Famous Quotes & Sayings

I Miss My Single Life Quotes & Sayings

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Top I Miss My Single Life Quotes

I Miss My Single Life Quotes By Brian Krans

The idea that property has overcome our personalities is the single reason we'll miss the best part of our lives. It's people, not possessions that make our lives worth living. — Brian Krans

I Miss My Single Life Quotes By Rachel Brathen

Life is made up of a collection of moments that are not ours to keep. The pain we encounter throughout our days spent on this earth comes from the illusion that some moments can be held onto. Clinging to people and experiences that were never ours in the first place is what causes us to miss out on the beauty of the miracle that is the now. All of this is yours, yet none of it is. How could it be? Look around you. Everything is fleeting.

To love and let go, love and let go, love and let go...it's the single most important thing we can learn in this lifetime. — Rachel Brathen

I Miss My Single Life Quotes By Yuval Noah Harari

The heated debates about Homo sapiens' 'natural way of life' miss the main point. Ever since the Cognitive Revolution, there hasn't been a single natural way of life for Sapiens. There are only cultural choices, from among a bewildering palette of possibilities. — Yuval Noah Harari

I Miss My Single Life Quotes By Alberto Rosas

If life is a waltz then we need to enjoy each turn, savor each step, and not miss out on a single beat. — Alberto Rosas

I Miss My Single Life Quotes By Quentin Crisp

If Mr. Vincent Price were to be co-starred with Miss Bette Davis in a story by Mr. Edgar Allan Poe directed by Mr. Roger Corman, it could not fully express the pent-up violence and depravity of a single day in the life of the average family. — Quentin Crisp

I Miss My Single Life Quotes By Cassia Leo

Maybe espresso is one of those universal words because it's a little like life. You have to enjoy life slowly, savoring every single moment so you don't miss anything important. Like your brother's despair and your own self-destruction. Like surprise honeymoons and your kids growing up before your very eyes.
Slow down, pay attention, and drink it in. And don't forget to share it with the ones you love. — Cassia Leo

I Miss My Single Life Quotes By John Green

He wanted her to call; he wanted her to miss him; but as it turned out, he was okay. He'd never found single life so interesting before. — John Green

I Miss My Single Life Quotes By Mphezulu Xetho Dainamyk

I will once again keep my eyes open to the changes so that I won't miss even a single spec of chance. Life is possible, believe it, LIFE'S POSSIBLE! — Mphezulu Xetho Dainamyk

I Miss My Single Life Quotes By Robert Bly

AGAPE Today no one has come to inquire, nor have they wanted anything from me this afternoon. I have not seen a single cemetery flower in so happy a procession of lights. Forgive me, Lord! I have died so little! This afternoon everyone, everyone goes by without asking or begging me anything. And I do not know what it is they forget, and it is heavy in my hands like something stolen. I have come to the door, and I want to shout at everyone: - If you miss something, here it is! Because in all the afternoons of this life, I do not know how many doors are slammed on a face, and my soul takes something that belongs to another. Today nobody has come ; and today I have died so little in the afternoon! Translated by John Knoepfle — Robert Bly

I Miss My Single Life Quotes By James Redfield

The reality of the Life Review is becoming part of our every day understanding. We know that after death, we have to look at our lives again; and we're going to agonize over every missed opportunity, over every case in which we failed to act. This knowledge is contributing to our determination to pursue every intuitive image that comes to mind, and keep it firmly in awareness. We're living life in a more deliberate way. We don't want to miss a single important event. We don't want the pain of looking back later and realizing that we blew it, that we failed to make the right decisions. — James Redfield

I Miss My Single Life Quotes By LL Cool J

There's a lot of single black women who did the best that they could and that's a beautiful thing, but they don't know how necessary a father is in a kid's life and how much guys miss that deep down inside. — LL Cool J

I Miss My Single Life Quotes By Marcus Sedgwick

Edward looks wistfully at Mat, and while the girls are pretty, Nancy particularly, it is Mat who thinks about the most, because he wished he'd been more like Mat when he was young.
If he'd been more like Mat, more confident, maybe he wouldn't have missed his chances in life, chances that sometimes only came along once. Sometimes there are single moments, he thinks, where your path divides, your life can go one way, so very different from another. Work out well, rather than be a failure. And if you miss those chances, he thinks, well, is that it? — Marcus Sedgwick

I Miss My Single Life Quotes By Paulo Coelho

When desire is still in this pure state, the man and the woman fall in love with life, they live
each moment reverently, consciously, always ready to celebrate the next blessing.
When people feel like this, they are not in a hurry, they
do not precipitate events with unthinking actions. They know that the inevitable will happen,
that what is real always
finds a way of revealing itself. When the moment comes, they
do not hesitate, they do not miss an opportunity, they do not let slip a single magic moment,
because they respect the importance of each second. — Paulo Coelho

I Miss My Single Life Quotes By Greg Anderson

Medicine, academia, politics, social philosophy, capitalism, even religion all consistently miss the mark.
If we base our lives on their precepts, we, too, will miss the mark of our highest calling. The greatest pursuit is not good health, unsurpassed wisdom, economic surplus, political freedom, or even faith that can move mountains.
Unconditional, nonjudgmental loving. This is our aim, life's single highest and most rewarding pursuit. — Greg Anderson

I Miss My Single Life Quotes By Richard Wright

In all my life - though surrounded by many people - I had not had a single satisfying, sustained relationship with another human being and, not having had any, I did not miss it. I made no demands whatever upon others. — Richard Wright

I Miss My Single Life Quotes By Santonu Kumar Dhar

It's your life, you can do
whatever you want. But for a
single mistake you may have to
suffer a lot in your life. You'll
never get back same time and same
opportunities again in life once
you miss them. #Life of Love - the film — Santonu Kumar Dhar

I Miss My Single Life Quotes By Liane Moriarty

He knew how the audition was going to affect their lives for the next ten weeks as she slowly lost her mind from nerves and the strain of trying to scrounge precious practice time from an already jam-packed life. No matter how much time poor Sam gave her, it would never be quite enough, because what she actually needed was for him and the kids to just temporarily not exist. She needed to slip into another dimension where she was a single, childless person. Just between now and the audition. She needed to go to a mountain chalet (somewhere with good acoustics) and live and breathe nothing but music. Go for walks. Meditate. Eat well. Do all those positive-visualization exercises young musicians did these days. She had an awful suspicion that if she were to do this in reality, she might not even miss Sam and the children that much, or if she did miss them, it would be quite bearable. — Liane Moriarty

I Miss My Single Life Quotes By James Hilton

When you grow older you miss that eagerness; life may be happy, you may have health and wealth and love and success, but the odds are that you never look forward as you once did to a single golden day. You never count the hours to it, you never see some moment ahead beckoning like a goddess across a fourth dimension. — James Hilton

I Miss My Single Life Quotes By Val McDermid

I failed her. And she's out of my life. I don't even know where she's living. What she's doing to get through the days. And I miss her. Every single day, I miss her. — Val McDermid