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Inmost Quotes & Sayings

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Top Inmost Quotes

Inmost Quotes By Grenville Kleiser

You grow your best thoughts in silence, solitude, and meditation. When you relax and think deeply, you are giving your inmost powers their best opportunity to disclose themselves. — Grenville Kleiser

Inmost Quotes By David Cherubim

Mystical Alchemy is a personal science, a sublime and effective system of Self-Initiation. Only you, as a single individual, can calculate and follow your way up the Great Mountain of Hermetic Attainment. It is entirely a matter of your own practical application and devotion. All essential guidance is within you, in the inmost center of your heart where your own Holy Guardian Angel, or Inner Self, resides. To depend upon any other thing than your own Holy Guardian Angel to accomplish the Great Work is to insult your Angel who is with you to instruct and guide you. All essential wisdom by which to achieve the Great Work is to be ascertained only within you; nowhere else will you find the Truth. — David Cherubim

Inmost Quotes By Rainer Maria Rilke

I believe that almost all our sadnesses are moments of tension that we find paralyzing because we no longer hear our surprised feelings living. Because we are alone with the alien thing that has entered into our self; because everything intimate and accustomed is for an instant taken away; because we stand in the middle of a transition where we cannot remain standing. For this reason the sadness too passes: the new thing in us, the added thing, has entered into our heart, has gone into its inmost chamber and is not even there any more, - is already in our blood. And we do not learn what it was. We could easily be made to believe that nothing has happened, and yet we have changed, as a house changes into which a guest has entered. — Rainer Maria Rilke

Inmost Quotes By Sondra Horton Fraleigh

[ ... Dance] involves every possible feeling (as potential), because it is of the body, which is lived (inescapably) as a body of feeling. Some of these feelings we can name, and some we cannot, since we associate feelings with language only when we name them. The body lives sentience on a preverbal level. Dance exists first on this primordial level, not on an intellectual plane (even though it requires skill and intelligence). Its inmost substance cannot be reasoned, only experienced. — Sondra Horton Fraleigh

Inmost Quotes By Winston Graham

The case is closed, Mr. Poldark. You will kindly step down." "Otherwise," said Dr. Halse, "we will have you committed for contempt of court." Ross bowed slightly. "I can only assure you, sir, that such a committal would be a reading of my inmost thoughts. — Winston Graham

Inmost Quotes By Leopold Stokowski

It seemed impossible to leave the world until I had produced all that I felt called upon to produce, and so I endured this wretched existence an excitable body which a sudden change can throw from the best into the worst state. Patience I must now choose for my guide, and I have done so. Divine One, thou lookest into my inmost soul, thou knowest it, thou knowest that love of man and desire to do good live therein. — Leopold Stokowski

Inmost Quotes By James Allen

Men do not attract that which they want, but that which they are. Their whims, fancies, and ambitions are thwarted at every step, but their inmost thoughts and desires are fed with their own food, be it foul or clean. — James Allen

Inmost Quotes By Vincent Van Gogh

As we advance in life it becomes more and more difficult, but in fighting the difficulties the inmost strength of the heart is developed. — Vincent Van Gogh

Inmost Quotes By Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Man imagines himself to be conducting his own life; and irresistibly his inmost being is drawn to its fate. — Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Inmost Quotes By Nathaniel Hawthorne

When the friend shows his inmost heart to his friend; the lover to his best-beloved; when man does not vainly shrink from the eye of his Creator, loathsomely treasuring up the secret of his sin; then deem me a monster, for the symbol beneath which I have lived, and die! I look around me, and, lo! on every visage a black veil! — Nathaniel Hawthorne

Inmost Quotes By Rachel Naomi Remen

The silence in the giant redwood forest near my house draws me...At eight in the morning, the great trees stand rooted in a silence so absolute that one's inmost self comes to rest. An aged silence. Some mornings I sleep through two alarms and awaken only after the first buses have arrived. I go anyway. There are hundreds of people in the woods before me. People speaking French, German, Spanish; people marveling to each other and calling to their children in Japanese, Swedish, Russian, and some languages I do not know. And children shrieking in the universal language of childhood. But the silence is always there, unchanged. It is as impervious to these passing sounds as the trees themselves. — Rachel Naomi Remen

