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I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes & Sayings

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Top I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Cindy Morgan

I'm a big supporter of the military simply because I'm the daughter of a Polish immigrant who fled Europe during World War II from Poland and lied about his age to join the Army simply because he was proud to be an American. And who isn't? — Cindy Morgan

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Amanda Lovelace

i'm sorry
if i
the daughter
you had
in mind
-i only ever wanted to make you proud- — Amanda Lovelace

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Kate Siegel

My daughter wrote a book. She is a New York Times Bestselling Author. Fabulous. Couldn't be more proud. She also has no health insurance. A 401 K? Dream on! My daughter left her stable corporate job to be a writer without dental benefits or a savings account, a.k.a. my worst nightmare. — Kate Siegel

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Paulo Coelho

Nothing in the world was more important than my daughter's happiness, even though I'd never understood why she always had to choose the most difficult and painful of paths. But a mother doesn't have to understand anything, she simply has to love and protect. And feel proud. Knowing that we could give her almost everything, she nevertheless set off early in search of her independence. She'd had her stumbles and her failures, but she insisted on facing any storms alone. — Paulo Coelho

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Harper Lee

She went to him. "Atticus," she said. "I'm - " "You may be sorry, but I'm proud of you." She looked up and saw her father beaming at her. "What?" "I said I'm proud of you." "I don't understand you. I don't understand men at all and I never will." "Well, I certainly hoped a daughter of mine'd hold her ground for what she thinks is right - stand up to me first of all. — Harper Lee

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Alexis Stewart

I'm proud to be Martha Stewart's daughter. — Alexis Stewart

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Euginia Herlihy

Identity the greatest thing that ever happened to all humanity on earth. Identity the source of knowing who you are and where you come from. Identity the source of understanding yourself and makes you proud to be the person who you are, the daughter, the son of the Most High God. — Euginia Herlihy

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Ivanka Trump

I am a very proud daughter. Obviously to be able to see this transpiring, to watch him achieve so much as a politician - and we're certainly not a family of politicians, and politics is certainly not our family business - it's been amazing. — Ivanka Trump

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Amy Tan

I am ashamed she is ashamed. Because she is my daughter and I am proud of her, and I am her mother but she is not proud of me. — Amy Tan

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Erin Hunter

There was a pause as Leopardstar strained to take a breath, and Mistyfoot half rose, ready to call for help. Then Leopardstar relaxed again. "I am sorry not to have known the joy of having kits. There was a time when I thought it might happen, but it was not to be." Her words faded away as though she was picturing something she had dreamed of long ago. "Perhaps it was for the best. But I would have been proud to call you my daughter, Mistyfoot. — Erin Hunter

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Jennifer Rush

You seem like a strong-minded young woman. You're very beautiful, too. I would have been proud to call you my daughter. — Jennifer Rush

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Johnny Depp

My daughter was asked by a little old lady in a London hotel restaurant what her daddy did. She answered, "He's a pirate" - I was very proud of that answer. — Johnny Depp

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Celeste Ng

She had scooped Lydia up and smoothed her hair and told her how clever she was, how proud her father would be when he came home. But she'd felt as if she'd found a locked door in a familiar room: Lydia, still small enough to cradle, had secrets. Marilyn might feed her and bathe her and coax her legs into pajama pants, but already parts of her life were curtained off. She kissed Lydia's cheek and pulled her close, trying to warm herself against her daughter's small body. — Celeste Ng

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Jan-Philipp Sendker

Yadana marveled at her daughter. Mi Mi knew that. She was proud of the strength and grace with which her Little Snail bore her handicap. And Mi Mi wanted to be strong, if sometimes only not to disappoint her mother. Yet she also longed for moments when she might be weak, when she need not prove anything to anyone. Not to her parents. Not to her brothers. Not to herself. — Jan-Philipp Sendker

