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I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes & Sayings

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Top I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Mitch Albom

What would you give to remember everything? I have this power. I absorb your memories; when you hear me, you relive them. A first dance. A wedding. The song that played when you got the big news. No other talent gives your — Mitch Albom

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Jeanne De Salzmann

There are three forces
of the body, mind and feeling. Unless these are together, equally developed and harmonized, a steady connection cannot be made with a higher force. Everything in the Work is a preparation for that connection. That is the aim of the work. The higher energy wishes to but cannot come down to the level of the body unless one works. Only by working can you fulfill your purpose and participate in the life of the cosmos. This is what can give meaning and significance to your life. — Jeanne De Salzmann

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Barbara Corcoran

I did everything in my power to give my brokers brand identity and clout in the market. I saw my job as parent to build them up and if I took care of them, then they would take care of their customer. — Barbara Corcoran

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Tiffany Reisz

If I came back to you, you would take from me. You would take Nora from me, and I just found her. I'm not giving me up for you. I can't sacrifice so much of myself that there's nothing left to give back to you."
"You promised me forever, Eleanor."
"You can't give me everything any more than I can give you forever."
"I can give you everything. Whatever it takes, I will keep my promise to you. — Tiffany Reisz

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Robert Louis Stevenson

It is better to be a fool than to be dead. It is better to emit a scream in the shape of a theory than to be entirely insensible to the jars and incongruities of life and take everything as it comes in a forlorn stupidity. Some people swallow the universe like a pill; they travel on through the world, like smiling images pushed from behind. For God's sake give me the young man who has brains enough to make a fool of himself! — Robert Louis Stevenson

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Jonathan Safran Foer

And the joys I've felt have not always been joyous. I could have lived differently. When I was your age, my grandfather bought me a ruby bracelet. It as too big for me an would slide up and down my arm. It was almost a necklace. He later told me that he had asked the jeweler make that way. Its size was supposed to be a symbol of his love. More rubies, more love. But I could not wear it comfortably. I could not wear it at all. So here is the point of everything I have been trying to say. IF I were to give a bracelet to you, now, I would measure your wrist twice — Jonathan Safran Foer

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Jake Anderson

Student is #1. If a student comes to me and needs an hour after class of my time, I am going to give him everything without hesitation. — Jake Anderson

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Holly Black

It had worked in the past, being calm, acting as though everything were normal. She hoped it would work again. "Gavriel, we have to go. Stop being so scary."
At that, he looked over and smiled again, spinning Midnight in his arms as if they'd been dancing. Winter caught her and held her upright.
"I can wait a little longer," Gavriel said. "A very little longer."
"The car keys," Tana demanded, holding out a trembling hand. He fished in his pockets - an utterly normal gesture - then dropped them into her palm ceremoniously. She picked up the bag of cash and jewels from beside the hood of the car, shoving it into her purse.
"I won't always obey you," he said softly. "One night you will ask me for something I cannot give."
She'd started to relax, but his words sent a fresh spike of terror up her spine. — Holly Black

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Walter Mosley

Love, as the poet says, is like the spring. It grows on you and seduces you slowly and gently, but it holds tight like the roots of a tree. You don't know until you're ready to go that you can't move, that you would have to mutilate yourself in order to be free. That's the feeling. It doesn't last, at least it doesn't have to. But it holds on like a steel claw in your chest. Even if the tree dies, the roots cling to you. I've seen men and women give up everything for love that once was. — Walter Mosley

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Ashlan Thomas

I love you, my Abby, above all else, know this. I would give up everything for a life together. Heaven could never compare to you. — Ashlan Thomas

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Rachel Van Dyken

One day ... " Gabe whispered. "When my heart is mine again. When I'm not sharing it with a dying girl ... I'll give you everything."
"Gabe," I said, sighing. "Right now? I'm perfectly happy with the pieces. No matter how broken they may be. — Rachel Van Dyken

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Serena Williams

I've thought it would be cool to have a baby young. You know, be my road dog - like my dogs, they travel the world - but there's always something you have to give up for success. Everything comes at a cost. Just what are you willing to pay for it? — Serena Williams