Inmost Quotes By Arthur Tappan Pierson

We may compare the Bible to the Old Testament Tabernacle in the wilderness with its three courts. The outer court is the letter of the Scriptures; the inner court, or holy place, is the truth of the Scriptures; the holiest place of all is the person of Jesus Christ; and only when we pass the inmost veil do we come to Him. — Arthur Tappan Pierson

Inmost Quotes By Marva Dawn

This sense of being made in God's image calls us all constantly to look for it in others and to do what we can to help them acknowledge it and to realize it by joining in worship. We thereby carry to others the answer to their inmost longing, a yearning for union with the Trinity, a thirst to respond with adoration to the God who made them. — Marva Dawn

Inmost Quotes By Anonymous

1Praise the LORD,a my soul;b all my inmost being, praise his holy name.c 2Praise the LORD,d my soul, and forget note all his benefits - 3who forgives all your sinsf and healsg all your diseases, 4who redeems your lifeh from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion,i 5who satisfiesj your desires with good things so that your youth is renewedk like the eagle's.l 6The LORD works righteousnessm and justice for all the oppressed. — Anonymous

Inmost Quotes By Dante Alighieri

My lady looks so gentle and so pure When yielding salutation by the way, That the tongue trembles and has nought to say, And the eyes, which fain would see, may not endure. And still, amid the praise she hears secure, She walks with humbleness for her array; Seeming a creature sent from Heaven to stay On earth, and show a miracle made sure. She is so pleasant in the eyes of men That through the sight the inmost heart doth gain A sweetness which needs proof to know it by: And from between her lips there seems to move A soothing essence that is full of love, Saying for ever to the spirit, Sigh! — Dante Alighieri

Inmost Quotes By Upton Sinclair

A wonderful privilege it was to be thus admitted into the soul of a man of genius, to be allowed to share the ecstasies and the agonies of his inmost life. — Upton Sinclair

Inmost Quotes By Katherine Addison

'In our inmost and secret heart, which you ask us to bare to you, we wish to banish them as we were banished, to a cold and lonely house, in the charge of a man who hated us. And we wish them trapped there as we were trapped.'

'You consider that unjust, Serenity?'

'We consider it cruel,' Maia said. 'And we do not think that cruelty is ever just.' — Katherine Addison

Inmost Quotes By Guy De Maupassant

She realized for the first time that two people can never reach each others deepest feelings and instincts, that they spend their lives side by side, linked it may be, but not mingled, and that each one's inmost being must go through life eternally alone. — Guy De Maupassant

Inmost Quotes By Charlotte Bronte

I knew," he continued, "you would do me good in some way, at some time; - I saw it in your eyes when I first beheld you: their expression and smile did not" - (again he stopped) - "did not" (he proceeded hastily) "strike delight to my very inmost heart so for nothing. People talk of natural sympathies; I have heard of good genii: there are grains of truth in the wildest fable. My cherished preserver, goodnight! — Charlotte Bronte

Inmost Quotes By Aleister Crowley

The Inmost is one with the Inmost; yet the form of the One is not the form of the other; intimacy exacts fitness. He therefore who liveth by air, let him not be bold to breathe water. But mastery cometh by measure: to him who with labour, courage, and caution giveth his life to understand all that doth encompass him, and to prevail against it, shall be increase. "The word of Sin is Restriction": seek therefore Righteousness, enquiring into Iniquity, and fortify thyself to overcome it. — Aleister Crowley

Inmost Quotes By Rainer Maria Rilke

Read the lines as if they were unknown to you, and you will feel in your inmost self how very much they are yours. — Rainer Maria Rilke

