I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes & Sayings
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Top I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes
![I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Natalie Lloyd I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Natalie Lloyd](https://quotessayings.net/pics/i-love-you-more-with-each-passing-day-quote-by-natalie-lloyd-721388.jpg)
It's so weird how life is so full of moving around
people coming and going, people passing by each other all day long. You never know which person's going to steal your heart. You never know which is going to settle your soul. All you can do is look. And hope. And believe. — Natalie Lloyd
![I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Edmund Spenser I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Edmund Spenser](https://quotessayings.net/pics/i-love-you-more-with-each-passing-day-quote-by-edmund-spenser-1287663.jpg)
The whiles some one did chaunt this louely lay;
Ah see, who so faire thing doest faine to see,
In springing flowre the image of thy day;
Ah see the Virgin Rose, how sweetly shee
Doth first peepe forth with bashfull modestee,
That fairer seemes, the lesse ye see her may;
Lo see soone after, how more bold and free
Her bared bosome she doth broad display;
Loe see soone after, how she fades, and falles away.
So passeth, in the passing of a day,
Of mortall life the leafe, the bud, the flowre,
Ne more doth flourish after first decay,
That earst was sought to decke both bed and bowre,
Of many a Ladie, and many a Paramowre:
Gather therefore the Rose, whilest yet is prime,
For soone comes age, that will her pride deflowre:
Gather the Rose of love, whilest yet is time,
Whilest louing thou mayst loued be with equall crime. — Edmund Spenser
![I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Countee Cullen I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Countee Cullen](https://quotessayings.net/pics/i-love-you-more-with-each-passing-day-quote-by-countee-cullen-1171859.jpg)
If You Should Go
Love, leave me like the light,
The gently passing day;
We would not know, but for the night,
When it has slipped away.
Go quietly; a dream,
When done, should leave no trace
That it has lived, except a gleam
Across the dreamer's face. — Countee Cullen
![I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Andrea Camilleri I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Andrea Camilleri](https://quotessayings.net/pics/i-love-you-more-with-each-passing-day-quote-by-andrea-camilleri-399189.jpg)
But then why, when talking on the phone, did they quarrel, on average at least once every four sentences? Maybe, though the inspector, it was an effect of the distance between them becoming less and less tolerable with each passing day, since as we grow old - for every now and then one must, yes, look reality in the eye and call things by their proper names - we feel more keenly the need to have the person we love beside us. — Andrea Camilleri
![I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By David Whyte I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By David Whyte](https://quotessayings.net/pics/i-love-you-more-with-each-passing-day-quote-by-david-whyte-995695.jpg)
THE OPENING OF EYES After R. S. Thomas That day I saw beneath dark clouds, the passing light over the water and I heard the voice of the world speak out, I knew then, as I had before, life is no passing memory of what has been nor the remaining pages in a great book waiting to be read. It is the opening of eyes long closed. It is the vision of far off things seen for the silence they hold. It is the heart after years of secret conversing, speaking out loud in the clear air. It is Moses in the desert fallen to his knees before the lit bush. It is the man throwing away his shoes as if to enter heaven and finding himself astonished, opened at last, fallen in love with solid ground. — David Whyte
![I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Maha Khalid I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Maha Khalid](https://quotessayings.net/pics/i-love-you-more-with-each-passing-day-quote-by-maha-khalid-2036762.jpg)
I lost and found but I have not lost anything nor found what I lost
If love is to have all that your heart desires of whom you love, then it is not love
Love is to burn and turn into ashes and still love
Love is to accept the fate of separation and still love
Love is to hurt and endure pain yet smile and still love
Love is to know that there is no way to go and no road through and still love
Love is to wish him peace and happiness in the loneliness shivered coldness of your nights and days and still love
Love is when a simple passing embrace turns into a wonderful completion, into a gift of unexpected kindness and warmth in the cold of years that will accumulate without him and you still love
Love, is to love and love and love
Until night becomes day and your eyes close and you drift into coldness and still
Love. — Maha Khalid
![I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Darynda Jones I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Darynda Jones](https://quotessayings.net/pics/i-love-you-more-with-each-passing-day-quote-by-darynda-jones-1716132.jpg)
It's the other things he does, the things that crush me on the inside, that make me want to die. I would have if not for Dutch's light. I would be dead. I know it. I wish it were real. I wish she were real. She's getting older and more beautiful with each passing day, and even though she's a figment of my fucked-up imagination, I love her. To the very depths of my soul. — Darynda Jones
![I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Charlotte Bronte I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Charlotte Bronte](https://quotessayings.net/pics/i-love-you-more-with-each-passing-day-quote-by-charlotte-bronte-804231.jpg)
This night is not calm; the equinox still struggles in its storms. The wild rains of the day are abated; the great single cloud disparts and rolls away from heaven, not passing and leaving a sea all sapphire, but tossed buoyant before a continued, long-sounding, high-rushing moonlight tempest. The Moon reigns glorious, glad of the gale, as glad as if she gave herself to his fierce caress with love. No Endymion will watch for his goddess tonight. there are no flocks out on the mountains; and it is well, for to-night she welcomes Aeolus. — Charlotte Bronte
![I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Kristen Callihan I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Kristen Callihan](https://quotessayings.net/pics/i-love-you-more-with-each-passing-day-quote-by-kristen-callihan-1116657.jpg)
I love you. He stabbed a thumb at his chest as he glared at her.