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Rani Mukerji

As a child, I remember I always wanted to make my parents happy and give them everything in their lives. — Rani Mukerji

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Katie McGarry

What if there's another fire? You're not going to be there to save me."
"I'll always save you." Because I would. I'd move heaven and earth. I'd willingly walk into hell and stay there. I'd give up anything and everything for him. — Katie McGarry

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Brooke Langton

Simple formula for the actor: prove you're creative enough to get the job, sane enough to keep the job, and hungry enough to give up everything else to keep them happy. — Brooke Langton

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Charles Koch

Everything I give, pretty much, is public. Not every donor wants to - or is willing to get the kind of abuse and attacks that we do, or death threats, so they're not willing to have their names out. I think the other side is pushing for that because they want to intimidate people so they won't oppose it. — Charles Koch

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Pema Chodron

we have the incredible fortune of living alongside wise men and women from many traditions who give us these kinds of messages over and over again: "Look at your mind. Be curious. Welcome groundlessness. Lighten up and relax. Offer chaos a cup of tea. Let go of 'us and them.' Don't turn away. Everything you do and think affects everyone else on the planet. Let the pain of the world touch you and cause your compassion to blossom. And never give up on yourself." I — Pema Chodron

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Ted Chiang

At that stage of your life, there'll be no past or future for you; until I give you my breast, you'll have no memory of contentment in the past nor expectation of relief in the future. Once you begin nursing, everything will be in reverse, and all will be right with the world. NOW is the only moment you'll perceive; you'll live in the present tense. In many ways, it's an enviable state. — Ted Chiang

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Gena Showalter

I didn't ask you to give up anything for me," she told him, "but I would have given up everything for you." The war is over, and I have lost. War. Ha! As if she could have fought a dead woman. The battle had been over before it began. "Until the end of forever, Layel." -DELILAH — Gena Showalter

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Albert Camus

What really counted was the possibility of escape, a leap of freedom, out of the implacable ritual, a wild run for it that would give whatever chance for hope there was. Of course, hope meant being cut down on some street corner, as you ran like mad, by a random bullet. But when I really thought it through, nothing was going to allow me such a luxury. Everything was against it; I would just be caught up in the machinery again. — Albert Camus

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Lynn Raye Harris

Why is everything an argument with you?"
For some reason, that made her smile. "You like it that way and you know it. What would you do with someone who obeyed every command you gave her?"
He snorted. "I'd give her a lot of filthy commands that she could fulfill."
"Really? You're the one who mentioned this theoretical woman obeying all my commands."
"Oh, for fuck's sake, I'll sleep first," she grumbled, crawling in the back just to shut him up . Next thing, he'd be telling her what those commands would be - and she didn't need to hear it. — Lynn Raye Harris

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Jose Saramago

Be useful, that's all you ever say to me. But how can I be useful?" "That's something you have to discover for yourself, like everything else in life. No one can give you advice about that. I'd really like to
if I thought it would do any good." "And I'd like to know what you really mean." Silvestri smiled. "Don't worry. All I mean is that we won't become what we are meant to be in life by listening to other people's words or advice. We have to feel in our own flesh the wound that will make us into proper men. Then it's up to us to act ... — Jose Saramago

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Nina Ardianti

I would give up everything I have, give up all of my dreams, and taking the responsibility to make you safe by making a safety net. Only for you. Karena aku yakin, you are the one. — Nina Ardianti

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Auliq Ice

Everything started as nothing. — Auliq Ice

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Marissa Meyer

It's me, it's been me all along and I might have saved your life, but I would be nothing if it wasn't for you. I would be just another mech-droid and I wouldn't know what's like to love someone so much I would give up everything for them. — Marissa Meyer

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Karina Halle

I'd give her up for you," I tell her, staring at her relentlessly until she's forced to meet my eyes again, if just for a second. "I'd give up everything for you. — Karina Halle