Inmost Quotes By Rainer Maria Rilke

If you will cling to Nature, to the simple in Nature, to the little things that hardly anyone sees, and that can so unexpectedly become big and beyond measuring; if you have this love of inconsiderable things and seek quite simply, as one who serves, to win the confidence of what seems poor: then everything will become easier, more coherent and somehow more conciliatory for you, not in your intellect, perhaps, which lags marveling behind, but in your inmost consciousness, waking and cognizance. — Rainer Maria Rilke

Inmost Quotes By George MacDonald

In that ugly building, amidst that weary praying and inharmonious singing, with that blatant tone, and, worse than all, that merciless doctrine, there was yet preaching - that rare speech of a man to his fellow-men whereby in their inmost hearts they know that he in his inmost heart believes. There was hardly an indifferent countenance in all that wide space beneath, in all those far-sloping galleries above. Every conscience hung out the red or pale flag. — George MacDonald

Inmost Quotes By Rabindranath Tagore

I shall ever try to keep all untruths out from my thoughts, knowing that thou art that truth which has kindled the light of reason in my mind. I shall ever try to drive all evils away from my heart and keep my love in flower, knowing that thou hast thy seat in the inmost shrine of my heart. And it shall be my endeavour to reveal thee in my actions, knowing it is thy power gives me strength to act. — Rabindranath Tagore

Inmost Quotes By Saul Bellow

The terms which, in his inmost heart, each man knows. As I know mine. As all know. For that is the truth of it - that we all know, God, that we know, that we know, we know, we know. — Saul Bellow

Inmost Quotes By David Shoemaker

The True Will is the will of the deepest inmost Self - the core of who you really are as a spiritual being. Also, and importantly, it is an expression of the universal will, as particularized and expressed in your individual life. This is why, when we are living in accordance with our True Will, we find that much of the time the universe seems to open up a path right in front of us, as if in sympathy with our aims. — David Shoemaker

Inmost Quotes By Saeed Malik

The grapes of my body can only become wine after the winemaker tramples me. I surrender my spirit like grapes to his trampling so my inmost heart can blaze and dance with joy. Although the grapes go on weeping blood and sobbing: "I cannot bear any more anguish, and more cruelty" The trampler stuffs cotton in his ears: "I am not working in ignorance. You can deny Me if you want, you have every excuse, but it is I who am the Master of this work. And when through My Passion you reach perfection you will never be done praising My Name."[326] — Saeed Malik

Inmost Quotes By Alfred Lord Tennyson

Dead sounds at night come from the inmost hills. Like footsteps upon wool. — Alfred Lord Tennyson

Inmost Quotes By Ken Follett

No storm can shake my inmost calm While to that rock I'm clinging Since Love is Lord of heaven and earth How can I keep from singing? — Ken Follett

Inmost Quotes By Thomas Merton

We are not capable of union with one another on the deepest level until the inner self in each one of us is sufficiently awakened to confront the inmost spirit of the other. — Thomas Merton

Inmost Quotes By Dietrich Von Hildebrand

For, just as love embodies the life of all virtues and expresses the inmost substance of all holiness, humility is the precondition and basic presupposition for the genuineness, the beauty, and the truth of all virtue. — Dietrich Von Hildebrand

Inmost Quotes By Henry Drummond

Hence it is not enough to deal with the Temper. We must go to the source, and change the inmost nature, and the angry humors will die away of themselves. Souls are made sweet not by taking the acid fluids out, but by putting something in - a great Love, a new Spirit, the Spirit of Christ. Christ, the Spirit of Christ, interpenetrating ours, sweetens, purifies, transforms all. This only can eradicate what is wrong, work a chemical change, renovate and regenerate, and rehabilitate the inner man. Will-power does not change men. Time does not change men. CHRIST DOES. Therefore, "Let that mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. — Henry Drummond

Inmost Quotes By W.E.B. Du Bois

No people can more exactly interpret the inmost meaning of the present situation in Ireland than the American Negro. The scheme is simple. You knock a man down and then have him arrested for assault. You kill a man and then hang the corpse. — W.E.B. Du Bois

