Famous Quotes & Sayings

Horse Inspirational Quotes & Sayings

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Top Horse Inspirational Quotes

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Frederick Lenz

Most people put the cart before the horse, which is an interesting way to go through life. They approach everything directly. In Zen we approach everything backwards or inside out. — Frederick Lenz

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Billy Crystal

I found a sense of peace on Beechnut. I could just walk with him and not have to say a word. In between takes, I would sit with the cast and Beechnut would stand behind me, sometimes with his head on my shoulder. I didn't have to tie him, up; he would just stand there. I loved being a cowboy ... again. The only other times
I'd felt this sense of peace had been while fielding ground balls or playing catch on a baseball field or doing stand-up when everything was working. When filming was over, my agent, Andrea Eastman, gave me Beechnut as a surprise gift. at first, I didn't want him. Owning a horse is an enormous responsibility, and
I was concerned hat my relationship with him was just a location romance. But I accepted, and I rode him until 2009, when he passed away at the age of twenty-eight. — Billy Crystal

Horse Inspirational Quotes By M.E. Vaughan

When I told my teachers I wanted to be a writer, alot of them encouraged me to lower my expectations and to be more realistic. So I rode away on my magical, winged horse, spraying faerie dust behind me, and laughing manically as I went. — M.E. Vaughan

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Peter McWilliams

Find your horse. Discover the direction the horse is going. Ride the horse in that direction. — Peter McWilliams

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Often we can't find the power of life even when we're born with it; like a horseman can't find his horse when he is riding on it. — Debasish Mridha

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Martin Luther King Jr.

The nations of Asia and Africa are moving with jetlike speed toward the goal of political independence, and we still creep at horse-and-buggy pace toward the gaining of a cup of coffee at a lunch counter. — Martin Luther King Jr.

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Mie Hansson

I shall have my lasso, I shall lead the course;
I recognize it's time to mount a different horse. — Mie Hansson

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Andrew Carnegie

Don't be content with doing only your duty. Do more than your duty. It's the horse that finishes a neck ahead that wins the race. — Andrew Carnegie

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Johnnie Dent Jr.

Never mistake movement for action ... a rocking horse moves; a race horse charges towards a goal. — Johnnie Dent Jr.

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Camille Matthews

Horse have so much to teach us. — Camille Matthews

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Bethany Hamilton

You fall off the horse and you get back on. — Bethany Hamilton

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Jonah Books

The war is won but the battle rages, the lion is toothless yet roars, the clown frowns but the Son Shines, the Trumpet is ready to sound, the sword drawn, and the white horse ready to descend, whose rider is called Faithful and True. — Jonah Books

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Maggie Stiefvater

Mr. Kendrick was born on a horse and he'll die on one, and maybe that's not something you can breed for. He's one of those rare men who can make a horse work for him but never asks for more than they have. WOW. Very unexpected. — Maggie Stiefvater

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Wael Ghonim

The revolution has no leader, I said. It was more like a raging wild horse that would buck anyone who tried to mount it against its will. — Wael Ghonim

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Noah Worcester

If rulers learn to undervalue the lives of their own subjects by the custom of war, how much more do they undervalue the lives of their enemies! As they learn to hear of the loss of five hundred or a thousand of their own men, with perhaps less feeling than they would hear of the death of a favorite horse or dog, so they learn to hear of the death of thousands after thousands on the side of the enemy with joy and exultation. — Noah Worcester

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Nicholas Dodman

When you hear clip-clop-clip outside your window in most cases the sound will be made by a horse, but once in a while (rarely), a zebra will be responsible for the sound. — Nicholas Dodman

Horse Inspirational Quotes By George Gordon Byron

Gwynned lies two days westwards; still further south, the weregeld calls. Mayhap with All-Father Woden's favour, my deeds may yet inspire the skalds. — George Gordon Byron

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Victor Hugo

Nothing can be sadder or more profound than to see a thousand things for the first and last time. To journey is to be born and die each minute ... All the elements of life are in constant flight from us, with darkness and clarity intermingled, the vision and the eclipse; we look and hasten, reaching out our hands to clutch; every happening is a bend in the road ... and suddenly we have grown old. We have a sense of shock and gathering darkness; ahead is a black doorway; the life that bore us is a flagging horse, and a veiled stranger is waiting in the shadows to unharness us. — Victor Hugo

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Bear Grylls

You can't become a decent horseman until you fall off and get up again, a good number of times.
There's life in a nutshell. — Bear Grylls

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Michelle Payne

There are great people in life who give you inspiration to keep going and get through the hard times. I have been blessed to have such role models in my life. It would be a privilege if achieving my dream could inspire the next generation. — Michelle Payne

Horse Inspirational Quotes By C. JoyBell C.

I think that if you have a horse, pegasus, qilin, or unicorn, you should sit on it! You should stroke its hair, whisper in its ear, be one with it! And you shouldn't feel sorry if other people don't have one. — C. JoyBell C.

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Karen Thompson Walker

But doesn't every precious era feel like fiction once it's gone? After a while, certain vestigial sayings are all that remain. Decades after the invention of the automobile, for instance, we continue to warn each other not to 'put the cart before the horse'. So, too, we do still have 'day'dreams and 'night'mares, and the early-morning clock hours are still known colloquially (if increasing mysteriously) as 'the crack of dawn'. Similarly, even as they grew apart, my parents never stopped calling each other 'sweetheart'. — Karen Thompson Walker

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Anonymous

Do you give the horse his strength or clothe his neck with a flowing mane? Do you make him leap like a locust, striking terror with his proud snorting? He paws fiercely, rejoicing in his strength, and charges into the fray. He laughs at fear, afraid of nothing; he does not shy away from the sword. The quiver rattles against his side, along with the flashing spear and lance. In frenzied excitement he eats up the ground; he cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds.
Job 39:19-25 — Anonymous

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Johann Philipp Reis

The horse does not eat cucumber salad — Johann Philipp Reis

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Mark Twain

Suddenly the nickel-clad horse takes the bit in its mouth and goes slanting for the curbstone defying all prayers and all your powers to change its mind - your heart stands still, your breath hangs fire, your legs forget to work. — Mark Twain

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Dalai Lama XIV

The mind is compared to a wild horse,and the practice of ethics is compared to the reins by which this wild horse is tamed. — Dalai Lama XIV

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Jimmy Buffett

When the good times come around, they gallup in like wild horses. You just try to stay on them for as long as you can. And when they throw you offyou just wait in the shade until they come around again. — Jimmy Buffett

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Conrad Taylor

I may not be able to make a horse drink, but it is my duty to lead it to water. — Conrad Taylor

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Aaron D'Este

In an ideal world, he'd simply scrape the surface of his bottomless courage, carelessly slip off his horse, scratch his massive balls, and then stroll over to the Lair in his own good time. But this wasn't an ideal world, Rawley's courage reservoir was barely a puddle, and at that particular moment he had precious little below the belt worth scratching! — Aaron D'Este

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Thomas Bruce

The winds of heaven is that which flows between a horse's ears. — Thomas Bruce

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Marcus Aurelius

Everything - a horse, a vine - is created for some duty ... For what task, then, were you yourself created? — Marcus Aurelius

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Vinita Kinra

In the race of life, don't be like a horse or car that can stop anytime; rather be like Earth and Time: unstoppable. — Vinita Kinra

Horse Inspirational Quotes By Isaac Hooke

He rode death's horse by the tips of his fingers and the tips of his toes. — Isaac Hooke