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Jessica Zafra

Why do people put off travel until retirement? What are they saving it for? I understand that people want to be financially secure first, and pay off pension plans, but why consign the most active years of your life to drudgery? Why would you sacrifice today's freedom for a future that will always remain uncertain, no matter how carefully you plan for it? I'm not saying that everyone sitting in an office right this minute should drop everything and take off for Central Europe. I'm saying that if you want to see the world, plan for it and do it as soon as possible. The experience will give you the inspiration and fortitude you need to survive being a grown up. — Jessica Zafra

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Thomas A Kempis

Don't think so much about who is for or against you, rather give all your care, that God be with you in everything you do. — Thomas A Kempis

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Megan Miranda

There was a small part of me that was still childish, stubborn in her hope, thinking I could somehow have everything.

...That I could be all the versions of me, stacked inside one another, and find someone who would want them all. But that's childhood. Before you realize that every step is a choice. That something must be given up for something to be gained. Everything on a scale, a weighing of desires, an ordering of which you want more--and what you'd be willing to give for it. — Megan Miranda

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Carl Sagan

In a complex universe, in a society undergoing unprecedented change, how can we find the truth if we are not willing to question everything and to give a fair hearing to everything? — Carl Sagan

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Michael Thomas Ford

I'm not even sure I want kids, by the way, even if I'm not the one who has to be pregnant. It seems too risky. I mean, what if you end up with a kid that's just plain bad? Or stupid? It's not like you can give it away or put it in a garage sale or something. You're pretty much stuck with it for a long time.
I know now they have all these tests they can do so you can find out if your kid has three arms or is retarded or whatever, but you can't test for everything. You can't test for crazy, for example, or for bad taste in music and clothes and stuff. You can't know if your kid is going to be someone you would actually want to have hanging around. You just have to take your chances. That seems like a pretty big gamble to me. — Michael Thomas Ford

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Michael Franti

You get everything you could have ever wished for if you're willing to give that eternal bliss away to somebody else, to give it back. — Michael Franti

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Tiffany Reisz

I wish I could give you everything you wanted. But even a good gift is a bad gift if given at the wrong time. — Tiffany Reisz

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Lauren Blakely

Just remember this, for what it's worth. I adore you. Absolutely, completely, with everything I have. I will give you everything, all my heart, all my love, anything you want. You mean more to me than I ever imagined. Being without you is hell. — Lauren Blakely

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By David Howarth

...But he had great faith in the idea that if you are ready to give up everything to the solution of any problem, you will always find an answer. — David Howarth

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Skandar Keynes

When it's all over I won't miss the bruises he gave me to impress girls, or the occasional scar which will give me a story to tell my grandchildren, but I'll definitely miss the pranks and the laughing and all the making fun of each other. I'll miss the funky advice he gives me about everything
football, girls, video games, clothes. Most of all, I'll miss having an older brother. — Skandar Keynes

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Karen Witemeyer

I'm not Dead-Eye Dan. I gave up chasin' bounties and don't plan on ever goin' back. I ain't a dime-novel hero, but I'm steady, I work hard, and I'll do my best to give you the life you deserve." Etta opened her mouth, but he shook his head at her, needing to get everything said at once. "I know I'm a good deal older than you, twelve years by my count, and most young ladies would probably wish for someone younger, less tarnished. I've seen a lot of ugliness in this life, Etta. I won't lie to you about that. I'm rather set in my ways and opinionated about how things oughta be done, but I'd like to think that God gave me some wisdom over the years, too. Wisdom that will help me be the husband and father I want to be, one who will lead his family in a way that honors the Lord." Dan — Karen Witemeyer

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Amanda Quick

Once Smith had you, he would most likely have tried to negotiate for the lamp."
Everything inside her warmed gently. "You'd give up the lamp if you thought my life depended on it?"
"Without a second thought."
"Oh, Griffin, I'm truly touched. I know how important the lamp is to you."
"And then I'd slit the bastard's throat."
She groaned and rested her forehead on her knees. "Two birds with one lamp. Who says a crime lord can't be a romantic at heart? — Amanda Quick

