Famous Quotes & Sayings

I Ll Be Ok Quotes & Sayings

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Top I Ll Be Ok Quotes

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Tana French

I don't think there are any rules for how you're supposed to act when someone you care about dies, sweetheart. I think you just have to figure it out as you go along. Sometimes you'll feel like crying, sometimes you won't, sometimes you'll be raging at him for dying on you. You just have to remember that all of those are OK. So is whatever else your head comes up with." "On — Tana French

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Patti Davis

I really just wanted to be a writer, but people tell you, 'You should have a backup career,' so I thought, 'OK, I'll act.' That was the foolishness of my vision for my life - that my backup career would be completely undependable. — Patti Davis

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Ginuwine

You don't get any mixtapes, you know, 'cause I don't like my voice in there. I want to be that, but that's just not me, you know. And I'm very impatient; if I don't do it right, I'll be like, well, 'Ok that's the best I'm gonna do it.' Because I feel like if you take too much time on something, you lose the motivation for it. — Ginuwine

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Richard Branson

Perhaps, therefore, it is odd that if there is any one phrase that is guaranteed to set me off it's when someone says to me, 'OK, fine. You're the boss!' What irks me is that in 90% of such instances what that person is really saying is, 'OK, then, I don't agree with you, but I'll roll over and do it because you're telling me to. But if it doesn't work out I'll be the first to remind everyone that it wasn't my idea.' — Richard Branson

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Jennifer Rosen

I can't make wine simple. But I can make it fun and beautiful, instead of esoteric and intimidating. The minute you realize it's OK to stumble along like the rest of us, asking questions and paying attention to your own reactions, then you'll begin what I hope will be a lifelong love affair with wine. — Jennifer Rosen

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Lara Stone

I used to come up with these crazy jobs to try and provoke my parents but they said, 'You can be anything you want.' So I was like, 'I want to be a garbage man' and they were like 'That's OK, we'll still love you!' — Lara Stone

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Jon Stewart

Here's the way I look at it. President Bush has uranium-tipped bunker busters and I have puns. I think he'll be OK. — Jon Stewart

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Clayton M Christensen

Resisting the temptation whose logic was "In this extenuating circumstance, just this once, it's OK" has proven to be one of the most important decisions of my life. Why? My life has been one unending stream of extenuating circumstances. Had I crossed the line that one time, I would have done it over and over in the years that followed.
The lesson I learned from this is that it's easier to hold to your principles 100% of the time than it is to hold to them 98% of the time. If you give in to "just this once," based on a marginal cost analysis, as some of my former classmates have done, you'll regret where you end up. You've got to define for yourself what you stand for and draw the line in a safe place. — Clayton M Christensen

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Debra Dean

I always think, OK, this is good, but I'll do it better next time. "And so we beat on, boats against the current ... " It may not be the recipe for a life of contentment, but that imperfectability is what makes writing such an engaging endeavor, something you can do for the rest of your life and not get bored. — Debra Dean

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Sugar Jamison

I'll never be the size that has single digits and my thighs will always touch when I walk but I'm ok with that. — Sugar Jamison

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Maya Angelou

I always felt, in any town, if I can get to a library, I'll be OK. — Maya Angelou

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Bailey Chase

I had grand visions of being in professional sports. But when reality set in, I went, 'Oh, OK. I'll just move to Hollywood and be an actor.' I didn't want to look back on my life and wonder, 'What if I had done this? Or I had done that?' — Bailey Chase

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Chris Brown

With the song 'This Christmas' I wanted to do something that was kind of different. I mean, Donny Hathaway is an amazing artist. So I wanted to bring my flavor to the song so when people over the age of 45 or 50 hear it they'll be like 'OK, he did his thing with that record.' It's like I can appeal to everybody and not just a younger demographic. — Chris Brown

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Daniel Radcliffe

I've always thought that as long as directors and casting directors don't see me as just Harry Potter, I'll be OK. People have shown a lot of faith in me, and I owe them a huge debt. They're letting me prove that I'm serious about this. — Daniel Radcliffe

