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Humorous Wise Quotes & Sayings

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Top Humorous Wise Quotes

Humorous Wise Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

You don't hear what I hear. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Humorous Wise Quotes By Mita Jain

Weakness is weaker when discovered by others. — Mita Jain

Humorous Wise Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Is there any thinking animal like man? — Lailah Gifty Akita

Humorous Wise Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Darkness is necessary for evolvement. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Humorous Wise Quotes By Gary Shteyngart

She took my hand and pulled me after her, her shoulders giving off a sweet peppermint concoction that the bodies of young women sometimes produce to make my life more difficult. — Gary Shteyngart

Humorous Wise Quotes By Ruth Stout

The bliss that comes from ignorance should seldom be encouraged for it is likely to do one out of a more satisfying bliss. — Ruth Stout

Humorous Wise Quotes By George Herbert

An old mans staffe is the rapper of deaths doore. — George Herbert

Humorous Wise Quotes By Sophie Kinsella

I collapse on my pillows in relief, my heart pounding. Thank fuck. I don't have a child. And — Sophie Kinsella

Humorous Wise Quotes By Antonio Tabucchi

Personally I don't trust literature that soothes people's consciences. — Antonio Tabucchi

Humorous Wise Quotes By Linda Rios Brook

The "called" get so puffed up with how important they think their service is to God's success, they assume God will compensate for their lack of parenting skills. A short study in sociological history will reveal this isn't true, never has been true, and likely never will be true of God. — Linda Rios Brook

Humorous Wise Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Is the any model like morality? — Lailah Gifty Akita

Humorous Wise Quotes By Ji-li Jiang

But at home he was our humorous, kind, and wise Dad. He loved reading, and he loved including the whole family in his discoveries. He — Ji-li Jiang

Humorous Wise Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Not everything that is seen is visible. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Humorous Wise Quotes By Leopold Stokowski

Music can be all things to all persons. It is like a great dynamic sun in the center of a solar system which sends out its rays and inspiration in every direction ... Music makes us feel that the heavens open and a divine voice calls. Something in our souls responds and understands. — Leopold Stokowski

Humorous Wise Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Life is a joyful journey. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Humorous Wise Quotes By Terry Pratchett

Hello, inner child, I'm the inner babysitter! — Terry Pratchett

Humorous Wise Quotes By Samuel Grant Oliphant

Where in the Bible are we told in one verse not to do a thing and in the next to do it?

'Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.' Prov. xxvi. 4.

'Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.' Prov. xxvi. 5. — Samuel Grant Oliphant

Humorous Wise Quotes By Virginia Woolf

He called her a melon, a pineapple, an olive tree, an emerald, and a fox in the snow all in the space of three seconds; he did not know whether he had heard her, tasted her, seen her, or all three together. — Virginia Woolf

Humorous Wise Quotes By George W. Bush

The reason we start a war is to fight a war, win a war, thereby causing no more war! — George W. Bush

Humorous Wise Quotes By Eliga H. Gould

A word to the wise an't nesisary its the stupid ones who need the edvise. — Eliga H. Gould

Humorous Wise Quotes By Barry Hughart

A fool will study for twenty or thirty years and learn how to do something, but a wise man will study for twenty or thirty minutes and become an expert. In this world, it isn't ability that counts, but authority. — Barry Hughart

Humorous Wise Quotes By Paulo Coelho

Even if loving meant leaving, or solitude, or sorrow, love was worth every penny of its price. — Paulo Coelho

Humorous Wise Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

If a man can save himself, there is no need for a Saviour. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Humorous Wise Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

The world is made up of words. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Humorous Wise Quotes By Robin Jones Gunn

I take it that's where you met Todd.'
'Yep. Almost five years ago. Can you believe it?'
'Five years! You and Todd should be the poster couple for the 'Love Waits' campaign.'
Christy laughed. 'It didn't seem that long. A lot has happened during those five years. But I do agree that true love is worth the wait. I'd wait another five years for Todd if I had to. He's the only man for me. Ever. — Robin Jones Gunn

Humorous Wise Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Change does not take place in a vacuum. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Humorous Wise Quotes By Richard Lederer

The most colossal display of wise, inspiring,
and humorous metaphors ever exhibited in one place. — Richard Lederer

Humorous Wise Quotes By Leslie R. Groves

Many of the men we wanted were used to living in cities or near large metropolitan areas and were a bit dubious about the prospects of life in a remote, sparsely populated area. We had somewhat similar trouble with the engineering people, although they were not so concerned at being isolated. — Leslie R. Groves