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I Love Rumi Quotes & Sayings

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Top I Love Rumi Quotes

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

The Law of Wonder rules my life at last,
... I burn each second of my life to Love
Each second of my life burns out in Love
In each leaping second Love lives afresh. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

And patience flees my heart, And reason flees my mind. Oh, how drunk can I get to be, Without your love's security? — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I have no companion but Love, no beginning, no end, no dawn. The Soul calls from within me: 'You, ignorant of the way of Love, set Me free.' — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

My heart is burning with love. All I can see is this flame. My heart is burning with passion, like waves on an ocean. I'm at home, wherever I am. And in the room of lovers, I can see with closed eyes the beauty that dances. Behind the veils, intoxicated with love, I too dance the rhythm of this moving world. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I am the call of love ...
Can you hear me in the full grasses, in the scented winds ?
It is I who makes the garden smile. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

Should Love's heart rejoice unless I burn?
For my heart is Love's dwelling.
If You will burn Your house, burn it, Love!
Who will say, 'It's not allowed'?
Burn this house thoroughly!
The lover's house improves with fire.
From now on I will make burning my aim,
From now on I will make burning my aim,
for I am like the candle: burning only makes me brighter.
Abandon sleep tonight; traverse fro one night
the region of the sleepless.
Look upon these lovers who have become distraught
and like moths have died in union with the One Beloved.
Look upon this ship of God's creatures
and see how it is sunk in Love. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

Now I am sober and there's only the hangover and the memory of love. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

If I gaze at my beloved
she may feel embarrassed
and if I do not,
she will feel neglected.
I can see the stars reflecting
in the calm water of her face
but if I look away
I lose my clarity. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

Love so needs to love that it will endure almost anything, even abuse, just to flicker for a moment. But the sky's mouth is kind, its song will never hurt you, for I sing those words. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

In the sea of love, I melt like salt, Faith, Doubt - they both dissolve. A star is opening in my heart, The worlds turn in it. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

Go back, go back to sleep. Yes, you are allowed. You who have no Love in your heart, you can go back to sleep. The power of Love is exclusive to us, you can go back to sleep. I have been burnt by the fire of Love. You who have no such yearning in your heart, go back to sleep. The path of Love, has seventy-two folds and countless facets. Your love and religion is all about deceit, control and hypocrisy, go back to sleep. I have torn to pieces my robe of speech, and have let go of the desire to converse. You who are not naked yet, you can go back to sleep. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I choose to love you in silence ...
For in silence I find no rejection,
I choose to love you in loneliness ...
For in loneliness no one owns you but me,
I choose to adore you from a distance ...
For distance will shield me from pain,
I choose to kiss you in the wind ...
For the wind is gentler than my lips,
I choose to hold you in my dreams ...
For in my dreams, you have no end. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

Pale sunlight, pale the wall. Love moves away. The light changes I need more grace than I thought. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

There is a path from me to you that I am constantly looking for. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

Love's secret is always lifting its head out from under the covers, "Here I am!" — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I become a waterwheel, turning and tasting you, as long as water moves. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I was you
and never knew it. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I am like the heaven, like the moon, like a candle by your glow; I am all reason, all love, all soul, by your soul. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Anne Lamott

Bonnie persuaded me to focus on the good, just for today: tomorrow I can call back and we will wallow in the total awfulness of Amy's behavior, which will surely lead to permanent estrangement and dead bodies. Just for today, I was supposed to try to remember three things: The baby is not falling off the earth, or headed to Afghanistan. So many things are going well: Everyone has good health. Jax is perfect. Even though I have acid and sewage and grippage in my stomach, which I have had many times before and will have many times again, I can build faith muscles by bearing my feelings of misery and powerlessness - a kind of Nautilus. Rumi said that through love, all pain would turn to medicine. But he never met my family. Or me. — Anne Lamott

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I have been so naughted in Thy Love's existence that my nonexistence is a thousand times sweeter than my existence — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I am your moon and your moonlight too
I am your flower garden and your water too
I have come all this way, eager for you
Without shoes or shawl
I want you to laugh
To kill all your worries
To love you
To nourish you. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

