Famous Quotes & Sayings

I Am Smarter Quotes & Sayings

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Top I Am Smarter Quotes

I Am Smarter Quotes By Peter Rogers

I'm gonna take all my sadness, frustration, anger and energy and channel it into becoming the best possible student.

I am going to become a learning machine...

Go ahead, go to all your parties. Go ahead and go home to your families and friends every weekend. You are probably smarter than me. But it doesn't matter. While you are goofing around, I'm gonna be studying, and I'm gonna catch you. — Peter Rogers

I Am Smarter Quotes By Benjamin R. Smith

Several things ran through my head as I watched this silent ballet: First, I was running low on pears, my favorite morning fruit. Second, I, as a woman, am much smarter than men, I having displayed foresight this male apparently lacked in regards to trash day. And finally, I desperately needed to see more of this man in his boxers. — Benjamin R. Smith

I Am Smarter Quotes By Elvis Presley

It's all a big hoax, honey. I never wrote a song in my life. I get one-third of the credit for recording it. It makes me look smarter than I am. I've never even had an idea for a song. Just once, mybe. — Elvis Presley

I Am Smarter Quotes By Floyd Mayweather Jr.

You have to realize that most of these guys get in there and fight on heart. I fight with smarts. There is no fighter that is smarter than me. Most of these fighters are ABC, 1-2-3. I am like 4-5-6 levels above them; that's why I'm able to beat them. — Floyd Mayweather Jr.

I Am Smarter Quotes By George Smoot

My name is George Smoot III, and I am smarter than a fifth-grader. — George Smoot

I Am Smarter Quotes By Orson Scott Card

You're very smart. Smarter than I am, I hope. Though of course I have such incredible vanity that I can't really believe that anyone is actually smarter than I am. Which means that I'm all the more in need of good advice, since I can't actually conceive of needing any. — Orson Scott Card

I Am Smarter Quotes By Martin Zweig

I measure what's going on, and I adapt to it. I try to get my ego out of the way. The market is smarter than I am so I bend. — Martin Zweig

I Am Smarter Quotes By Pierce Brown

I am not some frill-wearing tramp. I am a genius. I say this because it is a fact. I am smarter than any person you've ever met, except perhaps my twin. My heart does not make my brain a fool. — Pierce Brown

I Am Smarter Quotes By Herman Koch

Claire is smarter than I am. I'm not saying that out of some half-baked feminist sentiment or in order to endear women to me. You'll never hear me claim that 'women in general' are smarter than men. Or more sensitive, more intuitive, or that they are more 'in touch with life', or any of the other horseshit that, when all is said and done, so-called 'sensitive' men try to peddle more often than women themselves. — Herman Koch

I Am Smarter Quotes By Henry J. Kaiser

I make progress by having people around me who are smarter than I am and listening to them. And I assume that everyone is smarter about something than I am. — Henry J. Kaiser

I Am Smarter Quotes By Andrew Cuomo

Whether you voted for me or not, going through the Democratic process had made me a better candidate. I am a smarter, better candidate. — Andrew Cuomo

I Am Smarter Quotes By Orson Scott Card

I am your enemy, the first one you've ever had who was smarter than you. There is no teacher but the enemy. No one but the enemy will tell you what the enemy is going to do. No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer. Only the enemy shows you where you are weak. Only the enemy tells you where he is strong. And the only rules of the game are what you can do to him and what you can stop him from doing to you. I am your enemy from now on. From now on I am your teacher. I will devise the strategy of your army, and you will learn to be quick and discover what tricks the enemy has for you. Remember, boy. From now on the enemy is more clever than you. From now on the enemy is stronger than you. From now on you are always about to lose. — Orson Scott Card

I Am Smarter Quotes By Jeffrey Pfeffer

I am increasingly convinced that people who have power are not necessarily smarter than others. Beyond a certain level of intelligence and level in the hierarchy, everyone is smart. What differentiates people is their political skill and savvy. — Jeffrey Pfeffer

