Inspiration 8 Word Quotes & Sayings
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Top Inspiration 8 Word Quotes
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Gabriel Garcia Marquez Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Gabriel Garcia Marquez](
Each thing, just by looking at it, aroused in me an irresistible longing to write so I would not die. I had suffered this on other occasions, but only on that morning did I recognize it as a crisis of inspiration, that word, abominable but so real, that demolishes everything in its path in order to reach its ashes in time. — Gabriel Garcia Marquez
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Jaachynma N.E. Agu Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Jaachynma N.E. Agu](
Use the powerful tool of thought and develop your mindset to believing and knowing you can change anything to your favour; yes, you have God's Word so fashion your thought according to God's Word. — Jaachynma N.E. Agu
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By John Gaver Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By John Gaver](
The best ending ever, for a science fiction book - or any novel, now that I think about it - was in Rendezvous With Rama. You know that you're at the end of the book and yet, there is no resolution. Then he hits you with those last six words. Better yet, the power is in the very last word. Wow! — John Gaver
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Peter Forsyth Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Peter Forsyth](
Prayer is the atmosphere of revelation, in the strict and central sense of that word. It is the climate in which God's manifestation bursts open into inspiration. — Peter Forsyth
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By A.W. Tozer Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By A.W. Tozer](
Let a man question the inspiration of the Scriptures and a curious, even monstrous, inversion takes place: thereafter he judges the Word instead of letting the Word judge him; he determines what the Word should teach instead of permitting it to determine what he should believe; he edits, amends, strikes out, adds at his pleasure; but always he sits above the Word and makes it amenable to him instead of kneeling before God and becoming amenable to the Word. — A.W. Tozer
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By P.J. Whittlesea Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By P.J. Whittlesea](
We just held each other for warmth. I cannot recall that we even spoke to one another. Such was our shock. That day we learnt a new word - war. — P.J. Whittlesea
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Gabor Mate Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Gabor Mate](
In the rare moments I permitted any stillness, I noted a small fluttering at the pit of my belly, a barely perceptible disturbance. The faint whisper of a word would sound in my head: writing. At first I could not say whether it was heartburn or inspiration. The more I listened, the louder the message became: I needed to write, to express myself through written language not only so that others might hear me but so that I could hear myself. The gods, we are taught, created humankind in their own image. Everyone has an urge to create. Its expression may flow through many channels: through writing, art, or music or through the inventiveness of work or in any number of ways unique to all of us, whether it be cooking, gardening, or the art of social discourse. The point is to honor the urge. To do so is healing for ourselves and for others; not to do so deadens our bodies and our spirits. When I did not write, I suffocated in silence. — Gabor Mate
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Will Alsop Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Will Alsop](
I don't believe in the word 'inspiration', you just have to do it. — Will Alsop
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Richard Brookhiser Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Richard Brookhiser](
God produced great writing, a matter of first importance to a man like Lincoln, ever impressed with the nature of cause and forces. — Richard Brookhiser
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Rollo May Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Rollo May](
The word courage comes from the same stem as the French word Coeur, meaning "heart." Thus just as one's heart, by pumping blood to one's arms, legs, and brain enables all the other physical organs to function, so courage makes possible all the psychological virtues. Without courage other values wither away into mere facsimiles of virtue. — Rollo May
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By John Steinbeck Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By John Steinbeck](
Lee's hand shook as he filled the delicate cups. He drank his down in one gulp. "Don't you see?" he cried. "The American Standard translation orders men to triumph over sin, and you can call sin ignorance. The King James translation makes a promise in 'Thou shalt,' meaning that men will surely triumph over sin. But the Hebrew word, the word timshel - 'Thou mayest' - that gives a choice. It might be the most important word in the world. That says the way is open. That throws it right back on a man. For if 'Thou mayest' - it is also true that 'Thou mayest not.' Don't you see? — John Steinbeck
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Sara Sheridan Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Sara Sheridan](
Occasionally a particular word or phrase in a letter or diary has sparked an entire plot - like an echo from history, still very alive. — Sara Sheridan
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Pope Benedict XVI Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Pope Benedict XVI](
Lent stimulates us to let the Word of God penetrate our life and in this way to know the fundamental truth: who we are, where we come from, where we must go, what path we must take in life ... — Pope Benedict XVI
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Charles Caldwell Ryrie Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Charles Caldwell Ryrie](
Jesus accepted the plenary [i.e., complete, extending to all its parts] inspiration of the Bible; when first approached by the devil to turn stones into bread, our Lord replied that man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God (Matt. 4:4 quoting Deut. 8:3). He did not say, "some words" but "every word." If Scripture is breathed out from God (2 Tim. 3:16), then Scripture must be included in what sustains man, not only parts of Scripture but all of it. — Charles Caldwell Ryrie
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Walker Percy Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Walker Percy](
In a word, the consumer of mass culture is lonely, not only lonely, but spiritually impoverished. — Walker Percy
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Toni Sorenson Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Toni Sorenson](
Training is the word we use now. To train means to teach a particular skill over a period of time. Every time you get up, show up, work out, you are training yourself to be better, to live happier and healthier. Don't expect results in a snap. Remember, change takes however long it takes. — Toni Sorenson
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Susan Cain Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Susan Cain](
A Manifesto for Introverts
1. There's a word for 'people who are in their heads too much': thinkers.
2. Solitude is a catalyst for innovation.
3. The next generation of quiet kids can and must be raised to know their own strengths.
4. Sometimes it helps to be a pretend extrovert. There will always be time to be quiet later.
5. But in the long run, staying true to your temperament is key to finding work you love and work that matters.
6. One genuine new relationship is worth a fistful of business cards.
7. It's OK to cross the street to avoid making small talk.
8. 'Quiet leadership' is not an oxymoron.