Both light and shadow are the dance of Love.
Love has no cause, it is the astrolabe of God's secrets.
Lover and loving are inseparable and timeless.
Although I may try to describe love,
when I experience it, I am speechless.
Although I may try to write about love, I am rendered helpless.
My pen breaks, and the paper slips away
at the ineffable place where lover loving and loved are one.
Every moment is made glorious by the light of Love. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I profess the religion of love,
Love is my religion and my faith.
My mother is love
My father is love
My prophet is love
My God is love
I am a child of love
I have come only to speak of love. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I came with many knots in my heart,
like the magician's rope.
You undid them all at once.
I see now the splendor of the student
and that of the teacher's art.
Love and this body sit inside your presence,
one demolished, the other drunk.
We smile. We weep, tree limbs
turning sere, then light green. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I said, "I just want to know you and then disappear."
She said, "Knowing me does not mean dying. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Jalaluddin Rumi

I could not have known
what love is if I had never

felt this longing. Anything
done to excess becomes

boring, except this overflow
that moves toward you. — Jalaluddin Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

When I am with you, we stay up all night.
When you're not here, I can't go to sleep.
Praise God for those two insomnias!
And the difference between them. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I used to read the myths of love Now I have become the mythical lover — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

Love's way becomes a pen sometimes writing g-sounds like gold or r-sounds
like tomorrow in different calligraphy
styles sliding by, darkening the paper
Now it's held upside down, now beside
the head, now down and on to something
else, figuring. One sentence saves
an illustrious man from disaster, but
fame does not matter to the split tongue
of a pen. Hippocrates knows how the cure
must go. His pen does not. This one
I am calling pen, or sometimes flag,
has no mind. You, the pen, are most sanely
insane. You cannot be spoken of rationally.
Opposites are drawn into your presence but
not to be resolved. You are not whole
or ever complete. You are the wonder
without willpower going where you want. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

When Love comes suddenly and taps
on your window, run and let it in but first
shut the door of your reason.
Even the smallest hint chases love away
like smoke that drowns the freshness
of the morning breeze.
To reason Love can only say,
the way is barred, you can't pass through
but to the lover it offers a hundred blessings.
Before the mind decides to take a step
Love has reached the seventh heaven.
Before the mind can figure how
Love has climbed the Holy Mountain.
I must stop this talk now and let
Love speak from its nest of silence. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Jalaluddin Rumi

If I love myself
I love you.
If I love you
I love myself. — Jalaluddin Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I said, O Love, tell me this: Does the Lord know you are treating me this way? Love said to me, yes He does, just be totally ... totally ... silent — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

A moment of happiness,
you and I sitting on the verandah,
apparently two, but one in soul, you and I.
We feel the flowing water of life here,
you and I, with the garden's beauty
and the birds singing.
The stars will be watching us,
and we will show them
what it is to be a thin crescent moon.
You and I unselfed, will be together,
indifferent to idle speculation, you and I.
The parrots of heaven will be cracking sugar
as we laugh together, you and I.
In one form upon this earth,
and in another form in a timeless sweet land. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I swear, since seeing Your face,
the whole world is fraud and fantasy
The garden is bewildered as to what is leaf
or blossom. The distracted birds
can't distinguish the birdseed from the snare.
A house of love with no limits,
a presence more beautiful than venus or the moon,
a beauty whose image fills the mirror of the heart. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

We were green: we ripened and grew golden.
The Sea terrified us: we learned how to drown.
Squat and earthbound, we unfolded huge wings.
We started sober: are love's startled drunkards.
You hide me in your cloak of nothingness
Reflect my ghost in your glass of being
I am nothing, yet appear: transparent dream
Where your eternity briefly trembles. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Jalaluddin Rumi

Love Dogs

One night a man was crying,
Allah! Allah!
His lips grew sweet with the praising,
until a cynic said,
"So! I have heard you
calling out, but have you ever
gotten any response?"

The man had no answer to that.
He quit praying and fell into a confused sleep.

He dreamed he saw Khidr, the guide of souls,
in a thick, green foliage.
"Why did you stop praising?"
"Because I've never heard anything back."
"This longing
you express is the return message."

The grief you cry out from
draws you toward union.

Your pure sadness
that wants help
is the secret cup.

Listen to the moan of a dog for its master.
That whining is the connection.

There are love dogs
no one knows the names of.