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Ivanka Trump

So it's exciting for me to be able to be with him [my father, Donald trump] for major moments and stand by his side, and I'm very proud of him as a daughter and as somebody who's worked beside him for the past decade at The Trump Organization. — Ivanka Trump

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Holly Madison

I want my daughter to be proud of me and look up to me. I think early on in my pregnancy I realized that to be the mom I want to be, I had to change my life, and that's what I'm doing. — Holly Madison

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Neil Gaiman

Sharper than a serpent's tooth is a daughter's ingratitude. Still, the proudest spirits can be broken, with love. — Neil Gaiman

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Dean Karnazes

I've raced on all seven continents at least twice. I've probably run thousands of races. But the single race that I'm most proud is a 10K. Yes, a 10K. I ran it with my daughter on her 10th birthday. — Dean Karnazes

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Farhan Akhtar

Every time I look into the mirror, I want to see a man whose mother, sister, wife and daughter are proud to call their own. — Farhan Akhtar

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Malala Yousafzai

I was born a proud daughter of Pakistan, though like all Swatis I thought of myself first as a Swati and Pashtun, before Pakistani. — Malala Yousafzai

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Jessica Walter

My daughter, I'm proud to say, is senior vice president of ABC Family network. She could hire and fire me. She has hired me, but she has not fired me. — Jessica Walter

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Colin Angle

When my daughter was 3, she was eating Cheerios and spilled some on the table. So she swiped them onto the floor. I said, 'Darcy, what are you doing?' She said: 'Don't worry, Daddy, the robot will get it.' I didn't know whether to be horrified or proud. It was this idea that homes take care of themselves and robots are part of that. — Colin Angle

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Chelsea Clinton

I am so proud and grateful to be my mom's daughter. — Chelsea Clinton

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Haruki Murakami

My parents walked around me on tiptoe, afraid of hurting me. But I knew how disappointed they were. All of a sudden the daughter they had been so proud of was a returnee from a mental hospital. — Haruki Murakami

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Lauren London

I'm a great mother because of my intentions on being a great mother; I'm a good friend because I'm loyal; I'm a good daughter because I've hopefully made my mother proud; I'm a great human being because I accept that there's a spiritual being underneath it all. I've always been a woman of faith. — Lauren London

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Eloisa James

Sophie swallowed, tears rising to her eyes again. It was an odd legacy to hand from mother to daughter: the ability to stand proud among the ruins of one's marriage. — Eloisa James

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Ziauddin Yousafzai

When in many societies, fathers are usually known by their sons, I am one of the few fathers who is known by his daughter, and I'm proud of it. — Ziauddin Yousafzai

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Howard Zinn

Walk the good road, my daughter, and the buffalo herds wide and dark as cloud shadows moving over the prairie will follow you ... Be dutiful, respectful, gentle and modest, my daughter. And proud walking. If the pride and the virtue of the women are lost, the spring will come but the buffalo trails will turn to grass. Be strong, with the warm, strong heart of the earth. No people goes down until their women are weak and dishonored ... — Howard Zinn

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Cissy Houston

I'm very proud of my daughter. She accomplished a whole lot in the short time that she had here ... she was a very wonderful person. — Cissy Houston

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Jodi Picoult

I'm a daughter from a strong man and beautiful mommy, and I'm so proud to be I am. — Jodi Picoult

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Erin Foster

Happiness is about being proud of who you are. Be a good friend, be a good daughter, be reliable, be willing to laugh when things get tough, compliment other girls, care about your job, believe in yourself, be vulnerable, tell the truth, apologize when needed, forgive people ... — Erin Foster

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Wynonna Judd

I am proud that I am a good mother to my children, a good daughter to my mother, a good sister to my sis (Ashley Judd) and a good wife to my new husband. — Wynonna Judd

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Tippi Hedren

I didn't think any amount of money was worth something that would take away what you believed in or what you stood for. I didn't want to do something my parents and daughter couldn't be proud of. — Tippi Hedren