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Lang Leav

The truth is, everyone wants to believe they're in love but no one really is. So to all the girls out there who are stuck between two minds about some stupid crush, I have news for you. If you have to wonder, if you have to question what you feel, then deep down you actually don't give a shit. As for the rest of you who do get it, welcome to the club. If you know what it's like to want someone so much you would kill for them. If you know what it's like to feel someone so deep under your skin you would sacrifice everything to protect them - even if it screws up your own moral compass so you can't see right from wrong. If you're like me, then let me leave you with this: That's what love is. Don't let them tell you any different. Don't tell yourself otherwise. — Lang Leav

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Lisa Kessler

I would move mountains for you." His gaze held hers. "I would capture the stars just to see you smile. And I would give up everything in this world to keep you safe. This defies all that I have ever believed about myself. — Lisa Kessler

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Meghan Daum

For so long, maybe all my life, I thought only a house could make you whole. I thought I was nothing without an interesting address. I thought I was only as good as my color scheme, my drawer pulls, my floors ... it's the knowledge that a house can be as fragile as life itself. You'd think it would be stronger, since it can stand in one spot for centuries while generations of humans run through tis rooms, grow up, move out, and eventually die. But a house is an inherently limited entity. It can't do everything, or even most things. I t cannot give you a personality. It cannot bring you love. It cannot cure loneliness. It can provide comfort, safety, a sense of pride
that much I know. — Meghan Daum

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Hiroko Sakai

If somebody's getting depressed in life, I would say, Look at me'. I've got here believing in me. Sometimes, things do not go as you expected and you could feel as if you were ruining everything. But Everything can be only the path to get to the success of your dream. You can not fail until you give up. As long as you keep going, you are on the path for your success. — Hiroko Sakai

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Deanna Raybourn

I would give up everything for you, Giulia"
I smiled at him gently. "But you must understand. I should never want a man to give up anything for me. I should want him to feel in winning me he has won the whole world ... — Deanna Raybourn

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Elana Meyers

View a stumbling block as a learning opportunity. If you allow it to defeat you, it will. Honestly, if I give everything I have, I can't be disappointed with the outcome. — Elana Meyers

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Lindsay Lohan

You shouldn't have to give things up for someone. If you love them someone, you should love them for everything they do and all that they are. I love acting and I wouldn't give it up for anything, and I don't know anyone in my life who would ask me to give it up. — Lindsay Lohan

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Sarah McLachlan

I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and I want to give 100 percent to everything. — Sarah McLachlan

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By David Lipsky

DFW: I think there are different people on the page than in real life. I do six to eight drafts of everything that I do. Um, I am probably not the smartest writer going. But I also
and I know, OK, this is gonna fit right into the persona
I work really really hard. I'm really
you give me twenty-four hours? If we'd done this interview through the mail? I could be really really really smart. I'm not all that fast. And I'm really self-conscious. And I get confused really easily. When I'm in a room by myself alone, and have enough time, I can be really really smart. And people are different that way. You know what I mean? I may not
I don't think I'm quite as smart, one-on-one with people, when I'm self-conscious, and I'm really really confused. And it's like, My dream would be for you to write this up, and then to send it to me, and I get to rewrite all my quotes to you. Which of course you'll never do ... — David Lipsky

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Elizabeth George Speare

Daniel, he said. I would have you follow me.
Master! ... I will fight for you to the end!.
My loyal friend, he said, I would ask something much harder than that. Would you love for me to the end?
... I don't understand, he said again, You tell people about the kingdom. Are we not to fight for it?
The kingdom is only bought at a great price, Jesus said. There was one who came just yesterday and wanted to follow me. He was very rich, and when I asked him to give up his wealth, he went away.
I will give you everything I have!
... Riches are not keeping you from the kingdom, he said. You must give up your hate. — Elizabeth George Speare

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Catherine Gayle

Meaning I want to put words to it. I want to give it a name. I'm not okay with kissing you and holding you, being by your side for all the things a boyfriend would be there for, without it being understood in no uncertain terms that that's what I am to you. I wan us to be a couple. I want to be by your side though everything that's coming, to hold your hand when you're scared and pick you up when you're weak. I want to know that you're not going to run to some other asshole when we disagree or when I try to make sure you do what we both know is the best for you. I wan you to run to me, even if I piss you off. Because I will piss you off. Because I love you. And because you love me. And because I can't go one more day without being able to tell you that as often as it comes to mind, which is about a dozen times a minute. - Jamie Babcock — Catherine Gayle

