Daniel Saint

She wore her scars
as her best attire.
A stunning dress
made of hellfire. — Daniel Saint

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Kamand Kojouri

The best tourist is one without a camera — Kamand Kojouri

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Mazisi Kunene

But how wonderful when the tale is told,
And the message that is meant for us
Opens like the scents of a mountain flower! — Mazisi Kunene

Inspirational Poem Quotes By William O'Brien

Doubt is unacceptable and should not enter you; it is merely evil trying to divert you and increase the difficulty of your task — William O'Brien

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Tim Tebow

Regardless of how your life will impact others and what that will look like, I just know that when your identity is grounded in God, when you trust in Him, you become part of a bigger picture. And you begin to live out this wonderful poem He has written for your life. This is the truth when life is smooth sailing, and this is the truth when storms come. — Tim Tebow

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Natalie Goldberg

One poem or story doesn't matter one way or the other. It's the process of writing and life that matters. — Natalie Goldberg

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Audre Lorde

DeLois lived up the block on 142nd Street and never had her hair done, and all the neighbourhood women sucked their teeth as she walked by. Her crispy hair twinkled in the summer sun as her big proud stomach moved her on down the block while I watched, not caring whether or not she was a poem. — Audre Lorde

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Ralph Fletcher

The real meaning of a poem is to stop time. — Ralph Fletcher

Inspirational Poem Quotes By N.D. Wilson

To exist in this poem [of creation] is a greater gift than any finite creature can imagine. To be so insignificant and yet still be given a speaking part, to be given scenes that are my own, and my own only, scenes where the audience is limited to the Author Himself (scenes that I often flub), to have been here with my frozen nose, to have been crafted with at least as much care as a snowflake (though I'm harder to melt), and to hear and feel and see and taste and smell the heavy poetry of God, that is enough. — N.D. Wilson

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Kelly Vang

Time is a watchful adversary, who waits enduringly for that merciless hour, hurrying to work the hands of separation. — Kelly Vang

Inspirational Poem Quotes By David

if you can't be a poet,
Be a poem.. — David

Inspirational Poem Quotes By E.A. Bucchianeri

True beauty lies not upon gilded veneers,
But found in the soul within. — E.A. Bucchianeri

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Debasish Mridha

A poem often begins in the midst of wonderful wandering thoughts that are eager to open wings to fly in the beautiful blue sky of imagination. — Debasish Mridha

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Sherman Kennon

A lie is still a lie
even if it's disguised
as the truth. — Sherman Kennon

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Change like a tree
When it is winter
Don't complain or fear
Just wait for the spring
To bloom and sing — Debasish Mridha

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Debasish Mridha

A blooming flower pleads,
oh thee! Look at me,
to see the beauty,
Kiss me like a bee,
To feel the bliss,
To taste the nectar of life
And just to feel and be.
Kiss me like a wave kisses the shore
In an endless dancing sea,
again and again, just to be. — Debasish Mridha

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Lori Jenessa Nelson

...but beautiful mosaics are made of broken pieces. — Lori Jenessa Nelson

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Robin Craig Clark

Each today, well-lived, makes yesterday a dream of happiness and each tomorrow a vision of hope. Look, therefore, to this one day, for it and it alone is life.
- Sanskrit poem — Robin Craig Clark

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Timothy Joshua

You rewrote the art in my heart. — Timothy Joshua

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Ymatruz

Thoughts are ideas scattered in your head. When written forms a sentence. When rhymed, it forms a phrase and singing it blooms a beautiful poem. — Ymatruz

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Kehinde Sonola

That's the thing about love
It can take you up to the mountaintop and can drop you
And the impact will either kill you or make you a new person — Kehinde Sonola

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Adhish Mazumder

There lived a poet in the lands of gold,
Wrote along poems unaffected by warmth or cold,
His words spoke truth and pen's stroke was bold,
His only motive: lives to mould — Adhish Mazumder

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Paul The Astronaut

Blinking, twinkling, burning bright
Are all the stars that light the night.
Dippers, Ursa's and Orion too,
But don't forget the star in you. — Paul The Astronaut

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Kamand Kojouri

Knowing you, I understood myself. — Kamand Kojouri

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Kamand Kojouri

You think I'm giving up. I'm not. I'm giving in. — Kamand Kojouri

Inspirational Poem Quotes By Jon Paul Fiorentino

Elizabeth Bachinsky, Darren Bifford, Jason Camelot, Rachel Cyr, Tara Flanagan, Lilly Fiorentino, John Goldbach, David McGimpsey, Evan Munday, Sachiko Murakami, Ian Orti, Marisa Grizenko, Christina Palassio, Mike Spry, Darren Wershler. — Jon Paul Fiorentino