Of course he did. Lucien had never hidden the fact.
But the love of a friend, while comforting, was not enough anymore.
It did not soothe the restless discomfort that pushed against her chest or quell the
loneliness that seemed to grow within her each passing day. — Kristen Callihan
![I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By V.S. Carnes I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By V.S. Carnes](https://quotessayings.net/pics/i-love-you-more-with-each-passing-day-quote-by-v-s-carnes-1380190.jpg)
And what was to become of what he had taken from her? He had dashed her heart to the ground and danced on it with combat boots. Did he sit in that seditious palace day after day and not even bother to scrape it off of his soles with a passing thought of her? — V.S. Carnes
![I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Alice Hoffman I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Alice Hoffman](https://quotessayings.net/pics/i-love-you-more-with-each-passing-day-quote-by-alice-hoffman-1618622.jpg)
I read Greek myths. I read about far off places, Venice and Paris. I read about men who searched for things they could not find at home, and women who fell in love with the wrong person and waited for the arrival of their beloved for so long that a year was no different from a single day. The same thing was happening to me. Years were passing. I was already a woman, and I still wasn't done reading. — Alice Hoffman
![I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Page Morgan I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Page Morgan](https://quotessayings.net/pics/i-love-you-more-with-each-passing-day-quote-by-page-morgan-1401942.jpg)
Not that time alone with Ingrid was something to wish away. She'd chosen him. Given herself to him, and even though he couldn't claim her in the human way, she was still his. Passing the day and night in the quiet town home was giving him a taste of his fantasy, sweet as meringue and just as easily dissolved. — Page Morgan
![I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Victor Hugo I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Victor Hugo](https://quotessayings.net/pics/i-love-you-more-with-each-passing-day-quote-by-victor-hugo-2270232.jpg)
The day that a woman who is passing before you sheds a light upon you as she goes, you are lost, you love. You have then but one thing to do: to think of her so earnestly that she will be compelled to think of you. — Victor Hugo
![I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Mitch Albom I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Mitch Albom](https://quotessayings.net/pics/i-love-you-more-with-each-passing-day-quote-by-mitch-albom-1660451.jpg)
He mentioned a dear friend Morrie had, Maurie Stein, who had first sent Morrie's aphorisms to the Boston Globe. They had been together at Brandeis since the early sixties. Now Stein was going deaf. Koppel imagined the two men together one day, one unable to speak, the other unable to hear. What would that be like?
"We will hold hands," Morrie said. "And there'll be a lot of love passing between us. Ted, we've had thirty-five years of friendship. You don't need speech or hearing to feel that. — Mitch Albom
![I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Ray C. Stedman I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Ray C. Stedman](https://quotessayings.net/pics/i-love-you-more-with-each-passing-day-quote-by-ray-c-stedman-1740213.jpg)
God is light and God is love, and when you put those two together you get fire. Fire is both light and warmth. As someone has well pointed out, fire will destroy what it cannot purify, but it purifies what it cannot destroy. That is the whole explanation of life in this present hour. We are passing through fire which is designed either to destroy that which can be destroyed, or to purify that which can never be destroyed. God is leading us through these trials and through the difficulties of our day, in order that we may learn to cry with old Job, back there in the oldest book of the Bible, He knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold (Job 23:10). — Ray C. Stedman
![I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Becca Fitzpatrick I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Becca Fitzpatrick](https://quotessayings.net/pics/i-love-you-more-with-each-passing-day-quote-by-becca-fitzpatrick-1914508.jpg)
I couldn't stand here, hanging on, when the very thing I held disappeared more with each passing day. — Becca Fitzpatrick
![I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Douglas Coupland I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Douglas Coupland](https://quotessayings.net/pics/i-love-you-more-with-each-passing-day-quote-by-douglas-coupland-111041.jpg)
Here are some passing thoughts. Imagine looking up at the moon and seeing it burning.