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Ross Kemp

I've always had a lot of time for servicemen. Yet there's been this bad relationship between civilians and the armed services. We say to soldiers, 'We want you when we want you, but stay away in peacetime. We're proud of you, but keep away from my daughter and don't come drinking in my pub.' — Ross Kemp

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Juan Pablo Galavis

I would want to know if, at 15, if my daughter loves me the way she does right now. And if she's proud of me, just because I want to be a good example for her, and seeing her grow and how much she loves Daddy saying 'Daddy, te quiero mucho,' which means 'I like you a lot,' those are the things that melt my heart. — Juan Pablo Galavis

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By William Manchester

Dear John - It will be many years before you understand fully what a great man your father was. His loss is a deep personal tragedy for all of us, but I wanted you particularly to know that I share your grief - You can always be proud of him - Affectionately Lyndon B. Johnson The second was a little longer. Himself the father of two girls, he had been particularly fond of the President's daughter. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Friday Night 7:30 November 22, 1963 Dearest Caroline - Your father's death has been a great tragedy for the Nation, as well as for you, and I wanted you to know how much my thoughts are of you at this time. He was a wise and devoted man. You can always be proud of what he did for his country - Affectionately Lyndon B. Johnson — William Manchester

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Tommy Douglas

I am proud that my daughter believes, as I do, that hungry children should be fed whether they are Black Panthers or White Republicans — Tommy Douglas

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Charlotte Featherstone

She had his dark hair, his lashes, and from the glimpse he had, she bore his eyes, as well. But the shape of her face, a perfect oval, was her mother's. She had Anais's cheeks. Anais's lovely mouth and proud chin. He kissed her chin, feeling the softest of fluttering against his cheek - baby's breath. There was nothing sweeter than the feel of an innocent child's breath against one's cheek - nothing more wondrous than knowing that the baby was your own flesh and blood.
Mina stretched against him, yawning widely and throwing her arms up wide alongside her head. He laughed through his tears and reached for her little fist and brought it to his mouth, kissing her with such love he thought he would die of it. "You will consume me, little Mina, just as your mother has."
-Linsay to his infant daughter. — Charlotte Featherstone

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By PatriciaV. Davis

If I had a daughter, here's what I'd tell her:
One day, when you've worked hard for what you want, when people see that you are confident and intelligent and that you recognize your own self-worth, when you take care of yourself, support yourself, and stand up for yourself, that is the day that the world will call you "a cruel and selfish bitch."
It's a tough title to earn and you should be and proud of it. — PatriciaV. Davis

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Chelsea Clinton

I hope that my children will someday be as proud of me as I am of my mom. I am so grateful to be her daughter. I'm so grateful that she is Charlotte's and Aiden's grandmother. She makes me proud every single day. — Chelsea Clinton

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Fyodor Dostoyevsky

She is here, near my heart again!' he cried. 'Oh Lord, I thank Thee for all, for all, for Thy wrath and for Thy mercy! ... And for Thy sun which is shining upon us again after the storm! For all this minute I thank Thee! Oh, we may be insulted and humiliated, but we're together again, and now the proud and haughty who have insulted and humiliated us may triumph! Let them throw stones at us! Have no fear, Natasha ... We will go hand in hand and I will say to them, 'This is my darling, this is my beloved daughter, my innocent daughter whom you have insulted and humiliated, but whom I love and bless for ever and ever! — Fyodor Dostoyevsky

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Gail Devers

Looking back, I'm so proud to have gone to five Olympics - I believe only three other Americans have achieved that. My true gold medal, though, is my daughter, Karsen, who is 18 months old. And I have a wonderful husband, Mike. — Gail Devers

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Valenciya Lyons

If you were Satan's daughter, he'd be very proud but not proud enough since every evil deed you do fails. — Valenciya Lyons