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Rita Mae Brown

I always feel bad for those who, in a sense, cede their authority to others, let others make major decisions about their life and actually believe them. When you're tiny, you have no choice. But as soon as your mind starts working, you pretty well figure it out. And you realize you're a hostage until you're old enough to leave. But as long as you have that goal - I will get out of here - you'll be OK. — Rita Mae Brown

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Matthew Sweet

So it helped me to just let go of all my tensions and feelings about that world and say 'OK, this is for my fans in Japan. They'll be nice and get into it and have fun.' And it was the first record I made at my home studio. — Matthew Sweet

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Evangeline Lilly

I was fortunate enough to be one of those stories where I was scouted on the street by somebody and actually refused to go to the agency, and was approached on different occasions and finally kind of caved and said, 'OK, I'll try it and see what happens.' — Evangeline Lilly

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Jenny Downham

I want the people I love to get up and speak about me, and even if you cry it'll be OK. I want you to say honest things. — Jenny Downham

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Malina Suliman

If people say harsh words to me though, I don't care. It's a risk to my life. The Taliban don't want us to be working, so they'll shoot us. And women who break their rules, they put acid on them. I said, if they shoot me, OK, but if they put acid on me, I will be alive as a dead body. I was always so afraid of that. — Malina Suliman

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By L.A. Weatherly

We kissed again. It grew deeper; Alex wrapped his arms around me, drawing me close against him. His back was smooth and warm. I ran my hands over it as we kissed, loving the feel of his skin, and almost went faint as his lips moved briefly to my neck and then found my mouth again. In my entire life, nothing had ever felt as good as Alex kissing me like that. When we finally pulled apart, both our hearts were pounding.
I cleared my throat, skimming my fingers along his forearm. "Alex, you, um ... you know that I've never
"I know," he broke in softly. He reached for my hand, linking his fingers through mine. "Willow, it's OK. We'll do whatever you want. I just want to be with you; I don't care. — L.A. Weatherly

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By L.J.Smith

I would write, Dear Diary, Today I convinced myself it's ok to give up. Stick with the status quo, now just isn't the time. But my reasons aren't reasons, they're excuses and the truth is, I'm scared Stefan. I'm scared that if I let myself be happy for one minute, that the my world's going to come crashing down and I don't know if I'll be able to survive that. — L.J.Smith

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Common

When I started thinking about it, I was like, 'OK, if throughout time I get labeled as a conscious artist, I'll be very much celebrated, in a way, and honored.' — Common

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Nadia Bolz-Weber

God's grace is not defined as God being forgiving to us even though we sin. Grace is when God is a source of wholeness, which makes up for my failings. My failings hurt me and others and even the planet, and God's grace to me is that my brokenness is not the final word ... it's that God makes beautiful things out of even my own shit. Grace isn't about God creating humans and flawed beings and then acting all hurt when we inevitably fail and then stepping in like the hero to grant us grace - like saying, "Oh, it's OK, I'll be the good guy and forgive you." It's God saying, "I love the world too much to let your sin define you and be the final word. I am a God who makes all things new. — Nadia Bolz-Weber

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Kesha

You can be fun and sexy and still care about issues. I'm excited that people are starting to listen to what I have to say. And if they misunderstand, that's OK. I'm still the new kid on the block. With time, they'll see what I'm about. I'm not going anywhere. — Kesha

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Becky G

I'll never forget one time a fan came up to me crying, and told me, 'You really inspire me to be me. I feel OK to be myself now.' — Becky G

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Michelle M. Pillow

People who make snide comments to authors like "anyone can write a book" or "well, you did it, so obviously I can/it can't be that hard" or poke at a book because it's "romance" or "genre fiction" and act like that somehow makes it substandard because they don't read it ... well, ok, go ahead. Write a bestseller. Don't forget to go through the correct edit process. We'll wait. — Michelle M. Pillow

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Chris Carter

He's my new partner JJ and I don't think he likes you very much. Last guy he took a dislike to still can't eat anything more solid than yogurt.'

'Can't you keep him on a leash?'