9. Love is essential; gregariousness is optional.
10. 'In a gentle way, you can shake the world.' -Mahatma Gandhi — Susan Cain
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Molly Looby Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Molly Looby](
A love of writing is far greater than any word count. — Molly Looby
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By William Shakespeare Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By William Shakespeare](
I take thee at thy word:
Call me but love, and I'll be new baptized;
Henceforth I never will be Romeo. — William Shakespeare
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Simone Weil Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Simone Weil](
Our patriotism comes straight from the Romans. This is why French children are encouraged to seek inspiration for it in Corneille. It is a pagan virtue, if these two words are compatible. The word pagan, when applied to Rome, early possesses the significance charged with horror which the early Christian controversialists gave it. The Romans really were an atheistic and idolatrous people; not idolatrous with regard to images made of stone or bronze, but idolatrous with regard to themselves. It is this idolatry of self which they have bequeathed to us in the form of patriotism. — Simone Weil
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Maurice Merleau Ponty Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Maurice Merleau Ponty](
We speak of 'inspiration,' and the word should be taken literally. There really is inspiration and expiration of Being. — Maurice Merleau Ponty
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Gianna Beretta Molla Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Gianna Beretta Molla](
Everyone works in the service of man. We doctors work directly on man himself ... The great mystery of man is Jesus: 'He who visits a sick person, helps me,' Jesus said ... Just as the priest can touch Jesus, so do we touch Jesus in the bodies of our patients ... We have opportunities to do good that the priest doesn't have. Our mission is not finished when medicines are no longer of use. We must bring the soul to God; our word has some authority ... Catholic doctors are so necessary! — Gianna Beretta Molla
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Thomas Paine Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Thomas Paine](
Now, if the writers of these four books [Gospels] had gone into a court of justice to prove an alibi, (for it is of the nature of an alibi that is here attempted to be proved, namely, the absence of a dead body by supernatural means,) and had they given their evidence in the same contradictory manner as it is here given, they would have been in danger of having their ears cropt for perjury, and would have justly deserved it. Yet this is the evidence, and these are the books, that have been imposed upon the world as being given by divine inspiration, and as the unchangeable word of God. — Thomas Paine
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By John Hart Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By John Hart](
Are you familiar with the word inspiration? The meaning of it? Where it comes from?...In the Dark Ages no understood the things that made some people special. Every soul in that dark, difficult time faced the same limitations, every soul except a precious few who saw things differently, the poets, inventors, artists, stone masons. Regular folks didn't understand how a person could wake up one day and see the world differently. They thought it was a gift from God. Thus the word "inspiration." It means breathed upon...breathed upon by God himself. — John Hart
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Corinne Heline Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Corinne Heline](
Man is a musical being. His origin is in the spoken Word. By sound was he sustained and by music he evolved. One day he will recognize music as a vital factor in the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual evolution of the whole human race. — Corinne Heline
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Caryll Houselander Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Caryll Houselander](
We are only syllables of the perfect Word. — Caryll Houselander
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By John Milton Edwards Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By John Milton Edwards](
There's a lot of "fiddle-faddle" wrapped up in that word "inspiration." It is the last resort of the lazy writer, of the man who would rather sit and dream than be up and doing. If the majority of writers who depend upon fiction for a livelihood were to wait for the spirit of inspiration to move them, the sheriff would happen along and tack a notice on the front door--while the writers were still waiting. — John Milton Edwards
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By William McKinley Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By William McKinley](
I do not prize the word cheap. It is not a word of inspiration. It is the badge of poverty, the signal of distress. Cheap merchandise means cheap men and cheap men mean a cheap country. — William McKinley
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Brad Steiger Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Brad Steiger](
The inspiration for the book came after a visitation from a spiritual being that materialized before me on two consecutive nights. Although I crumpled into unconsciousness at the outset of each encounter and consciously remembered hearing only an initial word or two from the entity, I awakened on the dawn after the second visit with the ideas for The Divine Fire bubbling in my brain. — Brad Steiger
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Pope Benedict XVI Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Pope Benedict XVI](
The "door of faith" (Acts 14:27) is always open for us, ushering us into the life of communion with God and offering entry into his Church. It is possible to cross that threshold when the word of God is proclaimed and the heart allows itself to be shaped by transforming grace. To enter through that door is to set out on a journey that lasts a lifetime. — Pope Benedict XVI
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Garth Stein Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Garth Stein](
The craft of writing is all the stuff that you can learn through school; go to workshops and read books. Learn characterization, plot and dialogue and pacing and word choice and point of view. Then there's also the art of it which is sort of the unknown, the inspiration, the stuff that is noncerebral. — Garth Stein
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Paulo Coelho Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Paulo Coelho](
He also knows the power of word. — Paulo Coelho
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Pope Francis Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Pope Francis](
God's word is unpredictable in its power ... The Church has to accept this unruly freedom of the word, which accomplishes what it wills in ways that surpass our calculations and ways of thinking. — Pope Francis
![Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Stephanie Lennox Inspiration 8 Word Quotes By Stephanie Lennox](
All you have to do is put one word after another, and remember how great it feels to be a writer. — Stephanie Lennox