Quotes & Sayings About Input Output
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Top Input Output Quotes

He who acts under an emotional impulse also acts. What distinguishes an emotional action from other actions is the valuation of input and output. Emotions disarrange valuations. Inflamed with passion, man sees the goal as more desirable and the price he has to pay for it as less burdensome than he would in cool deliberation. — Ludwig Von Mises

Cognitive psychology considers successive mediating events between the outer world of the organism (environmental input) and the behavior of the organism (response output). The gap between these two endpoints is reputed to be filled by various components (e.g., a complex memory system comprising several constituent parts, an information processing system also comprising several constituent parts, a "cognitive map," or a symbol manipulation machine. — Mecca Chiesa

Use statistics as input not output. Use them to make up your mind on an issue.Don't make up your mind and then go looking for the number to support yourself. — Chip Heath

I'm a miracle man, things happen which I don't plan, I've never planned anything. Whatsoever I do, I want it to be an instant action object, instant reaction subject. Instant input, instant output. — Lee "Scratch" Perry

The essence of Druidry is training the mind to both handle contradictory input and construct contradictory output.'
What? Oh. Well
'I continued to lecture a bit more, to disguise the fact that I was getting my ass handed to me by my dog. — Kevin Hearne

Efficiency in government is a more elusive concept than efficiency in the private economy, which may be measured relatively easily as output per units of input. What is the government's 'output?' — Nathan Myhrvold

To have output you must have input. It helps to go on a period of creative nourishment, or dolce far niente, clearing the brain. Go to bed with the cat, some flouffy pillows, tea and a book which could not in any sense be called improving. Read for fun for a change: superior Chicklit is good, or children's classics. You are not allowed to try and analyse what the author is doing. After a good sleep, go and do something new, or that you haven't done for a while ... — Lucy Sussex

Tiny differences in input could quickly become overwhelming differences in output ... In weather, for example, this translates into what is only half-jokingly known as the Butter- fly Effect - the notion that a butterfly stirring the air today in Peking can transform storm systems next month in New York. — James Gleick

We must learn to think in terms of an articulated structure that can cope with a multiplicity of small-scale units. If economic thinking cannot grasp this it is useless. If it cannot get beyond its vast abstractions, the national income, the rate of growth, capital/output ratio, input-output analysis, labour mobility, capital accumulation; if it cannot get beyond all this and make contact with the human realities of poverty, frustration, alienation, despair, breakdown, crime, escapism, stress, congestion, ugliness and spiritual death, then let us scrap economics and start afresh. — Ernst F. Schumacher

When you do something with a lot of honesty, appetite and commitment, the input reflects in the output. — A.R. Rahman

Social organizations are flagrantly open systems in that the input of energies and the conversion of output into further energetic input consists of transactions between the organization and its environment. — Daniel Katz

When it comes to statistics, our best advice is to use them as input, not output. Use them to make up your mind on an issue. Don't make up your mind and then go looking for the numbers to support yourself - that's asking for temptation and trouble. But if we use statistics to help us make up our minds, we'll be in a great position to share the pivotal numbers with others, — Chip Heath

Our entire neurobiology acts as a giant input-output system, that receives information from the outside world, processes that information and makes a person react accordingly. — Abhijit Naskar

We don't want to be Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones. That type of thing wasn't what we were after. It was most important for each of us to be equal in input and output - each of us has to pull the same amount, musically, in composition and in every sense of being in the band. — Neil Peart

Creativity is an input to innovation and change is the output from innovation. — Braden Kelley

Your input determines your outlook. Your outlook determines your output, and your output determines your future. — Zig Ziglar

The eureka moment is two reasons why the output-based standard should be adopted: common sense and accountability. Input-based standards don't encourage energy diversity; they don't create any incentives; they don't produce solar, hydro, nuclear. — Frank Luntz

If organizations measure the input to the strategy implementation, but not the output, it's a recipe for disaster. — Pearl Zhu

Autism is the filter through which all my other senses must pass, both input and output. — Stuart Duncan