I Am Smarter Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

Damn, damn, damn," she said. "I never said why I like you, and now I have to go."
"That's okay," he said.
"It's because you're kind," she said. "And because you get all my jokes ... "
"Okay." He laughed.
"And you're smarter than I am."
"I am not."
"And you look like a protagonist." She was talking as fast as she could think. "You look like the person who wins in the end. You're so pretty, and so good. You have magic eyes," she whispered. "And you make me feel like a cannibal."
"You're crazy."
"I have to go." She leaned over so the receiver was close to the base.
"Eleanor - wait," Park said. She could hear her dad in the kitchen and her heartbeat everywhere.
"Eleanor - wait - I love you. — Rainbow Rowell

I Am Smarter Quotes By Susan Sontag

I guess I think I'm writing for people who are smarter than I am, because then I'll be doing something that's worth their time. I'd be very afraid to write from a position where I consciously thought I was smarter than most of my readers. — Susan Sontag

I Am Smarter Quotes By Veronica Roth

I stare at him. I feel my heartbeat everywhere, even in my toes. I feel like doing something bold, but I could just as easily walk away. I am not sure which option is smarter, or better. I am not sure that I care. — Veronica Roth

I Am Smarter Quotes By Doug Stanhope

I am a very mediocre intellect, at best, and I am smarter than most people I know - and that terrifies me. — Doug Stanhope

I Am Smarter Quotes By Julie Kagawa

It is the iron." Grimalkin picked his way over a puddle, then leaped atop a fallen tree, shaking out his paws."This close to the false king's realm, his influence is stronger that ever. It will be worse once you are actually within its borders."
Puck snorted."Doesn't seem like it's affecting you much, Cat."
That is because I am smarter than you and prepare for these things."
"Really? How would you prepare for me tossing you into a lake? — Julie Kagawa

I Am Smarter Quotes By Socrates

I am a fool, but I know I'm a fool and that makes me smarter than you. — Socrates

I Am Smarter Quotes By Charlotte Bronte

I held a brief debate with myself as to whether I should change my ordinary attire for something smarter. At last I concluded it would be a waste of labour. "Doubtless," though I, "she is some stiff old maid ; for though the daughter of Madame Reuter, she may well number upwards of forty winters; besides, if it were otherwise, if she be both young and pretty, I am not handsome, and no dressing can make me so, therefore I'll go as I am." And off I started, cursorily glancing sideways as I passed the toilet-table, surmounted by a looking-glass: a thin irregular face I saw, with sunk, dark eyes under a large, square forehead, complexion destitute of bloom or attraction; something young, but not youthful, no object to win a lady's love, no butt for the shafts of Cupid. — Charlotte Bronte

I Am Smarter Quotes By Glenn T. Seaborg

All my life I've been surrounded by people who are smarter than I am, but I found I could always keep up by working hard. — Glenn T. Seaborg

I Am Smarter Quotes By Veronica Roth

Wait a second," Four says. I turn toward him, wondering which version of Four I'll see now-the one who scolds me, or the one who climbs Ferris wheels with me. He smiles a little, but the smile doesn't spread to his eyes, which look less tense and worried.
"You belong here, you know that?" he says. "You belong with us. It'll be over soon, so just hold on, okay?"
He scratches behind his ear and looks away, like he's embarrassed by what he said.
I stare at him. I feel my heartbeat everywhere, even in my toes. I feel like doing something bold, but I could just as easily walk away. I am not sure which option is smarter, or better. I am not sure that I care.
I reach out and take his hand. His fingers slide between mine. I can't breathe.
I stare up at him, and he stares down at me. For a long moment, we stay that way. Then I pull my hand away and run after Uriah and Lynn and Marlene. Maybe now he thinks I'm stupid, or strange. Maybe it was worth it. — Veronica Roth

I Am Smarter Quotes By Brett Hull

I am 10 times smarter than everyone else in this game. Beyond a shadow of a doubt. — Brett Hull