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Nikki Rowe

I think people give up, because it's the easy option, but my goodness; why would giving up be easy? Your living your life chasing anything to fill the void of what came about when you let go of everything that mattered? I'd rather fight like mad, for everything that will ever matter, because giving in to anything that doesn't will never cure the dream. — Nikki Rowe

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Rachel Bloom

We're told all the time to give up everything for love. That's the Western notion of what love is - love conquers all, all you need is love. And there are so many different kinds of outside, conflicting pressures on women. — Rachel Bloom

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Leonhard Euler

I soon found an opportunity to be introduced to a famous professor Johann Bernoulli ... True, he was very busy and so refused flatly to give me private lessons; but he gave me much more valuable advice to start reading more difficult mathematical books on my own and to study them as diligently as I could; if I came across some obstacle or difficulty, I was given permission to visit him freely every Sunday afternoon and he kindly explained to me everything I could not understand ... — Leonhard Euler

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Megan Whalen Turner

I cut off your hand. I have been living with your grief and your rage and your pain ever since. I don't think-I don't think I had felt anything for a long time before that, but those emotions at least were familiar to me. Love I am not familiar with. I didn't recognize that feeling until I thought I had lost you in Ephrata. And when I thought I was losing you a second time, I realized I would give up anything to keep you-my lip service to other gods, but my pride, too, and my rage at all gods, everything for you. — Megan Whalen Turner

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By K. Valisumbra

It will change everything. We won't need governments and corporations. The very concepts our economic and social systems are based on: money, wealth, privilege, will be meaningless. What use is money when everyone can build everything they need?'...
'These are people who've spent their whole lives fighting their way to the top and you're just going to tell them that there is no top anymore?... it's you that doesn't understand: they only care about material things as status symbols, to show that they're better than everyone else, that they've beaten everyone else, that's what drives them. They'll never give that up. — K. Valisumbra

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Steven Pressfield

The Bhagavad-Gita tells us we have a right only to our labor, not to the fruits of our labor. All the warrior can give is his life; all the athlete can do is leave everything on the field. — Steven Pressfield

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By George Carlin

The things they don't tell you in schools these days, geez. Have a look at your owners. The politicians are put there to give you the idea you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice; you have owners. They own you. They own everything. — George Carlin

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Adrienne Wilder

Why?" His question was almost buried by my heavy breathing.
I think I understood the question now. I could only hope I had the right answer. If there was one.
"Because I want to trust, be trusted. I want someone I can count on, someone who can count on me. I want somewhere safe. I want a home. But that can only happen if I'm with you."
"I'm never going to be like other men, Grant."
I wasn't sure what he meant until I turned enough to see his expression. The knowledge in his eyes spoke of those places he looked into. The windows or portals he disappeared into when he followed the light.
"I can give you what I have, but I can never give you everything." It wasn't Morgan didn't want to, he couldn't. I could see that too. He could never give me all of himself because he didn't control everything he had.
Could I live with that? — Adrienne Wilder

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Ashton Kutcher

When it comes to love, everyone wants to receive it, but at the end of the day, you don't get to receive it until you start to give it. That goes for everything. What you give is what you receive. If you want the drug, you have to give the drug. — Ashton Kutcher

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Jonathan Safran Foer

I know a lot about birds and bees, but I don't know very much about the birds and the bees. Everything I do know I had to teach myself on the Internet, because I don't have anyone to ask. For example, I know that you give someone a blowjob by putting your penis in their mouth. — Jonathan Safran Foer

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Anthony Liccione

To save face, it's better not to ask sex from the ex, but to give everything the axe. — Anthony Liccione

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Louise Hay

That's the way life works: gratitude and appreciation just bring more goodness. Remember: Everything we give out comes back. Gratitude has all sorts of little, surprising rewards. — Louise Hay