The rising productivity of labor is a myth, a statistical illusion created by measuring combined output in terms of labor input. — Louis O. Kelso

Take the classic experiment of using ordinary feedback: just take the output of something and feed it back into the input. Those of us who do that have had really rich experiences. And it is obvious that that line of experimentation can continue. — David Tudor

Prototypes of inventions that use novel combinations of resonance, magnetism, states of matter, certain geometries or inward swirling motion to unlock the secrets of universal energy have already been built. They provide proof of new or rediscovered principles. In many variations of these inventions, a small input triggers a disproportionately large output of useable power."
"These energy converters don't violate any laws of physics if they simply tap into a previously unrecognized source of power - background space. A flow of energy from that source can continue day and night, whether or not the sun shines or the wind blows. — Jeane Manning

If you are selective about the things you choose to read, look at or listen to, then you are taking effective action against negative thinking. It's just like with a computer; if you change the input, you will change the output. — Zig Ziglar

"You will accomplish a lot more with movement than you will with motivation." So MOVE. Create action. Make plans and stick to them. But above all: Cut Out The Input, And Begin The Output ... — Fernando Cruz

To wit: actions, like sounds, divide the flow of time into beats.[ ... ]The quality of a man's life depends on the rhyhmic structure he is able to impose upon the input and output of energy. — Tom Robbins

Computers are finite machines; when given the same input, they always produce the same output. — Greg Perry

Prayer is like a business , the you put in more input the greater the output becomes. — Osunsakin Adewale

Of the properties of mathematics, as a language, the most peculiar one is that by playing formal games with an input mathematical text, one can get an output text which seemingly carries new knowledge. The basic examples are furnished by scientific or technological calculations: general laws plus initial conditions produce predictions, often only after time-consuming and computer-aided work. One can say that the input contains an implicit knowledge which is thereby made explicit. — Yuri Manin

Exploitation. Now, there's a word that has been scrubbed out of the poverty debate. 42 It is a word that speaks to the fact that poverty is not just a product of low incomes. It is also a product of extractive markets. Boosting poor people's incomes by increasing the minimum wage or public benefits, say, is absolutely crucial. But not all of those extra dollars will stay in the pockets of the poor. Wage hikes are tempered if rents rise along with them, just as food stamps are worth less if groceries in the inner city cost more - and they do, as much as 40 percent more, by one estimate. 43 Poverty is two-faced - a matter of income and expenses, input and output - and in a world of exploitation, it will not be effectively ameliorated if we ignore this plain fact. — Matthew Desmond

When we change the input into our minds, we change the output into our lives. — Zig Ziglar

Everything you input delivers results and determines the output. — Janice Almond

[Perl] gives you the STDERR filehandle so that your program can make snide comments off to the side while it transforms (or attempts to transform) your input into your output. — Larry Wall

A computer is a machine for constructing mappings from input to output. — Michael Kirby

He (Comings) has in the past performed successful energy-converting experiments, creating a ringing resonance by injecting certain frequencies into piezo-electric crystals. When the crystal was in resonance with the plenum of space, the power output rose significantly higher than the input. He concluded that, if allowed politically, such discoveries could guide humankind in building a completely clean energy infrastructure -- resonant technologies that allow us to live in harmony with the universal energy field and the Earth. — Jeane Manning

...creative output depends on creative input. — Robert C. Martin

I go back and forth between input phases where I'm reading a lot or trying to get out and explore the world a bit and soak up inspirations and then I'll get back into output mode and write and write and write. — Erin Morgenstern

Yoga provides us with a set of tools for creating space between the input of life experiences and the output of our reactions. In that space, we can pay attention. We can notice what we are feeling, think for a moment, and make decisions. Once we can learn to find that space, we can use it to take control of our own lives. — Jennifer Cohen Harper

We have only one Windows. We don't have multiple Windows. They run across multiple form factors, but it's one developer platform, one store, one tool chain for developers. And you adapt it for different screen sizes and different input and output. — Satya Nadella