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By C.S. Lewis

But I want her, I must have her, I shall die if I do not get her - false, proud, black-hearted daughter of a dog that she is! I cannot sleep and my food has no savor and my eyes are darkened because of her beauty. I must have the barbarian queen. — C.S. Lewis

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Lang Leav

The Redwood Tree

My father once told me a story about an old redwood tree - how she stood tall and proud - her sprawling limbs clothed in emerald green. With a smile, he described her as a mere sapling, sheltered by her elders and basking in the safety of the warm, dappled light. But as this tree grew taller, she found herself at the mercy of the cruel wind and the vicious rain. Together, they tore relentlessly at her pretty boughs, until she felt as though her heart would split in two.

After a long, thoughtful pause, my father turned to me and said, "My daughter, one day the same thing will happen to you. And when that time comes, remember the redwood tree. Do not worry about the cruel wind or the vicious rain - but do as that tree did and just keep growing. — Lang Leav

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Susan Ee

I never thought about it before, but I'm proud to be human. We're ever so flawed. We're frail, confused, violent, and we struggle with so many issues. But all in all, I'm proud to be a Daughter of Man. — Susan Ee

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Kendra Wilkinson

I get to teach my daughter what I've learned. I don't want her to feel she has to be a certain way to impress society. If she wants to spit or go play some ball, I'll be so proud, because that's who I am, and that's a real person. — Kendra Wilkinson

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Tahnee Fritz

A father's only dream is to hear his daughter ask to kill some zombies. Go for it, sweetie. Make this old man proud. — Tahnee Fritz

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Brooke Shields

The thing I'm the most proud of in my personal life is that my daughter actually thinks that I'm fabulous. — Brooke Shields

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Mary Ann Mobley

My daughter is one of the associate producers on two shows for Disney. I am really proud of her. — Mary Ann Mobley

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Anita Hill

I work every day to live up to my mother's model. She was a very proud woman. And she really prepared me to go off into the world as a proud daughter. — Anita Hill

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Nicole Kidman

And I am standing in front of my mother, and my whole life I have wanted to make my mother proud. And now I'm going to make my daughter proud. — Nicole Kidman

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Sarah Dessen

I was actually kind of a hot mess in high school. I did a lot of things in high school I'm not proud of. I wasn't a good student and I wasn't particularly a good daughter. I wasn't very engaged. — Sarah Dessen

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Sharad Vivek Sagar

The times today are too dangerous for the young and the smart to be not bothered. Know the truth. Remember, "We can deny the truth. But, we can't avoid it." We have been there; we have all been there. Ask a female friend who is fighting for a better pay scale, ask the father of an immigrant who is nervous about the future of his daughter, ask a gay friend who is fighting for the right to marry, ask an African-American friend who wants her younger brother to be unafraid and proud, ask a homeless worker in Bangladesh whose house just got swept by rising sea levels, ask a young child in Beijing who breathes an air polluted by fossil fuels, ask a child labor in India who works ten hours and twelve hours to get two square meals a day. And, when you ask, you will know. You will know why we need to take it personally. — Sharad Vivek Sagar

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Molly Ivins

When Michael Jackson, a poor black boy who grew up to be a rich, white woman, married Elvis Presley's daughter the Scientologist. Makes you proud to be an American, dudn't it? — Molly Ivins

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Edward Rutherfurd

And Dirk van Dyck the Dutchman realized that he never had been, and never would be, as proud of any child as he was of his elegant little Indian daughter at that moment. — Edward Rutherfurd

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Cindy Crawford

Being on set with my daughter watching her in front of the camera was a fantastic experience. I am so proud of her. — Cindy Crawford

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Larry McMurtry

You should be proud of her. She cracked the wall, and I never thought I'd live to see it cracked."
What are you talking about?" I said. "What wall?"
The one you built around you," Jeannie said. "Don't say it wasn't there. It was there. I tried to crack it but I didn't have the confidence, you know? What happened is, it cracked me, but that's okay, I'm working around my crack pretty well. But you were dying behind your wall, and you're lucky to have a daughter who has the guts to crack it. I hope she smashes it to fucking smithereens and you never have another peaceful day in your whole fucking life, Mr. Deck! — Larry McMurtry