Inmost Quotes By Thomas Merton

To anyone who has full awareness of our "exile" from God, our alienation from this inmost self, and our blind wandering in the "region of unlikeness," this claim can hardly seem believable. Yet it is nothing else but the message of Christ calling us to awake from sleep, to return from exile, and find our true selves within ourselves, in that inner sanctuary which is His temple and His heaven, and (at the end of the prodigal's homecoming journey) the "Father's House. — Thomas Merton

Inmost Quotes By William Batchelder Greene

Faith is from within; it is the outbreaking of human spontaneity; it is force of soul, grandeur of sentiment, magnanimity, generosity, courage. Its formulas are naturally unintelligible in their literal tenor; for, otherwise, they would represent that which is scientifically known, and would not be the mere provisional clothing of that which is not objectively given, but subjectively projected from the inmost depth of the soul. — William Batchelder Greene

Inmost Quotes By C.S. Lewis

I cannot now remember whether she was naked or clothed. If she were naked, then it must have been the almost visible penumbra of her courtesy and joy which produces in my memory the illusion of a great and shining train that followed her across the happy grass. If she were clothed, then the illusion of nakedness is doubtless due to the clarity with which her inmost spirit shone through the clothes. For clothes in that country are not a disguise: the spiritual body lives along each thread and turns them into living organs. A robe or a crown is there as much one of the wearer's features as a lip or an eye. — C.S. Lewis

Inmost Quotes By Sylvain Reynard

Love hath so long possess'd me for his own
And made his lordship so familiar
That he, who at first irk'd me, is now grown
Unto my heart as its best secrets are.
And thus, when he in such sore wise doth mar
My life that all its strength seems gone from it.
Mine inmost being then feels thoroughly quit
Of anguish, and all evil keeps afar.
Love also gathers to such power in me
That my sighs speak, each one a grievous thing.
Always soliciting
My Gabriel's salutation piteously.
Whenever he beholds me, it is so,
Who is more sweet than any words can show. — Sylvain Reynard

Inmost Quotes By Thomas Cole

It was not that the jagged precipices were lofty, that the encircling woods were the dimmest shade, or that the waters were profoundly deep; but that over all, rocks, wood, and water, brooded the spirit of repose, and the silent energy of nature stirred the soul to its inmost depths. — Thomas Cole

Inmost Quotes By Ralph Waldo Emerson

The inmost in due time becomes the outmost. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Inmost Quotes By Cassandra Clare

Carefully she took hold of the chain dangling from it, the jade pendant he had given her so long ago. The inscription on the back still gleamed as if new:
When two people are at one in their most inmost hearts, they shatter even the strength of iron or bronze.
"You remember, that you left it with me?" she said. "I've never taken it off."
He closed his eyes. His lashes lay against his cheeks, long and fine. "All these years," he said, and his voice was a low whisper, and it was not the voice of the boy he had been once, but it was still a voice she loved. "All these years, you wore it? I never knew. — Cassandra Clare

Inmost Quotes By Kahlil Gibran

Then a ploughman said , speak to us of work : in keeping yourself with labour you are in truth loving life ,
And to love life throught labour is to be intimate with inmost secrets .
And what is it to work with love ?
it is to weave the colth with threads from your heart , even as if your beloved were to wear that colth .
It is to build a house with affection , even as if your beloved were to dwell in that house .
It is to sow seeds with tenderness and reap the harvest with joy , even as if your beloved were to eat the fruit .
It is to change all things you fashion with a breath of your own spirit .
He who works in marble , and finds the shape of his own soul in the stone , is nobler than he who ploughs the soil. — Kahlil Gibran

Inmost Quotes By Maria Montessori

The child builds his inmost self out of the deeply held impressions he receives. — Maria Montessori

Inmost Quotes By Henri De Lubac

It's not sincereity, it is truth which frees us, because it transforms us. It tears us away from our inmost slavery. — Henri De Lubac