I Am Smarter Quotes By Patricia MacLachlan

I'm working on a bunch of things with my daughter Emily. In some ways, she's a smarter and better editor than I am. — Patricia MacLachlan

I Am Smarter Quotes By Emma Forrest

It's as if he can no longer acknowledge the love he felt or the pain I am in. I have been dismissed. I don't think I was smarter or as beautiful as the other girls he did this to. It's just that I was me. It was all I had. — Emma Forrest

I Am Smarter Quotes By Francine Prose

I've always found that the better the book I'm reading, the smarter I feel, or, at least, the more able I am to imagine that I might, someday, become smarter. — Francine Prose

I Am Smarter Quotes By David Mamet

My dad, may he rest in
peace, taught me many wonderful things. And one of the things he taught me was never ask a guy what you do for a living.
He said "If you think about it, when you ask a guy, what do you do you do for a living," you're saying "how may I gauge the rest of your utterances." are you smarter than I am? Are you richer than I am, poorer than I am?"
So you ask a guy what do you do for a living, it's the same thing as
asking a guy, let me know what your politics are before I listen to you so
I know whether or not you're part of my herd, in which case I can nod
knowingly, or part of the other herd, in which case I can wish you dead. — David Mamet

I Am Smarter Quotes By Linus Pauling

I recognize that many physicists are smarter than I am-most of them theoretical physicists. A lot of smart people have gone into theoretical physics, therefore the field is extremely competitive. I console myself with the thought that although they may be smarter and may be deeper thinkers than I am, I have broader interests than they have. — Linus Pauling

I Am Smarter Quotes By Fernando Henrique Cardoso

I am not proposing to replace war with peace. I propose to replace war with a smarter fight. A fight using other instruments, more intelligent instruments to convince people not to use drugs. — Fernando Henrique Cardoso

I Am Smarter Quotes By Tim Ferriss

I still feel there are much smarter self-promoters out there than me. I am very methodical about my messaging, and I know how to gain attention very quickly. — Tim Ferriss

I Am Smarter Quotes By Gerald R. Ford

I've had a lot of experience with people smarter than I am. — Gerald R. Ford

I Am Smarter Quotes By Dan Millman

Sometimes I look back and think, "How did I write that? The book is smarter than I am!" I have never written strategically, but rather, followed the dictates of my muse. — Dan Millman

I Am Smarter Quotes By Dean Koontz

I must exist in shadows, while you live under exquisitely blue skies, and yet I don't hate you for the freedom that you take for granted-although I do envy you.
I don't hate you because, after all, you are human, too, and therefore have limitations of your own. Perhaps you are homely, slow-witted or too smart for your own good, deaf or mute or blind, by nature given to despair or to self-hatred, or perhaps you are unusually fearful of Death himself. We all have burdens. On the other hand, if you are better-looking and smarter than I am, blessed with five sharp senses, even more optimistic than I am, with plenty of self-esteem, and if you also share my refusal to be humbled by the Reaper ... well, then I could almost hate you if I didn't know that, like all of us in this imperfect world, you also have a haunted heart and a mind troubled by grief, by loss, by longing. — Dean Koontz

I Am Smarter Quotes By Ann Patchett

Forgiveness. The ability to forgive oneself. Stop here for a few breaths and think about this because it is the key to making art, and very possibly the key to finding any semblance of happiness in life. Every time I have set out to translate the book (or story, or hopelessly long essay) that exists in such brilliant detail on the big screen of my limbic system onto a piece of paper (which, let's face it, was once a towering tree crowned with leaves and a home to birds). I grieve for my own lack of talent and intelligence. Every. Single. Time. Were I smarter, more gifted, I could pin down a closer facsimile of the wonders I see. I believe, more than anything, that this grief of constantly having to face down our own inadequacies is what keeps people from being writers. Forgiveness, therefore, is key. I can't write the book I want to write, but I can and will write the book I am capable of writing. Again and again throughout the course of my life I will forgive myself. — Ann Patchett