Give your life
to be one of them. — Jalaluddin Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was.
Lovers don't finally meet somewhere.
They're in each other all along. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I'm dominated by Love, By my passion of love for Love — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Holly Lynn Payne

I was afraid of the dance once, too. But I learned to embrace it and the mistakes I would make. Do not turn away from your fear. Turn toward love instead. — Holly Lynn Payne

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

Is it really so that the one I love is everywhere? — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I am so mad with love that mad men say to me - be still! — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

Shall I tell you our secret? We are charming thieves who steal hearts and never fail because we are the friends of the One.
Blessed is the poem that comes through me but not of me because the sound of my own music will drown the song of Love. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

Looking at my life
I see that only Love
Has been my soul's companion
From deep inside
My soul cries out:
Do not wait, surrender
For the sake of Love. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

Every experience will fill with immediacy. Because I love this, I am never bored. Beauty constantly wells up like the noise of springwater in my ear. Tree limbs rise and fall like ecstatic arms. Leaf sounds talk together like poets making fresh metaphors. The green felt cover slips; we get a flash of the mirror underneath. The conventional opinion of this poetry is that it shows great optimism for the future. But Father Reason says, No need to announce the future. This now is it. Your deepest need and desire is satisfied by this moment's energy here in your hand. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Jalaluddin Rumi

So Recklessly Exposed

December and January, gone.
Tulips coming up. It's time to watch
how trees stagger in the wind
and roses never rest.

Wisteria and Jasmine twist on themselves.
Violet kneels to Hyacinth, who bows.

Narcissus winks, wondering what will
the lightheaded Willow say
of such slow dancing by Cypress.

Painters come outdoors with brushes.
I love their hands.

The birds sing suddenly and all at once.
The soul says Ya Hu, quietly.

A dove calls, Where, ku?
Soul, you will find it.

Now the roses show their breasts.
No one hides when the Friend arrives.

The Rose speaks openly to the Nightingale.
Notice how the Green Lily has several tongues
but still keeps her secret.

Now the Nightingale sings this love
that is so recklessly exposed, like you. — Jalaluddin Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

Oh Beloved, take me. Liberate my soul. Fill me with your love and release me from the two worlds. If I set my heart on anything but you let fire burn me from inside. Oh Beloved, take away what I want. Take away what I do. Take away what I need. Take away everything that takes me from you. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I open and fill with
LOVE and what is not
LOVE ... evaporates! — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

Lots of ways to reach God,
I chose love. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

Because of your love I have broken with my past — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I sail with you on the ocean of my dreams
to a far away distant Place of great beauty and tranquility.
where suffering and pain do not exist,
where we give praises for our joy and happiness,
where our Love interwines with Love for all things. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

A lover asked his beloved,
Do you love yourself more than you love me?
Beloved replied, I have died to myself and I live for you.
I've disappeared from myself and my attributes,
I am present only for you.
I've forgotten all my learnings,
but from knowing you I've become a scholar.
I've lost all my strength, but from your power I am able.
I love myself ... I love you.
I love you ... I love myself. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I've been looking for a long, long time,
for this thing called love,
I've ridden comets across the sky,
and I've looked below and above.
Then one day I looked inside myself,
and this is what I found,
A golden sun residing there,
beaming forth God's light and sound. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

Was dead
i came alive
i was tears
i became laughter
all because of love
when it arrived
my temporal life
from then on
changed to eternal — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Jalaluddin Rumi

I could reach great heights with your love,and with longing for you
I will increase a hundredfold.
They ask, why are you circling him?
O ignorance, I am circling myself. — Jalaluddin Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

Lose your soul in God's Love ...
I swear there is no other way ! — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I belong to no religion. My religion is love. Every heart is my temple. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Anne Lamott

But as Rumi said, "Through love all pain will turn to medicine," not most pain, or for other people; and the pain and failures grew me, helped slowly restore me to the person I was born to be. I had to learn that life was not going to be filling if I tried to scrunch myself into somebody else's idea of me, i.e., someone sophisticated enough to prefer dark chocolate. I like milk chocolate, like M&M's: so sue me. But I no longer have to stuff myself to the gills. — Anne Lamott

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

The Silk Worm
I stood before a silk worm one day.
And that night my heart said to me,
"I can do things like that, I can spin skies,
I can be woven into love that can bring warmth to people;
I can be soft against a crying face,
I can be wings that lift, and I can travel on my thousand feet
throughout the earth, my sacs filled with the sacred."
And I replied to my heart,
"Dear, can you really do all those things?"
And it just nodded "Yes" in silence.
So we began and will never cease. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Jalaluddin Rumi


I didn't know love would make me this
crazy, with my eyes
like the river Ceyhun
carrying me in its rapids
out to sea,where every bit
of shattered boat
sinks to the bottom.