'Sure I can. The leash is in the car. I'll go get it. You guys will be OK by yourselves for ten minutes or so, right? — Chris Carter

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Ashwin Sanghi

Master storytellers like Jeffrey Archer and Arthur Hailey use simple language. But they manage to grab the attention of the readers right from page one. I'll consider myself a good storyteller the day people believe it's OK to be late for work or postpone deadlines just to finish reading my book. — Ashwin Sanghi

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Abigail Tarttelin

As I realise that I am going to be intersex my whole life. Years and years and decades, maybe for seventy years, I'll be like this. And, unless I find someone who doesn't mind having sex with me, I'm going to be alone all that time. I'll probably be alone all that time. Think. How difficult it is for people to find someone they love, who likes the same things as them, who has the same values, who wants the same things out of life, and then imagine adding to that the fact that they not only have to be OK with having sex with a hermaphrodite, they have to like it.
Without being a totally weird pervert, I add to myself. — Abigail Tarttelin

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Tony Kushner

I go into any movie that's historical fiction thinking, 'OK, I'm here to watch a work of art, something delivering a series of opinions, and if it's a good work of art, these opinions become so deeply embedded in complexity and richness that I won't even be bothered by the opinions. I'll make my own mind up.' — Tony Kushner

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Francis Collins

When a drug comes out [that's broadly prescribed] there are going to start to be a lot of people on it [in a million person cohort] and you might get therefore an early signal of something unexpected that hadn't come through in the clinical trials. And I'm sure [drug companies] would love it if, in fact, FDA, recognizing that, would say, OK, maybe you don't have to do your trial with 30,000 people because we're going to find out shortly after registration because we'll have a lot of people taking the drug and we'll be able to see what happened using PMI. — Francis Collins

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Michael C. Burgess

All I can tell you is what I see at home- a lot of lessons learned from '86. That, 'OK, we'll go one-time amnesty and after that we'll really be good.' But nobody believes it this time, nobody believes it. — Michael C. Burgess

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Halle Berry

I never even think about the physicality of roles, until honestly I get the gig and I think, 'OK, now what do I have to do in this one?' Like, I approach it thinking more about the character
do I respond to it? Is it something I think I can play? Does it seem like it'll be fun? — Halle Berry

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Lee Child

She said, "You say no one ever is sure what to expect. On either side. Which is a good thing. It means the game goes to the fastest thinker. That's all I need to be." "Correct," I said. "Weird things are going to happen, and things are going to change, and the ground is going to move under our feet, but if we keep on thinking fast, we'll be OK. — Lee Child

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Chubby Checker

God's got something for me. I have faith it'll be OK. — Chubby Checker

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Maya Angelou

I always felt, if I can get to a library, I'll be OK. — Maya Angelou

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Maggie Stiefvater

It'll be OK. I'm ready. Blue, kiss me. — Maggie Stiefvater

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Orson Scott Card

Remember, I'm the only person her who's paid to be nice to you. But not too nice. Give me any lip and I'll break your face. OK? — Orson Scott Card

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Chuck Palahniuk

I live by fallacy. 'If I get enough nice Ikea furniture, I'll be a grown-up.' Then I catch myself. Or, 'If I get off by myself, away from the stress of modern life, I'll be OK.' Then I catch myself. — Chuck Palahniuk

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Hayley Hasselhoff

Who you are as a person is more special than trying to be someone you're not. Don't get me wrong - I have bad days, everyone does, but I know if I'm feeling insecure today, I'll move on tomorrow. I'd tell girls to realise it's OK to have bad days to get to the good ones. — Hayley Hasselhoff

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By David Lipsky

DFW: I think there are different people on the page than in real life. I do six to eight drafts of everything that I do. Um, I am probably not the smartest writer going. But I also
and I know, OK, this is gonna fit right into the persona
I work really really hard. I'm really
you give me twenty-four hours? If we'd done this interview through the mail? I could be really really really smart. I'm not all that fast. And I'm really self-conscious. And I get confused really easily. When I'm in a room by myself alone, and have enough time, I can be really really smart. And people are different that way. You know what I mean? I may not
I don't think I'm quite as smart, one-on-one with people, when I'm self-conscious, and I'm really really confused. And it's like, My dream would be for you to write this up, and then to send it to me, and I get to rewrite all my quotes to you. Which of course you'll never do ... — David Lipsky

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Henry Rollins

I have found a way to beat myself
I win by losing, something like that
I'm told that I'm stupid
So ok, I'll be stupid
If I can't register the pain
Then it's not there
I'm not so stupid after all
I'll show them — Henry Rollins