Imagine seeing the grocery store's checkout girl grow horns.
Imagine growing younger instead of older.
Imagine feeling more powerful and more capable of falling in love with life every new day instead of being scared and sick and not knowing whether to stay under a sheet or venture forth into the cold. — Douglas Coupland
![I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By John C. Parkin I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By John C. Parkin](https://quotessayings.net/pics/i-love-you-more-with-each-passing-day-quote-by-john-c-parkin-1161371.jpg)
Maybe it's because we innately know that everything is impermanent that we so desperately cling to it.
But cling we do.
We know that our youth vanishes that we and our loved one will die one day, that whatever we have accumulated can easily be taken away from us, that one day our skills might not be wanted, that a day may come when our love might not be reciprocated. But we go on clinging.
Everywhere we turn we are faced with impermanence. (..)
The more we cling - of course - the more pain we feel as things fade, disappear, die around us.
And sometimes the more we cling, the more these things happen. (..)
The key to being able to let go of all the stuff you're holding on to is knowing that you'll be okay if you don't have it.
And that's the truth.
You can survive with very little. And though the passing of people and things can be painful, you will survive. — John C. Parkin
![I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Steve Maraboli I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Steve Maraboli](https://quotessayings.net/pics/i-love-you-more-with-each-passing-day-quote-by-steve-maraboli-1139278.jpg)
You are my favorite book. I immerse myself in your story and fall in love with each page. I will never be able to truly express to you how much I admire and cherish who you are. Nor will I be able to articulate the level of honor I feel to find myself included amongst the pages being written with each passing day. I love you. Thank you. — Steve Maraboli
![I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Khaled Hosseini I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Khaled Hosseini](https://quotessayings.net/pics/i-love-you-more-with-each-passing-day-quote-by-khaled-hosseini-938081.jpg)
With the passing of time, she would slowly tire of this exercise. She would find it increasingly exhausting to conjure up, to dust off, to resuscitate once again what was long dead. There would come a day, in fact, years later, when [she] would no longer bewail his loss. Or not as relentlessly; not nearly. There would come a day when the details of his face would begin to slip from memory's grip, when overhearing a mother on the street call after her child by [his] name would no longer cut her adrift. She would not miss him as she did now, when the ache of his absence was her unremitting companion
like the phantom pain of an amputee. — Khaled Hosseini
![I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By William Shakespeare I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By William Shakespeare](https://quotessayings.net/pics/i-love-you-more-with-each-passing-day-quote-by-william-shakespeare-803149.jpg)
On a day - alack the day! -
Love, whose month is ever May,
Spied a blossom passing fair
Playing in the wanton air — William Shakespeare
![I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Elliott Smith I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Elliott Smith](https://quotessayings.net/pics/i-love-you-more-with-each-passing-day-quote-by-elliott-smith-738475.jpg)
In The Lost And Found (Honky Bach)"
He held his breath to hold your hand
To walk the stairsteps in pairs
Climbing up a slippery slope
I'm in love, love I hope
Don't go home Angelina
Stay with me, hanging around in the lost and found
He kissed you quick, feeling weird
Lonely leered, and disappeared
This is such a simple place
The passing time can't erase
Don't go home Angelina
Paint tomorrow blue
Day breaks
But every morning when he wakes he thinks of you
I'm alone, but that's okay
I don't mind most of the time
I don't feel afraid to die
She was here, passing by
Don't go home Angelina
Stay with me, hanging around in the lost and found
Stay with me, hanging around in the lost and found — Elliott Smith
![I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Ellen G. White I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Ellen G. White](https://quotessayings.net/pics/i-love-you-more-with-each-passing-day-quote-by-ellen-g-white-711543.jpg)