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

Rise to the occasion, my daughter. Never let anyone tell you that you lack courage or conviction to see your tasks done. The only opinion that really matters is your own, and you are a creature of absolute beauty and strength, through and through. Never, ever forget that.
So in the midst of the storm, stand proud against it, lift up your middle finger, and defy the fates with everything you have. If they want to fight, bring it. You have more than enough intelligence and skill to battle them until they beg you for mercy. — Sherrilyn Kenyon

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Kasie West

Aw, I'm like a proud mother bird watching my daughter fly from the nest. Fly, little bird, fly. Oh no! Don't fall. No, that's the ground. Addie, watch out for the ground. Man, tough luck. You'd better come back home. — Kasie West

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By G.A. Aiken

Fearghus watched his mate a moment longer. It had been five years since he last saw her. Five years since he last touched her, kissed her, fucked her, saw her smile, told her to calm down, yanked a weapon from her hands before she hurt someone, or stopped her from getting in a pit brawl with her own daughter. It had been too long since he'd done all that and it was a bit overwhelming to be here now, so close to her after all this time.
Annwyl slammed her spear into another Sovereign, then leaned against it, wiping her brow with the back of her hand and looking out over all the bodies she and her troops had left behind.
She looked rather proud. — G.A. Aiken

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Whitney Houston

I'm proud of being a mother, a wife, a daughter, and a sister, and a lover and a friend We're all God's children. — Whitney Houston

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Seanan McGuire

yeah, my dad was human. He was a good man, and I'm proud to be his daughter. My mother, on the other hand, was Firstborn. So unless you call the First of your race Mommy or Daddy, I think my breeding is better than yours." Verona — Seanan McGuire

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Natalie Angier

My daughter's eggs are silver points of potential energy, the light at the beginning of the tunnel, a near-life experience. Boys don't make sperm - their proud "seed" - until they reach puberty. But my daughter's sex cells, our seed, are already settled upon prenatally, the chromosomes sorted, the potsherds of her parents' histories packed into their little phospholipid baggies. — Natalie Angier

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By George Orwell

Who denounced you?" said Winston. "It was my little daughter," said Parsons with a sort of doleful pride. "She listened at the keyhole. Heard what I was saying, and nipped off to the patrols the very next day. Pretty smart for a nipper of seven, eh? I don't bear her any grudge for it. In fact I'm proud of her. It shows I brought her up in the right spirit, anyway. — George Orwell

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Katie Crouch

And then there's the truth beyond that, sitting like an old rock under green creek water: none of these things matter. Right now, in this moment, we have love. We have it in the sound of my daughter's laugher, in Mom's and Georgia's locked fingers, in the warm pressure of J.T.'s hand. It will leave, and it will come again, and when it does I'll give up everything and take it. Just like an addict. Like dry grass in new rain. It's not something I'm proud of necessarily. Then again, maybe I am. — Katie Crouch

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Brian Andreas

Quiet Pride:
There has never been a day when I have not been proud of you, I said to my daughter, though some days I'm louder about other stuff so it's easy to miss that. — Brian Andreas

I'm Proud Of My Daughter Quotes By Sallyann Phillips

You Tavi," he answered her, putting her mind to rest. "You're his legacy, everything he was, he taught you, passed himself on through you in a father daughter bond. He was very proud of the young woman you've become, and he loved you greatly, he will always live on in your heart. And one day you'll pass on some of what he taught you to others, then he'll continue to live on through them too, that way he'll never be forgotten or truly gone. Every day something you do will remind you of him and you'll remember him with love and affection, that's a great legacy to leave behind Tavi. — Sallyann Phillips