Famous Quotes & Sayings

Horrorshow Magazine Quotes & Sayings

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Top Horrorshow Magazine Quotes

Horrorshow Magazine Quotes By Thomas Scopel

A horror writer is one who is not only willing to look into the darkest of shadows ... but to reach into them too. — Thomas Scopel

Horrorshow Magazine Quotes By Gustav Ejstes

I thought I had my feet on the ground, but if someone tells you every day you're going to be the next big thing then ... So then if you aren't, you think, "Have I done something wrong?" — Gustav Ejstes

Horrorshow Magazine Quotes By Garry Kasparov

Moscow is simply unwilling to recognize the right of self-determination of nations. — Garry Kasparov

Horrorshow Magazine Quotes By Casey Neistat

A shared life is a great life. — Casey Neistat

Horrorshow Magazine Quotes By Niels Bohr

Stop telling God what to do with his dice. — Niels Bohr

Horrorshow Magazine Quotes By Saint Augustine

Passion is the evil in adultery. If a man has no opportunity of living with another man's wife, but if it is obvious for some reason that he would like to do so, and would do so if he could, he is no less guilty than if he was caught in the act. — Saint Augustine

Horrorshow Magazine Quotes By Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

One day, the child will understand what he feared most and he will laugh at his ignorance! — Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Horrorshow Magazine Quotes By Howard Mumford Jones

Persecution is the first law of society because it is always easier to suppress criticism than to meet it. — Howard Mumford Jones

Horrorshow Magazine Quotes By Frederic Bastiat

As proof of this statement, consider this question: Have the people ever been known to rise against the Court of Appeals, or mob a Justice of the Peace, in order to get higher wages, free credit, tools of production, favorable tariffs, or government-created jobs? Everyone knows perfectly well that such matters are not within the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals or a Justice of the Peace. And if government were limited to its proper functions, everyone would soon learn that these matters are not within the jurisdiction of the law itself. — Frederic Bastiat

Horrorshow Magazine Quotes By Michael Irvin

Michael Vick healthy in the pocket, as a pocket passer, puts the fear of Doug Flutie in me. Michael Vick running around with all his legs (healthy) puts the fear of God. — Michael Irvin

Horrorshow Magazine Quotes By John Mark Reynolds

Growing up loving the Bible made me apt to love other books. I don't love them in the same way I love the Bible, but a lesser love came easily. The splendor of sunlight does not take away — John Mark Reynolds

Horrorshow Magazine Quotes By Sarah Chauncey Woolsey

So, just for one more merry day To the great Tree the leaflets clung, Frolicked and danced and had their way, Upon the autumn breezes swung. — Sarah Chauncey Woolsey

Horrorshow Magazine Quotes By Matthew Neill Null

{T}hen he whispered something that turned Reed pale and bloodless--and that Reed wouldn't tell about until years later. 'You're the one lied about Meadow Creek,' Kelly said. 'Lied about finding her. Why would you do that to me?'

We left him there as the drawknife of dusk peeled back the world. — Matthew Neill Null

Horrorshow Magazine Quotes By Winston Churchill

Of all the branches of men in the forces there is none which shows more devotion and faces grimmer perils than the submariners. — Winston Churchill

Horrorshow Magazine Quotes By Hugo Grotius

I saw in the whole Christian world a license of fighting at which even barbarous nations might blush. Wars were begun on trifling pretexts or none at all, and carried on without any reference of law, Divine or human. — Hugo Grotius