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Bill Maher

Please stop assuming that longevity and perfect health is always the correct option. No. Sometimes fun costs ya. It just does, you know? And that's OK, you're willing to make that purchase. Sammy Davis, Jr. was 64 when he died. Give me 64 Sammy-years, I'll be happy. — Bill Maher

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Karina Halle

I don't think I'll ever be able to tell you how sorry I am. It doesn't mean I won't try, because you, Perry, you deserve a lifetime of servitude. Eons of groveling. Even then, I dont' think I can show enough, do enough to let you see. And that's OK. You have every right to hate me for this lifetime and many others. You have every right to never see me again. To spit on my grave. But tonight, now I"m not going to give up on you. I'm going to fix you, or die trying". — Karina Halle

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Manti Te'o

As long as my family's OK, I'll be fine. — Manti Te'o

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Steven Moffat

I'll be a story in your head. But that's OK. We're all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one, eh? Because it was, you know; it was the best. — Steven Moffat

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Victoria Paige

No, you're the girl I'm in love with. I love you more than my own life," Jack declared fervently. "If anything happens to you Maia, it will be over for me. I'm never gonna come back from losing you - not in ten, not in fifty years. So I'm asking you not to throw away what we have on some fucking job someone else can do. I'm begging you to give what we have a chance. You've done your time; it's OK to slow down, babe. I promise you, I'll make it my life's priority to make you happy."
~Jack to Maia — Victoria Paige

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Michael Jackson

She's saying that's ok,
Hey baby, do what you want
I'll be your night lovin' thing
I'll be the freak you can taunt
And I don't care what you say
I want to go too far
I'll be your everything
If you make me a star ...
Dirty Diana — Michael Jackson

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Suzanne Collins

I reach for Prim in the twilight, clamp my hand on her leg and pull myself over to her. Her voice remains steady as she croons to Buttercup. "It's all right, baby, it's all right. We'll be OK down there."
My mother wraps her arms around us. I allow myself to feel young for a moment and rest my head on her shoulder. — Suzanne Collins

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Haruki Murakami

You know, they've got these chocolate assortments, and you like some but you don't like others? And you eat all the ones you like, and the only ones left are the ones you don't like as much? I always think about that when something painful comes up. Now I just have to
polish these off, and everything'll be OK. Life is a box of chocolates. I suppose you could call it a philosophy. — Haruki Murakami

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Lil' Wayne

If you wanna leave be my guest you can step
Feelin' irreplaceable listening to Beyonce
Well, OK, I'll put you out on your bday — Lil' Wayne

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Charice Pempengco

I wanted to be a doctor, but my mom was like, 'It's really hard and it's going to take 10 years,' so I was like 'OK, I'll just be a lawyer'. — Charice Pempengco

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Woody Allen

Honey, you're the one who stopped sleeping with me, OK?
It'll be a year come April 20th.
I remember the date exactly, because it was Hitler's birthday — Woody Allen

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Elton John

I don't think there can ever be too many messages about AIDS. If you stop the education process, then people are going to think the problem is all over and done with. They'll think that it's OK to go and have sex again. Education is essential, especially among young people. — Elton John

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Jack Reynor

I originally got into this because of a five-year-old's begrudgery of his teacher. Mrs. Lawlor cast me as a tree, and I was disgusted. I was sure I had more to offer than that. It was like, 'OK, if you want me to be set dressing, fine, I'll take it on the chin but I'll show you - I'm going to be a big actor some day.' — Jack Reynor

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Barry Lyga

Yeah. No matter what Coach does or doesn't do. Because ... I'm going on my terms. Even if by some miracle he recommends me for the scholarship, I'm not taking it."
That surprises her. "I don't get it."
"That's why I had no choice but to let that pitch go by. I had to prove to myself that I could live without baseball. I can't go to college on their terms. I can't be the ballplayer first and the student second, and if they're giving me an athletic scholarship, believe me - that's what it would be. Athlete-scholar, not the other way around. No one can convince me otherwise.
"So, yeah. I'll have to take out student loans. I'll have to work my ass off. But that's OK. — Barry Lyga