Inmost Quotes By Joseph Sobran

Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call minorities. — Joseph Sobran

Inmost Quotes By Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Do not enter the ministry if you can help it ...
If any student in this room could be content to be
a newspaper editor, or a grocer, or a farmer, or a
doctor, or a lawyer, or a senator, or a king, in the
name of heaven and earth let him go his way; he is
not the man in whom dwells the Spirit of God in
its fullness, for a man so full of God would utterly
weary of any pursuit but that for which his inmost
soul pants. — Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Inmost Quotes By Meister Eckhart

I tell you the truth, any object you have in your mind, however good, will be a barrier between you and the inmost Truth. — Meister Eckhart

Inmost Quotes By Alexander MacLaren

Transiency is stamped on all our possessions, occupations, and delights. We have the hunger for eternity in our souls, the thought of eternity in our hearts, the destination for eternity written on our inmost being, and the need to ally ourselves with eternity proclaimed by the most short-lived trifles of time. Either these things will be the blessing or the curse of our lives. Which do yon mean that they shall be for you? — Alexander MacLaren

Inmost Quotes By Karl Popper

We are social creatures to the inmost centre of our being. The notion that one can begin anything at all from scratch, free from the past, or unindebted to others, could not conceivably be more wrong. — Karl Popper

Inmost Quotes By Gary Zukav

Unworthiness is the inmost frightening thought that you do not belong, no matter how much you want to belong, that you are an outsider and will always be an outsider. It is the idea that you are flawed and cannot be fixed. It is wanting to be loved and feeling unlovable, or wanting to love and feeling that you are not capable of loving. — Gary Zukav

Inmost Quotes By Cormac McCarthy

As war becomes dishonored and its nobility called into question those honorable men who recognize the sanctity of blood will become excluded from the dance, which is the warrior's right, and thereby will the dance become a false dance, and the dancers false dancers. And yet there will be one there always who is a true dancer and can you guess who that might be? ... Only that man who has offered up himself entire to the blood of war, who has been to the floor of the pit and seen horror in the round and learned at last that it speaks to his inmost heart, only that man can dance. — Cormac McCarthy

Inmost Quotes By Khalil Gibran

To love life through our labor is to be intimate with life's inmost secrets. — Khalil Gibran

Inmost Quotes By Rainer Maria Rilke

Your inmost happening is worth your whole love, that is what you must somehow work at, and not lose too much time and too much courage in explaining — Rainer Maria Rilke

Inmost Quotes By Dodie Smith

The family - that dear octopus from whose tentacles we never quite escape, nor, in our inmost hearts, ever quite wish to. — Dodie Smith

Inmost Quotes By John Fowles

Art's cruel. You can get away with murder with words. But a picture is like a window straight through to your inmost heart. — John Fowles

Inmost Quotes By Rabindranath Tagore

I shall ever try to drive all evils away from my heart and keep my love in flower, knowing that thou hast thy seat in the inmost shrine of my heart. — Rabindranath Tagore

Inmost Quotes By Thomas Carlyle

Philosophy dwells aloft in the Temple of Science, the divinity of its inmost shrine; her dictates descend among men, but she herself descends not : whoso would behold her must climb with long and laborious effort, nay, still linger in the forecourt, till manifold trial have proved him worthy of admission into the interior solemnities. — Thomas Carlyle

Inmost Quotes By Jacky Ickx

The existence is a tremendous curiosity, with in the course of the years, the discovery of yourself in your inmost evolutions. With the age you feel better than you are, what you represent. Which means a little at the planet's scale. — Jacky Ickx

Inmost Quotes By William Tecumseh Sherman

My aim, then, was to whip the rebels, to humble their pride, to follow them to their inmost recesses, and make them fear and dread us. Fear is the beginning of wisdom. — William Tecumseh Sherman

