Famous Quotes & Sayings

Inanition Quotes & Sayings

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Top Inanition Quotes

Inanition Quotes By H.G.Wells

His was a darkness unbroken by a ray of thought or sensation, a dreamless inanition, a vast space of peace. — H.G.Wells

Inanition Quotes By Henry Miller

The city grows like a cancer; I must grow like a sun. The city eats deeper and deeper into the red; it is an insatiable white louse which must die eventually of inanition. I am going to starve the white louse which is eating me up. I am going to die as a city in order to become again a man. Therefore I close my ears, my eyes, my mouth. — Henry Miller

Inanition Quotes By John Ruskin

The repose necessary to all beauty is repose, not of inanition, nor of luxury, nor of irresolution, but the repose of magnificent energy and being; in action, the calmness of trust and determination; in rest, the consciousness of duty accomplished and of victory won; and this repose and this felicity can take place as well in the midst of trial and tempest, as beside the waters of comfort. — John Ruskin

Inanition Quotes By Charlotte Bronte

It is hard work to control the workings of inclination and turn the bent of nature; but that it may be done, I know from experience. God has given us, in a measure, the power to make our own fate: and when our energies seem to demand a sustenance they cannot get
when our will strains after a path we may not follow
we need neither starve from inanition, not stand still in despair: we have but to seek another nourishment for the mind, as strong as the forbidden fruit it longed to taste
and perhaps purer; and to hew out for the adventurous foot a road as direct and broad as the one Fortune has blocked up against us, if rougher than it. — Charlotte Bronte

Inanition Quotes By R.K. Lilley

Where Bianca was I had a right to be. This was the order of the universe. — R.K. Lilley

Inanition Quotes By Gretchen Rubin

Is surprising how soon a desire will die of inanition if it be never fed. — Gretchen Rubin

Inanition Quotes By Lisa Unger

I definitely feel that plot flows from character. I don't believe that you can construct a plot and insert people into it. — Lisa Unger

Inanition Quotes By Marston Bates

The deeper problems connected with advertising come less from the unscrupulousness of our 'deceivers' than from our pleasure in being deceived, less from the desire to seduce than from the desire to be seduced. — Marston Bates

Inanition Quotes By Grenville Kleiser

Do not let trifles disturb your tranquility of mind. The little pin-pricks of daily life when dwelt upon and magnified, may do great damage, but if ignored or dismissed from thought, will disappear from inanition. — Grenville Kleiser

Inanition Quotes By Geoffrey Chaucer

Men love newfangleness. — Geoffrey Chaucer

Inanition Quotes By Charles Caleb Colton

A town, before it can be plundered and, deserted, must first be taken; and in this particular Venus has borrowed a law from her consort Mars. A woman that wishes to retain her suitor must keep him in the trenches; for this is a siege which the besieger never raises for want of supplies, since a feast is more fatal to love than a fast, and a surfeit than a starvation. Inanition may cause it to die a slow death, but repletion always destroys it by a sudden one. — Charles Caleb Colton

Inanition Quotes By Boris Johnson

The Lib Dems are not just empty. They are a void within a vacuum surrounded by a vast inanition. — Boris Johnson

Inanition Quotes By Amir Butler

The reality is that we are hated not because of our democracy, freedoms, and generous social security system; rather, we are hated because of our involvement in foreign conflicts and quarrels that were never our concern. — Amir Butler