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Shelly Crane

Dad, he's different. He's not going to take advantage of me."
"I hope not, 'cause I'd hate to go to prison for murder."
I laughed and went to hug him but he wasn't amused.
"Dad, I'll be ok. Caleb is a nice guy and very responsible. I promise you I won't do anything stupid and neither will he. I'm sure he wants to stay alive and keep his limbs intact. Ok?"
"Ok," he conceded with a sigh. — Shelly Crane

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Shauna Niequist

What I'm finding is that when I'm hungry, lots of times what I really want more than food is an external voice to say, "You've done enough. It's OK to be tired. You can take a break. I'll take care of you. I see how hard you're trying." There is, though, no voice that can say that except the voice of God. The work I'm doing now is to let those words fall deeply on me, to give myself permission to be tired, to be weak, to need. — Shauna Niequist

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Douglas Adams

So, like I said, these are a bunch of really sweet guys, but you wouldn't want to share a Galaxy with them, not if they're just gonna keep at it, not if they're not gonna learn to relax a little. I mean it's just gonna be continual nervous time, isn't it, right? Pow, pow, pow, when are they next coming at us? Peaceful coexistence is just right out, right? Get me some water somebody, thank you."

He sat back and sipped reflectively.

OK," he said, "hear me, hear me. It's, like, these guys, you know, are entitled to their own view of the Universe. And according to their view, which the Universe forced on them, right, they did right. Sounds crazy, but I think you'll agree. They believe in ..."

He consulted a piece of paper which he found in the back pocket of his Judicial jeans.

They believe in 'peace, justice, morality, culture, sport, family life, and the obliteration of all other life forms'. — Douglas Adams

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By S.R. Crawford

OK then, picture daddy; whenever you're afraid just close your eyes and picture me. I'll be all that exists in your world and I promise to protect you. — S.R. Crawford

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Joss Stone

It's ok to be sassy, but I'll never be trashy, it's ok to be nasty, but you got to keep it classy now — Joss Stone

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By John Darnielle

I take the knife and stab myself in the neck. I bleed out on top of the fortune-teller's grave and then I'm dead and that's my game. I am OK and I'll be OK but this is the end and this is my story. CH. — John Darnielle

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Kate Brian

TooDamn-Funky: It's a start, ok. Been thinking bout the boyz. 'member last year my bro did that immersion thing in Venezuela?
Kciker5525: Where he learned to speak Spanish???
TooDamn-Funky: Yeah! u go for 2 weeks talk nothing but Spanish u come back fluent.
Kicker5535: ... ????
TooDamn-Funky: Well this is like a guy immersion program!
Kicker5525: So ... what. I'm going 2 b fluent in GUY?
TooDamn-Funky: Exactly! u will c what they talk about alone. U will c how they r with each other. U will c how they THINK!! AND WHEN IT'S DONE YOU'LL BE ABLE TO WRITE A GUY GUIDE BOOK!!
Kicker5525: U r deranged. — Kate Brian

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Hanley Ramirez

I'm just going to try to hit the ball hard. If it's going out of the park, that'll be OK. — Hanley Ramirez

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Johnny Depp

If I can avoid the mirror when I brush my teeth in the morning, I will. I find security and safety in the most profound degree of ignorance. If you can just stay ignorant of almost everything you'll be OK. It's fine to stay informed and look at things, but to judge things will bog you down. — Johnny Depp

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Joe Biden

If I don't run for president, we'll all be OK. — Joe Biden

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Kiana Tom

I used to hate being different. I used to cry. I wanted to be blonde-haired and blue-eyed like all of my girlfriends. My mom and dad would feel so badly - 'No, it's OK. You'll be happy you're different later. — Kiana Tom

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Steven Moffat

Clara Oswald: This is just a dream, but very clever people can hear dreams. So please, just listen. I know you're afraid, but being afraid is all right, because didn't anybody ever tell you fear is a superpower? Fear can make you faster and cleverer and stronger.
And one day, you'll come back to this barn and on that day you're going to be very afraid indeed. But that's ok because if you're very wise and very strong, fear doesn't have to make you cruel or cowardly. Fear can make you kind.
It doesn't matter if there's nothing under the bed or in the dark, so long as you know it's ok to be afraid of it. You're always going to be afraid, even if you learn to hide it. Fear is like a companion, a constant companion, always there. But that's ok, because fear can bring us together.
Fear can bring you home.
I'm going to leave you with something just so you always remember: Fear makes companions of us all. -Listen, Doctor Who, episode 8.4 — Steven Moffat