Inmost Quotes By Robert Frost

If you should rise from Nowhere up to Somewhere,
From being No one up to being Someone,
Be sure to keep repeating to yourself
You owe it to an arbitrary god
Whose mercy to you rather than to others
Won't bear to critical examination.
Stay unassuming. If for lack of license
To wear the uniform of who you are,
You should be tempted to make up for it
In a subordinationg look or toe,
Beware of coming too much to the surface
And using for apparel hat was meant
To be the curtain of the inmost soul. — Robert Frost

Inmost Quotes By Thomas Carlyle

Labor is life: from the inmost heart of the worker rises his God-given force, the sacred celestial life-essence breathed into him by Almighty God! — Thomas Carlyle

Inmost Quotes By Alexis Carrel

There are no watertight compartments in our inmost nature. — Alexis Carrel

Inmost Quotes By Oliver Sacks

If we wish to know about a man, we ask 'what is his story
his real, inmost story?'
for each of us is a biography, a story. Each of us is a singular narrative, which is constructed, continually, unconsciously, by, through, and in us
through our perceptions, our feelings, our thoughts, our actions; and, not least, our discourse, our spoken narrations. Biologically, physiologically, we are not so different from each other; historically, as narratives
we are each of us unique. — Oliver Sacks

Inmost Quotes By Stasi Eldredge

No longer bound by fear, how high can we soar? How deep can we dive? How much delight can we experience? Yes, there will be sorrow too - it's a part of the deal - but life gets the final word. Life. Life always gets the final word. Every single time. Forever. Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise His holy name! — Stasi Eldredge

Inmost Quotes By Rosamond Lehmann

I have decided to keep a record of my inmost real-self thoughts. Perhaps it will help me to find out what I really am like: horrid, I know: selfish, conceited, and material-minded. For instance, lately whenever I've tried to concentrate on anything serious or beautiful, I've started thinking about the Spencers' dance next week. I am ashamed of my pettiness. I'm going to try to do better this year
develop my character more and not always be thinking about enjoying myself. I've always been so happy, I dread disappointment and unhappiness, but they would be good for me. But I don't want them. — Rosamond Lehmann

Inmost Quotes By Nathaniel Hawthorne

The chain that bound her here was of iron links, and galling to her inmost soul, but could never be broken. It — Nathaniel Hawthorne

Inmost Quotes By Orson Scott Card

They were guilty of too much belief in a story they were told. Most people are able to hold most stories they're told in abeyance, to keep a little distance between the story and their inmost heart. — Orson Scott Card

Inmost Quotes By Michel De Montaigne

The recognition of virtue is not less valuable from the lips of the man who hates it, since truth forces him to acknowledge it; and though he may be unwilling to take it into his inmost soul, he at least decks himself out in its trappings. — Michel De Montaigne

Inmost Quotes By Marie Dressler

There are very few persons who would think of inquiring into the private life of the newspaper dealer at the corner, or the druggist, or the doctor, or even a Mah Jong partner, but the moment one belongs to the theatrical profession, the public usually feels cheated unless it knows one's inmost thoughts of love. — Marie Dressler

Inmost Quotes By Sri Chinmoy

Silence is the nest and music is the bird. The bird leaves the nest early in the morning and returns to the nest in the evening. Similarly, in the spiritual world, divine music comes from the inmost soul of Silence. — Sri Chinmoy

Inmost Quotes By Simone De Beauvoir

Have you ever felt in your inmost being, the conscience of others?' again she was trembling, the words were not releasing her. 'It's intolerable you know — Simone De Beauvoir

Inmost Quotes By Antonin Artaud

I do not like detached creation. Neither can I conceive of the mind as detached from itself. Each of my works, each diagram of myself, each glacial flowering of my inmost soul dribbles over me. — Antonin Artaud

Inmost Quotes By Robert Browning

Truth is within ourselves ... there is an inmost center in us all..where truth abides in fulness
and to know,rather consists in open out a way whence the imprisoned splendor may escape — Robert Browning