I Am Smarter Quotes By M. Night Shyamalan

I don't want to pretend I'm any cooler or smarter than I am. — M. Night Shyamalan

I Am Smarter Quotes By M.R. Carey

Parks joins her and they continue to boggle in unison. "Any idea?" the sergeant asks at last. Justineau shakes her head. "You?" "I prefer to look at all the evidence first. Then I get someone smarter than I am to explain it to me." They — M.R. Carey

I Am Smarter Quotes By Michael Grant

How am I supposed to feed you?" Drake demanded.
"Darkness say to coyote: don't kill human. Did not say don't eat dead human."
Drake laughed with a certain delight. This Pack Leader was definitely a smarter animal than the original one. — Michael Grant

I Am Smarter Quotes By Percival Everett

Like most people I am smarter than some, dumber than others, skinnier than most, and fatter than a few, but none was ever more confused than I was. I flew with confusion always parallel to me, and a whole internal chase at my rear. The one matter that was not confusing to me, but seemed to escape all the others, was the fact that the only thing that was certain to become obsolete, would necessarily become wearied and worn, was the truth. I knew this in spite of the truth that I had had little truck with the truth in my life. It was not that I considered myself a resident in a den of lies, but rather that my history was shrouded and diced and soaking wet with hysteria and contradiction. Contradictions or no, my trajectory through life, though different from most, was, nonetheless, a trajectory. — Percival Everett

I Am Smarter Quotes By Eliza Crewe

They say curiosity killed the cat but I am unconcerned. I am smarter, though slightly less evil, than any cat. — Eliza Crewe

I Am Smarter Quotes By Jessica Martinez

How about I give you a hin instead?"
"Sure. I'm sure a hint's all I need anyway."
"You think you're pretty smart then?" he said, his voice somewhere between playful and cocky.
"I only have to be smarter than you think I am, right?"
"...well now I'm in a position where I have to make it impossibly hard if I don't want to insult you. That wasn't smart at all."
"Oh, wow, just give me the hint already. — Jessica Martinez

I Am Smarter Quotes By Ben Stein

I think, there are many people who are much smarter than I am, and many, many, many who are much harder-working than I am, but in terms of the range of my activities, they're unique. — Ben Stein

I Am Smarter Quotes By Elizabeth Bear

Though I am otherwise relentlessly normal, I have one peculiarity: I get along well only with people who are smarter than me. — Elizabeth Bear

I Am Smarter Quotes By Hillary Rodham Clinton

While we can and must work to reduce the danger, the only way to eliminate risk entirely is to retreat entirely and to accept the consequences of the void we leave behind. When America is absent, extremism takes root, our interests suffer, and our security at home is threatened. There are some who believe that is the better choice; I am not one of them.

Retreat is not the answer; it won't make the world a safer place, and it's just not in our country's DNA. When faced with setbacks and tragedies, Americans have always worked harder and smarter. We strive to learn from our mistakes and avoid repeating them. And we do not shrink from the challenges ahead. That is what we must continue to do. — Hillary Rodham Clinton

I Am Smarter Quotes By George Steinbrenner

Surround yourself with amazingly intelligent men and women. The people I work with not only are smarter than I am, possessing both intellectual and emotional intelligence, but also share my determination to succeed. I will not make an important decision without them. — George Steinbrenner

I Am Smarter Quotes By John Green

You don't get tired of looking at her. You never worry if she is smarter than you: You know she is. She is funny without ever being mean. I love her. I am so lucky to lover her. — John Green

I Am Smarter Quotes By Kristi Noem

I am honored that my freshman class colleagues have put their trust in me to represent our historic class at the leadership table. The incoming freshman class of Representatives is large and diverse but we share many common goals including cutting wasteful spending, getting our economy back on track and making government smarter and more efficient. — Kristi Noem

