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I'm Just Scared Of Getting Hurt Quotes & Sayings

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Top I'm Just Scared Of Getting Hurt Quotes

I'm Just Scared Of Getting Hurt Quotes By Jonathan Swift

No man was ever so completely skilled in the conduct of life, as not to receive new information from age and experience. — Jonathan Swift

I'm Just Scared Of Getting Hurt Quotes By Elizabeth Scott

Friends. Strange indeed. There's just so much at risk, including my heart and mental stability - which are both still extremely fragile. I'm getting better but my heart still aches for you. I'm also having a hard time dealing with the fear. I don't want to be sad anymore. I don't want to cry, worry, or be scared anymore. I just wish I could feel free and happy again. If I can't talk to you at all, it's unbearable. If I talk to you too much, it's unbearable. It doesn't leave much. I want us both to be happy. I just want everything to be okay for you and me. I don't want anyone else to hurt. I feel like I've hurt enough for everyone. I've cried enough tears to fill everyone's bucket. — Elizabeth Scott

I'm Just Scared Of Getting Hurt Quotes By Brenna Aubrey

You need to sac up, dude. Whenever you put yourself in a serious relationship, you run the risk of getting hurt. It's how it works." "But usually you trust the other person not to do it." He shrugged. "Yeah. And what makes you think she will? Because of last time? You mean when she was scared out of her mind with a life-or-death diagnosis right after breaking up with her boyfriend? You really think that's a time to judge how someone's going to act under more normal circumstances?" I swallowed, suddenly feeling like a dick myself. — Brenna Aubrey

I'm Just Scared Of Getting Hurt Quotes By Don Piper

Myriads of sounds so filled my mind and heart that it's difficult to explain them. The most amazing one, however, was the angels' wings. I didn't see them, but the sound was a beautiful, holy melody with a cadence that seemed never to stop. The swishing resounded as if it was a form of never-ending praise. As I listened I simply knew what it was. A second sound remains, even today, the single, most vivid memory I have of my entire heavenly experience. I call it music, but it differed from anything I had ever heard or ever expect to hear on the earth. The melodies of praise filled the atmosphere. The nonstop intensity and endless variety overwhelmed me. The praise was unending, but the most remarkable thing to me was that hundreds of songs were being sung at the same time - all of them worshiping God. As I approached the large, magnificent gate, I heard them from every direction and realized that each voice praised God. — Don Piper

I'm Just Scared Of Getting Hurt Quotes By Jay Samit

To truly launch a great product, you need partners. Channel and marketing partners share in your success and share in the costs of reaching your target audience. — Jay Samit

I'm Just Scared Of Getting Hurt Quotes By Laurell K. Hamilton

Trust me, Anita, if you get dead, especially if he blames himself in any way, he will be a force of destruction looking for a place to be aimed. And he's blamed himself for introducing you to Olaf here from the get-go. If Olaf did to you what he's done to some of his other victims, Edward would drown the world in blood to erase those images. — Laurell K. Hamilton

I'm Just Scared Of Getting Hurt Quotes By David Kaiser

the earliest battles flared between himself and fellow physicist Leonard Susskind over whether quantum mechanics implied that information could leak out of black holes. — David Kaiser

I'm Just Scared Of Getting Hurt Quotes By Ken Kesey

They don't have to think. Just be afraid naturally and pulling together. Like specks of mercury rolling into the big piece. Like little specks of mercury rolling into bigger specks and then bigger and then just one piece, and nothing to be scared about or hurt about because you're just a piece of a bigger piece getting bigger rolling across the land into an ocean of mercury ... — Ken Kesey

I'm Just Scared Of Getting Hurt Quotes By Margaret Mitchell

I want peace. I want to see if somewhere there isn't something left in life of charm and grace. — Margaret Mitchell

I'm Just Scared Of Getting Hurt Quotes By Dante Hall

No I don't get scared when returning kicks or worry about getting hurt. I have been doing this since childhood so I am used to it. — Dante Hall

I'm Just Scared Of Getting Hurt Quotes By Gavin Extence

I'm saying that death is the easiest thing in the world. It's only dying that's terrible. — Gavin Extence

I'm Just Scared Of Getting Hurt Quotes By Abigail Roux

Cameron tensed. "I suppose there's getting-hurt danger, and then there's the end-up-dead kind of danger," he said shakily.
Julian was silent, his head still lowered as if he was afraid to look up.
Cameron drew his hand back, watching it tremble. "Is this ... this fear, is it what you deal with every day?" It hurt. It scared him to think that Julian might live in fear day in and day out.
"Every day but Friday," Julian answered without pause. — Abigail Roux

I'm Just Scared Of Getting Hurt Quotes By Iyanla Vanzant

No matter how painful your past has been, you have made it through. — Iyanla Vanzant