An alligator lifts its head and swallows
the ocean, then the ocean
floor becomes
a desert covering
the alligator in
sand drifts.

Changes do
happen. I do not know how,
or what remains of what
has disappeared
into the absolute.

I hear so many stories
and explanations, but I keep quiet,
because I don't know anything,
and because something I swallowed
in the ocean
has made me completely content
with ignorance. — Jalaluddin Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

Although I may try to describe Love, When I experience it, I am speechless. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

You have been hiding so long aimlessly drifting in the sea of my love Even so You have always been connected to me Connected, revealed in the known in the unmanifest I am life itself — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi

Whatever you are looking for, look in yourself not around. — Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Jalaluddin Rumi

I Have Vanished In the early morning, A lover asked her beloved, "Do you love me more than yourself?" "More than myself? For sure I have no self any more - I am you already. The 'I' has gone; the 'you' has come about. Even my identity is gone. The answer is taken for granted. 'You and I' has no meaning. The 'I' has vanished like a drop into an ocean of honey. — Jalaluddin Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

You've so distracted me, your absence fans my love. Don't ask how. Then you come near. "Do not ... " I say, and "Do not ... ," you answer. Don't ask why this delights me. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi Antoinette

What's that around your neck?" asked Emily.
"It's a golden star." Said Reed.
"What did you get it for?"
"Chemistry class."
"What's the star for?" the shadow asked, Usually stars represent a straight A student.
"You get it for having greatness. But Emily doesn't know what that is." He said, answering the shadows question and looking at Emily.
"Greatness, what's greatness?" Emily asked, all wide eyed, and clueless looking
"It's when you do really awesome stuff, and people recognize you for it."
"Oh, no" Emily laughed ."No, I don't know what that is. — Rumi Antoinette

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I was a thorn rushing to be with a rose, vinegar blending with honey ... Then I found some dirt to make an ointment that would honor my soul ... Love says, You are right, but don't claim these changes. Remember, I am wind. You are an ember I ignite. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

Why should we tell you our love stories
when you spill them together like blood in the dirt?
Love is a pearl lost on the ocean floor,
or a fire we can't see,
but how does saying that
push us through the top of the head into
the light above the head?
Love is not
an iron pot, so this boiling energy
won't help.
Soul, heart, self.
Beyond and within those
is one saying,
How long before I'm free of this torture! — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I am in Love with Love and Love is in love with me. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

If I hold you in my heart, you'll wither;
Become a thorn if I hold you in my eyes.
No, I'll make a place for you within my soul instead
So you'll be my love in lives beyond this life. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Jalaluddin Rumi

I am ashamed
to call this love human
and afraid of God
to call it divine — Jalaluddin Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I will be waiting here ... For your silence to break, For your soul to shake, For your love to wake! — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Debasish Mridha

I see the life with your sight,
O" the love; you're my light. — Debasish Mridha

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

Friend, our closeness is this : Anywhere
you put your foot, feel me in the firmness
under you.
How is it with this love,
I see your world, but not you? — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Jalaluddin Rumi


Sometimes I wonder, sweetest love, if you
Were a mere dream in along winter night,
A dream of spring-days, and of golden light
Which sheds its rays upon a frozen heart;
A dream of wine that fills the drunken eye.

And so I wonder, sweetest love, if I
Should drink this ruby wine, or rather weep;
Each tear a bezel with your face engraved,
A rosary to memorize your name...

There are so many ways to call you back-
Yes, even if you only were a dream. — Jalaluddin Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I want that love that moved the mountains.
I want that love that split the ocean.
I want that love that made the winds tremble.
I want that love that roared like thunder.
I want that love that will raise the dead.
I want that love that lifts us to ecstasy.
I want that love that is the silence of eternity. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

Your soul is so close to mine
That what you dream, I know. ...
I know everything you think of: your heart is so close to mine! — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

A Mixed-breed Apple
A little mixed-breed apple,
half red, half yellow, tells this story.
A lover and beloved get separated.
Their being apart was one thing,
but they have opposite responses.
The lover feels pain and grows pale.
The beloved flushes and feels proud.
I am a thorn next to my master's rose.
We seem to be two, but we are not. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