I Am Smarter Quotes By Mitch Albom

I used to think I knew everything. I was a "smart person" who "got things done," and because of that, the higher I climbed, the more I could look down and scoff at what seemed silly or simple, even religion.
But I realized something as I drove home that night: that I am neither better nor smarter, only luckier. And I should be ashamed of thinking I knew everything, because you can know the whole world and still feel lost in it. So many people are in pain-no matter how smart or accomplished-they cry, they yearn, they hurt.But instead of looking down on things, they look up, which is where I should have been looking, too. Because when the world quiets to the sound of your own breathing, we all want the same things:comfort, love, and a peaceful heart. — Mitch Albom

I Am Smarter Quotes By Jay Green

You may be more talented than me. You might be smarter than me. And you may be better looking than me. But if we get on a treadmill together, you are going to get off first or I am going to die. It's really that simple. I'm not going to be overworked. — Jay Green

I Am Smarter Quotes By Winston Churchill

I am convinced that there is no smarter, handier, or more adaptable body of troops in the world. — Winston Churchill

I Am Smarter Quotes By John Green

What else? She is so beautiful. You don't get tired of looking at her. You never worry if she is smarter than you: You know she is. She is funny without ever being mean. I love her. I am so lucky to love her, Van Houten. You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world, old man, but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices. I hope she likes hers. — John Green

I Am Smarter Quotes By Joss Whedon

[My mother] really was an extraordinary, inspirational, tough, cool, sexy, funny woman. And that's the kind of woman I've always surrounded myself with, my friends and particularly my wife, who is not only smarter than and stronger than I am, but occasionally taller, too. I think it also goes back to my father and my stepfather, because they prized wit and resolve in the women they were with above all things and they were among the rare men who understood that recognising someone else's power doesn't diminish your own. — Joss Whedon

I Am Smarter Quotes By Petra Hermans

Adagio Tilburg and an Icy Sick Majumder Melon
Betrayed Together : The Whole Holocaust.
I am Smarter : I Survived The Second Holocaust.
Petra Cecilia Maria Hermans
Religion of Blue Circle
Michael Andreas Helmuth Ende
Jan Goossens
September 6, 2016 — Petra Hermans

I Am Smarter Quotes By Carmelo Anthony

I think I am a smarter player now. — Carmelo Anthony

I Am Smarter Quotes By Orson Scott Card

An enemy, Ender Wiggin," whispered the old man. "I am your enemy, the first one you've ever had who was smarter than you. There is no teacher but the enemy. No one but the enemy will tell you what the enemy is going to do. No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer. Only the enemy shows you where you are weak. Only the enemy tells you where he is strong. And the rules of the game are what you can do to him and what you can stop him from doing to you. I am your enemy from now on. From now on I am your teacher. — Orson Scott Card

I Am Smarter Quotes By John Green

She is so beautiful. You don't get tired of looking at her. You never worry if she is smarter than you: You know she is. She is funny without ever being mean. I love her. I am so lucky to love her. — John Green

I Am Smarter Quotes By Meg Cabot

That does not mean he is smarter than I am. I mean, can he draw a cat ? — Meg Cabot

I Am Smarter Quotes By Michael Hintze

I am not sure that I am that smart. I think we work harder. When I was at university, there were a lot of smarter people than me, and they seem not to have done quite so well. — Michael Hintze

I Am Smarter Quotes By Brandon Sanderson

Then tell me this: How do I outthink an enemy I know is smarter than I am?' ...
I face some of the most crafty people who have ever lived. My current foe understands the minds of others in a way that I cannot hope to match. So how do I defeat her? She will vanish the moment I threaten her, running to one of a dozen other refuges that she is sure to have set up ...
I have to peer into her eyes, see into her soul, and know that it's her that I face and not some decoy. I have to do that without frightening her into running. How?'
The question remains,' he said, voice soft but tense. 'How would you fight her, Nynaeve?'
I don't care to play your games, Rand al'Thor,' Nynaeve replied with a huff. 'You've obviously already decided what you intend to do. Why ask me?'
Because what I'm about to do should frighten me,' he said. 'It doesn't. — Brandon Sanderson