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Sarra Manning

I'm going that way too. I live in Crouch End. Do you want to share a black cab?'
Black cabs were an extravagance that Neve couldn't afford, not this far away from payday, but that wasn't the reason why she declined. 'No,
thank you. I'm perfectly all right with catching the tube.'
'OK, tube it is,' Max agreed, because he was quite obviously emotionally tone deaf and couldn't sense the huge 'kindly bugger off' vibes that
Neve was sure she was emitting. 'You're still mad at me, aren't you?'
'You apologised, why would I still be mad at you?'
'One day we'll laugh about this. When little Tommy asks how we met, I'll say, "Well, son, I threw an ice cube at your mother, then slapped her
arse, and we've been inseparable ever since. — Sarra Manning

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Terry Francona

I thought, 'OK, I'm done here. I'll take responsibility and go away.' Little did I know I was going to be going away limping because someone cut my legs out from under me. — Terry Francona

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By B.o.B

A lot of artists go in the studio and say, 'OK, whaddaya want me to do? Is it gonna be a hit? I'll do it. Is it gonna get played on the radio? I'll do it.' So they start makin' these songs, and they fall in the same tempo, same category, same this, same that, and it'll just all sound the same. — B.o.B

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Jonathan Safran Foer

The kids silenced.
"OK,"' Julia said. "Well, as you probably know, I'm Sam's mom. He told me not to make a big deal, so I'll keep this to the essentials. First, I want to let you all know how totally psyched I am to be here with you."
Sam closed his eyes, willing himself to unlearn object permanence. — Jonathan Safran Foer

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Samantha Towle

Do you want me to leave?' 'What? No fuckin' way do I want you to leave. What I want is for you to relax and enjoy yourself with me tonight, so all I'm doing by canceling our date is taking it our of the equation. If it happens to turn into a date later, then awesome. If it does't, then I might be a little disappointed ... ' He grins to let me know that he is teasing. 'There isn't any pressure here. I like you - a lot. I think that is pretty obvious. But I want you to want to be here with me in the same way as I do you. If you're not quite there yet, then that's ok. I'll wait until you are. However long it takes. — Samantha Towle

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Timothy Simons

I'll believe I made it when I'm 100 years old, I'm still able to get work, and they're about to put me in a coffin, and I'll be like, 'Yeah, OK, it went all right.' But until then, I'm not saying it. — Timothy Simons

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Gerry Lopez

If I can make an economic deal with Amazon that works for them and works for me, OK - I'll make it available. But I don't want to be part of restrictions that make life difficult for my guests. — Gerry Lopez

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Haruki Murakami

That's the most important thing for a sickness like ours: a sense of trust. If I put myself in this person's hands, I'll be OK. If my condition starts to worsen even the slightest bit - if a screw comes loose - he'll notice straight away, and with tremendous care and patience he'll fix it, he'll tighten the screw again, put all the jumped threads back in place. If we have that sense of trust, our sickness stays away. — Haruki Murakami

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Maya Angelou

I always knew from that moment, from the time I found myself at home in that little segregated library in the South, all the way up until I walked up the steps of the New York City library, I always felt, in any town, if I can get to a library, I'll be OK. It really helped me as a child, and that never left me. So I have a special place for every library, in my heart of hearts. — Maya Angelou

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Derek Landy

Well, OK then." He narrowed his eyes. "How about you? Do you have any ... romances I should know about?"
"Nope. Not one."
"Well, good. Excellent. There'll be plenty of time for boys when you leave college and become a nun."
She smiled. "I'm glad you have such ambitious dreams for me. — Derek Landy

I Ll Be Ok Quotes By Elizabeth Taylor

I find it rather tedious working with some actors who have to go into a corner and bounce up and down, shake their hands and arms, saying to the director, "Just a second - I'll be ready in a few minutes, " while all the other actors are waiting around to get in. Then they say, "OK! I'm ready now." And then they come on and do it exactly the same way they've done it in rehearsal. — Elizabeth Taylor