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Importance Of Humility Quotes & Sayings

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Top Importance Of Humility Quotes

Importance Of Humility Quotes By Wentworth Miller

I had a brief experience in the food industry. I was a bus boy in a Mexican restaurant in Arizona, scraping re-fried beans off people's plates. It teaches you a bit of humility and the importance of a good deodorant. — Wentworth Miller

Importance Of Humility Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

True greatness demands humility; the journey draws it from your struggling soul. — Richelle E. Goodrich

Importance Of Humility Quotes By Kathleen Norris

To eat in a monastery refectory is an exercise in humility; daily, one is reminded to put communal necessity before individual preference. While consumer culture speaks only to preferences, treating even whims as needs to be granted (and the sooner the better), monastics sense that this pandering to delusions of self-importance weakens the true self, and diminishes our ability to distinguish desires from needs. It's a price they're not willing to pay. — Kathleen Norris

Importance Of Humility Quotes By Christopher West

In Christ, man who made himself God encounters God who made himself man. Unrivaled self-importance and pride encounters unrivaled self-emptying and humility. — Christopher West

Importance Of Humility Quotes By Ken Auletta

The importance of humility. We need the humility to know that truth can be ephemeral, that this can be but one version of the truth. — Ken Auletta

Importance Of Humility Quotes By Frederick Lenz

I must play my role, great or small - that is humility, without self-importance, without self-indulgence. — Frederick Lenz

Importance Of Humility Quotes By David F. Wells

Humility has nothing to do with depreciating ourselves and our gifts in ways we know to be untrue. Even "humble" attitudes can be masks of pride. Humility is that freedom from our self which enables us to be in positions in which we have neither recognition nor importance, neither power nor visibility, and even experience deprivation, and yet have joy and delight. It is the freedom of knowing that we are not in the center of the universe, not even in the center of our own private universe. — David F. Wells

Importance Of Humility Quotes By Eleanor Roosevelt

To appear to be on the inside and know more than others about what is going on is a great temptation for most people. It is a rare person who is willing to seem to know less than he does ... Somehow, people seem to feel that it is belittling to their importance not to know more than other people. — Eleanor Roosevelt

Importance Of Humility Quotes By Dag Hammarskjold

Humility is just as much the opposite of self-abasement as it is of self-exaltation. To be humble is not to make comparisons. Secure in its reality, the self is neither better nor worse, bigger nor smaller, than anything else in the universe. It *is*
is nothing, yet at the same time one with everything. It is in this sense that humility is absolute self-effacement.
To be nothing in the self-effacement of humility, yet, for the sake of the task, to embody its whole weight and importance in your earing, as the one who has been called to undertake it. To give to people, works, poetry, art, what the self can contribute, and to take, simply and freely, what belongs to it by reason of its identity. Praise and blame, the winds of success and adversity, blow over such a life without leaving a trace or upsetting its balance. — Dag Hammarskjold

Importance Of Humility Quotes By Clifton K. Meador

Barnett says he realized several things in that moment: the need for humility, the importance of remembering that each of us can learn from anyone and that the dismissed symptom can be the key. — Clifton K. Meador

Importance Of Humility Quotes By Mike Livingston

You must purge yourself of all thoughts of self-importance, and all inclination to judge either yourself or others. You must go to power with humility and deep respect. — Mike Livingston

Importance Of Humility Quotes By D. A. Carson

This is a point that our generation cannot afford to ignore. Why is it that we constantly parade Christian athletes, media personalities, and pop singers? Why should we think that their opinions or their experiences of grace are of any more significance than those of any other believer? When we tell outsiders about people in our church, do we instantly think of the despised and the lowly who have become Christians, or do we love to impress people with the importance of the men and women who have become Christians? Modern Western evangelicalism is deeply infected with the virus of triumphalism, and the resulting illness destroys humility, minimizes grace, and offers far too much homage to the money and influence and "wisdom" of our day. Paul — D. A. Carson

Importance Of Humility Quotes By Andrew Murray

The call to humility has been too little regarded in the church because its true nature and importance have been too little apprehended. It is not something that we bring to God, or that He bestows; it is simply the sense of entire nothingness that comes when we see how truly God is everything. — Andrew Murray

Importance Of Humility Quotes By Michael R. Fletcher

There's something satisfying to proclaiming humility while knowing just how important you truly are. — Michael R. Fletcher

Importance Of Humility Quotes By Hans Urs Von Balthasar

Hence the importance of patience in the New Testament, which becomes the basic constituent of Christianity, more central even than humility: the power to wait, to persevere, to hold out, to endure to the end, not to transcend one's own limitations, not to force issues by playing the hero or the titan, but to practice the virtue that lies beyond heroism, the meekness of the Lamb which is led. — Hans Urs Von Balthasar

Importance Of Humility Quotes By Matthieu Ricard

Humility does not mean believing oneself to be inferior, but to be freed from self-importance. It is a state of natural simplicity which is in harmony with our true nature and allows us to taste the freshness of the present moment. — Matthieu Ricard

Importance Of Humility Quotes By Stephen L. Carter

Size and elaboration were often mistaken for importance. — Stephen L. Carter

Importance Of Humility Quotes By Azim Premji

In our way of working, we attach a great deal of importance to humility and honesty; With respect for human values, we promise to serve our customers with integrity. — Azim Premji

Importance Of Humility Quotes By Jane Austen

And the respect which he felt for her high rank, and his veneration for her as his patroness, mingling with a very good opinion of himself, of his authority as a clergyman, and his right as a rector, made him altogether a mixture of pride and obsequiousness, self-importance and humility. — Jane Austen

Importance Of Humility Quotes By Julian Of Norwich

Any time we look at our Maker with love, our importance in our own eyes diminishes, and we are filled with awe and humility and love for others. — Julian Of Norwich

Importance Of Humility Quotes By Dean G. Stroud

In this belief system Nazism had replaced hallmarks of Christianity with the qualities of a good Nazi: strength rather than weakness; domination rather than humility; hatred rather than love; dependence on Hitler rather than dependence on Christ, not to mention the importance of blood, race, and soil rather than the sacraments, and a sense of eternity. — Dean G. Stroud

Importance Of Humility Quotes By Jim Bouton

The author emphasizes the importance of self-forgetfulness when his statistics were marred by a bad outing. He forgot all of that outing to such an extent that he quipped, What was my name? — Jim Bouton