I Am Smarter Quotes By Charles Yu

I don't have many friends. TAMMY, I guess. Her soul is code, is a fixed set of instructions, and although you might think having a relationship with someone like that would get boring after a while, it doesn't. TAMMY's AI is good. Really good. She's smarter than I am, by a mile, by an order of magnitude. In all the time I've known her, TAMMY's never said the same thing to me twice, which is more than you can ask from most human friends. Plus, I have Ed for petting and body heat. I think that probably sounds more yucky than it really is. — Charles Yu

I Am Smarter Quotes By Etgar Keret

It's funny, but I think my stories - the good ones - they're much smarter than I am. — Etgar Keret

I Am Smarter Quotes By Jack Kerouac

I know everything's alright but I want proof and the Buddhas and the Virgin Marys are there reminding me of the solemn pledge of faith in this harsh and stupid earth where we rage our so-called lives in a sea of worry, meat for Chicagos of Graves - right this minute my very father and my very brother lie side by side in mud in the North and I'm supposed to be smarter than they are - being quick I am dead. — Jack Kerouac

I Am Smarter Quotes By Craig Silvey

See, Batman is different. He's mortal. He's got a real life to risk. Superman just has to avoid Kryptonite. Big deal. Superman fears nothing because outside a few very specific circumstances where he might encounter some stupid rock, nothing can possibly do him in. Batman has the same vulnerabilities as the rest of us, so he has the same fears as us. That's why he's the most courageous: because he can put those aside and fight on regardless. My point is this: the more you have to lose, the braver you re for standing up. That's why Batman is superior to Superman, and that's why I am infinitely smarter then you.'
I am a genius. I have won.
'Pffft! Whatever. I'll bet Batman won't be too loud about his superiority when Superman is belting seven shades of shit out of him. — Craig Silvey

I Am Smarter Quotes By Philip K. Dick

Thomas," Fat told me, "is smarter than I am, and he knows more than I do. Of the two of us Thomas is the master personality." He considered that good; woe unto someone who has an evil or stupid other personality in his head! — Philip K. Dick

I Am Smarter Quotes By Shane McCrae

I'm always glad that other people are way smarter about my poems than I am. — Shane McCrae

I Am Smarter Quotes By Lauren Dane

First of all, I was running scams when you were at keggers at Kappa Kappa Werewolf. You don't know much about me but I am way smarter than Gabriel was. I'm a consummate liar. I can street fight with the best of them and I can cheat at cards like nobody's business. This on top of my computer skills. I may not howl at the moon and have superhuman strength but I can hold my own. — Lauren Dane

I Am Smarter Quotes By Neal Stephenson

Shut up about Leibniz for a moment, Rudy, because look here: You - Rudy - and I are on a train, as it were, sitting in the dining car, having a nice conversation, and that train is being pulled along at a terrific clip by certain locomotives named The Bertrand Russell and Riemann and Euler and others. And our friend Lawrence is running alongside the train, trying to keep up with us - it's not that we're smarter than he is, necessarily, but that he's a farmer who didn't get a ticket. And I, Rudy, am simply reaching out through the open window here, trying to pull him onto the fucking train with us so that the three of us can have a nice little chat about mathematics without having to listen to him panting and gasping for breath the whole way. — Neal Stephenson

I Am Smarter Quotes By Tom Robbins

Thanks pal, but I tend to avoid any substance that makes me feel smarter, stronger, or better looking than I know I actually am. There were, in his opinion, drugs that diminished ego and drugs that engorged ego, which is to say, revelatory drugs and delusory drugs, and on a psychic level, at least, he favored awe over swagger. Should he ever aspire to become voluntarily delusional, then good old-fashioned alcohol would do the job effectively and inexpensively, thank you, and without the dubious bonus of jaw-clenching jitters. — Tom Robbins

I Am Smarter Quotes By Michael Weatherly

When my wife gets mad at me, I remind myself that she is much smarter than I am and so I probably deserve it, even if I don't really understand it! — Michael Weatherly