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Charles Dickens

Was a fundamental principle of the Gradgrind philosophy that everything was to be paid for. Nobody was ever on any account to give anybody anything, or render anybody help without purchase. Gratitude was to be abolished, and the virtues springing from it were not to be. Every inch of the existence of mankind, from birth to death, was to be a bargain across a counter. And if we didn't get to Heaven that way, it was not a politico-economical place, and we had no business there. — Charles Dickens

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Zhang Xin

It is worthwhile to engage in something that is close to one's heart. I had a scholarship. So if I donate money to give brilliant Chinese students an opportunity to study abroad, then this embodies everything I believe in: education, globalization, social mobility. I am an example of social mobility. — Zhang Xin

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By John Steinbeck

His reaction to the idea was not simple. He felt a great warmth that they should want to give him a party and at the same time he quaked inwardly remembering the last one they had given.
Now everything fell into place-Mack's question and the silences when he was about. He thought of it a lot that night sitting beside his desk. He glanced about considering what things would have to be locked up. He knew the party was going to cost him plenty. — John Steinbeck

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Shaquille O'Neal

We want stuff done right. As long as it's my team, I'll voice my opinion. Yep, it's my team. You media guys might give it to him, like you've given him everything else his whole lifetime, but this is the Diesel's ship. And if we're not right, I'm going to go out there and try to get it right ... Just ask Karl and Garywhy they wanted to come here. It was because of one person, not two. One. — Shaquille O'Neal

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Carrie Brownstein

Entitlement is a precarious place from which to create or perform - it projects the idea that you have nothing to prove, nothing to claim, nothing to show but self-satisfaction, a smug boredom. It breeds ambivalence. It's as if instead of having to prove they are something, these musicians prove they aren't anything. It's an inverted dynamic, one that sets performers up to fail, but also gives them a false sense of having already arrived. I don't understand how someone would not push, challenge, or at least be present, how anyone could get onstage and not give everything. — Carrie Brownstein

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Charlotte Stein

I can't just live here, Van. I can't. You know I can't. What would I contribute? What can I give to you? I - "
"You give me everything."
"Please don't say that."
"Why not? It's true. I don't even laugh for anyone but you. — Charlotte Stein

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Chris Bosh

It's a luxury to play. I get to play basketball for a living. I'm a lucky guy and I'm thankful for everything I have and what I get to do. I realize how many people would give their left foot to just play one game in the NBA. This is the NBA! — Chris Bosh

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

They make life unnecessarily difficult for themselves by looking for deep thoughts and ideas everywhere and putting them into everything. just have the courage to
give yourself up to first impressions..don't think all the time that
everything must be pointless if it lacks an abstract thought or idea — Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Jasper Johns

To be an artist you have to give up everything, including the desire to be a good artist. — Jasper Johns

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Anna Akhmatova

And you know, I agree to everything:
I will condemn, I will forget, I will give comfort to the enemy,
Darkness will be light and sin lovely. — Anna Akhmatova

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Mikhail Bulgakov

Never ask for anything! Never for anything, and especially from those who are stronger than you. They'll make the offer themselves, and give everything themselves. — Mikhail Bulgakov

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Sunday Adelaja

Be prepared to die to self and to give up everything for the Gospel's sake, even to give up the most precious thing you have, your life. — Sunday Adelaja

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Friedrich Nietzsche

We, however, want to become those we are
human beings who are new, unique, incomparable, who give themselves laws, who create themselves. To that end we must become the best learners and discoverers of everything that is lawful and necessary in the world: we must become physicists in order to be able to be creators in this sense
while hitherto all valuations and ideals have been based on ignorance of physics or were constructed so as to contradict it. Therefore: long live physics! And even more so that which compels us to turn to physics
our honesty! — Friedrich Nietzsche

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Daya Kudari

Life takes everything from you - to give you everything. — Daya Kudari

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Rob Dyrdek

No one is going to give it to you. Spend everyday getting better and focus on that which you can control, let everything else fall into place. You can't stay focused on what you can get from success, but rather focus on becoming successful! — Rob Dyrdek