I'm Just Scared Of Getting Hurt Quotes By Colleen Coble

Thank you, Lord, for never turning me away. For never getting scared, for never lashing out when I hurt you, for always being there with arms wide open, ready to take me back. — Colleen Coble

I'm Just Scared Of Getting Hurt Quotes By Jay Bell

This will happen again," Nathaniel explained. "Even if we manage not to hurt each other, eventually one of us will get sick or get bored, or someone else will get in the way. Maybe they won't mean to. Maybe my mom will need me when she's older and I'll have to go to her - "
"I'd go with you," Kelly offered.
" - or maybe one of us will die young or maybe you'll fall out of love with me because emotions can't be controlled. Or maybe we'll get to a point where we want to hurt each other. I know that's hard to imagine now, but relationships only get more complicated as time goes by."
"So we better avoid them?" Kelly snapped. "Why do you even leave the house? Why aren't you constantly scared of getting hit by a car or shot by some random lunatic?"
Nathaniel exhaled." I never was before. Not until I fell in love with you. — Jay Bell

I'm Just Scared Of Getting Hurt Quotes By Anonymous

In life we come across people who ditch us, break us. But we still continue to trust. We are scared of getting hurt again but we still trust, still share and still open our hearts to them. Why? Why do we trust even after knowing that people change? — Anonymous

I'm Just Scared Of Getting Hurt Quotes By James A. Michener

For this is the journey that men and women make, to find themselves. If they fail in this, it doesn't matter much else what they find. — James A. Michener

I'm Just Scared Of Getting Hurt Quotes By Edward C. Raymer

Help me. Oh God, help me. ... I can't feel anything. But I know I'm hurt bad. I can't move my body and I can't feel my legs. ... I'm scared. Please don't leave me. ... I wish there was some light. I hate the darkness. ... I'm getting sleepy. I don't want to fall asleep. Keep talking to me, will you? — Edward C. Raymer

I'm Just Scared Of Getting Hurt Quotes By Ayrton Senna

Because I believe in God and have faith in God, it doesn't mean I am immortal. It doesn't mean I am immune, as has been claimed. I am as scared as anyone of getting hurt, especially driving a Formula One car. — Ayrton Senna

I'm Just Scared Of Getting Hurt Quotes By Abraham Lincoln

The person who is incapable of making a mistake, is incapable of anything. — Abraham Lincoln

I'm Just Scared Of Getting Hurt Quotes By Corinne Meier

In passion we trust, for passion finds infinity and says that is how many ways I can exist. — Corinne Meier

I'm Just Scared Of Getting Hurt Quotes By Mark Zupan

I'm not scared of getting hurt. I'm not scared of, pretty much, anything. If you live your life scared, what's the fun in living it? If you were scared of getting hit by a car, would you still cross the street? — Mark Zupan

I'm Just Scared Of Getting Hurt Quotes By Jessamine Verzosa

Are you afraid of getting hurt?" I asked.
"I'm scared of what's ahead for the person who will...he'll live for a time without my presence. It makes me think... Will I be able to endure just watching over him from wherever I'll be going? — Jessamine Verzosa

I'm Just Scared Of Getting Hurt Quotes By Sarah Dessen

He glanced over at me. 'Scared? Of Reggie? What, she thinks he might force her to give up caffeine for real or something?'
'No,' I said.
'Of what, then?' he asked.
I paused, only just now realizing that the subject was hitting a little close to home. 'You know, getting hurt. Putting herself out there, opening up to someone.'
'Yeah,' he said, adding some cheese straws to the car, but risk is just part of relationships. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't.'
I picked up a box of cheese straws, examinig it. 'Yeah,' I said. 'But it's not all about chance, either.'
'Meaning what?' he asked, taking the box from me and adding the rest.
'Just that, if you know ahead of time that there might an issue that dooms everything- like, say, you're incredibly controlling and independent, like Harriet- maybe it's better to acknowledge that and not waste your time. Or someone else's. — Sarah Dessen

I'm Just Scared Of Getting Hurt Quotes By PatriciaV. Davis

As women of the western world, we see our sisters in other lands being raped, maimed and even executed simply for trying to exercise the most basic freedoms, such as taking a bus alone or wearing a bright red sweater. And when we look at our own world, we see that it too still lacks equality for the sexes.
It's a terrible thing to go through one's entire lifetime not getting to do all the things we dream of doing just because others say we're not permitted to do them, and to know that they will hurt us if we try.
But far, far worse than that is when there's not a thing or a person outside that's stopping us from living exactly as we wish, but we stop ourselves; internally we do not give ourselves permission, simply because we're too scared of what will happen if we dare. — PatriciaV. Davis