Love Came ...
and became like blood in my body.
It rushed through my veins and
encircled my Heart.
Everywhere I looked,
I saw One Thing ...
Love's Name written
on my limbs,
on my left palm,
on my forehead,
on the back of my neck,
on my right big toe ...
Oh, my friend,
all that you see of me
is just a shell,
and the rest belongs to Love. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I have spent my life dreaming of your face. Now, I have found it. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

O my choice beauty You've gone But your love remains in my heart Your image in my eye O guide on my winding road I keep turning round and round in the hopes of Finding you — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Jalaluddin Rumi

In your light I learn how to love. — Jalaluddin Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

The Reed Flute's Work
I say to the reed flute, You do the work,
yet you know sweet secrets too.
You share the Friend's breathing.
What could you need from me?
The reed replies, Knowledge is total
destruction. I say, Burn me completely then
and leave no knowing.
How could I, when it's knowledge that leads us?
But this knowledge has lost compassion
and grown disgusted with itself.
It has forgotten about silence and emptiness.
A reed flute has nine holes
and is a model of human consciousness,
beheaded, though still in love with lips.
This is your disgrace, this moaning.
Weep for the sounds you make. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I Wish I Could Give You A Taste Of The Burning Fire Of Love. There Is A Fire Blazing Inside Of Me. If I Cry About It, Or If I Don't, The Fire Is At Work, Night And Day. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I am your lover, come to my side, I will open the gate to your love.
Come settle with me, let us be neighbors to the stars.
You have been hiding so long, endlessly drifting in the sea of my love.
Even so, you have always been connected to me.
Concealed, revealed, in the unknown, in the un-manifest.
I am life itself. You have been a prisoner of a little pond,
I am the ocean and its turbulent flood. Come merge with me,
leave this world of ignorance. Be with me, I will open the gate to your love. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I said to the night, "If you are in love with the moon, it is because you never stay for long." The night turned to me and said, "It is not my fault. I never see the Sun, how can I know that love is endless? — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

There came one and knocked at the door of the Beloved.
And a voice answered and said, 'Who is there?'
The lover replied, 'It is I.'
'Go hence,' returned the voice;
'there is no room within for thee and me.'
Then came the lover a second time and knocked and again the voice demanded,
'Who is there?'
He answered, 'It is thou.'
'Enter,' said the voice, 'for I am within. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Jalaluddin Rumi

In your light I learn how to love. In your beauty, how to make poems. You dance inside my chest where no-one sees you, but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art. — Jalaluddin Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

Nothing I say can explain to you Divine Love
Yet all of creation cannot seem to stop talking about it. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Jalaluddin Rumi

Without love I was one who had lost the way; of a sudden love entered. I was a mountain; I became a straw for the horse of the king. — Jalaluddin Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

Sometimes You are kind, sometimes unfaithful,
You break my heart but
My Love, my essence, do not go away
I can't be without You.
You are the head and I am the feet
You are the hand, I am our banner
If You leave, I will perish
I can't be without You.
You have erased my image, taken my sleep
You've torn me away from everybody but
I can't be without You.
I find no joy in life or relief in death.
Why don't You say it too.
I can't be without You. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

Love asks us to enjoy our life
For nothing good can come of death.
Who is alive? I ask.
Those who are born of love.
Seek us in love itself,
Seek love in us ourselves.
Sometimes I venerate love,
Sometimes it venerates me. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I look into your eyes & see the universe not yet born. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

In the orchard and rose garden I long to see your face. In the taste of Sweetness I long to kiss your lips. In the shadows of passion I long for your love. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I am so small I can barely be seen.
How can this great love be inside me?
Look at your eyes. They are small,
but they see enormous things. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Robin Rumi

We repeat the shout of the Universe. You and I blend together. You are one word and I am another. — Robin Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I love my friends
neither with my heart nor with my mind.
Just in case ...
Heart might stop.
Mind can forget.
I love them with my soul.
Soul never stops or forgets. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I love you neither with my heart
nor with my mind.
My heart might stop
my mind can forget.
I love you with
my soul because
my soul never stops
or forgets.
-Rumi — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I love this world, even as I hear the great wind of leaving it rising, for there is a grainy taste I prefer to every idea of heaven: human friendship. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi

I merged so completely with love, and was so fused,
that I became Love and Love became me. — Rumi

I Love Rumi Quotes By Rumi Antoinette

Agent Smith, a lady is never late, everyone is simply early." I said back, paraphrasing something I saw on a 20/20 special.
"Well, a lady isn't exactly what they are expecting. — Rumi Antoinette