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Paul Auster

You realize now that she turned to you as a form of consolation, to give her life a meaning and a purpose it was otherwise lacking. You were the beneficiary of her unhappiness, and you were well loved, especially well loved, without question deeply loved. That first of all, that above and beyond everything else there might be to say: she was an ardent and dedicated mother to you during your infancy and early childhood, and whatever is good in you now, whatever strengths you might possess, come from that time before you can remember who you were. — Paul Auster

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Stirling Moss

I was taught that everything is attainable if you are prepared to give up, to sacrifice, to get it. Whatever you want to do, you can do it, if you want it badly enough, and I do believe that. I believe that if I wanted to run a mile is four minutes I could do it. I would have to give up everything else in my life, but I could run a mile in four minutes. I believe that if a man wanted to walk on water and was prepared to give up everything else in life, he could do that. — Stirling Moss

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Evangeline Lilly

I love to write. I write everything across the board - kids' stories and novels and scripts. I actually would like to give that a go; I'd like to try to be a writer. — Evangeline Lilly

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Gary Owen

Everything I do, I go to black people. If I have a problem at the airport, I'll go to the black ticket agent. I hope they notice me because I'll get better service. If I'm at a restaurant, I look for the black waiter. Rent-a-Car, give you the upgrade. — Gary Owen

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By David Foster Wallace

If you're subjected to enough great salesmen and salespitches and marketing concepts for long enough - like from your earliest Saturday-morning cartoons, let's say - it is only a matter of time before you start believing deep down that everything is sales and marketing, and that whenever somebody seems like they care about you or about some noble idea or cause, that person is really a salesman and really ultimately doesn't give a shit about you or some cause but really just wants something for himself. — David Foster Wallace

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Shinzo Abe

I have experienced failure as a politician and for that very reason, I am ready to give everything for Japan. — Shinzo Abe

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Laird Koenig

Giving and taking comfort in everything they could give and take, every part of them sought to make themselves one till it was impossible for either to know the comforter from the one being comforted. — Laird Koenig

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Roger Pilon

Madison understood that if you want to protect rights from government abuse, you would be wise not to give government the power in the first place that can be used to abuse rights. That is a lesson we have forgotten. As we have asked government to do more and more for us, we have forgotten that a government big enough to give us everything we want will be powerful enough to take everything we have. — Roger Pilon

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Che Ahn

But if we abide in Him and He abides in us, we will bear much fruit in oneness with other believers. He will give us the glory to come into unity. And when we receive love from God, we will be able to love others as He loves us. This twofold unity - with the triune God and with each other - is the key to evangelism. Indeed, our intimacy with God has everything to do with His great harvest. Jesus said, "May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me" (John 17:23, emphasis mine). It is through our oneness with God and His people that His glory is revealed through us, leading the world to believe in Him. — Che Ahn

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Eileen Dreyer

But Miss Ferguson preferred science over penmanship. Philosophy over etiquette. And, dear heavens preserve them all, mathematics over everything. Not simply numbering that could see a wife through her household accounts. Algebra. Geometry. Indecipherable equations made up of unrecognizable symbols that meant nothing to anyone but the chit herself. It was enough to give Miss Chase hives.

The girl wasn't even saved by having any proper feminine skills. She could not tat or sing or draw. Her needlework was execrable, and her Italian worse. In fact, her only skills were completely unacceptable, as no one wanted a wife who could speak German, discuss physics, or bring down more pheasant than her husband. — Eileen Dreyer

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By Neil Gaiman

Is what how it is for me?" "Do you still know everything, all the time?" She shook her head. She didn't smile. She said, "Be boring, knowing everything. You have to give all that stuff up if you're going to muck about here." "So you used to know everything?" She wrinkled her nose. "Everybody did. I told you. It's nothing special, knowing how things work. And you really do have to give it all up if you want to play." "To play what?" "This, — Neil Gaiman

I Would Give Up Everything For You Quotes By J.A. London

The vampires took everything from me, but I'm looking into the eyes of one who has the power to give me back a reason to live, who can heal my gaping hole of sorrow. — J.A. London