Love for perishing souls inspired Abraham's prayer. While he loathed the sins of that corrupt city, he desired that the sinners might be saved. His deep interest for Sodom shows the anxiety that we should feel for the impenitent. We should cherish hatred of sin, but pity and love for the sinner. All around us are souls going down to ruin as hopeless, as terrible, as that which befell Sodom. Every day the probation of some is closing. Every hour some are passing beyond the reach of mercy. And where are the voices of warning and entreaty to bid the sinner flee from this fearful doom? Where are the hands stretched out to draw him back from death? Where are those who with humility and persevering faith are pleading with God for him? — Ellen G. White
![I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Paul Hoffman I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Paul Hoffman](https://quotessayings.net/pics/i-love-you-more-with-each-passing-day-quote-by-paul-hoffman-640105.jpg)
If the dead can come back to this earth and move unseen around those they loved, I shall always be near you; in the garish day and in the darkest night - amidst your happiest scenes and gloomiest hours - always, always; and if there be a soft breeze upon your cheek, it shall be my breath; or if the cool air fans your throbbing temple, it shall be my spirit passing by. — Paul Hoffman
![I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Laura Miller I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Laura Miller](https://quotessayings.net/pics/i-love-you-more-with-each-passing-day-quote-by-laura-miller-594807.jpg)
More than every once in awhile,
More than most dreams,
More than just my heart,
More than anything,
More than you know,
And more than I can say,
I've loved you more
Every passing day — Laura Miller
![I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Javier Marias I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Javier Marias](https://quotessayings.net/pics/i-love-you-more-with-each-passing-day-quote-by-javier-marias-529315.jpg)
We cannot know what time will do to us with its fine, indistinguishable layers upon layers, we cannot know what it might make of us. It advances stealthily, day by day and hour by hour and step by poisoned step, never drawing attention to its surreptitious labours, so respectful and considerate that it never once gives us a sudden prod or a nasty fright. Every morning, it turns up with its soothing, invariable face and tells us exactly the opposite of what is actually happening: that everything is fine and nothing has changed, that everything is just as it was yesterday
the balance of power
that nothing has been gained and nothing lost, that our face is the same, as is our hair and our shape, that the person who hated us continues to hate us and the person who loved us continues to love us. — Javier Marias
![I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Shuichi Yoshida I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Shuichi Yoshida](https://quotessayings.net/pics/i-love-you-more-with-each-passing-day-quote-by-shuichi-yoshida-223523.jpg)
Until I met you," she said, "I never realized how precious each day could be. When I was working, each day was over before I knew it, and then a week just flew by, and then a whole year ... What have I been doing all this time? Why didn't I meet you before? If I had to choose a whole year in the past, or a day with you-I'd choose a day with you ... — Shuichi Yoshida
![I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Janice Y.K. Lee I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Janice Y.K. Lee](https://quotessayings.net/pics/i-love-you-more-with-each-passing-day-quote-by-janice-y-k-lee-162811.jpg)
Do you know my best quality?" she asks.
"Of your many, I could not say, my darling."
"I see the best in people. I fall in love with people when I see a window into their beings, their shining moments. I've fallen in love with so many people but the trouble is I fall out of love so quickly too. I see the worst in them just as easily.
"Do you know I fell in love with you right away? That day at the Trotters' I had noted you because you were new, of course, and then you sat down at the piano, and you played a few notes, but you played them so well, with no self consciousness, and no idea that anyone might be listening. It was in that room off the garden and you were the only one there. I was passing through on the way to the ladies' room and saw you there. I fell in love with you right then, and so I slipped my drink all over myself so I could meet you." — Janice Y.K. Lee
![I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Sherwood Anderson I Love You More With Each Passing Day Quotes By Sherwood Anderson](https://quotessayings.net/pics/i-love-you-more-with-each-passing-day-quote-by-sherwood-anderson-113127.jpg)
Love is like a wind stirring the grass beneath trees on a black night,' he had said. 'You must not try to make love definite. It is the divine accident of life. If you try to be definite and sure about it and to live beneath the trees, where soft night winds blow, the long hot day of disappointment comes swiftly and the gritty dust from passing wagons gathers upon lips inflamed and made tender by kisses. — Sherwood Anderson