Inmost Quotes By Karl Rahner

Only in love can I find you, my God. In love the gates of my soul spring open, allowing me to breathe a new air of freedom and forget my own petty self. In love my whole being streams forth out of the rigid confines of narrowness and anxious self-assertion, which make me a prisoner of my own poverty emptiness. In love all the powers of my soul flow out toward you, wanting never more to return, but to lose themselves completely in you, since by your love you are the inmost center of my heart, closer to me than I am to myself. — Karl Rahner

Inmost Quotes By Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Remorse is as the heart in which it grows; If that be gentle, it drops balmy dews Of true repentance; but if proud and gloomy, It is the poison tree, that pierced to the inmost, Weeps only tears of poison. — Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Inmost Quotes By John Adams

Popularity, next to virtue and wisdom, ought to be aimed at; for it is the dictate of wisdom, and is necessary to the practice of virtue inmost. — John Adams

Inmost Quotes By Emile M. Cioran

What every man who loves his country hopes for in his inmost heart: the suppression of half his compatriots. — Emile M. Cioran

Inmost Quotes By Johann Gottlieb Fichte

Not alone to know, but to act according to thy knowledge, is thy destination,
proclaims the voice of my inmost soul. Not for indolent contemplation and study of thyself, nor for brooding over emotions of piety,
no, for action was existence given thee; thy actions, and thy actions alone, determine thy worth. — Johann Gottlieb Fichte

Inmost Quotes By Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Every crime has, in the moment of its perpetration, Its own avenging angel-dark misgiving, An ominous sinking at the inmost heart. — Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Inmost Quotes By William Crookes

Nature-the word that stands for the baffling mysteries of the Universe. Steadily, unflinchingly, we strive to pierce the inmost heart of Nature, from what she is to reconstruct what she has been, and to prophesy what she yet shall be. Veil after veil we have lifted, and her face grows more beautiful, august, and wonderful, with every barrier that is withdrawn. — William Crookes

Inmost Quotes By Anna Neagle

No matter how much we love our family and friends, a part of us needs the occasional moment of solitude as a plant needs water. It is the inmost core of each of us that, that part which nobody can define but which we all recognize because it never changes. — Anna Neagle

Inmost Quotes By Deepak Chopra

Remember, in our inmost being, we are all completely lovable because spirit is love. Beyond what anyone can make you think or feel about yourself, your unconditioned spirit stands, shining with a love nothing can tarnish. — Deepak Chopra

Inmost Quotes By Cassandra Clare

When two people are at one in their inmost hearts, they shatter even the strength of iron or bronze. — Cassandra Clare

Inmost Quotes By Marie Vieux-Chauvet

Freedom is an inmost power. That is why society limits it. — Marie Vieux-Chauvet

Inmost Quotes By Rudyard Kipling

You perceive, do you not, that our national fairy tales reflect the inmost desires of the Briton and the Gaul? — Rudyard Kipling

Inmost Quotes By Rainer Maria Rilke

But I have thought of you often during these holidays and imagined how quiet you must be in your lonely fort among the empty hills, upon which those big southerly winds precipitate themselves as though they would devour them in great pieces.

The stillness must be immense in which such sounds and movements have room, and when one thinks that to it all the presence of the far-off sea comes chiming in as well, perhaps as the inmost tone in that prehistoric harmony, then one can only wish for you that you are confidently and patiently letting that lofty solitude work upon you which is no more to be stricken out of your life; which in everything there is ahead of you to experience and to do will work as an anonymous influence, continuously and gently decisive, much as in us blood of ancestors ceaselessly stirs and mingles with our own into that unique, not repeatable being which at every turning of our life we are. — Rainer Maria Rilke

Inmost Quotes By D.H. Lawrence

A man can only be happy following his own inmost need. — D.H. Lawrence

Inmost Quotes By Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Wild dreams torment me as I lie. And though a god lives in my heart, though all my power waken at his word, though he can move my every inmost part - yet nothing in the outer world is stirred. thus by existence tortured and oppressed I crave for death, I long for rest. — Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Inmost Quotes By Olive Schreiner