I Am Smarter Quotes By Alankrita Verma

I am not as smart as you. I'm just smarter than you. Where is my Granola Bar, by the way? — Alankrita Verma

I Am Smarter Quotes By Larry Holmes

I am still quick at 250 to 260 lbs and I am smarter. — Larry Holmes

I Am Smarter Quotes By Micky Ward

I trained as hard as I could, I ran as much as I could, I sparred hard, I did everything right. I did everything I could possibly do at the age when I could fight. You have to be realistic; you can't say, 'Oh, I am smarter now, older and I can punch harder.' You think you can, but you can't. — Micky Ward

I Am Smarter Quotes By Robert Six

I am suggesting to you the simple idea that people work harder and smarter if they find their work satisfying and know that it is appreciated. — Robert Six

I Am Smarter Quotes By Eliezer Yudkowsky

Homo sapiens didn't become the dominant species on this planet by having the sharpest claws or hardest armor - though I suppose some of that point may be lost on wizards. Still, it's beneath my dignity as a human being to be scared of anything that isn't smarter than I am. — Eliezer Yudkowsky

I Am Smarter Quotes By Sadiqua Hamdan

The realization that my grandmother, mother and I are one in the same awakens something mysterious inside of me. The person I am, someone I believe has more opportunities than my mom and grandmother in matters of work, relationships and love is true, yet I am still acting out old belief patterns. I am no better or smarter than either one of them. Our basic needs and emotions in life are the similar. Our experiences differ, but we are one and the same. This conscious awakening is surreal. — Sadiqua Hamdan

I Am Smarter Quotes By Philippe Starck

Anyone can build a building that protects people from heat, sun and cold. What I am determined to do is to make a stage where people can be sexier and more brilliant, a place where they can awake smarter. — Philippe Starck

I Am Smarter Quotes By Susan Sontag

What I write is smarter than I am. Because I can rewrite it. — Susan Sontag

I Am Smarter Quotes By Kody Keplinger

Don't pretend, Bianca," he said. "You're smarter than that, and so am I. I finally figured out what you meant when you left. You said you were like Hester. I get it now. The first time you came to my house, when we wrote that paper, you said Hester was trying to escape. But everything caught up with Hester in the end, didn't it? Well, something finally caught up with you, but you're just running away again. Only, he"-Wesley pointed to my bedroom door-"is your escape this time." He took a step toward me, forcing me to crane my neck even more to see his face. "Admit it, Duffy."
"Admit what?"
"That you're running away from me," he said. "You realized you're in love with me and you bailed because it scared the shit out of you. — Kody Keplinger

I Am Smarter Quotes By Shel Silverstein

When I am gone what will you do? Who will write and draw for you? Someone smarter
someone new? Someone better
maybe YOU! — Shel Silverstein

I Am Smarter Quotes By Brian Tracy

To be successful, you need to really work hard. And every study in the last 50 years says that successful people say, "I am not smarter than anybody else. I just want to work harder and longer." — Brian Tracy

I Am Smarter Quotes By Joyce Banda

I have chosen to fight against corruption in this country, though I have been advised not to because we are drawing closer to this year's Tripartite Elections. I know I am fighting against people who are smarter, wealthier and advanced. — Joyce Banda

I Am Smarter Quotes By Russell Simmons

I've been blessed to find people who are smarter than I am, and they help me to execute the vision I have. — Russell Simmons

I Am Smarter Quotes By Andy Rooney

I've learned ... That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am. — Andy Rooney

I Am Smarter Quotes By Jim Butcher

Thomas grunted. "Might have been smarter for them to have left you alone. Now you know something."
I made an exasperated sound. "Yes. Those fools. By trying to kill me, they've revealed their very souls. I have them now."
Thomas gave me a steady look. "Being Mab's bitch has made you a pessimist."
"I am not a pessimist," I said loftily. "Though that can't last."
That made Thomas grin. "Nice."
"Thank you. — Jim Butcher