There's something so beautiful in coming on one's very inmost thoughts in another. In one way it is one of the greatest pleasures one has. — Olive Schreiner

Inmost Quotes By Rainer Maria Rilke

Keep growing quietly and seriously throughout your whole development; you cannot disturb it more rudely than by looking outward and expecting from outside replies to questions that only your inmost feeling in your most hushed hour can perhaps answer. — Rainer Maria Rilke

Inmost Quotes By Anne Sexton

Please, when I come home, don't forget the "soul" ... and I don't mean "sweet sayings" ... I mean the truth, the sharing of our inmost thoughts, good or bad ... lost or comforting. That is the soul. I think it. The soul, is I think, a human being who speaks with the pressure of death at his head. That's how I'd phrase it. The self in trouble ... not just the self without love (as us) but the self as it will always be (with gun at its head finally) ... To live and know it is only for a moment ... that is to know "the soul" ... and it increases closeness and despair and happiness ... — Anne Sexton

Inmost Quotes By Stephan A. Hoeller

All of us are in desperate need of the restoration of our wholeness through union with our inmost self. — Stephan A. Hoeller

Inmost Quotes By Ellen Glasgow

1. Always wait between books for the springs to fill up and flow over. 2. Always preserve within a wild sanctuary, an inaccessible valley of reveries. 3. Always, and as far as it is possible, endeavor to touch life on every side; but keep the central vision of the mind, the inmost light, untouched and untouchable. — Ellen Glasgow

Inmost Quotes By Robert Browning

There is an inmost center in us all, where truth abides in fullness; ... and, to know, rather consists in opening out a way where the imprisoned splendor may escape, then in effecting entry for a light supposed to be without. — Robert Browning

Inmost Quotes By Josef Pieper

The inmost significance of the exaggerated value which is set upon hard work appears to be this: man seems to mistrust everything that is effortless; he can only enjoy, with a good conscience, what he has acquired with toil and trouble; he refused to have anything as a gift. — Josef Pieper

Inmost Quotes By Seneca The Younger

We should live as if we were in public view, and think, too, as if someone could peer into the inmost recesses of our hearts-which someone can! — Seneca The Younger

Inmost Quotes By Johann Arndt

For true conversion doth not consist in putting away great and outward sins only, but in descending deeply into your own self, searching into the inmost recesses of the heart, the secrets and closets, all the windings and turnings thereof; changing and renewing them throughout, with the grace that is given you: and so, by faith, you are converted from self-love to Divine love; from the world and all worldly concupiscences, to a spiritual and heavenly life; and from a participation of the pomps and pleasures thereof, to participating the merits and virtues of Christ, by believing his word, and walking in his steps. — Johann Arndt

Inmost Quotes By Ramana Maharshi

If a man considers that he is born, he cannot avoid the fear of death. Let him find out if he has been born or if the Self has any birth. He will discover that the Self always exists, that the body that is born resolves itself into thought and that the emergence of thought is the root of all mischief. Find from where thoughts emerge. Then you will be able to abide in the ever-present inmost Self and be free from the idea of birth or the fear of death. — Ramana Maharshi

Inmost Quotes By Henry David Thoreau

Think of admitting the details of a single case of the criminal court into our thoughts, to stalk profanely through their very sanctum sanctorum for an hour, ay, for many hours! to make a very barroom of the mind's inmost apartment, as if for so long the dust of the street had occupied us,
the very street itself, with all its travel, its bustle, and filth, had passed through our thoughts' shrine! Would it not be an intellectual and moral suicide? — Henry David Thoreau

Inmost Quotes By Franz Kafka

Life is merely terrible; I feel it as few others do. Often - and in my inmost self perhaps all the time - I doubt whether I am a human being. — Franz Kafka

Inmost Quotes By Hermann Hesse

I was given the freedom to discover my own inclination and talents, to fashion my inmost pleasures and sorrows myself and to regard the future not as an alien higher power but as the hope
and product of my own strength. — Hermann Hesse